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[ UK /lˈi‍əɹɪŋ/ ]
  1. (of a glance) sidelong and slyly lascivious
    leering drugstore cowboys
  2. showing sly or knowing malice in a glance
    she had run in fear of...his evil leering eye

How To Use leering In A Sentence

  • Two hours later, what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal-porter turned miraculously white, was now no more than a medley of disjected members; the quadragenarian torso prone against the pedestal; the lascivious countenance leering down the kitchen stair; the legs, the arms, the hands, and even the fingers, scattered broadcast on the lobby floor. The Wrong Box
  • He is a creeper who's dating a teenager, recording everything that takes place in his life and leering through windows.
  • Great sheets of purple and gunmetal grey had appeared and the half-moon was leering down from behind a cloud. DESPERADOES
  • How could I forget that face, leering and grinning and nodding at me while Father raved on about iniquity and damnation? SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • But when she's escorting viewers around St Tropez on Summer Holiday, there's no sign of the leering ladette of the late-night schedules.
  • leering drugstore cowboys
  • He was always leering at female members of staff.
  • Standing upon the lonely sea shore, Uriah recalled the swarthy, leering face of Sam Jones, recently punished for infraction of discipline, and the crooked smile of Martin, he who puffed everlastingly at his pipe and wore a red handkerchief for a turban and earrings of heavy gold. The New Land Stories of Jews Who Had a Part in the Making of Our Country
  • The other girl just shrugged and came a little closer, leering oddly at Kathleen.
  • SO we go over, and on top of the pile is a movie whose box has a naked man from about the waste up, but with his hands conspiculously covering his schlong, and some chicks conspiculously covering his hands and leering at him all sexy and shit. JOHNNY DEPP TO GET MANNLY?
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