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[ US /ˈɫɛfˌtɪzəm/ ]
[ UK /lˈɛftɪzəm/ ]
  1. the ideology of the political left; belief in or support of the tenets of the political left

How To Use leftism In A Sentence

  • I think that an MRV perspective on academic leftism is to say that notwithstanding the mission of academicians to seek truth, politically they have no more motivation to be rational than anyone else. Of Markets and Ideas, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In international matters, the common western front of the Cold War required Canada's less stringent repression of leftism to remain domestic and provincial.
  • Ridiculing all this ultra-leftism, however, is as risky as it is easy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization.” Think Progress » Sen. Edward Kennedy says voting against the Iraq war
  • The problem arises when these scholars, and their popularizers like Beck and Goldberg, treat all American liberalism and leftism from World War I until the 21st century as the continuation of early 20th century progressivism, the better to denounce today's liberalism as "historicist" and "relativist" and lump it with the Confederate and Nazi ideology. Politics
  • The first was the militant leftism of groups like Students for Democratic Society while the second was the libertarianism of the counter culture.
  • One wonders, however, if he fully subscribes to the vulgar leftism his argument suggests.
  • Against Sartre's blind consistency, Foucault's postmodern leftism substituted haphazard shifts, though keeping intact destructive political conclusions.
  • To the victims, the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination.
  • Intellectual leftism is grounded in elitism, the idea that a certain subclass of individuals has a vastly superior understanding of how the world ‘really’ works.
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