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How To Use Leftovers In A Sentence

  • The impression of warmth and comfort and beauty predominated, though he was unable to analyze it; while the simplicity delighted him -- expensive simplicity, he decided, and most of it leftovers from the time her father went broke and died. Chapter XVIII
  • Many chairs are leftovers from restaurant projects. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the evening, families eat a simple meal of leftovers or eggs and toast.
  • You get 12 recipes for the price of four plus an instant solution to what to do with leftovers.
  • The pigs had had their fill of the leftovers.
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  • Anything you can do with leftovers from Sunday lunch, you can do with turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • The items rejected most often included raw vegetables and leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I guess those peasants in Michigan will just have to settle leftovers, secondary effects: crumbs from the table of your very own economic stimulus, if you will. Matthew Yglesias » Infrastructure Spending Not Targeted to High-Unemployment States: But Should It Be?
  • There will be a lot more food leftovers. The Sun
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • Lunch and dinner leftovers are warmed for breakfast the following morning.
  • If you'd prefer to be cautious, use glass jars to store leftovers or wrap foods in wax paper before wrapping them in aluminum.
  • Keep any leftovers in the fridge for the next day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many 19th-century lunches appear to have been collations of leftovers, often roast meat, served cold or hashed, supplemented with salad, poultry, or game, plus bread, cheese, and puddings, as the household could afford and required.
  • Farmers feed kitchen leftovers to the pigs.
  • It might interest you to learn that your own salad was constructed largely from last night's leftovers.
  • A bowl of one of these on standby in the fridge means that leftovers can quickly be turned into a sustaining supper. Times, Sunday Times
  • She helps herself to some of the leftovers and everyone notices again.
  • Women unable to feed the bellies of hungry children, were forced to rummage through garbage, and by the grace of God, and anointed creativity, found leftovers okra, rice, tomato, a scrap of pork and a fragment of shrimp to create a meal we call gumbo. Rev. Otis Moss III: A Blue Note Gospel
  • Corp., the leftovers of the financial crisis keep getting moldier. Bad Loans Haunt Banks Who Were Buyers
  • (Store leftovers in airtight container at room temperature, for up to 3 days, or, ahem, in the freezer until your resistance gets the better of you.) [printable recipe coming soon] comments Archive 2009-04-01
  • And the leftovers were simply delicious microwaved the next day and slopped over a big baked potato. Times, Sunday Times
  • She pushed things around the refrigerator, looking for some convenient leftovers in a Rubbermaid container to nuke.
  • If they use less than their quota they can sell the remainder and if they emit more they can buy somebody's leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The applesauce is the kind I always buy - and I'm glad they sent me the unsweetened kind too since I find any sweetened applesauce TOO sweet (not to mention leftovers are great in baking!). Archive 2009-02-01
  • I've never had tsimmes before and thus wouldn't have known there are meat versions except for the name, but I did find it crying out for meat, pork, specifically -- that's another idea for the leftovers Archive 2005-10-01
  • Until now, the earliest leftovers of cocoa consumption were in residues from a Maya tomb in Guatemala from A.D. 460 to 480.
  • Most of the earth moved was landfill, leftovers from the 1960s metro digs.
  • This farmer spreads his barley sweepings and leftovers on the field, and this must have been what attracted them. Times, Sunday Times
  • God is not interested in halfhearted commitment, partial obedience, and the leftovers of your time and money. He desires your full devotion, not little bits of your life.
  • The leftover salmon is turned into a filo pie filled with vegetables, proving that leftovers are often better than the original. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flooring manufacturers get cork tissue from post-industrial materials - leftovers from the production of bottle stoppers.
  • My suggestion is to make soft polenta, as the leftovers will set into firm polenta anyway, which you can grill or pan-fry to serve with pork sausages or a hot tomato sauce or, indeed, any leftover mushroom sauce.
  • That's because he knew that Sunday meant lots of leftovers of non-vegetarian food.
  • A more likely bet is the following: the cloud of molecules, dust, and matter that agglomerated to form our solar system was laced with the leftovers of many dead star systems, some of which could have harbored life. SuperCooperators
  • With the help of some farmers around, we kept two pigs fed on our leftovers.
  • Wrapping and refrigerating leftovers is very important.
  • They use biodegradable carrier bags and use a firm that takes all their leftovers to make pet food. The Sun
  • These leftovers, the ketones, not only cause bad breath but constipation, nausea, and weakness as well.
  • The old brass and faded paper in this exhibition are the physical leftovers of a grand, almost lunatic pursuit of perfection.
