
How To Use Ledge In A Sentence

  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • The Pepper Street gang, of which Jackie was the acknowledged leader, was not a gang of drug-selling hoods.
  • As for leisure activities, a few old weights and a sledgehammer is the gym. CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2009
  • Measurement Intangible assets, such as knowledge and learning, account for a large part of a company's value.
  • It is not only our senses, but our very intuitive faculties that cease to provide us with the necessary adaptive knowledge.
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  • New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. Kurt Vonnegut 
  • Knowledge is a Treasure, but Practice is the key to it. 
  • It took yards of line off a hard-set drag, and it all but pulled me off my ledge.
  • Yet countries perceived as our enemies nurture their computer geeks in the full knowledge that they are the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • It acknowledges that some students may be experiencing difficulty, so we should be sensitive to their needs - such as allowing make-ups.
  • He said the long term vision of the ginnery is to establish a fully fledged textile industry, which will produce finished materials if the company started producing more lint than what the customers could take.
  • It joins a host of other multinational businesses making similar pledges. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
  • It built that knowledge into the system; if you typed a word inaccurately, Google would give you the right results anyway. In the Plex
  • He pledged his gold watch to pay for her birthday gift.
  • First, you should equip yourself with the knowledge you can acquire. Only thus can you be confident of yourself.
  • The inner reef, where we do walk, is actually composed of coralline algae, calcium-rich plants that form rock-hard ledges.
  • His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge.
  • The young birds' mandibles begin to cross about two weeks after they fledge, and they learn to extract seeds soon after that.
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
  • God answers our prayers because by addressing them to Him we acknowledge His Lordship and power.
  • In essence, formal systems and procedures depend on local knowledge.
  • We have the superdelegates who are the 796 folks who are unpledged.
  • Most critics acknowledge that there is a political core in slacktivism, even if it may be very well hidden.
  • Furious staff have lashed out at company bosses for not informing workers that the plant was in trouble before it became public knowledge.
  • He has pledged to bring his country to peace by the end of the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the first moment he interested me, especially for his obligingness and for his knowledge of local conditions.
  • These successes, if that is what they are, are tinged with a jealousy that legal writers elsewhere have a more publicly acknowledged involvement in moulding the law's development.
  • Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.
  • The suit further alleges that the sheik reneged on repeated oral pledges to provide for her long-term care.
  • It was a knowledge that would allow him to impose a true revolution upon the generals and to recast the entire structure of the armed forces.
  • I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein 
  • The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
  • My knowledge of lip balm is second to none. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any instrument of knowledge proving the non-existence of consciousness, could do so only by making consciousness its object -- 'this is consciousness'; but consciousness, as being self-established, does not admit of that objectivation which is implied in the word 'this,' and hence its previous non-existence cannot be proved by anything lying outside itself. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • With the theme of "One Asia, new economic order and recovery", the World Knowledge Forum, also known as Asia's Davos Forum, was unveiled in Seoul Wednesday.
  • Al-Jazeera has emerged as a full-fledged political actor because it reflects and articulates popular sentiment. In post-Mubarak Egypt, the rebirth of the Arab world
  • Zechariah, however, is given a punitive sign, while the annunciation to Mary concludes with her pledge of willing submission.
  • They also have abandoned past pledges and now threaten first use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
  • Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
  • It is a recognition for the native title right to possess which can only be exercised in accordance with currently acknowledged laws and customs.
  • Systematic research can extend and refine traditional and anecdotal knowledge.
  • Unless a member of the Vanguard or the Scarlet Scholars (both groups paying attention to what most consider obscure and nigh-useless knowledge), even most paranormal agents active today have only heard of the Bleak Baron Frederick or his granduncle Wolfgang and their works on fighting monsters. The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
  • I clung onto bits of ice and tried desperately to remove the harness attaching me to the sledge.
  • A woman responding to a survey about the experience of illegitimates in 1986 said that her mother ‘was put in an orphanage and did not get full knowledge about her parents until she was 55.’
  • Many of the chapters in this volume specify educational programs that are intended to increase procedural knowledge. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Just as in the rest of medicine -- cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, etc., the field of psychiatry is ever changing and our knowledge base is rapidly expanding. Rosalie Greenberg: Psychiatry and the Media -- a Strange and Strained Relationship
  • He knows that his collaboration in both wartime and personal events is morally questionable, and acknowledges this.
