How To Use Lector In A Sentence

  • The activation mechanism is the chemo- activity of mainly due to the strong chemo- activity of chelators to improve the amount of collector adsorbed on chrysocolla.
  • This, along with all the arguments against ratification of the EU Constitution, is something which we need to ram home at this moment when our electorate is so alive to the notion that they are being cozened by Labour and the Liberal ‘Democrats’ about the true effect of this Treaty. Archive 2008-02-03
  • Most rural stations had a staff of at least six, and perhaps up to a dozen, who them carried out the duties of stationmaster, signalman, booking clerk, ticket collector, porter, shunter, lengthman and lampman.
  • It'll be difficult to get past the ticket collector without paying.
  • Although nationally distributed boxes do not change fronts often, the regional ones do, making them a prime target for collectors.
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  • She also debuts on the collectors' Web site, www. barbie. com.
  • We will therefore go back to the electorate to renew our mandate with confidence.
  • Electoral victory is just a distant mirage.
  • And therefore (quod iterum moneo, licet nauseam paret lectori, malo decem potius verba, decies repetita licet abundare, quam unum desiderari) I would advise him that is actually melancholy not to read this tract of Symptoms, lest he disquiet or make himself for a time worse, and more melancholy than he was before. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They buy paintings at auctions, mark them up and then resell them at a vast profit to collectors.
  • These intagli would be interesting relics for collectors of such flotsam and jetsam of a ruined dynasty. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • Here is strong evidence of the need to reform the electoral system so every vote counts.
  • The book is a rare collector's edition as it includes an original drawing of Winnie the Pooh in traditional Russian costume playing a balalaika.
  • A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store, and he does a double take.
  • Prescriptions have included decentralization, electoral reform and more radical economic policies.
  • The traditional value of the blades was clearly recognized by their Aboriginal ‘collectors’, who sought to exploit it by hafting a resin handle in the traditional way.
  • The impressive fort in the centre of the town presently houses the collectorate and other district office.
  • Whoever wins government will have to depend on the support of independents, many of whom will have been elected with as little as 10 to 20 percent of the vote in their electorates.
  • The main victim here is the “abstentionist” movement who is told that the main trickery of Chavez IS NOT the electoral registry, at least at presidential election level. Electoral registry irregularities and Perez Oramas on the uselessness of voting
  • Then as now, a majority of the electorate disapproved of the incumbent's performance.
  • The elector, incensed at the unsoldierly destruction, challenged the mares-chal to a single combat. Sir Charles Grandison
  • But it is hard to imagine him miscalculating that it could be done in the teeth of active opposition from the other political parties, the electorate, and a somewhat sullen defence force.
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • Such a renouncement would not trigger the Electoral Act and would not require a by-election to allow the electorate to review the MP's mandate to represent him or her.
  • Much of this "pleasurist" writing is now lost to us, known only from police accounts or the bibliographical records of the famous collector of erotica H.S. Ashbee. Undefined
  • If you want to lighten up or brighten up one side of a portrait, the white-sided reflector also works well.
  • Last month, Najib said the government would establish a bi- partisan parliamentary committee to review changes to electoral rules, and that authorities would also consider amending laws governing censorship of print media. -- Top News
  • The reflector is a standard fitting on the front pillar of the bike, hence the curved mount.
  • Their attempt to soften the electorate's impression of her as a scientific cold fish is one of the few amusing spectacles in a grim political landscape.
  • Following the lector was the movie "Children of Glory" with English subtitles. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • My dad is a philatelist (stamp collector!) and he wanted you to know that the Charles and Ray Eames entire block of 16 attached stamps June 2008
  • A registered elector is entitled to subscribe only ONE nomination form in this by - election.
  • * Quod si in hoc erro, quod animos hominum immortales esse credam, libenter erro, nec mihi hunc errorem quo delector, dum vivo, extorqueri volo; sin mortuus, ut quidam minuti philosophi censent, nihil sentiam, non vereor ne hunc errorem meum mortui philosophi irrideant: [784] 1 The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 08.
  • My mom is a cat whisker collector, I'm her sole supplier.
  • It is enshrined in draft legislation sponsored by Mario Segni, who championed the cause of electoral reform.
  • One of the boldest moves she has made is refusing to sell her woodcraft to private collectors, no matter how much they offer.
  • For collectors and aviation enthusiasts the early autumn of 1992 produced no less than four major auctions with an accent on matters aeronautical.