  • It would be impossible to walk by without succumbing to a tub of mellow, unctuous olives, or a modestly priced, sit-down lunch (as opposed to leftovers in the fridge).
  • After meals, refrigerate cooked leftovers as soon as possible.
  • It is not easy cooking, say, a large pie and then having to deal with storing the leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was working at home and there were lazy leftovers for lunch in the Tupperware. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fish cakes of all kinds are a terrific way to use up leftovers or stretch a quantity of protein.
  • The leftovers, elements of the food that can't be solubilized plus some remaining liquids, are passed into the large intestine. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container and sprinkle on a salad or muesli. Times, Sunday Times
  • They use biodegradable carrier bags and use a firm that takes all their leftovers to make pet food. The Sun
  • Both recipes are brilliant ways to turn your leftovers into something very, very special. The Sun
  • True, he frequented the place, but usually only to get leftovers in the dining area.
  • Farmers feed kitchen leftovers to the pigs.
  • Among the accomplishments cited in his Time magazine obituary are debunking “such myths as the need to wash mushrooms, devein shrimp and press garlic” and preaching the “imaginative use of leftovers.” Archive 2008-04-01
  • I really love coming up with new ideas to turn my leftovers from the day before into something really tasty. The Sun
  • A plate of chicken leftovers and an empty can of Magnum malt liquor are on the floor.
  • There will be a lot more food leftovers. The Sun
  • Stir sauce leftovers through pasta with boiled green beans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The items rejected most often included raw vegetables and leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Students raid the fridge of the week's leftovers and concoct an elaborate meal, inviting over friends and family.
  • We threw together a meal out of leftovers.
  • He's been having plenty of long walkies, dinner leftovers and lots of TLC.
  • This recipe can serve four easily, and the leftovers are just as good eaten cold.
  • My son had the leftovers for supper and I heard him exclaiming his delight as he munched his way through the last few bits.
  • To keep his weight up, leftovers, if appetizing, or wholegrain toast and an apple is an easy snack.
  • A week later the Japanese reached a point just twenty-five miles from Kweilin and, after a reorganization period of five weeks, resumed the offensive, slicing easily through the leftovers of the Chinese army. The Last Empress
  • The family live a shiftless existence, ‘doing the skedaddle’ from place to place when the bills mount up, sleeping in cardboard boxes and finding their best food source in dustbin leftovers. The Glass Castle « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Phoebe: You should wrap the leftovers in cling film.
  • We figured there was no sense with frying up half an onion's worth of onion rings, and that if there were any leftovers, we could refry them the next day. fig. b: in the raw Archive 2009-06-01
  • Isn't it funny how Republicans expect President Obama to fix the leftovers from the previous administration of raving thugs in mere months when they ruined the country over 8 years? House of Delegates Preview- Part 1
  • Leftovers are also excellent the next day, and slices can be reheated gently in the microwave or sautéed in a hot skillet with just a little oil.
  • My observations from the sidelines of several disputes over remediation in neighborhoods adjacent to closed military bases that had similar buried leftovers affecting groundwater and soils is that the public disclosures did more harm through the level of anxiety generated for these residents than the contaminants ever had the possibility ofdoing. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chemical Weapons in my Neighborhood
  • The leftovers tasted great, but each time we removed the trifle from the fridge the layers had sunk further, as the ladyfingers absorbed more of the sauce and cream, which had additionally deflated, thereby creating a sunken, lopsided look. Blueberry Lemon Tiramisu Trifle
  • Fans consider her the final arbiter on matters ranging from choosing table settings to winning ways with leftovers.
  • Tell her he didn't wait in the alley behind restaurants hoping for a scrap of leftovers.
  • Almost 80 per cent stuck to the recommended 48 hours for keeping leftovers in the fridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • She finally called in cops when the starving babysitter came home with a bag of meal leftovers. The Sun
  • Keep any leftovers in the fridge for the next day. Times, Sunday Times
  • A water-resistant coating, added later, helps the container keep its strength and shape when it's filled with a hot, juicy cheeseburger or creamy pasta alfredo leftovers, for example.
  • Leftovers made great sandwiches and superb stovies. Times, Sunday Times
  • I left the house with a plastic lunchbox that we use to store leftovers, containing a round of tuna sandwiches, an apple, and a packet of crisps.
  • They indulge in a drinking spree, littering the whole table with soiled dishes and leftovers.
  • He tracks down and exposes wonder-working nuns and other charlatans, leftovers from The Canterbury Tales, and instead of hanging or flogging them compels them to confess their fraudulence in public. The Men Who Made England
  • Refrained from overeating beyond my two-waffle capacity, mainly 'cause I know I can have the leftovers for lunch. Mmmm....carbs....
