
How To Use Lebanon In A Sentence

  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lou, a senior defense official tells CNN that that consideration of using helicopters to rescue Americans would happen only if the Americans could not move over land to the seaport, which is the preferred option to get all the Americans out of Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
  • Lebanon became a French mandate after World War I.
  • Now in Lebanon, he and his family are safe but existence is hand to mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said Hezbollah started the crisis and is the nation of Lebanon hostage.
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  • An Arab village in Israel now holds the world's record for the largest plate of hummus, and bragging rights over Lebanon in what is known -- or what has become known as the hummus wars. CNN Transcript Jan 8, 2010
  • Another genius discovery from Lebanon: "Trouver la perle rare est une chose, en trouver 26 en est une autre: une Libanaise a eu la surprise de sa vie en découvrant 26 graines nacrées dans une huître dans un restaurant de poisson et fruits de mer dans le sud du pays ." thanks Martin Tuesday, September 09, 2008
  • It is still unclear how the crisis between Syria and Lebanon will evolve.
  • But ignoring it or treating it with condescendence, motivated by the achievements in Libya, would cost Obama dearly, especially if he fails to take decisive action in Syria or provides Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon -- as well as the regime in Damascus -- with a way out. Raghida Dergham: How Will Iran and Hezbollah Respond to the Syrian Regime's Predicament?
  • They may be clamouring for democracy and progress, but Lebanon's chieftains are feudal at heart.
  • On Israel's current aerial invasion of Lebanon, Meris Lutz of The Daily Star Lebanon writes, 'Israeli attacks have been barbaric. Abstraction vs. murder
  • Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremistShiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God.
  • He had flown the first strike into Lebanon and was about to fly on the last strike of the night. FLASH POINT
  • One news agency photographer has already been fired for doctoring his photos in Lebanon!
  • Although Damascus insists that its forces are conducting an antismuggling operation, the Lebanese government is eyeing the moves with unease, believing that the unusual scale of the deployment has more to do with tensions between the two countries over recent sectarian clashes in northern Lebanon. Political Resonance
  • Washington trying 'to dictate its rules' By Dalila Mahdawi Daily BEIRUT: Hizbullah on Tuesday lambasted what it called brazen American interference in Lebanon's Star staff Monday, June 01, 2009 - Powered by ... - Articles related to Hudson will return to Chicago to film ABC special
  • In the Lebanon, his bodyguard-driven, old Mercedes had bullet holes down one side inherited from a previous owner (the prime minister).
  • Lebanon's 150-kilometer coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches, but off the coast of Saida, there are no swimmers, due to a giant heap of stinking garbage. Mountain of Trash Blights Historic Lebanese City of Saida
  • It was first created in Lebanon in 1975 by Imam Mussa Sadr, an Iranian mullah who had become leader of the Shi'ite community there.
  • It soon became clear to me, that the dialogue about Lebanon and Damascus, which was followed up with a clishmaclaver anent dirks, daggers, red cloaks, and other bloody weapons which made all my flesh grue, had some connexion with Taffy's papers on the table -- out of which James had been diverting himself by reading bits here and there, at random like. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • Arabs lived in Palestine and they had stets created in Jordan, The Lebanon and Syria. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • When I had paid for my land by faithfully laboring for the term agreed on: I made a tour to the pool at new Lebanon -- from thence I returned to Dorset. The Blind African Slave, or Memoirs of Boyrereau Brinch, Nick-named Jeffrey Brace. Containing an Account of the Kingdom of Bow-Woo, in the Interior of Africa; with the Climate and Natural Productions, Laws, and Customs Peculiar to That Place. With an Acco
  • MICHAEL OREN, OFFICER, ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCE: I think Israel learned some very important lessons from Lebanon, Fareed, some very bitter lessons from Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2009
  • The Israelis have sashayed in and out of southern Lebanon at will for decades. Matthew Yglesias » Gulf Stability and the New Iraq
  • And Mehlis should not, assuming that he is "professional" and "neutral" and "apolitical"--and he is none of these things--have summoned reporters in Lebanon to reply to Husam Husam. Thursday, December 01, 2005
  • The film takes its title from a sticky mixture used in Lebanon as a depilatory. 'Incendies' Burns With Mystery, Truth
  • She says President Bush will ask Congress to approve a grant of $770 million for Lebanon's long-term redevelopment and rebuilding from last summer's battle between Hezbollah and Israel. CNN Transcript Jan 25, 2007
  • The Philistines were a seafaring people who inhabited the coast of Israel and Lebanon in the area of Gaza-Ashdod-Jaffa.