  • Sadly, because we found our wine so late, and things have been hectic with a sick 9-month old here at the LENNDEVOURS world headquarters there wasn't time for a full-fledge review, meaning that I didn't taste it blind or even pull my notebook out. Wine Blogging Wednesday
  • He sent a circular letter to numerous legal practices in Scotland, asking various questions about the firms' knowledge of him.
  • But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. '' A Black Hole
  • People who have pledged their lives to fighting Islamic extremism, when asked about Charles Johnson now, unsheathe a word they do not throw around lightly ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparing Left and Right Blogospheres
  • Mostly she wrote about her feelings about her body and her recent acknowledgement to herself that she was suffering from anorexia.
  • We're looking at a very narrow portion of AECL, which is commercial services, which provides knowledge-based services to the industry. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The prime minister pledged again that his government would not implement conscription for overseas service.
  • Sometimes their role as custodians and protectors of biodiversity is not even acknowledged.
  • I gave him money towards it, which he acknowledged with a nod and a ghost of a smile. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The anniversary report is acknowledged as a tremendous achievement.
  • Located far away from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis, the choice of venue was well and truly acknowledged by all concerned.
  • So far 640 people have pledged to run, some wearing undies. The Sun
  • By combining our specialist industry knowledge and expertise, Sword Apak and AutoVIN can offer a comprehensive solution for the wholesale floorplanning finance community", commented James Powell, Sales Director for Sword Apak. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Saleh, a vital U.S. ally who has ruled Yemen for more than three decades, has pledged to step down when his term ends in 2013. Outside Yemen's capital, anger and grievances run deep
  • Just the happy knowledge that people who can't use a photocopier are going to be in charge of ID cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The driver nodded in acknowledgement and a further 20 seconds of silence passed before he spoke again.
  • Rather, he appears to have seen it as an organon for the acquisition of knowledge from unquestionable first principles; in addition he wanted to use it in order to help make clear the epistemic foundations on which our knowledge rests. Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
  • The course teaches you the skills and knowledge needed to command, lead and support non-commissioned personnel. The Sun
  • Any knowledge that I inquire is from the limited public sources that the APD can't suppress or intimidate. City of Aurora's Labor Union Negotiations Continue with Mixed Progress, Complaints and Counter-Complaints
  • Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter. Evolution créatrice. English
  • Part of pop psychology is that you should acknowledge your feelings, but there's no place for them in the workplace.
  • Life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.In the depths of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran 
  • After initially dismissing the likelihood that consumers would "cut the cord" by turning off their pay-TV subscriptions, media executives are starting to acknowledge the need to sell smaller bundles of TV to lure younger, and more cost-conscious consumers. Cable-TV Honchos Cry Foul Over Soaring Cost of ESPN
  • For a variety of reasons it has become my custom to mention my former colleague in the acknowledgements for my books.
  • In modern epistemology, or theory of knowledge, certain assumptions are common.
  • The deputy mayor, Louise Schroeder, foolishly and without our knowledge, took forty-odd plainclothesmen from Western sectors over to keep order. Daring Young Men
  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • He balanced precariously on the narrow window - ledge.
  • It is this ferocity that is often unacknowledged or suppressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be a fully - fledged financial stability agency as well as a monetary policy agency.
  • The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor. The Institutes of Justinian
  • His breadth of knowledge is amazing enough.
  • As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star.
  • Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for. 
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • Face and hand washing was more common but knowledge of hygiene was non-existent.
  • What needs to be globalised is knowledge and understanding.
  • How to go local• Support local farmers by shopping at a farmers market, or buy a share in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group, a community of individuals who pledge to support a farm operation so growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. With summer here, consider eating more locally grown foods
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • We have taken Emma to countless doctors, and any number of people with letters following their name lending them some authority or knowledge on autism. Ariane Zurcher: Waging War
  • It might therefore seem clear, whatever else is the case, that Descartes conceives of knowledge as advancing truth.
  • This anthology pairs contemporary stories with folk tales, many of which interpret natural phenomena in the light of local knowledge and lore.
  • Yet afterwards, when accustomedness had brought its reward of speed, there was still for Billy no time; for increased knowledge had only opened the way to other paths, untrodden and alluring. Miss Billy -- Married
  • I acknowledge that and accept it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible.
