How To Use Lees In A Sentence
Curious tourists and reporters were often trapped in the melees.
Plees to cummin dere wif her, you and ebbrywun else is inbited.
EENY, MEENY, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees.
Leeson was looking around for inspiration, a topic that didn't rub salt into wounds.
Its hangings, the curtains, the room's upholstery were the dingy colour of the lees of wine.

Tak the drunkard frae his whusky, the deboshed frae his debosh, the sweirer frae his aiths, the leear frae his lees; and giena ony o 'them ower muckle o' yer siller at ance, for fear 'at they grow fat an' kick an 'defy God and you.
Robert Falconer
Immigrants, refugees, and asylees constitute only a fraction of foreign-born persons who enter the United States each year.
These filters are normally used to clarify the products of settled grape juice or wine, such as lees after crushing, pressing, and settling, and the residue of finings such as bentonite.
The remaining magma as lava domes and coulees was extruded with some associated subplinian or vulcanian explosive activity.
They are mostly out of luck, Mr. Lees said, because the company isn't spending much time developing applications that will do all this "automagic" stuff on other phone platforms.
The passacaglia, strictly speaking, pits variations over a ground bass, although most composers from Brahms on, shift the bass material around to all the voices, which Lees does as well.
Not a month goes by but someone else flees the sinking ship, following in the tiny footsteps of their predecessors, the shipside rodents.
America is Lost--and We Lost It
It notes he served on the Leesburg Soccer Club board of directors a decade ago.
During 1992-2002, an estimated 380,000 to 536,000 persons entered the United States annually as immigrants, refugees, or asylees.
Ms McAleese, who was a keen walker, horsewoman and dressage rider, had done everything possible to minimise the effect of the injury and had decided to continue with her activities.
The Jamestown Foundation Jamestown is a unique organization founded in the early eighties to assist asylees and defectors from the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries.
Harry's first profession was as a felt hatter, but he was to move on to work for Stockport engineering firm Mirrlees.
Indeed, appellees conceded as much at oral argument.
PC Lees arrested him for possession of the tablets with intent to supply; she cautioned him and he made no reply.
Son of Banquo, Fleance escapes Macbeth's murderous rampage and flees to England where he helps Macduff mount the insurrection that unthrones Macbeth.
Some of the would-be asylees are in serious need of international protection.
In fact there are river banks and bluffs, coulees and crowns, sandhills and blue hills and unnamed prominences, ravines.
The city flees, and Robert Neville is left as the last man in New York City.
Nick Carr: The Complete New York City Horror Movie Marathon!
A few years later, Camp Roosevelt enrollees also developed the forest for outdoor recreation by building hiking trails, campgrounds, and visitor comfort stations.
August 14, 2008 at 6:25 am et leest u nawt dum alee-un :p
Kittehs may hav shifted - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
During the mandatory 12-month enrollment period, enrollees are covered for basic restorative services, periodontics, endodontics, oral surgery and dental emergencies.
Words that sound funny after you say them repeatedly (ex. “tampons,” “smorgasbord,” “gleen”) and what they start to sound like (gleen=the word for fornication in the language of Sleestacks).
Hm, ik lees al enkele jaren je blog maar heb nog nooit een commentaar willen/durven laten.
Een leven, een liefde, een weblog
My gleesome, gentle Harriet! with all the sweetness and affection of shepherd love.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 399, Supplementary Number
This explains why the pro-hunt protesters were subdued not by policemen, but by a group of men in frock coats who looked like they belonged to John Cleese's Ministry of Silly Walks.
He flips a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, like that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind.
He points out that the great streams of visitors to the Eternal City for the various jubilees have had a large impact on the city and its monuments.
This they either lick up or drink mixed with milk, and from its lees, that is the solid part, they make cakes and use them for food; for they have not many cattle, since the pastures there are by no means good.
The History of Herodotus
I also do not expect the flood pathway stories to tell that the flood eroded, in several days, 50 cubic miles of basalt and silt that resulted in deep vertical-walled coulees with flat bottoms.