  • She says she has observed bilingual nursery school education working well in Lebanon and Egypt. Times, Sunday Times
  • She lived some time with Lady Hester Stanhope, a woman as fantastic and mentally strained as herself, on the slope of Mt. Lebanon, but finally quarrelled with her in regard to two white horses with red marks on their backs which suggested the idea of saddles, on which her titled hostess expected to ride into Jerusalem with the Lord. Poems of Nature, Poems Subjective and Reminiscent and Religious Poems, Complete Volume II., the Works of Whittier
  • I recall avidly following the 2006 crisis in Lebanon through a variety of sources, none less interesting or credible because it was, say, Haaretz instead of The Times. Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
  • Pressure for his resignation has been building since Monday, when a government commission blamed Mr. Olmert for what it called his severe failures during Israel's war against Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas last summer. CNN Transcript May 2, 2007
  • During my youth, we were constantly running away from the shelling, bombing, booby-trapped cars and assassinations that the Syrian Army was perpetrating in Lebanon against the Christian population. Assad Has No Friend in Lebanon's Christians
  • LEBANON: Allegedly shady sheik suspected of staging his own kidnapping Quand une coquille se glisse dans l'Orient le Jour, ca donne ca! - A directory of Lebanese blogs
  • In Lebanon, Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, once known as the spiritual leader of Hizbullah's suicide bombers, now counsels the faithful to respond to Western "aggressions" through cultural and legal means. Christian Provocateurs and Muslim Moderation
  • Similarly, as the home of the Hamas political leadership, and as the long-time suzerain of Lebanon, the Syrian intelligence apparatus can directly control the direction and temperature of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. David Paul: Foreign Policy, Not the Economy, May Define the Obama Presidency
  • Perhaps the slightly acidic flavor of the tomatillos recalls the pickled vegetable condiments of Lebanon, but in any case it is a decidedly Mexican addition to the serving of kibbeh. Immigrant Cooking in Mexico Part 3: The Lebanese of Puebla
  • France is the former colonial power in Lebanon. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been used, for example, against those who refer too incautiously to the civilian carnage visited upon Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Defence Forces. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Incidentally, Lebanon, in turn, is in the sphere of embarrassment, with the policy of evasiveness that it adopts with regard to the Syrian issue at the Security Council. Raghida Dergham: Palestine at the United Nations: The Long Path of Wisdom
  • AFTER THE FIRST WORLD WAR, ACCORDING TO plans laid during it, France became the mandatary power, under the League of Nations, in what today is Syria and Lebanon. Shedding Light on Lebanon
  • It was the first killing since a year in Lebanon. and Prime Minister Fuad Saniora had spoken to the druse leaders for peace. Bomb Blast Kills More In Lebanon
  • Exploiting Lebanon's fractiousness, Syria pushed its allies to undermine the pro-Western coalition that won Lebanon's general election in 2005.
  • Speaking of the chiliastic, when Israel made that last foolish foray into Lebanon there were postings all over the strange sites connected to this sort of stuff. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The EU/UN 's brokered/supervised (by their own troops) treaty 1701 between Israel and Hizbollah-Lebanon enabled the latter to instal 40,000 rockets aimed, at this moment, at Israel's northern towns. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • This had been a particularly difficult chapter in Lebanon's recent history.
  • Last night on The World Over on EWTN with Raymond Arroyo was a Melchite Archbishop who said 95% of the Muslims in Lebanon are good and peaceful and live amicably with Christians, it is the radical Hezbollah, the minority, who use sayings from the Koran to incite violence. Neo-Nazi influences in radical Islam
  • Beirut was at the center of the Lebanese war of 1975-90, when "Lebanonization" became a byword for violent disintegration. On the Eastern Shore
  • Note to all, the French had come to the aid of Lebanon and moved out over 1000 Lebanonese and were working towards moving more to cyprus … … Not to be slow as usual the Us sent in choppers and moved 50 or so this morning … …. Think Progress » Neocons Resurrect Plans For Regional War In The Middle East
  • Consider Assyria, once a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches toweredabove the thick foliage.