  • A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme form-a directory with a file named '' style. css '' make; itr equires only some familiarity with HTML and CSS, and no knowledge of PHP. Codex - Recent changes [en]
  • Mathieson's legacy to folklore included not only his own extensive oral repertoire of folksong but a manuscript collection of 545 songs written down in 3 huge ledgers as he heard them through the years, beginning as a schoolboy and continuing in the bothies, chaulmers and farm kitchens where he feed as a farm servant. Noo I'm a Young Man Cut Down in My Prime
  • You need no prior knowledge to be able to do thistest.
  • You've been snowed, flim flammed from an early age and refuse to acknowledge it. Harlan Ellison on God
  • The second is to gain the knowledge and experience to maintain humans within equilibrium in a closed ecological system.
  • The world can only hope that he chooses to listen to sound advice and govern with the benefit of knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most doulas are knowledgeable about resources such as lactation consultants and support groups.
  • No statistically significant difference existed in knowledge by task assignment of driver versus navigator.
  • He doesn't say a word, merely nodding in acknowledgement of Stephen's greeting.
  • Some tutors attempt the _suaviter in modo_, my schoolmaster preferred the _fortiter in re_; and, as the boatswain said, by the "instigation" of a large knotted stick, he drove knowledge into our skulls as a caulker drives oakum into the seams of Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • My own knowledge of tools for drilling holes is admittedly extremely slim. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he turns out to be more expert than you might expect, thanks to an Aussie wife and knowledge gleaned on previous visits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principle of proportionality - do not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut - is straight forward logic.
  • I am now a fount of knowledge about this wondrous organisation.
  • The ledge was brittle, and would be easily broken.
  • On a more itemized basis, knowledge capital is intellectual and human capital, customer and supplier capital.
  • When we glance over the history of flagellation and realize that, though whipping as a punishment has been very widespread and common, there have been periods and lands showing no clear knowledge of any sexual association of whipping, it becomes clear that whipping is not necessarily an algolagnic manifestation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • Near Australia, catsharks have been observed inhabiting ledges and caves, seagrass or kelp beds, coastal reefs, and both sandy and rocky bottoms.
  • It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.
  • Each yacht carries knowledgeable skippers and crew members. Times, Sunday Times
  • We conclude that the quantitative and qualitative evidence supports the contention that increases in fluency are attributable mainly to increases in the degree of proceduralization of knowledge.
  • Companies will pledge to reduce salt by about 15% in a step towards the government target of an adult's daily intake not exceeding six grams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The builder could no longer rely on eye alone; the Renaissance was a time for an order based on detailed knowledge.
  • General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
  • Unless we are to believe naively that leisure and luxury crystallize out of thin air, we must recognize and acknowledge that the comforts of globalization are reaped from the labour and toil of others.
  • Every system which would escape the fate of an organism too rigid to adjust itself to its environment, must be plastic to the extent that the growth of knowledge demands.
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Pledgee may obtain pledge report from its DP and verify creation of pledge. viii After the loan is repaid, the pledgor will instruct its DP to close the pledge by submitting the "Pledge Form" with a tick on "Close Pledge". Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Thereupon Shawahi came forward and kissing the ground before the Queen, took the hem of her garment and laid it on her head, saying, O Queen, by my claim for fosterage, be not hasty with him, more by token of thy knowledge that this poor wretch is a stranger, who hath adventured himself and suffered what none ever suffered before him, and Allah (to whom belong Might and The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Having proved myself the fount of all world knowledge, I returned Lisa to Brighton on Tuesday evening, in time for our 7 month anniversary on Wednesday, a landmark we celebrated with a visit to the drive-thru McDonalds.
  • This distillation is a rigorous expression of the particular knowledge that has been found most relevant. Archive 2007-07-01
  • It deals with the present practice in museography, which is dedicated to distribution of knowledge and realization of modern scientific researches.
  • Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 
  • The match really was played in the best possible way: mistimed tackles were acknowledged and apologised for, yet no one held back a thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • To my knowledge, the patient relations office never discussed the matter with the surgeon -- I certainly never heard from him -- but I did receive a termination letter followed by a series of surprisingly rude and condescending letters from their risk management attorney after I pointed out that HIPPA promises patients will not be "penalized" for filing a privacy complaint. Genital Photos, HIPAA and the Media
  • The tartan army, for many a source of national pride as a good-natured counterpoint to prevailing hooliganism elsewhere, is now routinely derided in the press for its apparent buffoonery and lack of knowledge of the beautiful game.
