How To Use Leander In A Sentence

  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • This leads directly to the garden room with its thriving oleander, banana plant and mature vine.
  • Dr Leander Starr Jameson led a group of over 500 men with the intention of taking control of the town, but was met and overpowered by the burghers in Krugersdorp, 30 kilometres north west of the town.
  • And some plants are toxic to goats including ornamentals such as azaleas, oleanders and rhododendrons. Free-Range Landscaping
  • The literary equivalent of a chick flick, Oleander details one girl's attempts to come to terms with her mother while also surviving the cold and largely indifferent world of foster care.
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  • Tropic growths, which I will venture to call myrtle, oleander, laurel, and eucalyptus, environed the hotel, not too closely nor densely, and our increasing party was presently discovered from the head of its steps by a hospitable matron, who with a cry of comprehensive welcome ran within and was replaced by a head-waiter of as friendly aspect and much more English. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • It was made up of white oleanders and pink roses lined with small chrysanthemums tied together with a single satin ribbon.
  • Here we can gaze upon the green from the pine-wood and fields, the grey from the granite and schist, the live colours from the genistas, the heathers, the shrubs and the oleanders.
  • Last month Bhupathi and Mirnyi had lost the title clash of the Miami event to Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy. The Times of India
  • Also racing in today's finals will be Scotland's Olympic silver medallist Katherine Grainger, who along with her Marlow and Leander crewmates, won the women's quadruple sculls yesterday.
  • Both adults and larvae live on plants frequented by aphids, including roses, oleander, milkweed and broccoli.
  • The new property was tucked into a curve of the road, the narrow front yard closed off by white oleander and a six-foot iron fence. Beyond the Curve
  • Founders Ernst Malmsten and Kajsa Leander begin spending their venture capital booty.
  • ‘We get deliveries for his restaurant arriving in our restaurant,’ said Leander.
  • Many of his imports - including hibiscus, azalea, cassia, magnolia, oleander, croton and jasmine - permanently altered the Jamaican scene.
  • Drought-tolerant once established, oleanders tolerate the alkaline, sandy soils in Galveston, as well as the heavier soils here.
  • Between the ruins grew cypresses and oleanders, hibiscus, myrtle and wild roses.
  • Mrs. Leander went on in her hoarse voice, one that tells of her motherhood.
  • We wanted boo to be something extraordinary, fantastic and very, very different," recalls Leander over a simple risotto lunch in London. Hitting The Wall At Boo
  • When he did end up in the right place, he could go and look from his windows to see orange trees, oleanders and a jacaranda across the lawns and below.
  • Amid the pink-hued beaches, the hidden coves, coral reefs and the heavy, perfumed scent of freesias and oleander, one also finds the sort of bustling restaurants, wine bars, corporate hotels and golf courses one would expect from an island that boasts the headquarters of companies such as Bacardi Ltd. and insurance brokers Hiscox Ltd. Losing Oneself in Bermuda
  • Leander wrote intelligent pieces for a broadsheet under a male pseudonym.
  • A number of herbs including oleander, adonis, black Indian hemp, black hellebore, lily-of-the-valley, squill, and strophanthus contain an active cardiac glycoside that can potentiate digoxin.
  • Often cuttings of hard-wooded plants, such as oleander, are rooted in plain water, in wide-mouthed bottles hung in a warm place in the sun, the water being frequently renewed or kept fresh with a lump or so of charcoal. Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
  • I moved 3-year-old oleanders to a full-sun location from a too-shady spot.
  • The shelled serpentine walks were bordered with low, closely clipped cassina hedges; clusters of white and rose oleander, scarlet geraniums, roses of countless variety, beds of verbena of every hue, and patches of brilliant annuals, all looked up smilingly at him. Beulah
  • Farther off, just below where the fountain slipped away from its marble hall and guardian gods, arose, from their beds of moss and drosera and darkest grass, the sisterhood of oleanders, fond of tantalizing with their bosomed flowers and their moist and pouting blossoms the little shy rivulet, and of covering its face with all the colours of the dawn. Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection
  • Many of his imports - including hibiscus, azalea, cassia, magnolia, oleander, croton and jasmine - permanently altered the Jamaican scene.