  • Salamey said the Hezbollah channel also focused on stories that supported the Syrian government's claim that protesters are receiving support from outside the country, broadcasting pictures of what it described as confiscated weapons that had been smuggled from Lebanon, through Jordan and even the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Hezbollah Supportive of Egyptian, Tunisian Uprisings But Not Syria's
  • Meantime, after criticizing Israel for using what it called disproportionate force in Lebanon, the European Union said it was planning a peace mission. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2006
  • The shakeup was a Hezbollah message to Saudi Arabia and its Prime Minister Saad Hariri that in Lebanon, the group alone calls the shots. Hussain Abdul-Hussain: Lebanese-Israeli Clashes: What Really Happened
  • During our brief visit to this pathetic copse, our driver told us how the cedars of Lebanon used to stretch from Syria to Israel, a vast scented legendary canopy of a dozen million acres.
  • American marines landed in Beirut to ensure the survival of the Lebanon.
  • They exported the wines of Lebanon (and the wine-making practices of Canaan) along the littorals of North Africa and to Spain, Sardinia, and Sicily.
  • Lebanon (that is, the cool melted snow water of Lebanon, as he presently explains), which cometh from the rock of the field (a poetical name for Lebanon, which towers aloft above the surrounding field, or comparatively plain country)? Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Make Oil Company of Lebanon was to start building a $3 billion, 250,000 b/d refinery in Kurdistan in 2006, and Make Oil Company bid for a $2.2 billion, 150,000 b/d refinery in Iraq. The Threat Level Remains Unchanged
  • Samarcand to cedared Lebanon, show that Keats had not got over his boyish taste for sweet things, and reached the maturity and gravity of appetite which dictated the Miltonian description. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • She also comments that there are no laws in Lebanon ensuring that public areas are accessible to disabled people.
  • He was born in Lebanon, New Hampshire, and began his working life as a bricklayer.
  • But when he travels, say, to Lebanon, he feels totally comfortable in his kandura. Cator Sparks: Attention Men of the Western World: Calm Down and Embrace the Kandura!
  • The only kind of consociationalism that might work in Israel and Palestine is confessionalism, which is "a system of government that distributes political and institutional power proportionally among religious communities" - such as in Lebanon. Ami Kaufman: Israel: The One-State Solution Should be Taken Off the Table
  • All the experience from Lebanon an "all," a company XO offered. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • They were young men in olive fatigues who had been caught out in South Lebanon, where they should never have been in the first place.
  • It would be ironic for the United States, which has invested so much of its prestige in shoring up historic Lebanon, were constitutional reform to increase rather than diminish Syrian influence within the country. Shedding Light on Lebanon
  • In the past year the agency interceded on behalf of immigrants from Somalia to Lebanon, from Iraq to Haiti, Brazil, and beyond.
  • Lebanon this week was still in flames , despite Ms Rice's shuttle diplomacy ( see article ).
  • A short time later, European Catholic missionaries settled in Lebanon and began schools there.
  • He was Lebanon's most prominent politician in the years after Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war – a Sunni who was a hero to his own community and backed by many Christians who sympathized with his efforts in the last few months of his life to reduce Syrian influence in the country. Hezbollah Resigns: Lebanese Government Collapses As Political Party Pulls Out
  • Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremistShiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God.
  • After the Arab conquest during the 7th century Arab tribesmen settled in Lebanon.
