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How To Use Leaven In A Sentence

  • John Malkovich's clever turn as the trainer Lucien Laurin leavens the earnest material. The Short List: A Guide to This Week's Arts and Entertainment
  • A reaction induced on the laboratory bench may, like yeast in inert dough, leaven the whole of mankind, lightening and lifting it to heights undreamed of by its ancestors. The Contribution of Creative Chemistry to the Humanities
  • Her name means happiness, but she is a widow with five children who makes ends meet by washing clothes for the neighbourhood and preparing injera, the unleavened bread prepared today as it was 1000 years ago.
  • He compares the rage of the people to a burning oven which the baker heats, until his dough is leavened and raised.
  • There is lots of humor to leaven the suspense, as Christie fans will expect, particularly in scenes where Poirot gets to trump suspects who have treated him dismissively.
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  • _bread_, whereas, when other leavening agents are used, the bread is referred to as _hot bread_, or _quick bread_, as is fully explained in another Section. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • It is an accomplished film that uses dark humor to leaven its serious topics.
  • Ministers are employed in leavening places, in leavening souls, with the gospel. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • His work is unusually accessible and leavened with kindly humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think he has a Napoleonic concept of himself and his company, an arrogance that derives from power and unalloyed success, with no leavening hard experience, no reverses.
  • Being in the world, the Christian acts within the culture as a leaven, trying to transform it by communicating to others the redemption brought by Christ.
  • Hot and cold dishes are served with side dishes of tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions, sulguni (a cheese), and puri (unleavened bread baked in an open brick oven).
  • Jr. wrote to Dennett, "I am in entire sympathy with the idea of leavening the loaf. EphBlog
  • Manning could be given up to three hours of recreation time and allowed to interact with Leavenworth's eight other pre-trial detainees. Pentagon to Transfer WikiLeaks Suspect to New Prison
  • The key chapters are a dense combination of doughty proposals and analysis, but Asher's choice of contributors leavens the mix. Shattered: Modern Motherhood and the Illusion of Equality by Rebecca Asher – review
  • Blini, to be authentic, should be made from a batter of buckwheat flour leavened with yeast, and further lightened with beaten egg white and whipped cream.
  • I made zucchini stuffed with ground matzos (unleavened breads) and a cake with ground matzos, nuts, fruit and chocolate.
  • Besides, they say dough will be leavened sooner in the full, for then, though the leaven is scarce proportioned to the meal, yet it rarefies and leavens the whole lump. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Dreams, memory and reality swap places, all leavened with dry humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • She invited neighbours and friends from nearby and others vacationing within reach, including a leavening of clients and business contacts. COMPULSION
  • A little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough.
  • Still, it was essentially agreeable entertainment with a wacky sense of humour leavened by slightly sobering grace notes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cod brandade, a dish that can have all sorts of creepy variations in Manhattan, was properly leavened with olive oil and whipped potatoes, and served with a basket of warm pita bread for dipping.
  • Detailed discussion is barely leavened by character or action; it's intensely demanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Four years before then, the parish was administered by the pastor in Leavenworth, 13 miles away.
  • The south facade is a curiously flat and blocky affair, only partly leavened by the awkward, two-bay, single-column upper arcade, the unsatisfactorily cinched lower entablature, the four eccentric little ground-floor windows, and the raised platform supporting it all. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Grim, but leavened with humour and humanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mixed with a little water and left to ferment on a flat stone in the sun and then baked this would make a chewy, unleavened bread. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • His detailed analysis is leavened by gag after gag.
  • Nowadays, the basic nan is a wheat-flour bread leavened with a starter of the sourdough kind, cooked in a clay tandoor.
  • Too little leavening will leave it flat and dense, while too much will cause the batter to overexpand and collapse into a coarse structure with a harsh flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense.
  • I wish all those kids were doing some kind of composition and improvisation as well, leavening their virtuosity with creativity.
  • The meal does not end until every person has had a piece of matzo, which is made of unleavened flour. The Frederick News-Post : Local News
  • It is none the worse for being lightly leavened with humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • But recurrent episodes of Carterism -- sentimentality about "dialogue" as the dissolver of differences, leavened by vanity about the power of one's personality -- waste time, which we are running short of. Jimmy Carter, Disappointed
  • With naturally leavened bread, the magic of bread baking - the leavening process - originates right here within the four walls of the bakery.
