How To Use leaving In A Sentence
- Police are anxious to trace two men seen leaving the house just before 8am.
- You see that you're undershooting and so, leaving the throttle as is, you attempt to flatten your descent path by lifting the nose a bit - and you enter the region of reverse command.
- To avoid leaving the center posts in the permanent work, two rows of temporary posts were placed, as shown by Fig. 1, Plate LX, the center wall and skewback were built, and the posts were removed, as shown by Fig. 2, Plate LX, before placing the remainder of the lining. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
- Leaving London they went to Paris, where they passed a few days, but soon grew weary of the place; and Lord Chetwynde, feeling a kind of languor, which seemed to him like a premonition of disease, he decided to go to Germany. The Cryptogram A Novel
- I feel unwanted feel like leaving spreading lies can't help but feel lonelily you've damned me to hell once twice and again you're supposed to be my parents not just another person that hates me dead - alive Godhatesu Diary Entry
- Ann rather astonished me by saying how she wouldn't mind a plate of egg and chips prior to leaving for the dinner.
- After leaving West Point in 1915, Eisenhower quickly established himself as a proficient trainer of young recruits.
- He called the grooms, and we made ready, taking the horses out to where the folk of the archbishop waited in the sunny courtyard, and there leaving them. A King's Comrade A Story of Old Hereford
- The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.
- Instead of leaving, the fish crowded towards the back of the Redondo Beach marina and used all the oxygen in the water, marine experts have said. Millions of sardines die in Californian marina