How To Use Leastways In A Sentence
If you can't get soup you can leastways get applesauce.
Pheasant Hunt
It ain't the SMILING JANE," said one of the seamen; "leastways," he added cautiously, "it wasn't when I came aboard.
Many Cargoes
You are here with us," saith Seth, puzzled at the boy's addressing him so familiarly; "but my name arn't Sam, leastways, not as I knows on.
Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
I knowed it was you, sir; leastways I knowed your legs an 'the set o' them shoulders, but -- with a barrer!
The Definite Object A Romance of New York
Damn, you can't use a bow'n'arrow out a car window, leastways not over eighty mile an hour.
The first one is a relatively stable area; leastways the changes are not very dynamic.
He was gentler than a woman — leastways, than the "girls" who used to live in some big buildin's across the way there where you see the warehouse now.
Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
He didn't tell it, Miss -- leastways, not until after them three others boarded us.
She is the experienced one, leastways that is what she is running on.
Obama campaign makes general election plans
'Nothing at all, Edie dear; leastways, that is, nothing to speak of,' said her mother, coming up from the shop hot and flurried from her desperate encounter with the redoubtable Miss Luttrell.
Now there's some o’ the swells as got plenty, - leastways it ought to be, - an’ yet they want more, an’ they ain't by no means partic'lar whether it's honest or not, the way they gits it.
There's sugar in toffee and in jam, and they're hot, leastways they're hot to be made.
Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story
They ain't done nothing more'n grunt, leastways not when I was around.
Leastways he'll be gone to see feyther, and he'll need comfort most on all, in a fremd place -- in Bridewell -- and niver a morsel of victual or a piece o 'money.'
Sylvia's Lovers — Complete
`Nobody killed round here -- leastways, not tonight and not yet," Sam commented.
But there was no storm, leastways not any rain storm to speak of, and the hunt sucked.
Pheasant Hunt
Leastways in New Zealand a jumper is a warm, often woolly garment worn over the torso by either gender to stay warm
FODDER • by Paul Graham
I am NOT an interfering busybody - leastways I can keep my trap firmly shut on any conundrum I don't know about.
Which is a bad thing, cause I always liked Lou and nobody likes a thief, leastways one that's low enough to steal from another carny.
Think being nobody's easy? Try it with the lights out.
Gibson got some money, but like Brando in The Waterfront, he coulda been a contender, and wasn't, leastways not for his first novel.
Archive 2010-02-01
It isn't cheap to get there, leastways not at this time of year.
In the meantime, you just rest up and think about what things you want to pack, because we'll just about have to set up housekeeping on your stuff -- leastways, the front part of the house.
Chapter XXIII