  • BEIRUT: Israel is sending automated voice messages to mobile phones and interfering with phone lines in Beirut and southern Lebanon in what appears to be an attempt to incite the Lebanese against Hizbullah one day after a United Nations-brokered prisoner swap, Lebanese media reported on Thursday morning. Typical israeli behavior
  • Lebanon and Damascus, which was followed up with a clishmaclaver anent dirks, daggers, red cloaks, and other bloody weapons which made all my flesh grue, had some connexion with Taffy's papers on the table -- out of which James had been diverting himself by reading bits here and there, at random like. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • This is like the MERIP article on Lebanon by Nicholas Blanford that mentioned the "telegenic" crowds of one side of the demonstrators in Lebanon. Sunday, July 31, 2005
  • The usual sort of thing we've seen in these kind of demonstrations, burning the American flag, burning the Israeli flag, calling for the U.S. to stop interfering, what they call interfering here in Lebanon. CNN Transcript Mar 15, 2005
  • SPIGELMAN: Look, we're going to be operating in south Lebanon, as I said in what we're calling pinpoint, sort of in/out-type of operations. CNN Transcript Jul 22, 2006
  • In 1982 during Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Naji al-Ali was an eyewitness to the terrifying massacre that took place in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra and Shatila.
  • The problems of Israel, Lebanon, and the Gulf were tightly interlocked.
  • Scott McClellan telling reporters that the Bush administration is deeply concerned about what he called interference and intimidation by Syrian operatives in Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2005
  • But, in the past few weeks, we have been witnessing Israel conducts what it calls pinpoint operations in and out of Hezbollah strongholds in southern Lebanon. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2006
  • He now had a way to achieve that objective, namely, persuade Syria to withdraw its forces from Lebanon. Turmoil and Triumph
  • Flags waving in St Peter's Square ranged from Poland to Mexico, Taiwan to Lebanon.
  • The White House has given Israel time to "defang" Hezbollah and is oddly silent as the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon grows. Think Progress » Kristol Suggests People of Iran Would Embrace U.S. Attack, Triggering Regime Change
  • However, there is no indication that the Obama administration would ultimately be willing to "cede" Lebanon to Syria in order to seal a deal. Undefined
  • Bridges were destroyed, the Israelis said, to prevent the kidnappers removing the soldiers deeper into Lebanon, although why hardened Hizbullah fighters could not simply stroll across the water-free bridge was not clear. If you want peace.. prepare for peace.
  • Destabilizing Iran goads Pakistan into the conflict (or their intelligence agency, anyway), would shift several of the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics closer to Russia and in tacit support of Iran, may cause Turkey to leave NATO, will lead to Lebanon and Syria launching an invasion of Israel … Think Progress » Rubio: ‘I Don’t Think Any Of Us Are Going To Blame Israel’ If They Decide To Attack Iran
  • In a recent agreement with Lebanon, which is already disputing the lawfulness of Israel's gas claims, Iran, of all countries, will help with oil and gas exploration off the Lebanese coast. Shai Baitel: Making a Right Turn -- Natural Gas in Israel
  • A survey of myxomycetes was conducted at three sites within Cedars of Lebanon State Park, Wilson County, Tennessee from May 1 to September 30, 1993.
  • He discoursed about trees, from the cedars of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows from the wall.
  • Britain's new ambassador to Lebanon has presented his credentials to the President.
  • But his term lasted less than two years - the shortest for an elected premier - and he left office under stiff public criticism for his unilateral withdrawal from south Lebanon in 2000, his failed negotiations with the Palestinians and Syria, and a violent Palestinian uprising that erupted under his watch. rss feed
  • Astral traveling, or remote viewing as it is also called, is just one form of spiritual experience, like transcendental meditation and reiki, that is becoming increasingly popular in Lebanon. Astral travelers touch down in Beirut
  • A New Shirt, a novel, and the story collections The Mourning Thief, Lebanon Lodge, and A Link with the River show Hogan anatomizing his own fictional world of the western midlands.