  • `Well... I made a batch for our houseguest, and there are plenty of leftovers. FURTHER TALES OF THE CITY
  • Try to keep leftovers to make a chicken pie or sandwiches. The Sun
  • Leftovers from roast dinners could be used up, cold with relishes or made into pies or minced into cutlets and meatballs.
  • The EER reactor combines three processes into one solution: it takes plasma torches to break down the waste; carbon leftovers are gasified and inorganic components are converted to solid waste. New Chernobyl
  • Everyone was hungry so there were no leftovers.
  • Her mother had forgotten to go shopping again, so Qiara had been left to scavenge whatever she could from the leftovers in the fridge and breadbox.
  • They don't mind, since without those leftovers they would either starve or be rummaging in garbage dumps for stale food scraps.
  • This bento is another collection of weekend leftovers. Bento #173 « Were rabbits
  • We threw together a meal out of leftovers.
  • The meat was served in restaurants with no adverse effect on humans but the contaminated leftovers were sold to local farmers as pigswill.
  • I was working at home and there were lazy leftovers for lunch in the Tupperware. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it could be just from a grave robber getting rid of his leftovers.
  • Try to keep leftovers to make a chicken pie or sandwiches. The Sun
  • Another solution is to make muffin biscotti with the leftovers. Muffin Biscotti | Baking Bites
  • Skirt steak with red chard and pesto If you made pesto yesterday to go with my scallop recipe you will have leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • They spent hours delivering leftovers to shelters and painstakingly storing other items in a rented closet. Christianity Today
  • But it is good - and by the lack of leftovers from the office, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that. Rants Can Be Productive!
  • Surely most of us would rather eat a week's worth of room-service leftovers than have a stranger handle our smalls?
  • Republicans are used tyrants, just lying leftovers from the Bush tyranny. Think Progress » Rep. Patrick McHenry proposes replacing Grant with Reagan on the $50 bill.
  • Everything was neat and tidy, and there were no dirty dishes or food leftovers to be seen anywhere.
  • He brewed a pot of soup from the leftovers.
  • Store leftovers in a sealed container the fridge for up to two weeks. The Sun
  • More than half cook enough food for two dinners and two thirds regularly dine on leftovers. The Sun
  • I use bought and home made worm farms in the back garden here in Perth’s northern suburbs to take care of everything putrescible from our kitchen, and my wife Janny is a rare lass who prepares the greater proportion of everything from basics having now identified myself as a male chauvinistic piglet, meaning we generate a lot of compostibles, from peelings to leftovers and everything in between. Friday
  • This pizza - easy even for children to prepare because the crust is a French baguette - can be served for supper with a salad one evening, while any leftovers make a tasty addition to the lunch box the next day.
  • To avoid any unnecessary hassle, make sure you dispose of leftovers before you enter the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is attached to his frayed shirts and always eats up leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I masticating most and then prepped my chammy with the leftovers! Anarchy Or Irony? The Veneer of Rebellion
  • Our waiter, considerate to the last, packed the leftovers neatly into a container to be reheated at home next day.
  • When freezing leftovers, the quickest way to cool down a casserole is to divide it into individual portions and place in shallow containers.
  • February 5, 2009 1: 40 PM pray tell what do you feed your cats? cat food. .abi na amala or your leftovers? just curious cuz this one Molly dey talk of goodies .. Cat on Tuesday: I am a Proud FEMINIST Cat
  • Luckily, this was an easy supper to assemble from the pantry and in-house leftovers. Toast:
  • I often double the amount of potatoes because the leftovers reheat perfectly and are delicious with a poached egg. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers.
  • Pickles are often a part of bibimbap so I used some of the leftovers from the ones I made earlier in the month, so the plate line up is, from beside the fork, the bok choy, pickles, daikon saute, bap sauce, tofus, and peppers. 2009 October « paper fruit
  • She brewed a pot of soup from the leftovers.
  • Stir sauce leftovers through pasta with boiled green beans. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Store leftovers in airtight container at room temperature, for up to 3 days, or, ahem, in the freezer until your resistance gets the better of you.) [printable recipe coming soon] CI's "Classic Brownies" for HTEAC's 2nd Birthday!
  • My favorite part of holiday leftovers is challah french toast. Panettone French Toast | Baking Bites
  • Obama has a massive mess on his plate, leftovers from the orgy of irresponsible repiggie spending. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 8, 2010
  • Under the influence of my soon-to-be student allowance regime I expect to become someone with an orderly fridge, never letting meat sit unconsumed past its best by date, never throwing out perfectly good leftovers.