Wen duh charjud kitteh stryks nookleus, teh nookleus gets splitted and enerjys ur releesed, reeslteen in asplosion of nookleer kitteh enejys
Catnip Party Explosion - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The French gained a slight advantage in the ensuing melees, forcing a couple more squadrons of cuirassier and hussars off the field.
Archive 2009-05-01
He speaks to them of his own little "nippers" at home, and they in turn tell him of their father who is fighting, of their mother who now works in the fields, and of baby who is fearfully ignorant, does not know the difference between the French and the "Engleesch," and who insisted on calling the great English General who had stayed at their farm "papa.
The White Road to Verdun
Still, economics is a quantitative science - possibly even an aprioristic one that allows me to construct an apodictically certain architechtonic intellectual edifice that says nothing about th real world unlike pete leesons excellent economic history papers.
10 Austrian Vices and How to Avoid Them - The Austrian Economists
Leese and I sat at the bottom of the vertical tunnel he had cut, our heads swiveling on nervous lookout.
Merrilees's comments come after the Port of Oakland took out a full-page advertisement in the Oakland Tribune to ask protesters not to shut down the ports, saying it would "hurt working people and our economy".
Port shutdown
The band includes lead guitarist Chris Floyd, a former Leesburg city commissioner.
Nellie joined him in a gleesome dance of triumph round the blushing, new-fledged Dick, and Rover gambolled behind the pair, barking loudly, in sympathetic accord.
Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
Everything that I've heard is, especially in this community, the prison parolees are a fairly tight - knit group.
Grandmother Renée, a beautiful Tunisian, is wife, muse, and model for Alina's painter grandfather, but she leaves him and flees to Nazi Germany.
Casa Rossa: Summary and book reviews of Casa Rossa by Francesca Marciano.
There are lees to every wine.
Smugglers commonly fool would-be asylees, taking their money and disappearing or simply failing to help them cross Turkey's borders.
The fundraiser is over and the new playroom at the school was opened by President McAleese in April.
Brilliant pale straw. Aromas of lifted stone fruits and freshly crushed nectarine are surrounded by a subtle spicy oak. A honey character, from lees contact, gives the wine depth.
Spike lee is a racist idiot who makes boring terrible movies with the exception of he got game. judd apatow should be upset that spike lees name was even mentioned in the same breath as his. spike lee is about as good of a director as micheal bay and he looks like a slightly less retarded version of beetlejuice on the howard stern show
Quote: Don’t Put Spike Lee Next to Judd Apatow | /Film
At the request of Mr Leesong trespass orders have been served on the assailant and her accomplice.
The timing of that visit depended on the ‘final consummation of the peace process in Northern Ireland’, Mrs McAleese stressed.
Inside are three full-scale soccer pitches, set off by allées of plane trees like those along the boulevard Port-Royal.
Jeffrey Friedman consistently raises fascinating points, and he takes Pete Leeson to task by noting his "economism".
Roger Koppl - The Austrian Economists
Rejecting a constricting Southern ethos, she flees to Harlem and marries Frank, a hard-drinking blues singer.
Buckley and chairman Dermot Gleeson did not shy from apologising in the fullest yesterday.
Hm, ik lees al enkele jaren je blog maar heb nog nooit een commentaar willen/durven laten.
Een leven, een liefde, een weblog
M to day after haveing disposed of their roots and berries for a fiew fishing hooks and Some other Small articles. we are infestd. with Sworms of flees already in our new habatations; the presumption is therefore Strong that we Shall not devest our Selves of this intolerably troublesom vermin dureing our residence here.
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
U.S. immigration law mandates screening outside the United States for applicants designated as refugees or asylees.
Seventy or so years ago the celebrated diarist James Lees-Milne wrote this: 'It became clear he was a man of overweening egotism.
Roebuck on Mosley
Registration opens at 6: 30 p.m.; program at 7 p.m., the center, Dodona Manor, 217 Edwards Ferry Rd, Leesburg.
Loudoun County community calendar, Nov. 4-11, 2010
As Sue Lees shows, the way pupils use sexually abusive language to insult each other in schools presents particular problems for teachers.