  • Ilexes and oleanders line the roadside; tall yellow mulleins and apricot hollyhocks spring up in the screes above.
  • Yellow butterflies flit from golden lantana bushes to the pink and white oleander blooms.
  • Between the ruins grew cypresses and oleanders, hibiscus, myrtle and wild roses.
  • The evidence of Mr. Andersson and Mr. Leander was that sailing the Yacht with the existing rig and an unmodified keel was not unsafe.
  • Near them was a small "motte" of the _Nerium oleander_, a shrub about twelve feet high, loaded with beautiful blossoms. The Giraffe Hunters
  • Christopher Marlowe's epic poem Hero and Leander, which is based on an ancient Greek myth, says more about the customs of contemporary England than of the ancient Greeks.
  • And when mixed doubles partner Leander Paes of India fell ill with a potentially life-threatening brain ailment before the U.S. - Tennis legend ages in style
  • In retaliation, she poisoned the birthday cake of his nine-year-old daughter by adulterating the batter with juice from oleander leaves.
  • Through the mature olive trees, pots of pelargoniums, and beds of oleander, roses and lavender, you can glimpse water features, the swimming pool or the dazzling white house with its sculptural chimney and indigo blue trim.
  • Now, it was midsummer: the tubbed oleanders, everywhere set out, were masses of intolerable red sweetness. Two Tales of Old Strasbourg
  • But now he no longer came, and Judith, for all her deliberate flow of spirits, did not quite convince the watchful eyes of Leander’s lady — the postmistress was a trifle too cheerful. Judith of the Plains
  • Enormous oleanders with white flowers lined the generous-sized backyard, providing unexpected privacy to such a large plot of open ground.
  • Palms, ancient olives, oleanders, plus white walls and a bunch of tall palm trees lend this 15 th-century masseria a Moorish air.
  • Likewise, the center says certain plants are fatal if eaten, including azalea, oleander, sago palm and yew.
  • Do you have access to lily of the valley, oleander, yew, monkshood, hemlock? NAKED EMPIRE
  • In older parts of town, the canals are screened off from yards and businesses by the equally impenetrable walls of giant oleanders.
  • And it could in fact be splendid -- an old building atop a series of cypress - and oleander-planted terraces cantilevering down to the sea. Escape To The Balkans
  • When he did end up in the right place, he could go and look from his windows to see orange trees, oleanders and a jacaranda across the lawns and below.
  • The Saharomontane vegetation of the higher elevations supports the endemic Ficus teloukat, which grows on the south and southwestern slopes, Myrtus nivellei and Nerium oleander on the western slopes, and Tamarix ` gallica nilotica and Nerium oleander on the wetter northern slopes. Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
  • The White Oleander lensman is courting British actors Grint and Pattinson for the lead role, as well as Pride and Prejudice star Rupert Friend, according to a report from London’s Daily Star. Robert Pattinson Uma Thurman Sex Scene “Bel Ami”
  • It is built in the style of an ancient Greek palace and bougainvillea and oleander line the flagstone paths to the villas. The Sun
  • The first mistake was to choose indoor carpet, a fast surface, that suited Leander's serve and volley game.
  • The lives of everyone involved are unraveled: from Carlin Leander, the fifteen-year-old girl who is as loyal as she is proud, to Betsy Chase, a woman running from her own destiny; from August Pierce, a boy who unexpectedly finds courage in his darkest hour, to Abel Grey, the police officer who refuses to let unspeakable actions -- both past and present -- slide by without notice. The River King: Summary and book reviews of The River King by Alice Hoffman.
