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least squares

  1. a method of fitting a curve to data points so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances of the points from the curve

How To Use least squares In A Sentence

  • The solid line depicts the normal least squares regression line.
  • The equations were also estimated with ordinary least squares regression, and very similar results were obtained.
  • Regression through the origin with phylogenetically independent contrasts … which is equivalent to phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analysis, accounts for the nonindependence of species and indicates no overall evolutionary relationship between the traits … The apparent pattern across species was driven by positively correlated trait change only at the basal split of the phylogeny; throughout the rest of the phylogeny, the traits mostly changed in opposite directions (A; basal contrast in red) …. Discover Blogs
  • The conventional approach to such questions is to use ordinary least squares regression methods, which are often unsatisfactory.
  • This paper considers the classification compression principal component estimate of regression coefficient in growth curve model and proves that it is superior to least squares estimate.
  • The conventional approach to such questions is to use ordinary least squares regression methods, which are often unsatisfactory.
  • In nickel corrin, the distortion is small but very regular and tetrahedral in character in relation to the nickel atom; alternate nitrogen atoms, bonded to it, lie above and below the least squares plane passing through the nickel and four nitrogen atoms. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • Cotes discovered an important theorem on the nth roots of unity, anticipated the method of least squares and discovered a method of integrating rational fractions with binomial denominators.
  • HEM is built up with projects history data by statistic regression analysis and the least squares.
  • Differences in consumers 'credit knowledge using OLS and quantile regressions. (ordinary least squares): An article from: Journal of Consumer Affairs by Angela C. Lyons OpEdNews - Quicklink: Banks fight to kill proposed consumer protection agency
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