  • Jordan, that goodly mountain, and Lebanon -- The natural and very earnest wish of Moses to be allowed to cross the Jordan was founded on the idea that the divine threatening might be conditional and revertible. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This also would explain its foot dragging on peace with Palestinians, a pattern seen prior to pummeling Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2008-early 2009 (a move approved by General Jim Jones and Hillary Clinton). fw says: Matthew Yglesias » ADL Hits Petraeus
  • But, the turning point has come and the Saudi and Egyptian officials have slammed Hizballah for "adventurism", for dragging Lebanon into a bloody, undeserved war, and for further destabilizing the region. Tolerance has to work both ways
  • No "Masada syndrome," in other words, afflicts the fears of Lebanon's Christians. Assad Has No Friend in Lebanon's Christians
  • Lebanon's top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, shot back that Qaradawi was trying to incite "fitna" - the word for internal civil strife among Muslims that is anathema to followers of Islam. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Not satisfied with fighting World War VII on just the Iraq and domestic fronts, the 101st Fighting Keyboarders' John Hinderaker risked carpal tunnel syndrome and Cheeto toxicosis to drop a full load of swagger on the Islamunists of Lebanon, Friday: PFC. Hinderaker fights the war on three fronts.
  • On the diplomatic front, the U.N. secretary-general, Kofi Annan, is pushing the Security Council to come up with a plan by the end of the week to end what he calls the nightmare for civilians in Israel and Lebanon. CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2006
  • The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.
  • And Hezbollah led a political coalition in Lebanon that recently overthrew a pro-Western government in Beirut. Iran Adds Palestine Statehood Wrinkle
  • A bird shot by a 9-year-old of Lebanon set new Oregon state records for weight, beard length and overall score.
  • I think the closer analogy to me, just perhaps because I was there, was Lebanon, where the Americans were greeted with open arms.
  • Between 10,000 and 6000 feet are woods of the beautiful and charming conifer called the Himalayan cedar, which is allied to the cedar of Lebanon. From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
  • Can Lebanon Weather Possible Economic Sanction?
  • Driving in Lebanon is unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.
  • The conviction that no way can be found for Israel and the Palestinians to coexist is strongest in Morocco (90 percent), followed by Jordan (85 percent), the Palestinian Authority (80 percent), Kuwait (72 percent), Lebanon (65 percent), Indonesia (58 percent) and Pakistan (57 percent). Daimnation!: America the hated, Israel the despised
  • All Lebanon lamented his death as one man and honoured him with a hero's funeral.
  • In 2005–2006, infant mortality among Palestine refugees ranged from 28 deaths per 100 000 live births in the Syrian Arab Republic to 19 in Lebanon.
  • LUI: General Grange, the word sterilize has been used in the process as they go through the southern parts of Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jul 22, 2006
  • The revered Maronite patriarch launched a brave campaign for the restoration of Lebanon's sovereignty.
  • Because brides often converted to the faith of their husbands, all of the major religions within Lebanon competed for converts to their faith.
  • Today a boatload of cattle has left Ireland for Lebanon.
  • The Cedar Revolution in Lebanon is revealed as a Potemkin village because the real power is Hezbollah - further "legitimized" by the democratic vote. "This defeat is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation."
  • Lebanon is girding for the unsealing of indictments by a U.N. tribunal in the case of Hariri's murder, which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah and maybe also the Assad regime. Don't Bank on Beirut
  • The descent of the Anti-Lebanon we did at a good pace, but it seemed a long time until we landed on the plain Es Sáhará. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • The Israelis have tried to "dislodge" and "cleanse" the Party of God from southern Lebanon with both airstrikes and a failed twenty-two year military occupation. Derek Flood: Iran: Asia's Other Rising Power
  • The overflights are a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended a devastating 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah militia. Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense
  • Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, today said his fighters will turn southern Lebanon into what he called a graveyard for Israeli troops. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2006
  • Yes | No | Report from chuckey wrote 3 years 3 weeks ago check out wolfs sporting centerif your in the areathay have very good priceswolfs sporting center2702 lebanon roadmanheim, PA 17545717-413-4283driving directions go towww. The Unlikely Beanfield Rifle
  • This bizarre physical configuration — the direct result of "Winnie's" vengeful cartological pen (for a full account of Matar's creation, see David Vremkin's magisterial history, Let's Put Iraq Here, and Lebanon Over Here: The Making of the Modern Middle East) — left King Tallulah, of the neighboring, landlocked country Wasabia, with no choice but to make a deal with the emir of Matar. Florence of Arabia (Part II)
  • He is flying back from Lebanon specially to commentate on events for radio.