  • The improbable tale of Hero and Leander is exposed by M. Mahudel, but is defended on the authority of poets and medals by M. de la Nauze. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The microbe occurs in many forms, or strains, that sicken other plants, including almond, peach, plum, and oleander.
  • It has several gnarled trees, cactuses, oleanders, a crazy arrangement of pot plants, various graveside paraphernalia such as urns and framed photographs, and a rickety set of narrow pathways.
  • But if they ate poisonous plants, such as oleander, they could become very sick. 911
  • I like a lot of white, and I have a couple of small white oleanders and a white butterfly bush.
  • Dad had looked so lost when he joined our group at my sister's front gate on Monday, when Sue was talking to Alison about the oleanders which grow and flower so fully in the summer.
  • The accompanying scrub consists of Mediterranean mezereons, bush germanders, kermes oaks, sarsaparillas, lentisks, oleanders, strawberry trees, myrtles and junipers.
  • Olea fragrans oleander oleaster onion opuntia orange, culture of Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Thankfully, I got an email from one of the guys in Leander last night pointing me to this song. Not from Texas* (Music (For Robots))
  • The olives and myrtles with Nerium oleander which is common, grow at the bottom of wadis or beside gueltas. Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Algeria
  • Many other plants are also known to produce cutaneous irritation in certain subjects; among these may be mentioned the nettle, primrose, cowhage, smartweed, balm of Gilead, oleander, and rue. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • They include such diverse plants as the frangipanni, the Mandeville group, eg, Brazilian jasmine, oleanders, wintersweet and the Vinca family, including the periwinkle.
  • These include species of Fagaceae, in particular Quercus ilex, which is found only in the Northern Waziristan, Koh-i-Safed, and Chitral foothills, as well as east oleander (Nerium), tropical adhatoda, and Fraxinus xanthoxyloides. Sulaiman Range alpine meadows
  • It has a wonderful courtyard, with walnut trees, pomegranate, vine, bamboo, oleander and roses.
  • Its white walls were lined with pink oleanders.
  • Worse, it's a prodigious eater, feeding on a variety of plants including oleanders, alfalfa, and almond trees.
  • Why have the leaves and stems on my oleander gone brown and rotted? The Sun
  • My novelist friend Janet Fitch (White Oleander, Paint It Black), herself a literary explicator and connoisseur of female “badness,” was inspired to invoke those bad old days the other evening. On Being a Bad Mother
  • How are Carlin Leander and August Pierce different from the other students at the Haddan School? The River King by Alice Hoffman: Questions
  • When the neighbor on the other side mentioned she was thinking of pulling out an oleander, they gasped—but relaxed when she said she might replace it with a citrus tree. A New Addition
  • “Is not your name Leander, (said the amazed hermit) “and have I the happiness to meet with and entertain the youth whom I so dearly loved?” The Inhuman Stepmother, or the History of Miss Harriot Montague
  • Abutilons; agapanthus; alstremeria; amaryllis; anemone; aralia; araucaria; auricula; azaleas; begonias; cactus; caladium; calceolaria; calla; camellias; cannas; carnations; century plants; chrysanthemums; cineraria; clematis; coleus; crocus; croton; cyclamen; dahlia; ferns; freesia; fuchsia; geranium; gladiolus; gloxinia; grevillea; hollyhocks; hyacinths; iris; lily; lily-of-the-valley; mignonette; moon-flowers; narcissus; oleander; oxalis; palms; pandanus; pansy; pelargonium; peony; phlox; primulas; rhododendrons; rose; smilax; stocks; sweet pea; swainsona; tuberose; tulips; violet; wax plant. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Leander Rowing club president Mark Lindstrom inspects the smashed and mangled riggers stolen from rowing boats recently after a regatta on the Buffalo River.
  • The gardens emphasize native plants, perennials and trees, with accents provided by soft hues of roses, oleander, rhododendrons, agapanthus and more.