  • Once the site is logged, he and his crew recycle the leftovers: tree limbs, saplings, logs, and tree stumps.
  • Use the leftovers to flavour a fish lasagne or fish pie. The Sun
  • He is attached to his frayed shirts and always eats up leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paw prints everywhere, upturned vases and dead birds the leftovers from the buffet.
  • With a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers.
  • At home, families, are saving things, like leftovers, and making sandwiches for the next day.
  • They can easily identify the devil in the details, but the current NASA & contractor CxP (leftovers & newbies) workforce seem to fear the revelations as being an afront to their lack of launch vehicle systems knowledge rather than welcoming their expertise. The NASA Administrator Guessing Game Continues - NASA Watch
  • Bursting with color and energy, the almost-beyond-lavish pages of 'Ballets Russes' Assouline, 236 pages, $750 make a feast of these leftovers, re-creating mighty collaborations among artists such as Picasso, Braque, Matisse and Miró and choreographers like Nijinsky, Léonid Massine and Michel Fokine. Photo-Op: Modernism à la Russe
  • Don't know if she's getting scared of being in the "boonies" like her mother always has been, or if she thought it too cold (she shed into her summer coat weeks ago, way ahead of her Mom and sister), or if she just didn't want to miss the milk leftovers from the boys 'cereal breakfasts. Grouse Diary Entry
  • | Reply | Permalink god you're cruel! lol! i'm eating leftovers and they are decidedly lusterless. Poll: Obama Expands Lead, Makes Big Inroads On National Security
  • We brought it back to my place, packed a little more, and heated up leftovers at 11 PM after cabbing back to his place.
  • All around us groups of people munched in silence, eyeing our leftovers remorsefully while the TV babbled in the background.
  • She finally called in cops when the starving babysitter came home with a bag of meal leftovers. The Sun
  • To avoid any unnecessary hassle, make sure you dispose of leftovers before you enter the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was called "smudge" by some of the old railway companies that tipped any leftovers from painting their engines or coaches into a big tub, mixed them together and painted their goods wagons with it. Notes and queries: Some uses for 14,000 video cassettes; The man who invented mauve; How we might miss the aliens by a few billion years
  • The posters are aimed at people dropping fast food wrappers and leftovers, predominantly in the town centre.
  • Traipsing back and forth with the basket of washables, plates of leftovers, and un-forwarded mail. Cloudy with a Chance of Bondage
  • The surveillance team was rewarded with leftovers from the lavish banquets, which were much better than their usual fare.
  • The guests will also provide unusual festive dishes and ideas for using up leftovers. The Sun
  • Cook at home using organic ingredients and always save the leftovers either for tea the next day or a stock.
  • This recipe can serve four easily, and the leftovers are just as good eaten cold.
  • You can microwave the leftovers
  • `Well... I made a batch for our houseguest, and there are plenty of leftovers. FURTHER TALES OF THE CITY
  • And many of my recipes are geared towards leftovers and stretching meals such as the Sunday roast. The Sun
  • But this living human of oneself, color paint down because more than a yearses, unexpectedly tin not compare with his heart bottom leftovers remaining write quite shallowly a put on defective track.
  • These are aspects of the body that are claimed to be useless leftovers from our animal ancestry.
  • There once was a time when a Monday lunch was Sunday's leftovers or a cheap sandwich.
  • Plan exactly what you are going to eat before you go shopping and use leftovers. The Sun
  • After Thanksgiving, we would eat leftovers for a week!
  • He brewed a pot of soup from the leftovers.
  • Prepare by cooking enough the day before that you can eat leftovers. Christianity Today
  • Paul Langmack basically inherited a team thrown together from other club leftovers, malcontents and has-beens on a shoe-string budget.
  • If you, like me, aren't regularly cooking for a crowd, you may be tempted to toss aside this recipe, assuming that this delicate, soupy stuff won't make for good leftovers.
  • Save any leftovers in a jar and cover with a thin layer of oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • It simply seems to have been made from the leftovers of yesterday's juvenility.
  • So, these people are going around China asking for chop suey, which is sort of like a Japanese guy coming here and saying, I understand you have a very popular dish in your country called "leftovers," and it is particularly -- right? Jennifer 8. Lee hunts for General Tso
  • he had leftovers for dinner last night
  • I really love coming up with new ideas to turn my leftovers from the day before into something really tasty. The Sun
  • It's not only humans who appreciate the food at this pink-washed cottage opposite Danbury's duck pond - the ducks waddle over for any leftovers.