  • On multiple charges of killing civilians, the detainees allege they were retaliating for what they called targeting of civilians by the United States and its ally Israel in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. Raw Story
  • Despite a couple of Hezbollah rocket launches, the cease - fire is holding in Israel and Lebanon.
  • In Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, Claudia Roden says falafel is made with a mixture of chickpeas and fava beans, while Israelis and Palestinians prefer it made only with chickpeas. Recipe: Falafel (Φαλάφελ ή Ρεβυθοκεφτέδες)
  • Yesterday, a planeload of ammunition landed in Lebanon from Kuwait, today from Egypt.
  • In Illinois, Circuit Judge Michael F. O'Brien told colleagues that he had not one but two Medals of Honor for valorous Navy service off the coast of Lebanon in 1958. Heroes or Villains?
  • The current situation in postwar and occupied Iraq reminded me a lot of Lebanon after the civil war ended.
  • New newspapers include Al Riazy al Jadeed, a sports weekly, and the Baghdad Bulletin, an English-language bimonthly launched by American college students studying in Lebanon.
  • By 1943 Lebanon’s precarious balance between Christians and Muslims and the quasidemocratic system that existed under Mount Lebanon’s autonomy while an Ottoman Caliphate ruled the rest of the region had helped shape a constitutional democracy with sectarian representation. The Coming Revolution
  • He spread his hand out along a longitude line, then used it to measure their distance to Lebanon. FLASH POINT
  • Hence, Lebanon is still in need of history and religion curricula capable of addressing Lebanon's plural needs.
  • But if the Israelis really do fear the loss of their deterrent from Lebanon — which is kind of chimerical; Israel is the regional superpower, and it says a lot that Hamas’s rockets are crude Qassams — then stopping now might play into the same psychodrama. Better Watch What You Say | ATTACKERMAN
  • About a third of the population in Lebanon once lived in these rolling hills.
  • The 130-million-year-old spider silk was found in fossilized amber from Lebanon.
  • Though an authentic political movement with a domestic agenda in Lebanon, it is also blatantly anti-Semitic.
  • Even if the compromise doesn't break a yearlong deadlock over political control of Lebanon, it does seem to mark an important shift in U.S. U.S. Seems to Soften Syria Stance
  • I recall avidly following the 2006 crisis in Lebanon through a variety of sources, none less interesting or credible because it was, say, Bill Doskoch: Media, BPS*, Film, Minutiae
  • Even a girl who was "streamlined Ivy, prepped from the cradle," needed not only a high school visit to Israel to give her the stuff of a winning essay but a visit that happened to occur (some kids are just born lucky) "during the invasion of Lebanon. Confessions of a Prep School College Counselor
  • Now, Lebanon's western backed, U. S.-backed prime minister, has called this nothing short of a coup. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2007
  • In 2005–2006, infant mortality among Palestine refugees ranged from 28 deaths per 100 000 live births in the Syrian Arab Republic to 19 in Lebanon.
  • Under the weight of massive, thunderous protests and growing international pressure, Damascus has pledged to withdraw its troops from Lebanon in line with the Taif Accords.
  • Rue, of course, is a holdover from Lebanon's time as a French protectorate.
  • Oh and Hizbollah has horded 10K rockets in north Lebanon. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • Here are paintings by the old masters and the new; rare furniture and marbles from Italian palaces; screens from Japan; jewels and rugs from the Orient; silk stockings, curios, china, bronzes, hats, furs; and again more curios, cabinets, statues, paintings; things rare and beautiful and exotic from every quarter of the globe, "from silken Samarcand to cedared Lebanon. Penguin Persons & Peppermints
  • All of this adds to recent speculation of increased posturing and counter-espionage ongoings between Israel and Hezbollah (along with the Lebanese intelligence services) involving the destruction of telecommunications towers in Southern Lebanon and the break-up of an Isreali spy ring earlier this year. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka Rebuffet: Weekly Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • The Syrian regime in Damascus wants to resume what it calls linking the negotiation tracks, particularly on the Lebanese-Syrian tracks, as this regime did when it controlled Lebanon. Raghida Dergham: Regional and International Conditions and Messages to Damascus
  • The formal head of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon was greeted with flowers.