  • Ilexes and oleanders line the roadside; tall yellow mulleins and apricot hollyhocks spring up in the screes above.
  • Both Abe and Carlin Leander feel guilty for the death of someone close to them -- in Abe's case, his brother Frank, and in Carlin's case, Gus Pierce. The River King by Alice Hoffman: Questions
  • Plants such as Lily of the Valley, foxglove, oleander and azalea are very toxic, says Dr. Muller, who suggests labeling all houseplants and keeping a close eye on children when outdoors. Children Act Fast...So Do Poisons!
  • The ingestion of azalea, oleander, castor bean, sago palm, Easter lily (in cats, only) or yew plant material by an animal can be fatal.
  • I have a friend that lives in Leander, about 45 min from there. Houseproud
  • Banks of white arum lilies and the blue globes of agapanthus lined the Levada do Norte, along with oleander bushes in full bloom.
  • Blue stars are related to dogbanes, oleander, and periwinkles, and produce a similarly milky sap which can be messy.
  • Banks of white arum lilies and the blue globes of agapanthus lined the Levada do Norte, along with oleander bushes in full bloom.
  • Midnight had arrived, but Leander still hadn't figured out the riddle.
  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • Kyd has left nothing, and Peele little, but drama; while beautiful as Marlowe's _Hero and Leander_ is, I do not quite understand how any one can prefer it to the faultier but far more original dramas of its author. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • Soon after noon we were in the _Wadi Nemela_, through which we travelled for nearly two hours, -- a scene of broken rocks on each side, and the intermediate space with a profusion of oleander, ret'm and 'arar, all in flower, some of the latter having trunks of ten feet in circumference. Byeways in Palestine
  • Leander Kahney, editor of the "Cult of Mac" blog, said Apple devotees hate being called "cultish. Living by the Book of Apple
  • Palms, ancient olives, oleanders, plus white walls and a bunch of tall palm trees lend this 15 th-century masseria a Moorish air.
  • Here are the magnolia, the laurel, the Japanese medlar, the oleander, the pepper, the bay, the date-palm, a tree called the plumbago, another from the Cape of Good The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • What others called shrewdness she, remembering his Grandfather Barclay, knew might grow into blind, cruel greed, and when she thought of his voice and his curly hair, and recalled Uncle Leander, the curly-headed, singing ne'er-do-well of her family, and then in the boy's hardening mouth and his canine jaw saw A Certain Rich Man
  • The ingestion of azalea, oleander, castor bean, sago palm, Easter lily (in cats, only) or yew plant material by an animal can be fatal.
  • Within the park, visitors can meet some unique trees and plants such as, per example, oaks, cedars, oleanders, arbutus, and the Alpine lily lilium cholcedonium.
  • Did she get on Leander's nerves, or was that what they called wishful thinking on her part? Consultant Care
  • I have four large oleanders planted on the north side of my house; they are partially shaded by a large tree.
  • He would stare dumfounded at the erudite personage at the head of the class; Leander's bare feet were always carefully adjusted to a crack between the puncheons of the floor, literally "toeing the mark"; his broad trousers, frayed out liberally at the hem, revealed his skinny and scarred little ankles, for his out-door adventures were not without a record upon the more impressionable portions of his anatomy; his waistband was drawn high up under his shoulder-blades and his ribs, and girt over the shoulders of his unbleached cotton shirt by braces, which all his learning did not prevent him from calling "galluses"; his cut, scratched, calloused hands were held stiffly down at the side seams in his nether garments in strict accordance with the regulations. The Moonshiners At Hoho-Hebee Falls 1895
  • Sherborn of Darkmoon and Leander Morven, and others, were frozen like snow hares, watching them, listening. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Upon a crag that jutted over a silent hollow, covered with oleander and arbute and here and there the wild rose, the young lover sat down, waiting patiently; for the eyes of Percalus had told him he should not wait in vain. Pausanias, the Spartan The Haunted and the Haunters, an Unfinished Historical Romance
  • The oleanders have grown tall and spindly, and they have few blooms.
  • The cabin is in a beautiful part of the northern Minnesota woods overlooking Lake Leander, where there is the subtle aroma of pine.
  • Plants such as Lily of the Valley, foxglove, oleander and azalea are very toxic, says Dr. Muller, who suggests labeling all houseplants and keeping a close eye on children when outdoors. Children Act Fast...So Do Poisons!
  • You will notice the green fields and woods, the gray of the granite, the bright colours of the heathers, genistas, oleanders or brooms and ancient small and picturesque villages.
  • Another reason White Oleander makes for painful reading is that Astrid is subjected to a horrific series of abuses at the foster homes she is placed in.
  • Two weeks after I planted Mexican oleanders, we had Christmas snow and a freeze.
  • Leander huddled on the barrel that was farthest from Mrs. Yellett, and wrapped himself in the soaked red bedquilt. Judith of the Plains
  • They came to a small square, where pink oleander blooms surrounded a pillared stump of antiquity. COUP D'ETAT
  • ` Leander, what would you ask to repair me old grandfather clock that's'ere in me kitchen the'undred years past. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • It may be quite tempting to turn your back on mankind behind hedges of bougainvillea, oleander, or myrtle.
  • It was made up of white oleanders and pink roses lined with small chrysanthemums tied together with a single satin ribbon.
  • Almost every major character Carlin Leander, Abel Grey, Betsy Chase, Dr. Howe is forced at some point to deal with the death of someone close to them in THE RIVER KING. The River King by Alice Hoffman: Questions
  • Some years ago we brought a red oleander back from northern Italy. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at the back of the courtyard, hibiscus and oleander were blossoming, pink and white flowers looking out over a sea of gray. Day of Honey
  • Between the ruins grew cypresses and oleanders, hibiscus, myrtle and wild roses.
  • Ornamental specimens such as cordylines, duranta, gardenias, grevilleas, hibiscus, ixora and oleander should be gently contained within reasonable bounds during their flowering periods, and given a harder prune later in the season.
  • Mahesh Bhupathi and Leander Paes hold up the trophy after winning the doubles final at the Tennis Masters Series in Toronto on Sunday.
  • It may be quite tempting to turn your back on mankind behind hedges of bougainvillea, oleander, or myrtle.
  • Between the ruins grew cypresses and oleanders, hibiscus, myrtle and wild roses.
  • She refused to be hurried, turning slowly to survey the rich green lawns, perfectly-trimmed hedges, tastefully-landscaped gardens rife with purple bougainvillea and pink oleanders.
  • Many of his imports - including hibiscus, azalea, cassia, magnolia, oleander, croton and jasmine - permanently altered the Jamaican scene.
  • The gardens emphasize native plants, perennials and trees, with accents provided by soft hues of roses, oleander, rhododendrons, agapanthus and more.
  • Also avoid sago palm and other members of the cycad family as well as mushrooms, rhododendrons, azaleas, lilies of the valley, oleanders, rosebays, foxgloves and kalanchoe. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The oleanders have grown tall and spindly, and they have few blooms.
  • He remembered the odor of those rooms, a sultry mixture of cinnamon and spices, kef and coffee, warm black hair and female musk, the scent of rose and jasmine, mingling with the fragrance of vanilla that wafted in from the tubs of white oleanders that stood on the turquoise-patterned tiles of the central courtyard. Lace
  • Take for example the important sheet from Edinburgh that shows a Drowning of Leander on the recto and The Battle of the Amazons on the verso.
  • That night we slid into Tomb Bay, where Lycian rock tombs glare over a sheltered bight and cicadas yell from oleanders.
  • Note—Louis has nearly completed the Orangerie—orange, oleander, pomegranate, and palm trees. Exit the Actress
  • Everything except the bougainvillea and oleander was edible. Day of Honey

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