How To Use Leaker In A Sentence

  • Bush "authorizes" this leak at a time that he is claiming that if he ever finds the leaker, he will basically fire him, meaning himself. OpEdNews - Quicklink: On Monday, Bush Admitted That he Lied About Leaking a Lie to Smear Someone Who Revealed the Truth About His Lying
  • This grandma is entering her autumn years, too, but her horizon is bleaker. Michelle Chen: How the Global "Gray Wave" Crashes Through Closed Borders
  • But it warns the outlook this year is much bleaker, particularly in retailing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They'll insist that the "leakers" were Democrats who must have known something and were sitting on the information to use as an October surprise. Greg Saunders: "Playing Politics" With Predatorgate
  • The ACLU has taken the position (and I am sure it will soon be echoed around the left wng of the blogosphere) that the leakers are heroes and whistleblowers. Balloon Juice » 2005 » December
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  • the president wanted to know who the leakers were
  • Not least because it comes at a time when the outlook for recruiters has rarely looked bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • His chances of career survival are made bleaker by his transparent and clumsy attempts to turn himself into the victim.
  • But here, too, recent analysis presents a bleaker picture than that of the traditional liberal view.
  • At the same time, despite the fact that the leakers are presumably privy to some or all of the grand jury testimony so far, they're either unable or unwilling to provide any genuinely juicy leaks.
  • But a critical piece of the puzzle is not being addressed: what are the motivations of the leakers?
  • You would think that the hero blinding himself in self-punishment would be the low point of tragedy, but the story just gets bleaker.
  • It looked even bleaker when Steve bought in six summer signings and he was farmed out to Sunderland on loan.
  • Florence but watch our for him in Wynn’s Hotel; theer’s his bow and wheer’s his leaker and heer lays his bequiet hearse, deep; Swed Albiony, likeliest villain of the place; Hennery Can-terel — Cockran, eggotisters, limitated; we take our tays and frees our fleas round sadurn’s mounted foot; built the Lund’s kirk and destroyed the church’s land; who guesse his title grabs his deeds; fletch and prities, fash and chaps; artful Juke of Wilysly; Finnegans Wake
  • Certainly he was capable of spotting a leak from his own team and instead of plugging it, feeding the leaker disinformation. THE ONLY GAME
  • Slowly he followed it with his eyes, winding in wide sweeps among the bleak, bare hills, bleaker and barer and lower-lying than any hills he had yet encountered. LOVE OF LIFE
  • They may use such information to write exclusive stories, but the ‘leaker’ may mislead reporters.
  • After my Apple news site, Think Secret, published details of Apple's Mac mini two weeks before the product was officially announced, the company sued me in an attempt to ferret out the leaker.
  • For young men who experience feelings of despair the outlook is bleaker.
  • In this, more likely, situation, the terminology changes: The sources are no longer "leakers" but "whistleblowers. Geoffrey R. Stone: Bush's NSA Surveillance Program: What Happens Now?
  • With each passing second, his expression grew bleaker, more haunted, hollow. Sweet Dalliance
  • Having vilified their own internal critics as "leakers," ACLU leaders risk incurring charges of hypocrisy if they now try to defend leaks and publication of leaked information about the Bush administration's arguably illegal activities. Wendy Kaminer: How the ACLU Lost its Bearings
  • By the end of the week the prospect was even bleaker.
  • Here's a follow-up question I wish one of the elect would ask the designated White House leakers.
  • On the south coast among the six anchorages, the reports are even bleaker.
  • Britain is cursed with equally bleak towns, and even bleaker suburbs, from the ‘grey box’ blight that peppers the stunning Highlands to city corners that even rats wouldn't loiter in after dark.
  • The CD is a more personal affair, deep cogitative blues mingling with the bleaker registers.
  • With Makoto now on the defensive and Inoue treated as a plaything, the entire situation looked grim for the entire village and even bleaker for the two defenders.
  • What the health of the Republic requires, in other words, may not be a new crop of leakers and whistleblowers, or a fresh young generation of Woodwards and Bernsteins - or even a more independent, aggressive media.
  • This is to ignore the fact that it tends to be much more demanding and much bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • It conjures up an even bleaker, but nonetheless beautiful landscape of rusted metal and sand, some figures gamboling just over the shore line towards a stunning sky of moody cumulous.
  • Historically, many leakers have not been saintly people leak for all kinds of reasons.
  • It could have shared the owner's adventures and vicissitudes, occupied his leisure hours, cheered his bleaker moments.
  • In my experience, most leakers, even of highly classified material, are motivated by surprisingly petty interests – things like spite, flattery, and a desire to win intramural debates by other means. The Volokh Conspiracy » End of an era?
  • Several patriotic truth tellers (aka leakers) told The Washington Post of the NIE's main judgments. Wake Up! The Next War Is Coming
  • But if the reporter doesn't make that call, the leaker gets the story the leaker wants, unmolested by thorough reporting.
  • The next cluster of ugly barracks surrounded by barbed wire would be even bleaker because it was unfamiliar.
  • At that time, there were a number of beautiful condos on the Inner Harbor of Victoria that were termed, "leakers". How Far Will The Strong Canadian Dollar Go in Mexico Today?
  • This is a badly needed feelgood show for a bleaker than usual midwinter season. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is ironic that the ACLU is decrying and seeking to hunt out and discipline "leakers," directors who they assail as "enemies within. Michael Meyers: Speech Rules Mar ACLU's Ideals
  • Jefferson was also one of the first "leakers" in the federal government, covertly slipping compromising state documents to journalist Philip Freneau, who was a chief correspondent for the Gazette. Joshua Schoen: Two Generations
  • You can be damn sure that those "leakers" or "whistle-blowers" wanted protection. Rod Lurie: "Nothing But the Truth" About the Federal Shield Law
  • This is to ignore the fact that it tends to be much more demanding and much bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1986, when the Commonwealth Games were last hosted in Britain, Edinburgh endured a fortnight of stormy skies and an even bleaker financial legacy.
  • Governor David Paterson indicated in a radio interview Tuesday that Bass Pro's future in Buffalo may be a bit "bleaker" given the current economic climate. Undefined
  • The defense also wants jurors to know that Rajaratnam can't be a "tippee" -- that is, the recipient of inside information -- unless prosecutors prove that he knew the leaker had violated a confidential relationship with the company and had "personally benefitted in some way. -- Top News
  • There is evidence that there were unquantified problems with ‘leakers’ which were bags of milk which leaked.
  • Not least because it comes at a time when the outlook for recruiters has rarely looked bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • He found no direct evidence to identify a leaker.
  • Our changing cultural climate has replaced the traditional image of boys with a bleaker and more depressing picture.
  • This is to ignore the fact that it tends to be much more demanding and much bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Armed with that thought as the economic news gets bleaker by the day, a new kind of survivalism is gaining ground in our country, making the Y2K scare of a decade ago seem like a child's game. News from
  • While the first half is largely a shallow, knockabout comedy, the latter part is far bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly he was capable of spotting a leak from his own team and instead of plugging it, feeding the leaker disinformation. THE ONLY GAME
  • The more unbelievers you rule, the clearer it becomes that their ongoing antagonism won’t be an asset, and the bleaker is the prospect of incurring their wrath by coercing them into conversion. One World, