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How To Use Lecture In A Sentence

  • A pause in lecturing, consequent upon our mid-year examinations having begun, has given me a little respite, and I am paying a three days 'visit upon an old friend here, meaning to leave for New York to-morrow, where I have a couple of lectures to give. Familiar Letters of William James II
  • I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
  • Along the way, I must qualify extreme principles in various ways and then challenge my students with examinations and term paper reports about my lectures.
  • Cholesterol, Windaus "habilitated" as lecturer in 1903. Adolf Windaus - Biography
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
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  • Web browsing by university students on laptops was monitored during 15 lectures. The Sun
  • The whole lecture has a morally subversive ring, and the savour of antinomianism about it.
  • We were lectured by numerous academic doctors, usually wearing scruffy sports jackets or ill-fitting white coats. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was the most serious that I've ever seen Darius, even more serious then the lecture on birds and bees.
  • She told me about the lecture and all the satanic messages in rock music. Christianity Today
  • Little we thought he should ever own it, or that John would be pointing it out to his own boys, lecturing them on "undershot," and "overshot," as he used to lecture me. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Why do men listen with more strict attention to an inflammatory harangue, that may not be argumentative, than to a prosaical discourse, that is, to an anecdote than to a prayer, to an extravaganza than to a lecture, or derive more pleasure from pantomimic drollery than from Hamlet, or hearing an opera they do not understand than from reading an essay they do. A Controversy Between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the Practicability of Suppressing Gambling.
  • Jonathan, who has degrees in zoology and hydrobiology, worked as a government ecologist and lectured at a local university into the 1990s. - News
  • In 1946 he took his demob suit and became lecturer in medicine at the Manchester Medical School.
  • Guest speakers include David Ledsham, lecturer in art and design at the University of Ulster, and John Wood from Goldsmiths College in London.
  • Or he would lecture her on the bad manners and delinquent habits of the twins, as displayed on their infrequent visits to him. Times, Sunday Times
  • His parents said something about you missing lectures, or delivering the wrong lectures, or giving quizzes instead of lectures. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Elected officials, he lectured, should not speak unthinkingly, but rather, when doubts exist, keep silent.
  • I sighed softly, relieved to have escaped another untimely lecture.
  • A Shandean fate overtook his body, which was taken by grave-robbers, recognized at an anatomy lecture in Cambridge, and secretly returned to its grave.
  • Here's a story of mischief and mayhem to brighten up your Monday morning lecture.
  • He embarks on a semantics lecture, suggesting the term “shelter” sends the wrong meaning: “The word connotes impermanency. A Billion Lives
  • I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student.
  • But if it does not recognize it until a right is acquired, then the protection of a disseisor in the use of an easement must still be explained by a reference to the facts mentioned in the Lecture referred to. The Common Law
  • He overcharged the lecture with too many examples.
  • Anyway, I hope your first day back at University, school, or even a college of Further Education is not too hard, and your lecturer/teacher doesn't spring a surprise test on you.
  • We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.
  • I carefully unfolded it and placed it over my notebook, so it looked like I was taking notes on the lecture.
  • I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.
  • Cuvier, in one of a series of lectures, delivered at Paris, in the spring of last year, says, "the name chemistry, itself, comes from the word _chim_, which was the ancient name of Egypt;" and he states that minerals were known to the Egyptians "not only by their external characters, but also by what we at the present day call their _chemical characters_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 479, March 5, 1831
  • Despite the substantial contributions he had made to topology by this time, Brouwer chose to give his inaugural professorial lecture on intuitionism and formalism.
  • She believed that it was Wittgenstein's lectures, for example, that freed her from the trap of phenomenalism Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe
  • Only a tiny percentage of students I have ever met have been to a seminar or a lecture.
  • The greatest lexicographer of the 19th and early 20th century, James A.H. Murray, began his Romanes Lecture in 1900 on The Evolution of English Lexicography — one of the key texts in English lexicography — with a little story: Analyzing Becky Sharp’s Trash
  • Huxley's interest in these great problems appears and reappears throughout his published writings, but his views are most clearly and systematically exposed in his "Romanes" lecture on "Evolution and Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work
  • There will be time for questions following the lecture.
  • When I lectured at a skeptics meeting in Dublin in mid-October, this photo of my rapt audience was snapped.
  • According to the bequest, the lecture series aims ‘to explicate the concept of the human mind through theory and empirical research.’
  • He has worked as an editor, copywriter, lecturer, careworker, sheep wrangler, bookshop assistant and supply teacher.
  • No scientific lecture is ever given without slides or other visual aids, especially if chemical structures are to be shown.
  • The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered.
  • Levi-Montalcini studied with Giuseppe Levi (1872 – 1965), a leading histologist and lecturer from whom she learned the systems and research methods that accompanied her throughout her life. Rita Levi-Montalcini.
  • We're trying to tie our holiday in with Simon's lecture tour.
  • He attempted to lecture the class about stoichiometry.
  • The lecture will be of especial interest to history students.
  • There is a middle aged man on my course who attends Wednesday evening lectures as a part-time student.
  • I didn't gather much from his lecture.
  • One of the lecturers in the department is a woman, so that's encouraging too.
  • The lecture was not particularly interesting.
  • Afterwards we spent the rest of the day in a lecture taking notes.
  • Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.
  • More than 100 people packed a lecture theatre at the Steam Museum to hear the MPs underline their commitment to the war and listen to the views of their constituents.
  • Today, also odd sock day, students and lecturers will be selling themselves to carry out jobs for the week.
  • In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater MIKE MEEKS
  • At one of the lectures he held from Thursday through Monday in Delhi— immaculately dressed, and with a mane of silvery white cerebral frizzle on his head— he held forth on subjects like State of the Lie, Lie of the State. Heehs' white man's burden
  • James Ponsoldt: This notion is at the core of Killer of Sheep: what it means to be an adult, and how children learn and internalize grown-up behavior and responsibilities through lectures, through tears, but mostly by silently observing, peeking around corners, usually unbeknownst to their parents. GreenCine Daily: Filmmaker. Spring 07.
  • The one-week training sessions consist of classroom lectures on tracking techniques and outdoor simulations.
  • Maybe those elites could even attend the same public Universities with overfilled lecture halls as the common people that will never make it to the elite off any sector. Matthew Yglesias » Institutional Aspects of Regulatory Reform
  • They will no doubt receive a stern lecture on the wickedness of their ways.
  • He delivered countless lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian evangelists in public debates.
  • (The latter she calls a "prohibition lecture" -- hating the word temperance, as applied to drink.) She said words, such as had probably not been heard by most of those there, for a great many years. The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation
  • His lectures to his students at Oxford were models of clear thinking and style.
  • It is useful to minimize the reminders and lectures.
  • In the lecture he also examined the notions of cost and cost accounting in relation to the pricing of cost-plus contracts during the second World War.
  • It would deformalize meetings, dismantle the wall that town and village boards erect and transform what is today a lecture by politicians into a conversation among people. The Buffalo News: Home
  • Lecturers engage in teaching and research.
  • The Rutherford Lab lecture turned out to be a pivotal event in theoretical physics.
  • Teachers who lecture send the message that they are an expert source of information.
  • I also heard him speak at a lecture, which I found inspirational.
  • Rhys's linguistic speculations may now be largely out-dated, but the Lectures on Welsh Philology helped put the study of philology, in particular the philology of the Welsh language, on a secure academic basis.
  • The gradual decline has not surprised him, not least because of the way smokers have been lectured to from on high. Times, Sunday Times
  • This virtual university will house tutorials, lecture rooms, libraries and other resources as well as providing continuing conversations and dialogues. Times, Sunday Times
  • His skill at producing a sparkling lecture after a long and arduous journey was much admired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of the authors has received research grants and travel expenses or lecture honorariums from one or more of these three study sponsors.
  • On page two of your handout you will find a list of the books that I have referred to during the lecture.
  • He was speaking not in a preconcert lecture or the like, but after the first movement. Berlin in Lights: The Magic of Silence - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • There are also onboard lectures from a local art expert. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also made teachers and lecturers overcautious. Times, Sunday Times
  • He lectured his London School of Economics audience in December last year, while the prime minister bit his lip with jealousy.
  • In another change from the usual pattern, the lectures will be broadcast in a morning slot at 9.00 am (with a repeat in the evening).
  • On his discharge from the army in 1918 he had become an unsalaried lecturer at Freiburg and an assistant to Husserl, who had become professor at the University in 1916.
  • It's a sweet, if slightly ridiculous idea, to imagine that a hard-drinking, violent, thick-skulled lout of a father might sit patiently in a class of pashmina-wrapped social workers and listen to a lecture about quality time.
  • She has written, testified, and lectured widely on subjects such as obstetrical malpractice, IUDs, hormone therapy, and product liability. Personal Information for Sybil Shainwald
  • At the university, I lectured in physical anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Karen Daniels has her M.A. in psychology, is an author, mom, creativity lecturer, and online content specialist who writes Zen Copy, a blog which promotes creative growth and achieving success through effective online writing. Get Wild – How to Set Your Creative Beast Free | Write to Done
  • I basically discuss the way WebCT's role in my classes has shifted since I started podcasting and vodcasting my lectures and moved to open courseware. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Who is giving the speech/lecture/concert?
  • Most of it was in Australia where I did an art history lecture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lecture series falls naturally into three parts.
  • Just as a crusty maiden aunt confined to a retirement home might continue to lecture her long-suffering relatives by letter, she will still be playing the duenna to an errant world, in writing.
  • How much time will be spent in lectures, seminars, personal study and assignments?
  • I’ve toyed with the idea of broaching the subject of ID for some time now, and while I have skirted the issue in class, I’ve never developed a lecture for it, largely because I fully agree that it is non-science. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Work is due to start in April on the three-storey school, which will include a lecture theatre, IT rooms, restaurants and sports facilities.
  • I have not read Temin's lecture, but it is my understanding that the Hitler regime was marked by even greater cartelization and concentration than anything done in the US. American Mugabe?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Common sense dictates that most people, awash in their own ignorance, far prefer to lecture than be lectured to.
  • He used the notes as a base for his lecture.
  • Anyway, you really should have just taken the useful tips from his lecture and let the rest slide.
  • Went to a lecture on Linear B; the lecturer was Italian and impressed upon all twelve students how difficult a syllabic script (such as Linear B) is.
  • Hard to imagine an underrated Ivy, but Cornell's MFA struggles to stay in the top 10 nationally despite boasting the third-best funding scheme in America -- even if you don't consider the fully-funded one-year lectureship virtually all graduates receive. Seth Abramson: The Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs
  • During the donation, Professor Poon Chung-kwong also Zhangjiajie Jishou University campus to give lectures and carry out the visit.
  • Ananias," for instance, pitches into your lecture, we will say, in some paper taken by the people in your kitchen. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
  • I walked over to Chad as the professor began to lecture the class.
  • These particular punishments, the lectures that preceded them and the screams they provoked, were recorded on a giant reel-to-reel tape recorder that stood in the living-room.
  • The lecturer said that civil law was different from criminal law.
  • Hobbes is just one of many famous philosophers Berlin castigated in his lecture, but it is Hobbes's bleak and elemental philosophy that most conveniently sums up what Berlin and other moralists so revile. Was Democracy Just a Moment?
  • Four Public Workshops lead by Dr de Freitas came from the Glossop Lecture on the following topics: The London Basin, Failure in mature landslides, Scale and its use in geotechnics and, The geotechnical significance of Boundary Layers of particles. - Latest News
  • I have a feeling from a half remembered lecture from a zillion years ago, that Rossetti used to slide naked down the bannisters, and kept a menagerie in his house. Desperate Romantics
  • Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture. Harper's Magazine
  • They appeared even less interested in ecology than I was, going through the motions in their wellingtons and anoraks, as if they were stood in a draughty lecture theatre rather than in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
  • The lectures, by Rebetzin Esther Halberstadt, will include the issues of relevance to the Jewish woman on Jewish marriage, the Jewish home, the Jewish family, and sholom bayis. YESHIVA WORLD NEWS
  • I'd like to make some introductory remarks before beginning the lecture properly.
  • Merchant hath founded so many chargeable Lectures, and some of them also which are Mathematicall, tending to the aduancement of Marine causes; I nothing doubted of your Lordships forwardnes in settling and establishing of this Lecture: but rather when your Lordship shall see the noble and rare effects thereof, you will be heartily sory that all this while it hath not bene erected. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Professor Brightly walked into the lecture hall with a pile of dog-eared notes under his arm.
  • All of which extrapolates on the "culture of negativity" theme which dominated Campbell's recent Cudlipp lecture. Alastair Campbell vs. the media
  • The first business of any writer, and especially of any critical writer, is not to be mandarinic and tedious, and these lecturers have not yet learnt that first business. Books and Persons Being Comments on a Past Epoch 1908-1911
  • We drank and partied with my parents, the other new lecturers, the German lector, Klaus, the French lecteur, Patrice, Russell a student and poet with long, thin hair, Vicky, a German student, and Andy who ran the hall of residence.
  • I'd like to make some introductory remarks before beginning the lecture properly.
  • The film, thankfully, avoids the simplistic lectures that pervade many stories about social media, but it also fails to tackle how Zuckerberg's values, which are largely Facebook's values, impact the lives of its huge user base. Ari Melber: The Social Network: Because People Like Being Alone Together
  • Gregory also lectured at Edinburgh on mechanics and hydrostatics.
  • He lectured and assisted with tutorial sessions and began to take an interest in statistical ideas.
  • The conference was chaired by Dr Peter Dangerfield, a lecturer in human anatomy at Liverpool University
  • I developed it because my pappy was a journalist, and he thought it'd be useful for lectures. Wired Campus
  • He retired from the police in 2013 and become a criminology lecturer at a university where he befriended the vulnerable woman. The Sun
  • The professor adapted his lecture to his audience.
  • In the first part of the lecture, Heidegger begins by claiming, uncontroversially enough, that the specific sciences deal with their particular realm of things, and besides that they are concerned with nothing.
  • People who've gone to "Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia ..." he lectured -- in other words, "experts" -- think they know so much more than people who haven't. Cindy Handler: What's Dumb About the "Elitism" Debate
  • Degrees leave the learning much more up to you, with the emphasis on lectures backed up by tutorials rather than a more interactive learning environment.
  • The encouragement given made for a great rapport with the class and gave a stimulus to improve the lectures.
  • Maybe the thought of their children being "lectured" by a black man repulses them? Andy Ostroy: The Obama School "Controversy": Has America Gone Completely Insane, or Just Plain Racist?
  • Sharon goes to live with her stepmother and father, who lectures her on how hard she has made his life.
  • Reye's early interest in mathematical physics and meteorology turned to an interest in geometry even while he held the lectureship in mathematical physics at Zurich.
  • Each lecturer has designated his or her topic for three different types of audiences.
  • This, if I have understood it aright, is not the purpose of the Nobel Lecture either, for it should serve far more to give the lay public a glimpse into the world of thought and work of the research scientist, just as the distinguished founder of this prize was a layman himself. Robert Bárány - Nobel Lecture
  • After that comment, sure enough her sister conjured up the same lecture about swearing to Blair, Blair was just a bit put down when she couldn't walk away from this incessant jabber of her sister's idea on etiquette.
  • We spent festive evenings at Riversdale enjoying fine Australian wine and cuisine, and taking in thought-provoking lectures by the tutors.
  • In my own discipline, chemistry, I see lecture classes of several hundreds, followed by smaller laboratory sections taught by unfledged graduate assistants.
  • Public lectures, gala events, and renting out premises also brought certain amounts of money.
  • Needless to say her lectures were oversubscribed - at her opening address, 200 students turned up to a lecture hall designed for 35.
  • There was wild speculation among the students as to the reason for cancelling the lecture.
  • The students and lecturers all have different motives for being there and these collide with painful consequences.
  • The lecture's organizers have said the lecture was clearly advertised as a series of yarns.
  • He'd love to be a guest lecturer at the school occasionally, maybe teaching creative non-fiction.
  • What I'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific.
  • lecture hall
  • One lecturer admitted to cribbing a definition of stoichiometry from Wikipedia. The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
  • Every evening there were activities like drama, art, swimming, sports or lectures.
  • Last night, back in the city to deliver a lecture, he repeated his grim warnings.
  • In 1751 he went to the University of Utrecht to lecture on mathematics and astronomy.
  • If you think it will be cool to stumble into lectures wearing track suit bottoms and a hoodie, think again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lectures convey the professor's interpretation of the events she relates, through her selection of facts and her organization of the material.
  • Priority booking for Institute lectures, seminars and courses.
  • They wrote essays, or lectures, or sermons and they read them aloud.
  • For those of you who slept through the Podiatry 101 lecture in medical school, this condition is an irritation of the -- ahem -- plantar fascia, aka the plantar aponeurosis -- which is the ligamental structure under the foot that supports the arch. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Walking 10 flights of stairs to get to my lecture. Times, Sunday Times
  • In another case, also featuring a desperate mother and a child who'd gone bad, Judge Hatchett lectured the mother to get some spine.
  • Speaking ahead of the lecture, the critic launched a scathing attack on the contemporary British art scene dismissing Brit Art as a journalistic invention.
  • A lecture at the Belfast Winterschool was also given by the Trust.
  • It's all a scheme to build a captive audience for his lectures.
  • The country hardly needs lectures about the social roots of crime and deviance.
  • While attending the lectures, the din of clashes outside the campus was audible.
  • On the other hand, the Church assumed control of all levels of state education, and the lectures of professors at the Central University of Madrid were censored, to stop French ideas seeping into Spain.
  • His skill at producing a sparkling lecture after a long and arduous journey was much admired. Times, Sunday Times
  • With his wheezing voice and affinity for using his lecture wand as a torture instrument, any midnight Sabbath sounded better.
  • Ex-art teacher and university lecturer Mr Walsh is a conceptual print artist.
  • Before he lectures the poor on their shortcomings, he might want to lecture his peers and the middle class on theirs.
  • During the Civil War, he lectured in England and helped swing public opinion against the South.
  • In 1934, when Gertrude Stein was invited to return to America from Paris to deliver a series of lectures, the thing that troubled her most, according to her companion, Alice B.
  • So you lose your temper, and come out in an article which you think is going to finish "Ananias," proving him a booby who doesn't know enough to understand even a lyceum-lecture, or else a person that tells lies. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • Now he's a lecturer, he thinks he's a real hotshot!
  • So built into the translation process was a kind of orality that would be uncommon to most formal written Chinese, but that would be part of both the Indian philosophical tradition since a sutra is a lecture and the informal tradition of philosophical discussion and poetry-writing that was an important part of the social lives of Chinese intellectuals. WRITTEN VERNACULARS IN ASIA.
  • In order to disambiguate the sentence "He lectured on the famous passenger ship."you'll have to write either "lectured about"or"lectured on board
  • The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.
  • Over a period of eighteen months, there were twenty-three days of university lectures and five assignments completed off-campus.
  • When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical.
  • He made the infants' room look like a lecture theatre, with children as young as three sitting on tiers in a gallery.
  • Now an emeritus professor of Manchester University, he has lectured all over the world.
  • The structure suddenly collapsed, sending lecturer and papers sprawling.
  • Instead, we just got a lecture about a whole lot of other issues that were not relevant.
  • Noting he can make what he calls ridiculous money on the lecture circuit. CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2007
  • In one of the larger rooms there is a solfege class (singing practice, using scales), or one of composer Ramón Montes de Oca´s wonderful lectures on Chopin, or Webern, or Renaissance music. Life and music in Guanajuato
  • No scientific lecture is ever given without slides or other visual aids, especially if chemical structures are to be shown.
  • In his lecture the teacher expanded on the uses of the English subjunctive mood.
  • His lectures were full of theatrical gesticulations and breathless descriptions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lecturer arose like an outraged moralist to repudiate the scandalous charge of libidinousness. An Anarchist Woman
  • Last year, Susan conducted a three week lecture tour in America to tell the story of Irish heraldry and genealogy and spoke in Boston, New York, Minneapolis and Chicago.
  • He says he even lectured the FBI agents assigned to tail him, telling them to go back to school and study computers or something with a real future because their job was no good.
  • He became a lecturer in anatomy and a reader in neurobiology. Times, Sunday Times
  • The professor adapted his lecture to his audience.
  • He has been a frequent speaker and lecturer on the subject of bioterrorism and chemical and biological warfare.
  • Carol Johnson took the podium of a lecture hall one recent morning to walk 79 students enrolled in an introductory biology course through diffusion, osmosis and the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes. Putting a Price on Professors
  • The lecture lasted two solid hours.
  • The lectures offered include one about reptiles and amphibians native to Kentucky, which includes a chance for the children to handle live, non-venomous snakes, lizards, salamanders, toads and frogs.
  • The date for the delivering of the lecture has been advanced to the end of the month.
  • If there is a discussion between parents and children, it generally follows that the parents lecture the children on proper patterns of thought and behaviour.
  • He has unfolded for her what could have been simply a lecture on the solitaires, a narrative that gradually becomes a tale, a reverie, a meditation on the birds.
  • We discussed using Flickr for field trips in bioscience, the adaptation period for faculty starting out to record lectures, advantages and disadvantages of open source class content and some ways to use RSS for business classes. RSS club meeting 5
  • I took my sit in Creative Writing and listened as Mr. Thompson lectured the class on when to use commas and semicolons when writing a story.
  • If you can sit through all 10 hours of lectures, you deserve a medal.
  • Normally his family life, with lecturer wife Paula and two teenage children, is a nice counterpoint to the mayhem and misery his work uncovers.

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