  • The ethos of this dish is the accommodation of leftovers and store cupboard bits and bob. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the film suffers many of the pratfalls associated with remakes, in particular the warmed-up leftovers syndrome.
  • The day before yesterday Jan ate carrots with green peas, yesterday he had the leftovers, today she's cooking marrowfat peas, and tomorrow she's plan - ning to mash the remaining carrots with potatoes. The Diary Of A Young Girl
  • And there will be yummy leftovers in the fridge for making sandwiches to take to the Test.
  • Throwing away leftovers is often better business than risking running out of stock. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Why The Amount of Food Eaten is as Important as the Amount That is Not
  • Leftovers of this salad keep surprisingly well - though they do lose a bit of pep and crunch - for up to two days in the refrigerator, sealed in an airtight container.
  • The big worry is that a private, for-those-with-the-money system will drain resources from the public system; that the rich will get first-class care and everyone else will get the leftovers. Some canadian news
  • Prepare by cooking enough the day before that you can eat leftovers. Christianity Today
  • I love making a meal from leftovers and that's exactly what led to these deliciously crunchy morsels. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leftovers are composted, helping to nurture a new cycle of growth.
  • The necessity of using up day-old flatbread has created a universe of foods—including traditional Arabic dishes like fatteh see Fattet Hummus, page 338, fattoush, and the bread soups of the Arabian peninsula—that transforms leftovers into something magnificent. Day of Honey
  • More than half cook enough food for two dinners and two thirds regularly dine on leftovers. The Sun
  • Tonight I made him a baked potato to go with the leftovers and he gobbled it all up.
  • They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day.
  • The old West European empires were quick to snap up the choice leftovers of Ottoman rule in the Middle East.
  • The other thing that's got me worried, though, is the nonownership of the leftovers. Thanksgiving: Trifling with Tradition
  • They are afraid that if anyone finds out about the leftovers, Congress will shave back their allocation for the next year.
  • And being a dedicated recycler she has her own system for handling leftovers anyway. The Sun
  • The trouble with meatballs, however, is that there are rarely any leftovers - which is more than can be said for mizuna and pomegranate salad with braised pork belly, enoki mushrooms and miso.
  • These psychedelic leftovers from the '60s are part of the dragonet fish family and range in size from 3 to 7cm.
  • Microwaves have come a long way since the days when their main uses were defrosting meat and heating up leftovers.
  • Once you have eaten the main course - before you have coffee and dessert - promptly refrigerate leftovers.
  • Give the leftovers to the dog.
  • Skewing towards Italian vinos, the wine program even boasts 100+ bottles orderable by the half (with the leftovers avail to guests by the glass), a method known as the "half-bottle approach" that spares anyone from having to go to the Temple of the Dog to get its hair. Thrillist: Ciano: Allstar Italian in the Flatiron
  • Microwaves have come a long way since the days when their main uses were defrosting meat and heating up leftovers.
  • Plan exactly what you are going to eat before you go shopping and use leftovers. The Sun
  • Bursting with color and energy, the almost-beyond-lavish pages of 'Ballets Russes' Assouline, 236 pages, $750 make a feast of these leftovers, re-creating mighty collaborations among artists such as Picasso, Braque, Matisse and Miró and choreographers like Nijinsky, Léonid Massine and Michel Fokine. Photo-Op: Modernism à la Russe
  • They use biodegradable carrier bags and use a firm that takes all their leftovers to make pet food. The Sun
  • More than half cook enough food for two dinners and two thirds regularly dine on leftovers. The Sun
  • Prepare by cooking enough the day before that you can eat leftovers. Christianity Today
  • For example, a 10-pound turkey will feed 10 people with enough turkey for leftovers the day after Thanksgiving.
  • Stir sauce leftovers through pasta with boiled green beans. Times, Sunday Times
  • And many of my recipes are geared towards leftovers and stretching meals such as the Sunday roast. The Sun
  • In fact, a few songs here are leftovers from earlier unreleased sessions and singles sides to pad the album to 11 tracks, a clear sign of growing label disinterest after his relatively conceptually unified Undefined
  • We may be dead on boxing day … or drowning in leftovers Getting ready for Christmas — Fusion Despatches
  • We all tend to ignore half-used jars of stuff or forgotten leftovers in the refrigerator. Knock and the Door Will Open
  • The leftovers were filmed with a plastic wrap.
  • You can wow your guests and use up leftovers at the same time—just add bacon, broccoli or mushrooms to a savory soufflé or fold chocolate chunks, crushed praline or rum-soaked raisins into dessert variations. Not as Hard as It's Puffed Up to Be

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