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[ US /ˈɫis/ ]
[ UK /lˈiːs/ ]
  1. engage for service under a term of contract
    Let's rent a car
    We took an apartment on a quiet street
    Shall we take a guide in Rome?
  2. hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
  3. grant use or occupation of under a term of contract
    I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners
  4. let for money
    We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad
  1. a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified time for a specified payment
  2. property that is leased or rented out or let
  3. the period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect

How To Use lease In A Sentence

  • The defendant was released on bail until his trial next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anybody who has ever been on a North Queensland pastoral lease knows that you can go 20, 30, 40 miles day after day and all you will see is a few brumbies and some wild pigs; you will not see any cattle anywhere.
  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • I had to join this long queue, that snaked around a couple of times, and as each person left, a disembodied voice said, ‘Cashier number seven, please!’
  • Certain animations are still a bit hitchy, especially involving Mayer's car, but there's still time to resolve those before release.
  • A steady stream of self-released mix tapes and videos - all adhering to the group's cartoonishly horrifying aesthetic, all a bit more deranged than the rest - increased the buzz and kept the conversation going. In concert: OFWGKTA at U Street Music Hall
  • During 1901-02, a shop was built on what became Part Three of Lot 245, which was leased to fruiterer Albert Blencoe.
  • Although I was already a fan of both authors, it was this curious title overlap that led me to snatch these two off the New Releases table at my local bookstore. Romi Lassally: My Literary Indiscretions
  • He made a steady improvement and was released within 10 days of admission.
  • Please be assured that eHarmony uses robust security measures, including password hashing and data encryption, to protect our members' personal information. Top Stories
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