  • Wad ye say what the maning is, and what name goeth pledge for the fafty poon, Mary Anerley
  • Others dropped the rails and made certain they were the requisite spread apart four feet eight and a half inches, spiked them in with their heavy sledgehammers—three blows to a spike—and connected the ends with a fishplate. Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
  • It possesses three spiritual qualities, namely eternality, knowledge, and bliss.
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. 
  • OTOH I’ve always been fascinated by the massive blind spot in multiculti and PC discourse which refuses to acknowledge the oppressive and discriminatory elements in many non western cultures. Cheeseburger Gothic » Drop your bombs between the minarets, down Geneva way-ay-ay-aaayyy…
  • The cloud systems I am interested in exploring acknowledge this legacy but also situate themselves one step closer to an interest in the particles themselves. Carla Leitao: Cloud Architecture
  • By signing the application form you acknowledge that you accept all of the terms and conditions of this offer. The Sun
  • Otherwise this unknowable is not only compatible with knowledge but is the efficacity of knowledge, perhaps of all possible knowledge, assuming the world is like this (as opposed to the Blakean world). Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Instead, they got Richards to acknowledge that a motivated forger with advanced technology could fool even veteran photo analysts.
  • It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it. 
  • The review also acknowledged serious problems with the supply of equipment to troops in the front line, including uniforms, body armour and desert boots.
  • The province takes a laissez faire approach in administering the hunting and trapping of wolves in BC, which is based simply on the reproductive potential of the species, and shockingly, without knowledge of wolf numbers. Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
  • The forward march of the publication saw it become a fully-fledged, full-grown newspaper in March of 2002.
  • Other Titles: Are Content Externalism and the Notion of Self-Knowledge Compatible ?
  • But few people with the specialised knowledge I have would give up their jobs and join the police when the prospect is a minimum of 4 years in a job where that experience is useless. OSPRE Selecta! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • To any bladdery bloggers attending my talk this afternoon, I issue this solemn pledge -- I promise to let fly with at least one or two irresponsible comments that you will be able to jot down and get a butt-boil about later. Whiz Kid: James Wolcott
  • Mr. Masson's discussions of Milton's English are, it seems to me, for the most part unsatisfactory He occupies some ten pages, for example, with a history of the genitival form _its_, which adds nothing to our previous knowledge on the subject and which has no relation to Milton except for its bearing on the authorship of some verses attributed to him against the most overwhelming internal evidence to the contrary. Among My Books Second Series
  • Hence, war - limited or full-fledged - as an option must be ruled out at least for the present.
  • You want to look at any philosophy that millions of people subscribe to, and some bad things are going to happen - but to my knowledge "godlessness" has really only been around for about 100 years, and in that amount of time its probably led to more murder, misery and mans 'inhumanity to man than all the other "isms" ever created. Sound Politics: Obsession Shown At Cedar Park
  • Throw in friendly and knowledgeable staff and the gorgeous riverside terrace (serving only a bar menu) for a great dining experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • My father tried to induce me to learn Arabic poetry by heart, encouraged me, gave me prizes - also for knowledge in astronomy.
  • Guardastagno (forgetting the lawes of respect and loyall friendship) became overfondly enamoured, expressing the same by such outward meanes, that the Lady her selfe tooke knowledge thereof, and not with any dislike, as it seemed, but rather lovingly entertained; yet she grew not so forgetfull of her honour and estimation, as the other did of faith to his friend. The Decameron
  • Furthermore, no pigmented pituitary adenomas, to our knowledge, have been reported.
  • The missing knowledge, they believe, is in the locker room, the dugout, the team bus, the psychology of the players and the relations among them.
  • Educators blame the lack of interest or knowledge of civics on several things, including grade inflation, overemphasis of test scores, and failure to teach the relevance of the Constitution.
  • They join a portfolio with an emphasis on the practical application of knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • He acknowledged our presence with a nod of his head.
  • Mr. Palomar is a quester after knowledge, a visionary in a world sublime and ridiculous.
  • Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
  • Just then, an ettin shoved a heavy sledge into view. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Place may be an immediate, pre-conceptual experience, and its knowledge then is intuitive rather than discursive.
  • How many individuals in this modern day have the depth and breadth of experience and knowledge that these ancient warriors acquired through long centuries of warfare?
  • To Slegge's annoyance, he very soon found that if the prestige of the school was to be kept up Glyn and Singh must be in the eleven, for the former in a very short time was acknowledged to be the sharpest bowler in the school, while, from long practice together, Singh was an admirable wicket-keeper -- one who laughed at gloves and pads, was utterly without fear, and had, as Wrench said -- he being a great admirer of a game in which he never had a chance to play -- "a nye like a nork. Glyn Severn's Schooldays
  • I grabbed an ice pick off the sledge and tramped away from the camp towards the face of Portal Mountain.
  • This summer, I realized I was the servant and it the master and resolved this inversion of the natural order in Kirkian fashion, by taking a sledgehammer to it.
  • The characters are crude, profane gangsters who acknowledge only the class distinction of power.
  • The conclusion is a pressing exhortation to Catholics to be discerning, and a pledge to undertake a critical dialogue with those affected by New Age influences.
  • People can phone in the knowledge that any information they give will be treated confidentially.
  • Armed with LOW's knowledge I went in confidently asking for 20 1 oz silver bars. Silver Certificates and failure to redeem.
  • Dolphin added: "The only pledge that we would preserve is higher funding for international development, not only because it is a relatively small amount of spending (although it is) but in recognition of the urgency of providing more funds to low-income countries badly hit by a financial crisis not of their making. Don't spare the NHS from cuts, says leftwing thinktank
  • Firstly, the teacher is viewed not as a transmitter of knowledge but as a guide who facilitates learning.
  • Caffey's Alberta is less a full-fledged personality than an archetype.
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • It pointed out that deaths from cancer drug toxicity are an acknowledged hazard. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Munnings horse on the other hand has a lot of the stable about it - a lot of knowledge, no doubt, and a lot to attract others who know their hacks, hunters and ponies.
  • The job gave her the chance to apply the knowledge she had acquired at university.
  • The loss of the barbican had also this unfortunate effect, that, notwithstanding the superior height of the castle walls, the besieged could not see from them, with the same precision as before, the operations of the enemy; for some straggling underwood approached so near the sallyport of the outwork, that the assailants might introduce into it whatever force they thought proper, not only under cover, but even without the knowledge of the defenders. Ivanhoe
  • Something pledged, especially an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
  • The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.
  • The removal of the State capital from Milledgeville to Atlanta also gave the renaissant city a good start, and the wonderful manner in which it drew trade and capital to it from all sides made it the envy of its sister Georgian cities. The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
  • Their major claimed benefits may overplay the importance of sharing knowledge and expertise and underplay issues such as social conflict, cultural difference and opportunism.
  • While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape. Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
  • To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge
  • The school is based on the ideals of Torah U'madda , a tenant of modern Orthodox Judaism that recognizes the values of both religious and secular knowledge. Essay Sparks Campus Uproar
  • Faith is your guide in the absence of knowledge. Toba Beta 
  • The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts. Bertrand Russell 
  • A knowledgeable fan can predict most selections with unerring accuracy.
  • There was no hope for Mr. Bingley to be hers, and that knowledge seared her heart.
  • Sutton's police chief has pledged to make the borough the safest in London by waging war on career criminals and drug traders.
  • • Did not acknowledge support for the old system from the GP training "deanery". Undefined
  • Information and knowledge have now become a core aspect of the socio-economic development of this country.
  • The choice of autonomous relations in explanatory models is primarily a matter of adequate knowledge and intuition regarding the basic mechanisms of the economy. The Prize in Economics 1989 - Press Release
  • But why do successful people allow voyeurs to poke around their personal lives in the certain knowledge that they will end up looking chumps?
  • The first performance was of Charles Gounod's Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, and love.
  • Knowledgeable shootists realize the value of a large-frame revolver and have mourned the loss of this full figured six-gun ever since.
  • For example, family members may use their knowledge of community diversity by taking their children to museum exhibits or neighborhood fairs.
  • Questioning is the door of knowledge
  • With modest knowledge of football form, his computer model was originally built to help him win an office sweepstake.

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