How To Use Lecherous In A Sentence
You don't need a playbill to tell that the lecherous, black-clad Wolfe, who swaps hockey tickets for political favours, is the heavy here - if he had a moustache, he'd twirl it.
In the film, the young novice Viridiana does her utmost to maintain her Catholic principles, but her lecherous uncle and a motley assemblage of paupers force her to confront the limits of her idealism.
Ten days was enough of it, though, for she was an avid little beast who preferred quantity to quality-unlike Elspeth, for example, whose beguiling innocence masked the most lecherously inventive mind of the last century, and whose conduct on our honeymoon would have caused the good citizens of nearby Troon to burn her at the stake, if they'd known.
He lived a life of extravagance and lecherousness, and had engaged in all sorts of evil conduct.
I fall into the same mind-frame, thinking lecherously, I want it all.
Down and Delirious in Mexico City
My father compounded with my mother under the dragons tail, and my nativity was under ursa major; so that it follows I am rough and lecherous.
Act I. Scene II. King Lear
In one of the earliest sequences of ‘Mo’ Better Blues,’ Spike Lee's new film about jazz, the camera lingers almost lecherously over the womanly curves of a trumpet and saxophone.
Although lecherously swarmy as befits the character, the performance seems an ill fit for him, thus detracting from any otherwise superlative work.
She ignored his lecherous gaze and scanned the sea of faces for Stephen.
She said he was a ‘lecherous’ manager, with a reputation as a serial groper.
The next day, at the audition, Betty has to act the same scene with a lecherous has-been, and suddenly she does it with surprising lubricity.
Yet it lacks the wit, lecherousness or base rudeness that marks out the best of that strain of hip-hop.
The central character is Vendice, intent on revenging the death of his mistress, poisoned by the lecherous old duke.
So help me God if the big, lecherous looking turnip wasn't backing out of the alley in a limousine!
The supporting cast could include a sympathetic bartender, a hapless purser, a coked up cruise director, and a comically lecherous ship's doctor.
British ‘sauce’ was added by way of Harcourt's lecherous leanings and the women's frank discussions on subjects once deemed unladylike.
“Sixty-five,” another man proposed, smiling lecherously, his tongue flicking out and licking his lips.
Stealing Candy
The boy offered to pay a fine or whatever to get out of this, but the deputy told him there was only one way of getting out of this jam and looked lecherously at the young half-naked girl.
a lecherous good-for-nothing
The canons of the thirteen collegiate churches of his diocese were idle, or quarrelsome, or ignorant, or drunken, or lecherous, or all of the above; in his struggles to reform them, he had to invoke the help of the papal nuncio.
It doesn't matter, darling," Divine coos lecherously, dismissing his nosiness, "go fix yourself a sandwich.
John Waters: Leslie Van Houten: A Friendship, Part 1 of 5
I goggled at her lecherously for about half a second, and then realized that we were not alone.
The Sky Writer
The Weasel, who may or may not be Valerie's father, lurks throughout the film, lecherously grinning and groping at the young girl.
Boswell, he points out, was vain and lecherous, "oleaginous" in manner and - Articles related to PCB hopes Khan resumes captaincy
The leader tries to seduce Kirk while Rosie stares daggers, Billie tries to make time with the lunkhead and all of the women avoid the lecherous behaviour of the crusty father.
I would the Duke we talk of were returned again: this ungenitured agent will unpeople the province with continency; sparrows must not build in his house-eaves, because 165 they are lecherous.
Measure for Measure The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]
Much has been written about the lecherousness of his smirks, but such provocativeness on his part definitely began in a presexual period.
He sees in her a vision of the powerful love he now regrets leaving behind, and he becomes lecherously attached to her, conspiring to keep her close to him under the guise of helping her father, his friend.
Come and Get It
He was raucous, bibulous, lecherous and with a genius for showing an equal contempt for the common man and those in power.
Simon Jenkins: Half a Century After Mencken's Death, Opinion Is What is Riding High
Name the types of noises your lecherous Frenchman finds hilarious.
You're nothing more than a lecherous snake in the grass, Shawn.
Magdelene is cheerfully lecherous and unabashedly lazy (as Huff puts it in the Afterword) which means that she's not going to hustle around saving people like a superhero.
I would the duke we talk of were returned again: this ungenitured agent will unpeople the province with continency; sparrows must not build in his house-eaves, because they are lecherous.
Act III. Scene II. Measure for Measure
A lecherous smile played on his lips and his hair was set loose, dark bangs falling over his forehead.
And then there are the clams themselves, what with their icky clam foot sticking out of their shell like a tongue of a lecherous mutant.
Reuters distributes this shot which, from the way everyone is caught in the moment, seems to capture Obama ogling, or at least gamely distracted by this junior G-8 delegate (set up by the notorious Sarkozy seeming to also look on lecherously).
Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Reuters Obama Booty Call
I would the duke we talk of were returned again: the ungenitured agent will unpeople the province with continency; sparrows must not build in his house-eaves, because they are lecherous.
Measure for Measure
She herself makes the point that Venus gives her ‘desire and lecherousness’, though she does not say in what position the planet was; perhaps in Scorpio?
And he plonked his considerable girth in between me and the lecherous customer for the rest of the visit.
Bosses I Have Known « Tales from the Reading Room
“The funny mistress of five or six accents,” Jane regaled them all with the story of her dinner party, successively taking the part of a lecherous old Oxonian who was trying to pinch her bottom, a drunk Ceylonese official, and a dry old colonial widow with a lorgnette.
A Covert Affair
While I escaped his lecherous depraved mauling, other young men were not so lucky.
She then gets up, cleans the house in her negligee, takes out the garbage in her negligee - and is attacked by her lecherous landlord.
Ryo, the main character, is perpetually hot to trot, and his lecherousness is played for laughs, but that's about it.
a lecherous gleam in his eye
She reclined in a chair, opened a copy of Playboy, grinned lecherously, and reached for her briefs.
Her driving instructor was a disgusting lecherous old devil -- always touching her knee.