There are still a lot of problems in comprehensive utilization of wine lees.
It beats self-reporting -- simply asking parolees whether they've violated their parole terms -- a method previously employed by many jurisdictions that have switched over to post-conviction polygraphy.
The Polygraph Paradox
No iz not in armee. iz engleesh teechur. iz teechn teh peeps here tu speek teh gooood engleesh. yup. iz TEFL teechur. teeched before in Korea, souf, not norf! an also in Taiwan. mai youngest stdnt waz 2 yerz old. too kyoot.
Go furthz muh minion - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The disclosures have led to firings, assaults and other forms of harassment against the parolees and ex-cons.
American universities inherited a choral tradition from England where, centuries ago, student choruses gathered to sing songs with different vocal parts known as glees.
Yale Glee Club Hits a High Note
Instead of generating a lightning strike, the corona discharge, as it's called, flees objects such the masts of ships, power poles, antennas, and the wings of aircraft, causing the glow.
Having such a sister has taught me what to look for here, she glees at her ability to provoke observable emotion in her subject.
I don't particularly understand these men who say they don't like women who "play games."
These wrens breed in rocky habitats, such as canyons, coulees, outcroppings, and talus slopes in the steppe and dry forests.
Still, economics is a quantitative science - possibly even an aprioristic one that allows me to construct an apodictically certain architechtonic intellectual edifice that says nothing about th real world unlike pete leesons excellent economic history papers.
10 Austrian Vices and How to Avoid Them - The Austrian Economists
All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick.
Cracktastic: Wanted’s Timur Bekmambetov Directing Moby Dick | /Film
As a condition of entry, persons migrating as immigrants, refugees, and asylees are required to be screened for diseases of public health significance, including TB.
--- What is the tane but a waefu 'bunch o' cauldrife professors and ministers, that sate bien and warm when the persecuted remnant were warstling wi 'hunger, and cauld, and fear of death, and danger of fire and sword upon wet brae-sides, peat-haggs, and flow-mosses, and that now creep out of their holes, like bluebottle flees in a blink of sunshine, to take the pu'pits and places of better folk
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
Libby Gleeson's story is not a conventional one: Halfway through, her words die away, and we are left with only Armin Greder's haunting charcoal and pastel drawings.
Rescuing a Classic
Idell was retired as police chief of the central Florida tone of Leesburg.
Nuo, ik lees je denk ik al twee jaar (check mijn IP adress maar), dus heb je gehele verhaal meegemaakt.
Een leven, een liefde, een weblog
The gleesome threesome share songwriting credits on all their One Foot in the Ether material, but possess qualities that could result in breakout status.
Michael Bialas: Denver Concert Review: Putting the Heat in the Band of Heathens
He exhorted all the guests to be in honour, gleesome, and merry, and requested leave to join the dancers, which was not refused him.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 56, No. 345, July, 1844
Embezzlement paled in comparison with whatever horrible crime Gleeson had committed.
The title came about when the two owners tasted an experimental Chardonnay that had been left on the lees in barrels for some time.
Ben Jonson has let us into some of their secrets of adulteration -- the treatment of the leaf with oil and the lees of sack, the increase of its weight by other artificial additions to its moisture, washing it in muscadel and grains, keeping it in greased leather and oiled rags buried in gravel under ground, and by like devices.
The Social History of Smoking
Dave Cockerill and Paul Lees caned the Thorpe attack with 131 coming in the first 20 overs.
Tous ces diapasons différens réunis forment une étendue générale d'à-peu-près trois octaves qu'on a divisées en quatre parties, dont trois appellées haute-contre, taille & basse appartiennent aux voix masculines, & la quatrieme seulement qu'on appelle dessus est assignée aux voix aiguës, sur quoi se trouvent plusieurs remarques à faire.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: champion of among other things, mezzos!
For Leese, the Nordic or Aryan was the sole creator of culture and civilization.
Emily especially had a gleesome delight in these nooks of beauty her reserve for the time vanished.
After entering the cave, Hawk senses such awesome power that he flees in terror.