  • unleavened bread
  • Can you imagine going to Leavenworth and getting shtupped in the ass by some shvartze? American Tabloid
  • As war novels go, it's a departure from the norm, leavening the gruesome depictions of combat with jokes, proverbs and stories from the lives the soldiers left behind. The King's Rifle: Summary and book reviews of The King's Rifle by Biyi Bandele.
  • his sermons benefited from a leavening of humor
  • What emerges from that tainted oven will likely be a typical loaf of local politics leavened by big money.
  • Her default palette was austere, almost military plain, leavened with the occasional printed silk. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Argentina we do pork, chicken and fish accompanied by salad, potato salad, tomatoes, unleavened bread and beer and wine.
  • His braggadocio, then, is leavened with insecurity.
  • For one thing, it was unleavened bread, as yeast wasn't added to dough until the Egyptians accidentally dropped a few pieces into the mixture.
  • A 36-year-old Iraq war veteran is leading a revolution at the Veterans of Foreign Wars' post in the Kansas Army town of Leavenworth, recruiting younger vets and ex-servicewomen to what was traditionally considered an old man's drinking club. rss feed
  • And, really, if terrorists on the outside could help perform some jailbreak from a Supermax Prison or from Ft. Leavenworth, they could also commit a horrifying and staggering act of terrorism, and my bet is, given that capacity, they’d skip busting anybody out. Matthew Yglesias » Gitmo and NIMBY
  • And Carl’s grumpiness is leavened by his young sidekick and the great talking dog Doug. Jizzneyland: Photos from Erotica LA 2009
  • Havill's blond wig disguise as 'Brook' amusingly leavens his unfounded rage at being cuckolded. Rodney Punt: The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tours Santa Monica's Broad Stage
  • It was also leavened with a large slice of relief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ragi flour is made into the leavened pancakes called dosa and the thinner, unleavened roti.
  • His mood of deep pessimism cannot have been leavened by his mode of transport—a black cab.
  • That one got him convicted of stock fraud and sent to Leavenworth penitentiary for seven years.
  • Sometimes there was a wry little aside to leaven the mix, such as a comment about the unflattering effect of the fashionable ultra-short men’s coat on a middle-aged courtier of ample girth, or the tendency of a two-foot steeple hennin those tall cone-shaped head-dresses worn by great ladies at the time to poke people in the eye. Daughter of York, by Anne Easter Smith. Book review.
  • These ingredients have been used individually in the preparation of other yeast leavened dough products.
  • Luckily her grandma is a phone call away, and gave her the recipe for these Grandma's Toasted Butter Pecan Cookies, which Allison was surprised to discover have no egg or leavener. Round Up for Grandma's Recipes Event
  • Why does the Orthodox church use leavened bread and most Protestant fellowships use unleavened bread?
  • At the Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples this night, the pure unleavened bread was broken into quarter portions, and one portion, called the afikomen, was hidden away in a cloth and laid aside. Maundy Thursday: Mass and Priesthood
  • Between attacks of fusional folly, Mr. Malouf imparts a lot of practical information (e.g., cardamom is not only a versatile spice but an excellent digestive and breath freshener), often leavened with food lore (the best dried apricots in the world still come from Hunza, in Pakistani-occupied Kashmir). Gastronomy
  • The exclusion of leaven for seven days would not be attended with inconvenience in the East, where the usual leaven is dough kept till it becomes sour, and it is kept from one day to another for the purpose of preserving leaven in readiness. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They lived only on chapattis, a flat unleavened bread, for 15 years.
  • First, it forces our internal preoccupation with self to also accept the everyday perspective of others - their conversation leavens our perception of reality, so that we see the commonality in experience and reaction to things good and bad. Anodin - French Word-A-Day
  • The plant is althaea officinalis - it may have had a connection with the plant in a dim and distant English past, but these days it has none. matzah - aka matzo unleavened bread, basically a dry biscuit. Undefined
  • There is humour enough to leaven proceedings.
  • A little leaven of sin can gradually break down the spiritual barriers and invade the soul.
  • In drier parts of India, their staple diet consists of various unleavened breads, pulses, and vegetables.