  • Sure it's what the Trib called the "bare-knuckle arts of Chicago electoral politics" but, hey, I guess that "kumbaya" attack goes by the wayside. Obama Responds To Bill's Reference To Jesse Jackson
  • The programme would be organised till December 29 and the party activists would mob the collectorate on December 30, Ranga Rao said. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Domestic issues are dominating in the hope the electorate have short memories and limited concentration.
  • They are the primary carers of children, collectors of food like coconuts and fruit, and also act as deaconesses in the church.
  • Their owner believes they were stolen for a private collector abroad.
  • The presence of a collector at the church-gate annoys them because it's another reminder of their miserliness.
  • Many members of the Dail Eireann spend an excessive amount of time and effort in the constituency, but this has been more related to Irish political culture than the electoral system.
  • The experimental setup uses a standard OCT system with an additional apparatus to rotate the sample to acquire multiple angularly displaced OCT images (displaced-reflector images).
  • One is the fund selector, which allows you to retrieve the top-performing funds in various classes.
  • He settled in Baltimore and was appointed to the collectorship of the port, by the Governor of the State, the duties of which he discharged with the same exemplary fidelity which had attended his military career. A sketch of the life and services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams Read before the Maryland historical society, on Thursday evening, March 6, 1851
  • The new parliament's principal task would be to draft a constitution for approval by the electorate in a referendum.
  • The allegorist is, as it were, the polar opposite of the collector. The Allegorist and the Collector
  • He and the other independent between them got 65 per cent of the vote as the electorate gave two fingers to party politics.
  • Salvato librario, et Demetrio lectore, ducatos XLV Francischo fabro lignario mediolanensi habitatori piscinæ urbis Romæ pro banchis Bibliothecæ conficiendis, maxime vero decem quæ ad sinistram jacent, quorum longitudo est XXXVIII palmorum, vel circa, et ita accepta parte pecuniarum, cujus summa est centum et XXX ducatorum, facturum se debitum promittit et obligat, die XV Julii 1475. The Care of Books
  • Although percentage of vote against electorate increased this year to 42, it was still low.
  • the pursuit of electoral palatability
  • Republicans – your pettiness and attack machinery cannot work among the electorates who are intelligent and appreciate the disadvantage of divisive politics where cohesion is needed. DeMint: Senate could've voted on TSA chief 'months ago'
  • Private collectors often reminisce of the days they picked up six bottles of 1982 Le Pin at under €20 a bottle, back then not an inconsiderable amount to pay for a relatively unknown wine. The Remarkable Rise of Le Pin
  • Remove knick-knacks, tabletop ornaments, stuffed toys, books, magazines and newspapers from your bedroom and minimize dust collectors in other rooms.
  • Although collectors have been the traditional mainstays of this market, they had been largely absent for several seasons.
  • Thus, for example, and respectively represent the collector current and potential difference between the collector and emitter.
  • Probably . He claims his next move was going to be phoning the garbage collector.
  • Majorinus, who belonged to the household of Lucilla and had been a lector in the deaconry of Caecilian. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • All householders receiving the channels via the deflectors from the Comeragh Mountains are asked to attend this important meeting.
  • Collectors of everything from uncirculated coins to Parker shotguns agree that there are three criteria in determining the worth of a collector's item - rarity, authenticity and quality.
  • Mr Milosevic is fighting for his political survival after a vicious campaign tainted by intimidation and haunted by fears of electoral fraud.
  • Tune in today and you’ll see how these results change the Magic Map that’s what we like to call our snazzy Electoral Map internally. Morning Buzz: Showdown in Nashville
  • Henry Spencer Ashbee was a senior partner in a silk mercers, a collector of watercolours and a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Madrid.
  • Because the cost of a page fault is high, it is desirable that a garbage collector properly manage locality of reference.
  • The newspapers and magazines that fed the American mind — for books upon this impatient continent had become simply material for the energy of collectors — were instantly a coruscation of war pictures and of headlines that rose like rockets and burst like shells. The War in the Air
  • If so, you do not recognize leadership and the execution of a brilliant tactic, that puts Democrats back in play with that'churchgoing 'partof the electorate. Obama: Let's End "Divisive Politics And Tit-For-Tat"
  • Prim鵰 igitur obijcit Germanicus hic noster, si Dijs placet, Historicus: Multos ex pastoribus Islandi� toto biennio sacram concionem ad populum nullam habere: Vt in priore editione, huius pasquilli legitur, quod tamen posterior editio eiusdem refutat: Dicens, eosdem pastores in integro anno tantum quinquies concionari solitos: qu� duo qu鄊 rit� sibi consentiant, videas bone Lector, cum constet Authorem mox � prima editione vix vidisse Islandiam. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The old masters of surrealism aren't the only ones popular with today's art collectors, though.
  • Each mouse Razer Boomslang CE have an unique number and its own collector card.
  • Ahern has been in government for almost five years and convincing the electorate to re-elect him will not be painless.
  • For this match South Africa named a squad of 14 for reason only the selectors understood.
  • A special shape of collector is designed in order to reduce contact resistance and non-uniformity of the current; as a result the total current density in the device is increased.
  • Now I'm just longing for it and the only version of the game I can find is a ‘collector's edition’ for US $80. Feh.
  • According to radio the British electorate are going to vote tomorrow.
  • A modern and sprawling city which sports imposing government monuments reminiscent of the Washington Mall, Brasilia is also home to the nation's Upper Electoral Court overseeing the nation's presidential election. Nikolas Kozloff: Part III: What Is the Brazilian Brand?
  • GEORGE III., till 1816: -- The arms indicated in the diagram, No. 430, the inescutcheon ensigned with an electoral bonnet. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Sorry I missed the cook out …. for Star Wars (10th annual PA collectors society met the same day), but thx for signing the books I had friends bring and a huge thx for the deal on Clicker 1-3! Pics from Creator Cookout 2010 – Brian Keene
  • Never before, except for a short period between 1947 and 1953, had an outspokenly anti-political movement acquired such a significant electoral success.
  • But according to the insta-polls, the electorate, as opposed to what I once called the expectorate, seems to have concluded fairly clearly that Biden "won," possibly because what the electorate was expecting was a debate between two candidates for Vice-President, not the raw materials for some arcane calculation of who exceeded whose expectations. The Richmond Democrat
  • Like other collectors I am also trying to recapture the feelings of childhood.
  • The satellite employs a large 12 meter mesh antenna reflector, which is essential for delivering services to small mobile and portable devices. GuruFocus Updates
  • The most visible functions of government are those of regulator, tax collector, and provider.
  • After collimation, the central part of the measurement beam travels to the target retroreflector through an annular mirror that returns the outer annulus of the beam, which acts as the reference.
  • Then I realized it wasn't Gantry of whom I was reminded so much as another Lewis character, Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, the politician who poses as a populist, then once elected president turns the United States into a fascist dictatorship, aided by an angry, unknowing electorate and a paramilitary group called the Minute Men. Michael Winship: The Awful Price for Teaching Less Than We Know
  • In 1966 Ford introduced its first Bronco model, a bare-bones brute that has achieved collector status.
  • A runoff is to take place between the two top vote getters as no candidate gained more than 50 percent of the votes, needed to secure an electoral victory.
  • In addition, it needs more collector area than water cooler by reduce the collector efficiency in the wind cooler under the same situation.
  • They merely induce wealthy collectors to dip into their pockets.
  • The state-specific random swing factor determines which states have their electoral college votes allocated according to biased coin flips after the national random swing factor is applied. Wolfram Blog : Analyzing U.S. 2008 Elections with Mathematica
  • Well done, extra-illustration can be a valuable achievement and a source of enjoyment to the collector for many years.
  • After studying for a long time , we make a conclusion that the DIDSs are always made up of six parts:Collector, Analyzer, Coordinator, Manager, Responsor and UI.
  • This week Mr Prodi said a new electoral law was an " absolute priority ".
  • The Heat Mode Selector icon will appear for about 15 seconds.
  • Sensor devices must be able to discover and bind to a collector node automatically upon joining the network.
  • The discourtesies extended to the collector by the newspapers were not only uncivil but also irrelevant.
  • As colonial rule established itself and regions hitherto inaccessible became safe enough for plant collectors to travel in, many new bulb species found their way back to the nurseryman and then the gardener.
  • Bonnycastle also points out that an art book gives collectors more reassurance about an artist's longevity.