I'm sure there's plenty of aching bodies across Kirklees after fantastic efforts by dozens of charity runners.
The late-stage lava coulees and domes are most evolved.
A congregation in Tampa sent over some prayer books, while Unity of Leesburg donated a pulpit.
It is reasonable to admit possibility that Leeson's attempt to broaden the term Austrian from its conventional meaning could be a huge boon to our movement.
On Beating Dead Horses - The Austrian Economists
The shrewmouse eyes me shudderingly, then flees; and, worse than that,
Fly Leaves
He quickly flees the scene before he hears that the Prince has exiled him from Verona.
But Her Excellency, President Mary McAleese, felt compelled to speak plainly when visiting St Attracta's Community School in Tubbercurry last week.
Gleeson was also appointed senior independent non-executive director for the purposes of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance.
George was heard vociferating, 3 “What the deevil, Mrs. Grimslees, the Captain is no in his bed? and a gentleman at our house has ordered a fowl and minced collops, and a bottle of sherry, and has sent to ask him to supper, to tell him all about the Abbey.”
The Monastery
She stays just long enough to chat to some friends and recommend the tiny crème brûlées and miniature lemon meringue pies.
In 1853 there was very little argol deposited; but the gross lees of the wine were in great demand, and sold for about 15 shillings per basket.
Ik ben benieuwd hoe je ‘klinkt’ in het Nederlands, hoewel ik toch denk dat ik je liever in het Engels lees … In elk geval gefeliciteerd met je boek (in welke taal dan ook)!
Een leven, een liefde, een weblog
We're asked to believe that his post-match melees leave him merely bruised, when he would most likely be eating his meals through a straw.
Finds teh cuteness sensitibity valve haz borked adn replaces it wib wun dat releeses steem pressure via teh eers.
Caturday Conga Line - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Close behind My Best Friend’s Girl was Igor, an animated movie out of MGM starring the voices of John Cusack as the title hunchback, Steve Buscemi, John Cleese , and Jennifer Coolidge.
Box Office Buzz: ‘Lakeview’ Terrace Earns Top Slot
Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple in Mylapore gets a facelift, a reconsecration and general sprucing up.
Leeson was looking around for inspiration, a topic that didn't rub salt into wounds.
Harper lookit to be told to take it back to the place where he found it, an 'trembled at the thoucht, wonderin' hoo he was to get haud o 'me an' naebody the wiser, for he didna want to show fricht i 'the day-time, to his grit surprise an' no sma 'pleesur, the gentleman set the skull on the chimley-piece.
Donal Grant, by George MacDonald
Hear her gaysome, gleesome giggle as she rides around in style!
The Re-echo Club
A writer of songs and glees, Hague contributed to the collection to which Bloomfield refers,
Letter 183
Well, at leest ur imper….impra….impor…..pree tending tew bee Drakyoola, insted of taht UTHER gui….
Way to stick the - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Maister Francie? and a wee bit of the diet-loaf, raised wi 'my ain fresh butter, Maister Francie? and no wi' greasy kitchen-fee, like the seedcake down at the confectioner's yonder, that has as mony dead flees as carvy in it.
St. Ronan's Well
For some reason, perhaps to differentiate rugby melees from all the other tussles, the word evolved into ‘scrummage’ with a U.
The wine must spend at least nine months on its lees before disgorgement, achieve at least four atmospheres of pressure, and attain an alcoholic strength of between 10.8 and 12.8 per cent by volume.
Mornington (author of the well-known glees) as a cousin, and as intimately connected with her brother the great _foudroyant_ performer on the organ.
Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
Hai, ik lees net jouw artikel in de hollandse krant en ben gelijk alles van je op internet aan het lezen.
Een leven, een liefde, een weblog
Lees obtained grants from three non-profit organizations to cover most of the costs.
Past jubilees have been jinxed by the weather.
Times, Sunday Times
Now this is a row of suspects that were outside that are with the Sheriff's office, so the suspects have to try to go through a maze of the prebooking, search and then eventually cleared for housing to be transferred later in the day to Indio or Banning or if they were parolees they were herded on the bus and taken back to Chino.