  • The disciples, whose minds were occupied with their lack of provisions, the moment they heard the word leaven, thought of bread, concluded it must be because of its absence that he spoke of leaven, and imagined perhaps a warning against some danger of defilement from Unspoken Sermons Second Series
  • And although Douthat finds much to be concerned about, his sociological fretting is leavened with a deep affection for Harvard and the time he spent there. God and Man at Harvard
  • And here, unlike in his previous shows, there is not enough humour or anger to leaven the piece, which takes its own philosophical possibilities just a little too seriously.
  • The chairman leavened the dull meeting with a few jokes.
  • The trip marks the beginning of a new life for Mrs Cawley, of Leaventhorpe Lane.
  • The paratha turned out to be a type of Northern Indian bread, non-leavened just like nan, but made of wheat flour dough that's pan-fried into a thin, soft disc.
  • Though the recipe included in the book by Weaver calls for a sourdough mixture, I felt that a beer barm might be a good replication of the leavening agent.
  • Grains are ground into flour and made into unleavened bread (flat bread, without any ingredients to make it rise), which is baked in mud ovens.
  • The New Day show was primarily a talk show with a little music thrown in for leavening. T2©: RISING STORM
  • Allowing the yeast or other leavening agents to do their duty.
  • leavened bread
  • The word 'pizza', meaning a food item, is obviously identical to 'pitta' - flat unleavened Greek bread. LA PIZZA.
  • For even -- an additional reason, besides that in 1Co 5: 6, and a more cogent one for purging out every leaven of evil; namely, that Christ has been already sacrificed, whereas the old leaven is yet unremoved, which ought to have been long ago purged out. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It also means that dutch processed cocoa powder will not react with baking soda in the same way that non-alkalized cocoa powder does; there should be no additional leavening effect when using dutch process cocoa in a recipe that uses baking soda. What is Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder? | Baking Bites
  • Baker is another common English name and they were baking leavened wheaten loaves (raised with yeast) in brick ovens 1200 years ago, not so different to our own.
  • His sermons benefited from a leavening of humor.
  • His mood of deep pessimism cannot have been leavened by his mode of transport—a black cab.
  • From the Scots there was a split verdict, leavened with generous helpings of resignation.
  • Flour is made into unleavened bread called roti.
  • So he should have a note of kind of leavening here. CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2002
  • They could provide forlorn pullets, certainly from the same farmyard with the lean kine of Egypt, and to these they could add, what was much better left unadded, a villainous species of unleavened bread, a sort of hoecake, not at all improved -- precisely like the run of travelers -- by leaving home and wandering in the Orient. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
  • He leavens his vision of the human slaughterhouse with emotions, but these nearly always lead to impasse, or compromise.
  • Although what the abbot says must be done, without complaint (ch. 5), the abbot is adjured at some length to recall his answerability before God, his call to be the image of Christ in the monastery and to 'leaven' the minds of those under his care, and his duty to ignore apparent claims of status among the monks. 'Shaping Holy Lives', a Conference on Benedictine Spirituality
  • They had to get a leavening of bright sparks, but most of those were out of favour with Central Office. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • Havill's blond wig disguise as 'Brook' amusingly leavens his unfounded rage at being cuckolded. Rodney Punt: The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tours Santa Monica's Broad Stage
  • Still, it was essentially agreeable entertainment with a wacky sense of humour leavened by slightly sobering grace notes. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this was always leavened with an infectious humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • A variety of unleavened breads like naans, rotis, and parathas are also widely eaten.
  • He leavens the show's political urgency with big doses of humor as well as a theatrical flamboyance that undercuts the pathos and the politics.
  • He was transferred to the harsher conditions of Alcatraz for killing a prison guard at Leavenworth.
  • Their falling out is torrid and serious stuff, but the director's sense of playfulness leavens the tone.
  • Still, the choreography leavens the process with sudden ruptures in the pristine order.
  • yeast-leavened breads
  • If you're poor in this world, this is how you get your daily energy: a big pile of carbohydrates with a tiny amount of proteins, fats, spice or salt to leaven the stodge.
  • The disciples did not understand him as referring to their doctrine, because the word leaven was not often used among the Barnes New Testament Notes
  • Among the protected men his eye lit on Treleaven the hoveller, husband to Long Eliza, and Caius News from the Duchy
  • As it ages, natural leavened bread will retain its moisture and keep well without refrigeration, quite opposed from the yeasted bread that stales and dries out within hours after its baking.