  • The pale twilight fell, and enfolded us with unutterable tenderness, just revealing the glimmering snows of Lebanon, and leaving the glass of the sea just distinguishable from the air. Weatherwatch
  • The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree : he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
  • HMS Illustrious sent to Lebanon as Britons told: get ready to flee.
  • In an exclusive interview with NewsMax, the Lebanese-born Phares likens the current Hezbollah offensive in Lebanon to a "putsch" -- with the convoluted aims of reestablishing a pro-Syrian-Iranian regime in Lebanon, reconstructing a third wing to the Tehran-Damascus axis, reanimating the Arab-Israeli conflict, rejuvenating Syrian dominance, isolating Jordan, reaching out to Hamas, crumbling Iraq, and unleashing Iran's nuclear programs. Archive 2006-08-01
  • In the seventh century matters were further complicated when the Maronites, found chiefly in Mount Lebanon, also broke away from the Orthodox church and appointed their own patriarch.
  • BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF (voice-over): The somber aftermath of Lebanon's latest political assassination, the body of young cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel is carried through the streets of his Christian ancestral home outside Beirut. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2006
  • Thus, when in 2000 they withdrew from the security zone they had established in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah moved in, and then their withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 resulted in a takeover by Hamas — eventuating in both cases not in peace or even improved prospects for peace but in war and more war. How Obama's America Might Threaten Israel
  • There are also around one million Syrian workers in Lebanon - mainly in unskilled, low paid jobs.
  • State-run National News Agency said the blast could have been aimed at Ali Baraka, a member of the Palestinian Hamas movement in Lebanon.
  • These wide-ranging traders were especially known for trafficking in the cedars of Lebanon from the coastal mountains of their homeland and a rare purple dye derived from the murex shells of the Lebanese coast. Alexander the Great
  • After the First Crusade in 1096 AD set up Christian kingdoms all along the coast of Israel and Lebanon, of course the Fatimid caliphs who had ruled that area before were very upset.
  • There has also been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm.
  • BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF (voice over): On a main road from Beirut to south Lebanon there are very few signs of life. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2006
  • Thousands of Arab refugees fled to Lebanon and Jordan, and some were forcibly evicted.
  • Syria and Iran partner closely in arming and financing the main Arab groups fighting Israel — Hamas in the Palestinian territories and Hezbollah in Lebanon. U.S. Woos Syria in Mideast Peace Push
  • After the Ottoman Empire gained general control of the area in 1516, Lebanon continued to maintain a feudal system of rule by local chieftains.
  • The Gala, held at the Ritz-Carlton, will celebrate the work of Tomorrow's Youth Organization, highlighting successes from the past three years in Nablus and upcoming expansion to Lebanon and Cairo. Craig Newmark: Tomorrows Youth Organization events, kids & computers, West Bank
  • In 1982 during Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Naji al-Ali was an eyewitness to the terrifying massacre that took place in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra and Shatila.
  • U.S. academic Finkelstein meets top Hezbollah official in Lebanon The Volokh Conspiracy » Birnbaum on Human Rights Watch and Israel
  • The legitimate government of Lebanon has an interest in disarming and disbanding Hezbollah in conjunction with Israel. Think Progress » Israel agrees to 48-hour suspension
  • While the Connecticut River separates Hartford from the neighboring New Hampshire communities of Lebanon and Hanover, Hartford and Windsor County are linked economically to New Hampshire.
  • Throughout the sector, as in other areas of southern Lebanon, small mainly Shiite villages nestle in the valleys.
  • ‘The pressing concern of the moment is how to prevent Lebanon from tottering over the brink of the abyss,’ said the English-language Daily Star.
  • The first plane load of Americans to escape the fighting in Lebanon landed earlier today at the Baltimore Airport.