Ron's Log
Although Lees-Milne relished writing in Beckford's library, his wife was miserable with only a pocket garden.
The company will publish limited-edition giclees and original monotypes on canvas for distribution to various luxury cruise ship lines.
The referendum result in Kirklees saw only 38,232 votes cast from an electorate of nearly 300,000.
Desperate and disenchanted, she flees to Tulsa where she works as a department store elevator operator.
Eustace bridge, upper Leeson street, though from prolonged summer drouth and daily supply of 12 1/2 million gallons the water had fallen below the sill of the overflow weir for which reason the borough surveyor and waterworks engineer, Mr Spencer Harty, C. E., on the instructions of the waterworks committee had prohibited the use of municipal water for purposes other than those of consumption (envisaging the possibility of recourse being had to the impotable water of the Grand and Royal canals as in 1893) particularly as the South Dublin Guardians, notwithstanding their ration of 15 gallons per day per pauper supplied through a 6 inch meter, had been convicted of a wastage of 20,000 gallons per night by
I hope those UK rad-flees get what they deserve and their “victorian schoolmarm” law fail to pass.
Sex Workers: Once again, what’s best for us? « Bound, Not Gagged
Guilt's malignancy stalks a gas-lit shadow-dance upon the walls, perversity arouses oestrus in the embers of our trance; magic moments muted in taut breath are crushed in weighted consequence, discretion flees the night to heighten senses steeped in self-pity, drowned in self-indulgence.
Archive 2008-07-01
Their brother flees from their dysfunctional family to the Army as soon as he is old enough to enlist.
In the legend, Avalon is the faerie island to which the heavily wounded King Arthur flees to heal his wounds and from which he one day emerges to reclaim his realm and save his people.
At Endcliffe and Lees Cross near Stanton Moor and its Bronze Age monument The Nine Ladies, eco-warriors have dug a series of tunnels in a four-year campaign to prevent quarrying.
Something flees at him wi a vengeance, maist dang him back owerbang! gaed the knights pistol, and Hutcheon, that held the ladder, and my gudesire, that stood beside him, hears a loud skelloch.
Wandering Willie’s Tale
Yep, we did — if peeps gunna wanner in an maek unplezzint remarks, iz gud tu at leest gno it.
Can’t sleep… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The Dublin Convention set up an EU-wide data base of asylees and refugees and clarified responsibility for processing asylum seekers who had applied to several EU countries.
Lees landed on the runway at Coventry as two private aircraft, one bound for the United States and the other for Italy, were preparing to take off.
The wine is aged on the lees in the bottle for about three years prior to disgorgement.
Three-point goals: BYR 6 (Toft 3, Schubert 1, Murry 2), K-W 1 (Kleese). Local News
They settled in coulees and river valleys where permanent water and wild hay grew and could sustain them year-round.
The gleesome threesome responsible for this book include two storytellers and an artist.
Review of the Day: The Talking Vegetables
Sometimes potential enrollees need to complete bridging courses prior to being accepted for courses.
For Leese, the Nordic or Aryan was the sole creator of culture and civilization.
______________________________which it is stratified, territorialized, organized, signified, attributed, etc., as well as lines of deterritorialization down which it constantly flees.
If this be true, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* then I most certainly expect the unabridged UK audio version to follow read by John Cleese.
OMW in the UK « Whatever
Horn thinks much of the money spent re-jailing parolees is misspent.
(Tobit) and in the Pseudepigrapha (Enoch and Jubilees; for all these see Charles, I and II).
The badlands are significant due to the plethora of fossils and dinosaur bones that have been recovered in the slowly eroding hoodoos, narrow valleys and bone-dry coulees.
Bijouterie = Piercing au pistolet = barbare = bobo au noreille gonflées pendant 10 jours
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Let these good people practice their Constitutional right to be f---ing idiots," says Pam of the protesters outside Fangtasia, which is where Jessica flees after a tiff with Hoyt.
True Blood Episode Recap: "You Smell Like Dinner"
I'm one of the eight late enrollees - we came in this morning.