  • But despite these several narrators and their widely differing stories, a kind of tonal monotony lies across the novel, which is devoid of the charming humor that leavened "The History of Love. Ron Charles reviews "Great House," by Nicole Krauss
  • I preferred this latter version -- note it is almost like a rolled thin shortbread as there is no leavener. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The incident is typical of this novel, in which all hope is leavened. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The standard diet of the Marathas consists of flat, unleavened bread with pulses and vegetables.
  • He honoured his brother, and leavened proceedings with wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Keep dreaming,’ he laughed, wincing and taking a bite of the unleavened bread drizzled with honey.
  • An extrusion method is used to obtain leavened dough products with desirable characteristics.
  • Her name means happiness, but she is a widow with five children who makes ends meet by washing clothes for the neighbourhood and preparing injera, the unleavened bread prepared today as it was 1000 years ago.
  • Over the last couple of years, Thomas Amrein and colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have shown that the culprit is the traditional leavening agent: not familiar baking soda or powders, but ammonium bicarbonate, which is sometimes called hartshorn because it was originally obtained by heating deer antlers.
  • Unleavened bread, called matzo, became a primary symbol of the Passover holiday, which marks the birth of Jews as a people. - News
  • The children of Israel left Egypt in a hurry and did not have time to leaven their bread.
  • A most villainous kind of bannock of unleavened mealie-meal and crushed oats, calculated to try the strongest teeth and trouble the toughest digestion, "Gold Pen" might have added. The Dop Doctor
  • The journal of Captain Cooke states that the battalion marched from Fort Leavenworth, which was then called a cantonment, and, strange to say, had been abandoned by the Third Infantry on account of its unhealthiness. The old Santa Fe trail The Story of a Great Highway
  • The Jews Jesus was speaking to would have viewed leavened bread as profane; it was unleavened bread that was sacred.
  • It is eaten in the form of flat, unleavened bread called chapatis or roti, together with spiced lentils and vegetables in season.
  • An atmospheric and dark story, leavened with humour in the narrative voice of Vincent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such unorthodox tactics incur the anger of Billy's traditionalist colleagues, most notably Philip Seymour Hoffman's head coach – a performance of mostly unleavened grumpiness, this, just as Robin Wright as Billy's estranged wife is simply supportive, and Kerris Dorsey as his 12-year-old daughter purely precocious. Moneyball – review
  • The classic Indian meal is a madcap, group event, with crispy bhajis to nibble before your tandoori arrives, and pillows of basmati rice to leaven the scorching lamb vindaloo when it gets too hot.
  • The senator's wife attempted a little leavening here, remarking that the Gearys weren't likely to be needing welfare any time soon. GALILEE
  • The wagon train pulled out of Leavenworth, all heavily freighted, each one carrying about six thousand pounds weight, and each also drawn by four yoke of oxen under charge of a driver, or "bullwhacker. Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure, Vol. I, No. 1. Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to Manhood
  • The amateur cannot usually rise into the artist, some leaven of the world still clogging him; and we find Pepys behaving like a pickthank to the man who taught him composition. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • In typical Tutu fashion - leavening painful moments with humour and lifting the spirit in joy - the archbishop had the congregation smiling while reflecting on the sacrifices Naude had made.
  • Its also used to bind mashed potatoes, which are then piped out and deep-fried, a preparation called pommes dauphine the choux paste leavens the croquettes; alternately, you can mix it with leftover mashed potatoes2/3 potato, 1/3 pte chouxform disks, flour them, and panfry for exquisitely light potato pancakes. Ratio
  • The Hebrew word ‘hametz’ is translated as leavened bread and refers to food prepared from five species of grain - wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye - that has been allowed to leaven.
  • well-leavened
  • The serpent, as a metaphor, was in practice as completely thirled to the indication of evil as leaven had been, but Jesus counselled his disciples to "be wise as serpents. The Parables of Our Lord
  • Usage: In food industry, it is used as leavening agent, dough regulator, buffer, modifier, solidification agent, nutritional supplement, chelate agent, flulty agent for bakery.