  • Of special interest to me right now are the dinosaurs of the British Wealden (of course), the intriguing tie-ins between Wealden fossil collectors, Conan Doyle's Lost World and the Piltdown fiasco, convergence between different fossorial tetrapods, manatee evolution, and British big cats (yes, really). Archive 2006-01-01
  • He died two years later having served as a collector for nearly twenty-seven years.
  • Fig. 17: This dryer has a fairly small solar collector/preheater for the number of trays inside, but the clear sides would act to collect solar energy also, thus improving performance. Chapter 7
  • Ursula prefers variety, and like most of the other collectors she chooses not to specialize but rather just to do whatever's needed. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • He found himself with no club and being clubless, national team selectors could not select him for the national squad.
  • I will be careful not to go off-piste, as it were, into a debate about electoral reform, because I was trying to put my remarks in the context of what happens in this place.
  • Since Independence the electorate has been polarized equally between two parties.
  • The Geraldton City Council will canvass its electors on a proposal to amend local burning by-laws.
  • African-Americans constitue a huge chunk of the Democratic electorate and are helping him a lot. Time Poll: Obama The Stronger Dem Against McCain
  • He has presided over a marked increase in public cynicism about politics without suffering significant damage to his own electoral prospects.
  • “En cumplimiento a las disposiciones electorales Mexicanas, este canal permanecera bloqueado hasta las 8 de la noche del dia de hoy.” Election day
  • Design of the structural of the cyclone collector with double outlet for dust is based on the traditional cyclone collector .
  • The other remedy is an extension of the principles enunciated some time ago by Dr. Horace Britton, of Toronto, when he pointed out that the primary duties of the electorate were not merely to cast their votes but to acquaint themselves with the candidates offering themselves for election and with the issues before the people. The Weak Spot in Our Canadian Constitution
  • Phase one consisted of role-play games where people tried to outdo each other and attract the attention of the selector.
  • The paper didn't express a preference for any particular scheme of electoral reform.
  • The unusual surface textures of fossil cycads have been interesting curiosities to collectors for a long time.
  • The Elector Palatine in Dusseldorf appointed him as court-painter in 1697, with an annual salary of four thousand guilders, but left him free to sell half his pictures to others.
  • His ruthless exaction of tribute from the areas where his army operated led to his dismissal at the demand of the German electors in 1630.
  • And in an electoral system dominated by money, that often means the short-term interests of their largest campaign contributors.
  • The shopkeepers were not just dealers but they were collectors of good books.
  • It is true that these were the men whom communities normally nominated as syndics, local tax-collectors, or churchwardens.
  • But focusing on electoral politics and economic development distracts us from the truly ugly side of our southern neighbor.
  • My own family's history is deeply entwined with that of the Northcote electorate.
  • Legal and political criteria such as electorate rights and tenurial status were no longer reliable markers of socio-economic status.
  • Others were seized as war booty and fell into the hands of collectors who valued them but were often at a loss to understand what they were or who had created them.
  • She was the founder and former director of both the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks electoral spending, and Public Campaign, which pushes for campaign finance reform.
  • But the question remains, as a seemingly ungovernable party continues to languish in electoral obscurity and tear itself apart, whether the smack of firm leadership will be enough to save the Scottish Tories.
  • If the lector reads the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation, prepare those in a similar manner.
  • A surface acoustic wave device includes interdigital transducer electrode and reflectors disposed on a piezoelectric substrate.
  • Thus she began her account with a detailed description of the appropriate behaviour of a collector engaging at first hand with the people.
  • A small body of electors remained unpolled on the very last day. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • At every crucial phase in this nation's history from 1906 to 1950 Sri Aurobindo intervened & gave advice & direction for decisive action which if followed would have been benificial for the nation, a number of examples come to mind namely Cripps proposal, opposing the award of communal electorate at Lucknow in 1916, Cabinet Mission Plan etc. Savitri Era party is a necessity which must begin to effectively give an alternative direction
  • The Eastern mace is well known to English collectors, it is always of metal, and mostly of steel, with a short handle like our facetiously called life-preterver The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Communal solicit contribution refers to a special donation conducted for the interest of a specific natural person and realized through the contract between collector and donator.
  • It was the Christian Democratic Party's fourth successive electoral defeat.
  • War, the Indian Mutiny, and the war with China had kept England in a continual state of martial fever, and the agitation for electoral reform was beginning. William of Germany
  • We drank and partied with my parents, the other new lecturers, the German lector, Klaus, the French lecteur, Patrice, Russell a student and poet with long, thin hair, Vicky, a German student, and Andy who ran the hall of residence.