Originally a TV show by Sid and Marty Croft (of H. R. Puffenstuff and The Donny & Marie Show fame) in 1974, a family of three is stranded in time in a world of dinosaurs, apemen and sleestaks (froggy bad guys).
The Land of the Lost...again
Lees interrupts his slow movement with yet another quick toccata passage of trills, which leads to a remarkable section where the trill slows down to its motific atoms: the rising and falling half-step.
Baillie and Sherrard resigned in 1932 and Leese became the sole leader of the organization, assuming the title of director-general.
Ohai CweenMJ, plees to be remyndifyin peeps taht SJ, an Tidmum&TehAngstyWun an me R awl taykin part in Teh Rayse fur Lyf – a 5km sponsord run/wolk/crawl in ayd ob canser reserch.
Letz mi getz dis - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
I think you mean pro-fetus Alex because soon as they are born and inhale on their own the pseudo compassion flees as a chiroptera from dawns light.
Think Progress » Rick Perry to Bush: ‘There is no way to tell how many lives were protected by your fearless pro-life efforts.’
Trees and Acacia species were planted 1m apart and mallees were planted 0.5m apart in view of later thinning.
Wen ai wuz in colllij, dere wuz one dorm dat did a streek teh nawt-seccund warm nite meenin at leest 30, Fairenhyte ob teh yeer.
KFC witness - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
There are crème brûlées and little apple beignets for dessert, but the most emblematic dish of all is the rice pudding.
Because the the…thing that burns—no, no, the very burning itself, the…pyre…fire, it glees, it is all gleeful, it lives to burn.
In the dining-hall, much the same applied to the patients, male and female: the lees of summer were clearly read on their countenances.
During the past few years, Andrews has begun making lithographs, etchings, monotypes and giclees of fashion-related images.
Leese and I sat at the bottom of the vertical tunnel he had cut, our heads swiveling on nervous lookout.
`Couldn't Pepe get back the two Paul Klees and the Winslow Homer?
There was plenty of feeling from both sides in the simmering encounter, with Tall Blacks guard Mark Dickel ejected from the game for his role in two melees, both of which resulted in him receiving technical fouls. | Top Stories
The author of Jubilees attacks those who failed to circumcise their sons, clearly implying that some did not.
Even students who are full-time enrollees are heavily engaged in work activities; overall, 75% of them work.
Their attacker flees, leaving them on the floor.
Times, Sunday Times
As a matter of interpretation, the policies covered goods of third parties of which the claimants were bailees.
Both Cork goals were scored from melees in front of the posts and both were controversial.
Mike Leeson takes the mantle of first fifteen skipper and he will, no doubt, lead from the front.
Dougal was glad to see Steenie, and brought him into the great oak parlour, and there sat the laird his leesome lane, excepting that he had beside him a great, ill-favoured jackanape, that was
On the sculpted altar front just behind the garden herm, a female figure on the far right flees while raising her arm.
As Sue Lees shows, the way pupils use sexually abusive language to insult each other in schools presents particular problems for teachers.
They had a solid spine in central defenders David Gorry and Stuart Gleeson and midfielders Conlon and the youthful Declan Gormley.
The dove she is a genty bird, she flees without a gaw;
Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series
Jan. 17th, 2010 06: 01 pm (UTC) * glees* This sounds like So much fun.
"As if I had a choice...oh well."
Mr Michael Gleeson, prosecuting, said two large withdrawals were made from one particular account.
James Lees-Milne's diaries mention Alvilde Chaplin, a garden designer to the minted.
No. First of all, Polanski is guilty of two crimes, and to not allow him to reside the rest of his natural life in prison makes a mockery of our justice system, affirming that money and celebrity supporters get one off if one simply flees justice.
Should the victim’s wishes be respected above all? « Dating Jesus
Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees.
He flees to an abandoned lighthouse with the hopes of starting over, creating his own self-made, independent, and organic society.
The wince factor is high as Florence, always the masochist, flees from what little salvation is on offer for encounters of escalating abusiveness.
I later spoke to the gallery director and asked him, on average, how many of his clients really understood what a fine art print really is and the differences between serigraphs, lithographs and giclées.