  • Because there can be no leavening products used during the holiday, matzo flour mush has the bran separated from the wheat because bran helps facilitate the leavening process.
  • It is marked by the eating of matzah, unleavened bread, and by the celebration of an elaborate Seder on the first two nights (in Israel, on the first night only).
  • Grim, but leavened with humour and humanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breakfast is a light meal consisting of fresh unleavened bread, tea, and perhaps butter, white (feta-style) cheese, and jam.
  • His mood of deep pessimism cannot have been leavened by his mode of transport—a black cab.
  • In certain dioceses in the Eastern united States, according to CNN this morning, they have cancelled the traditional Eucharistic Sacraments of partaking of the body and blood of Christ by passing around wine and unleavened bread as parishiners may contract swine flu from such intimate contact with the priest and all I can say is: Talk is Cheap
  • Fortunately, she has a sharp and tarry black humour, so while she attacks the objects of her wrath, she leavens the battle with a running current of dark and infectious wit.
  • Both games are full of nasty, sadistic violence, leavened just enough by irony and black humor to be tolerable.
  • Listen, for comparison, to an unleavened society: a low as of the udderful cow past milking hour! Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Yet a warm sense of humor leavens the heavy burdens. Photo-Op: The Phony Pages
  • A variety of unleavened breads like naans, rotis, and parathas are also widely eaten.
  • Apostle Paul also makes clear, saying: Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, and That ye may be unleavened, not having any leaven (for he calls leaven wickedness), but that ye may be a new dough. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • Imagine having to feed your entire family; children, parents, yourself, maybe eight or nine people, on a few slices of unleavened bread.
  • His style is nervous and original, not harassingly pointed like a chestnut-burr, but full of _esprit_ or wit diffused, -- that Gallic leaven which pervades whole sentences and paragraphs with an indefinable lightness and palatableness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • Jews are forbidden to have any chametz, which is literally any kind of grain mixed with leaven and allowed to swell up. Street Seders: Sacred Protest
  • In the Old Testament the feast of Pentecost (from the Greek word for “fiftieth”) was one of the three great pilgrimage festivals of Israel, a celebration of the spring harvest that took place fifty days after the offering of first fruits at Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Pentecost Sunday: The Church made manifest
  • The menu rotates daily, with three curry dishes as well as vegetarian fare, and what Indian course is complete without naan and other unleavened breads, hot from the oven?
  • His mood of deep pessimism cannot have been leavened by his mode of transport—a black cab.
  • In fact, the word focaccia in Italian does indicate both a savory flat bread and a sweet leavened cake. 2008 April « Baking History
  • Pleasure, of the cafe and cabaret and boulevard kind, the sort of thing that gave Berlin the aspect of the gayest capital in Europe within the last decade, that is the insidious leaven that will help to denationalise London. When William Came
  • Still, it was essentially agreeable entertainment with a wacky sense of humour leavened by slightly sobering grace notes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A book that makes you want to find an armchair and a glass of good Burgundy, this is a pacy, well researched history with plenty of human detail to leaven the science.
  • -- That but one man, and he with one leg, should have such ill power given him; his one sour word leavening into congenial sourness (as, to my knowledge, it did) the dispositions, before sweet enough, of a numerous company. The Confidence-Man
  • They baked their unrisen bread, which they had no time to leaven since they were rushed out of Egypt so quickly.
  • But this was always leavened with an infectious sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Facts are served up lucidly and leavened with wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • So he leavened justice with mercy, and, having dried her tears with his lips, he found himself in the same position as before, with a mad suspicion tattering through his brain that maybe he had been "diddled" again. Here are Ladies
  • Then somewhere - no one knows where - the tetraploids crossed with another species of wild grass to produce the bread wheats from which we make leavened bread today.
  • While a youth, he established an association with the Hoffman music company in Leavenworth, directed church choirs, sang with a quartette, and organized a ‘Pickaninny Band.’
  • This "pascha" must therefore have been the pagan "pascha," for the Jewish Pascha always came before the days of unleavened bread. Myblessedhome
  • By the way - if the batter is mixed for too long, the excess blending can cause the premature formation and escape of the carbon dioxide that is needed for leavening the pancakes.
  • After only five years of agitation, without abuse from us or any aggressive propagandism on our part, the leaven of this great truth has begun to work.