  • At the first election for a Legislative Assembly in 1856 he was returned for the electorate of Murrumbidgee.
  • The selectors should resign en bloc.
  • On none of these issues does he seem to have received a clear mandate from the electorate.
  • But irrespective of whether you are a collector, this is an absorbing book for anyone interested in history or other cultures.
  • It is not known how many collectors there are here or how many extremely valuable netsuke may be tucked away in private collections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even with the selector switch on semi auto, I was still firing just as fast as an automatic.
  • What is notable is that, in trying to understand and anticipate American politicians and the American electorate, we have also fallen victim to a variation on the same doomed practice that the sages of Sovietology followed. A Not Very Good Film
  • The other selectorial issue will be at openside flanker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Observation shows that forged paintings are usually offered to novice art collectors, art buffs who are too lazy to learn about the subject or those who believe they are really knowledgeable in art matters.
  • Garden, who attracts considerable notice by the cry of -- Come buy my live shrimps and pierriwinkles -- buy my wink, wink, wink; these, however, are exceptions to those previously mentioned, as they have good voices, and deliver themselves to some tune; but to the former may be added the itinerant collector of old clothes, who continually annoys you with -- Clow; clow sale. Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • In the past, civil rights groups have criticized the redistricting process for working against immigrant and African-American communities on Long Island, and while lawsuits have sought to address the problem on a case-by-case basis, electoral representation in communities of color will be a pressing issue in the coming weeks. Ted Hesson: Forum: Redistricting and Its Impact on Long Island Communities of Color
  • All the painters in our gallery paint their works from beginning to end—Pat Steir, Jonathan Lasker—and I think their collectors like the notion that every ounce of paint on their works was brushed on by the artists alone. The Art Assembly Line
  • It had been put there by Roman collectors, to them already up to 600 years old, then re-collected by a rich Dane 2,000 years later.
  • High sensitivity, low collector dark current, high collector-emitter voltage type photocoupler.
  • Don't forget you will need a GB sticker and headlight deflectors.
  • Under the prerequisite for that regular circulation of water in heat collector is ensured, a steam box is used to cook food, boil drinking water and warm up.
  • Nor does it bode well for Canada's economic advancement or political process, which thrives on a well-educated electorate.
  • Its objects were the training of the youth, the future electorate of England, in the doctrines of Imperialism, Constitutionalism and sound civicism, as understood by the intellectual Conservatives. The Fortunate Youth
  • Lord Burlington was a great collector and connoisseur of paintings.
  • Anyone judged by the electoral commission to lack ‘a good reputation’ was also prohibited from running for office.
  • According to radio the British electorate are going to vote tomorrow.
  • They want electoral reform in what they call a dysfunctional democracy. Ellen Freudenheim: 15 Mayo: What Will It Mean for U.S. Youth Election Year Activism?
  • Any specific requests from the taxpayer regarding reallocations must be honoured by the collector.
  • Huckabee would consolidate the "solid South" for the Republicans, energizing the evangelical Christian base and fending off efforts by Obama to "redraw" the electoral map. Huckabee says he'd like to be McCain's running mate
  • You're impossible," he said, picking up the channel selector. A TASTE OF REALITY
  • She says lawmakers should reject Jega's nomination, reappoint Iwu, and better educate the electorate.
  • A three percent swing equates to one million electors changing their political allegiance.
  • One man who has known him since those earliest days is Joe Miles, a kenspeckle figure in Ulster rugby, who was chairman of the selectors when Humphreys was first picked to represent the province.
  • A self-administered questionnaire was presented to the class by the senior investigators and was proctored in the classroom by trained data collectors.
  • Other standard equipment includes multi-reflector halogen headlights, rear wiper/washer, high level stop lamp, velour upholstery, adjustable armrests, six spoke 16-inch alloy wheels and a stereo radio / CD system.
  • The constitution provided broad electoral franchise.
  • There are some cases in which the efforts of conservatives to appease racism in the electorate have deprived fascists of support, but other cases in which this has legitimated fascism.
  • The selectors have hand-picked those who have the right mentality, such as Damien Martyn and Simon Katich, ahead of the natural blasters.
  • In the 1980s Jacques Kerchache, a former dealer, collector and connoisseur of primitive art, took up the cudgels again.