  • This book is a biography of one tree, a Douglas - fi r, but it could be any tree-an Australian eucalpytus, an Indian banyan, an English oak, an African baobab, a mahogany from the Amazon, or a cedar of Lebanon. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Lebanon established a unique political system in 1942, known as confessionalism, a power-sharing mechanism based on religious communities. [ - Articles related to 'Arab summit is political theatre'
  • His family had set out for Lebanon but landed in Syria because her shores were sandier, settling on the coast in Latakya. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • More than 600 of its terrorists are killed, command and control centers are taken, most if not all, their long-term launchers have been taken out, and I don't think that now, and this is the most important thing, they're very popular in Lebanon. CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2006
  • Hezbollah Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad banqueted together and discussed "the latest developments in the region, and Zionist threats against Lebanon and Syria," according to Lebanese Al-Manar television, in reference to Tel Aviv's saber rattling hinting at a fresh conflict with Hezbollah. Patrick Galey: Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad's Banquet of Defiance
  • In contrast to her previous greatness, her downfall is here, by a sudden transition, depicted under the image of a vessel foundering at sea. east wind -- blowing from Lebanon, the most violent wind in the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • (WMR) — Israeli expansionists, their intentions to take full control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and permanently keep the Golan Heights of Syria and expand into southern Lebanon already well known, also have their eyes on parts of Iraq considered part of a biblical “Greater Israel.” Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
  • But in Lebanon, especially in the villages, people still make it with bulgur, cracked parboiled wheat. Day of Honey
  • The Security Council gave new authority to Mr Mehlis, who returned on Monday to Lebanon amid tight security.
  • Rather, Hezbollah sprang from the resentment of Lebanon's long-oppressed Shiite population, and the bounteous backing of Iran. The Lessons of the Second Lebanon War
  • He added that the drug, also known as clopidogrel, is manufactured abroad and is brought into Lebanon illegally through China and Dubai. The Daily Star > News Feed
  • A number of upper-middle-class Christians are still undecided, Ahed Al Hendi, a Syrian political refugee currently working for in Washington, DC, told NOW Lebanon.
  • Instead, Bush gave Israel carte blanche to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon, allowing the indiscriminative mass killing of innocent men, women and children on both sides. Think Progress » 34 percent:
  • The overflights are a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which also calls for the dismantling and disarming of all militias in Lebanon. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I'm writing to express my embarrassment as a white person and outrage as a female with regard to the photo in today's paper of the sweet little Haitian girl, Dania, holding a very white 'trampy' looking Barbie doll," an e-mail from a concerned Mt. Lebanon reader said. - News
  • If you're going to visit Lebanon for more than two weeks, then it's necessary for you to obtain a visa. ` ayna yumkin ` an ` aHSul ` alaa ta'shiira li lubnaan? ay-nah yoom-keen ah ah-sool ah-lah tah-shee-rah lee loob-nan? Arabic for Dummies
  • Lebanon -- abounding in odoriferous trees (Ho 14: 5-7). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In Lebanon, we think, probably holed up with your old friends in that ratpack. The Sum of all Fears
  • In Pakistan, Indonesia, Lebanon, India, the USA and ten other countries, high school students who are active in our "Face to Faith" program will be connecting their classrooms by video-conference so they can learn from each other about their religions and their lives. Rahim Kanani: An Interview With Ruth Turner of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation
  • HENRY: Now, the secretary said that there would need to be what she called a robust international peacekeeping force at some point on the ground in Lebanon, but she also said she does not anticipate that there while be U.S. boots on the ground needed in that peacekeeping effort. CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2006
  • He was born and raised in Jaffa, but his family were forced to leave Palestine in 1948, and went to Lebanon. Global Voices in English » Palestine: Remembering Shafiq Al Hout
  • There are at least seventeen political parties - with many subdivisions - fighting each other in Lebanon.
  • Brass bands playing patriotic and national folk songs and Lebanon's national anthem were regularly drowned out by deafening chants from the crowd.
  • She received several awards for excellence in news reporting for her on-air reports from Lebanon.
  • Even after Ghazaleh and his men have retreated, Syria will continue to wield in-fluence in Lebanon through a network of political and military ties. THE SHADOW OF SYRIA
  • The only difference between his stonewalling of Lebanon and the way he let New Orleans drown is that he has put away the banjo this summer, at least in public view. Juan Cole on the Misnomer of "Islamic Fascism"

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