Strapped in, Leese released the inertial reel lock so that he could lean forward to do the cockpit check.
May 16, 2008 at 10:37 am i must nawt feer feer is da mynd killah feer is da littul deef dat bringz total oblitrashun i will face mah feer i will permit them to pass over me and thru me and when it has passed onli i shal remain something somthing somthiung well i got that far* at leest
SPICE MUST FLOW - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
During her visit to the camp, President McAleese laid a wreath in honour of Sergeant Derek Mooney, the army ranger who died in a car crash in Liberia last year.
If the day was busy and gleesome, the night had its charms as well.
The appellees in the case asked the Supreme Court to dismiss the case without a ruling, considering the fact that all African American tenants had moved from the premises.
microwave nightfall · lobworm dangled haplodiplomat · hulb ongoing disgruntlement pumps quarry · tawny wind across factor slurry in the wake of the rubble to grapple · stodgy climb blunt lanai · hurricane lees and these contested leets
TaKinG thE BriM_ TooK thE BrOoM_
Mr Leesom proposed Mrs Banks for the position of Treasurer .
He is, after all, a navy veteran who whistles for his children, a widower withdrawn so deeply into mourning that he flees from the memories that possess his home.
Women were still restricted to the parlor, where they played keyboard instruments and the ‘English guitar’ and sang solos and a range of polite glees for upper and mixed voices.
Occasionally, she recognized a few of the parolees who came into the office because they'd grown up in the same housing project.
TheophileEscargot - to non-english ears zadie just sounds like an educated Londoner. i'm guessing the "strangulated" sound you hear is your struggle to assign a class to people whose accents have shifted. anyway listen to her talk it's really good and deals with issues like this. quote at the end pulled by andrew sullivan:
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I've already been called a "looney" on one site, which made me giggle because it made me think of Monty Python's "Fish License" sketch in which John Cleese proclaims "I am not a looney!" while trying to obtain a license for his pet fish, Eric.
Jamie Frevele: Why I'm (Still) Auctioning Off My Right to Marry
There are other categories (lottery winners), and refugees and asylees, but the Rule is: individual Americans invite individual immigrants.
When those involved were expelled after a huge public row over all sorts of things to do with how the party in hackney was run (at the time the press described the expellees as the good guys - they weren't) then it became the party they joined (ie the Lib Dems) who took it up.
The Law on Postal Votes Must be Rewritten
All that maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy me, are visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Barack Obama.
Ferraro Resigns From The Clinton Campaign
Such, for instance, as Charlotte Smith and the Miss Lees are miles above such others as the just-mentioned polyonymous "Rosa," as
The English Novel
Pleese send a stabbed undressed envelope of Bern and Ern dancing and doing their splendid to entertain a most deserting group and we hope this fires you as you keeler.
In His Own Write
But then came the Industrial Revolution and mass production, and parterres, allées and garden ornaments again were status symbols.
The room has a great light fixture, by Artemide, and truly original artwork in the cast of a broken piano that artist Leesa French found in a rubbish tip.
The whole first half of the concert belonged to the boychoir, which, under the direction of Stephen Holmes, sang a mix of Renaissance and 20th-century motets, some glees and spirituals, all with admirable blend and diction and mostly with accuracy and good intonation.
Composer-pianist Simpson shines at St. Paul's Lutheran Church
But will ye not take anither dish of tea, Maister Francie? and a wee bit of the diet-loaf, raised wi’ my ain fresh butter, Maister Francie? and no wi’ greasy kitchen-fee, like the seedcake down at the confectioner’s yonder, that has as mony dead flees as carvy in it.
Saint Ronan's Well
J.W. Lees Harvest Ale has a vinous character; it's sweet, rich, and high in alcohol.
However, there are signs that he is taking baby steps along Cleese Cul de Sac from the Twitter bushfire he sparked by using the word "mong" and posting snaps of himself pulling expressions of exaggerated mental retardation. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Now the Ohio Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of the judge's decision to curtail the right of procreation for parolees and probationers.