  • Most dates have a number of very interesting varieties, the sets are completable by collectors on a relatively limited budget, the designs are great and the number of pieces that make up a set are not overwhelming (as with Liberty Head issues). Classic Head Gold: An Update : Coin Collecting News
  • Bounce a graviton particle beam, off the main deflector dish, Snow, and other things.
  • Dresdensis) _ of 1571 the Philippists of Electoral Saxony also rejected the omnipresence (which they termed ubiquity) of the human nature of Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Mr Alton said that the poll tax meant many people had dodged electoral registers in a bid to avoid payment.
  • ‘The second ballot would contain party lists of candidates, and the elector would vote for the party of their choice,’ he said.
  • the recusant electors...cooperated in electing a new Senate
  • Perhaps one reason that societies allow plutonomy is because enough of the electorate believe they have a chance of becoming a Pluto-participant," he wrote back then. How American Income Inequality Hit Levels Not Seen Since The Depression
  • An art historian and collector, he was also a practising architect.
  • Staffordshire Enamels boxes, bonbonnières, music boxes, cufflinks, paperweights and clocks are shipped all over the world to discerning collectors.
  • Many electors didn't vote today because of the bad weather.
  • Mainland Chinese collectors have since stepped in, paying as much as $7.3 million at Christie's for a jadeite bead necklace last summer. The China Factor
  • This paper includes four works as following:1. A new type of solar desalination unit is designed by direct mixing of seawater with hot air which comes from a solar air collector.
  • There is an economic and social dimension to the case for electoral reform that progressives often ignore.
  • However, there is a tendency for European electorates to move to the right or left in a manner that may not be co-ordinated, but does produce clusters of conservative or Socialist governments at any one time.
  • The aldermen and the commons were to meet together at least once a quarter, (598) and no member of the common council was to serve on inquests, nor be appointed collector or assessor of a talliage. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • The Jeff Scovil photographs make it clear that the average material available at most sites is not particularly desirable in terms of the advanced collector, and much of it tends toward the lapidary arts.
  • He was a politician who fatally lacked a grasp of the importance of having a narrative to inspire supporters and enthuse the electorate.
  • Air deflectors installed in front of a vehicle's hood are also often designed to match the style of the vehicle's bumper.
  • As with all other candidates, his nomination papers need the signatures of ten electors in the constituency.
  • This thesis introduces the engineering outline of "Refrom item of coke oven collector pressure control system of Chang-Chun charking factory".
  • The painting was bought by a private collector.
  • Stamp Set , Stationery, Toys, Stencil Sets, Reflector Keychains Toy and Games.
  • Graveney, a man who knows a little about picking international cricketers after his 11 years as chairman of the selectors, witnessed what he calls "an extraordinary performance with both bat and ball" against Hampshire at the start of the month, in which Stokes scored a boisterous 135 not out and took six wickets with his skiddy medium pace. New kids on the block stake their claim for England Test place
  • The CSNR is known to contain more than 400 of Suriname's known bird species, including Scarlet, Red-and-Green and Blue-and-Gold Macaws, (Ara macao, Ara chloroptera, Ara ararauna); Great Tinamou (Tinamus major), Black Curassow (Crax alector) the Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola rupicola) and the Harpy Eagle. Central Suriname Nature Reserve, Suriname
  • As in Australia, there appears to be significant disconnect in the United States between the commentariat and the electorate when it comes to choosing national leadership.
  • Since Beckham apparently bought it for $145,000 and then, according to the dealer's claim, sunk another $50,000 in customization into the ride, it appears that his fame has added some collector's value to the 500 horsepower "cabrio. PHOTOS: David Beckham's Porsche On EBay For $150,000 And Counting
  • Rome, pick up Prince Charles, put him on the magic carpet, fly to London, clap the Cap of Darkness on him so that nobody can see him, set him down on the throne of his fathers; pick up the Elector, carry him over to his beloved Hanover, and the trick is done -- what they call a bloodless revolution in the history books. Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia being the adventures of Prince Prigio's son
  • There will be a lot of opera buffs interested in these particular stamps as well as the normal collectors.
  • Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein an upstream deflector baffle is provided at the output of said deagglomeration means into said jet tube means to produce a venturi effect for minimizing back pressure on said powder feeding means.
  • An anonymous private collector who bought the palimpsest for $2 million at auction in 1998 has loaned the manuscript to the Walters Art Museum and is funding the studies.

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