  • There is only one time when leavened bread was offered, to represent the thanksgiving of the people.
  • Perhaps one of the most unique tributes to that time is the practice of only eating unleavened bread, called matzo, for all eight days. WCAX - Local News
  • He has been giving his 25 - minute Harris monologue, leavened with humor, to enthusiastic audiences ever since.
  • But the circle doesn't allow room for notes on some finesse elements for these prepartions, such as mixing method, how much salt, what kind of leavening, possible variations. A Whole Lotta Nothing
  • The erudition is dexterously deployed, with a heartening leaven of demotic obscenity. Cassocks and Codpieces
  • When it came time to bake bread, a cup of this live culture would be added to the dough to provide the yeast needed to leaven the bread.
  • A few jokes add leaven to a boring speech.
  • His mood of deep pessimism cannot have been leavened by his mode of transport—a black cab.
  • Staple foods in Eritrea include kitcha, which is thin and unleavened and prepared from wheaten flour.
  • The smell of cooking meat is everywhere, as skewers, made to order, are thrown onto the searing plates to be cooked to perfection, while unleavened breads do their thing alongside.
  • Treleaven lasts the course, but he's an unmusical, inaccurate singer.
  • But you wish for more warmth, a heimish-je ne sais quoi quality in Jewish family life that is missing and necessary to make this batter leaven and rise. Regina Weinreich: Brighton Beach Memoirs
  • Astrology, Geography, and much else I forget, often leavened by profanity of bargemen at the dock. No-yes : Stephen Burt : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • It is none the worse for being lightly leavened with humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • So "leaven" is used of false doctrine (Mt 16: 12: compare Mt 13: 33). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We are not encouraging any use of these sites save the one stated purpose of identifying leavening agents.
  • There is a bit of sarcasm too that leavens the portrayal at times but it never veers to irreverence.
  • Feminist consciousness now leavens every relationship, every single social and professional encounter.
  • For the next two weeks the schedules will be Olympics wall-to-wall, so I'm guessing that come next Friday we will all be gagging for a bit of inspired fiction to leaven the diet of real-life heartbreak and triumph.
  • Somewhere, deep within Twister, is a searing portrayal of the disintegration of a family, leavened by quirky, oddball humor.
  • It could be argued that a little bit of humour does much to leaven the blandness of what passes for reporting and analysis in the press.
  • Her account – which moves from first love to married love, to adultery, families and friendship – is enlivened with personal anecdotes; this is the yeast that leavens the dough of information. All About Love: Anatomy of an Unruly Emotion by Lisa Appignanesi – review
  • The ensuing tale of innocence lost is inherently mawkish, but this is leavened by bracing humour and good performances. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was also leavened with a large slice of relief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another method of leavening is the use of whipped egg whites, which traps air in bubbles.
  • As the Jews were celebrating the feast of unleavened bread, which we call the Passover, it was customary for the priests to open the temple-gates just after midnight. Antiquities of the Jews
  • In 1053 this latter sent a letter to Bishop John of Tranum in Apulia, complaining of certain Latin customs, especially fasting on Saturday and the use of azyme (unleavened) bread for the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, and in the seventh day shall be a feast to The Lord.
  • But what we really noticed was the bombardment of aromas that almost overwhelmed us; recently brewed strong syrupy coffee, freshly baked unleavened bread and something else, something delicious.
  • Two types of unleavened Lebanese bread are khub, which resembles pita bread, and marqouq, which is paper-thin.
  • unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water
  • Eat nothing made with yeast . Wherever you live, you must eat unleavened bread.
  • Did the early Christian church continue to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
  • Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the passover. Luke 22.
  • _But_," he resumed, with renewed seriousness -- "_But ef Christians on'y knowed it_, dey kin put a _little leaven o 'solid Christianity_ in all de charity flour dey gi'es away, an' hit'll _leaven de whole lot_ so strong dat _too much water can't spile it_, nur _too much fire can't scorch it_, nur _too much fore-sight_ (ur whatever dis heah is de Moriah's Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches
  • Rustic humors punctuate and leaven the boxlike patterns of the plot, which gathers itself before each action as if for an aria.
  • They had no choice but to stay on in Asia, intermingling with the local peoples, and leavening Indian learning with Greek philosophy and classical ideas.

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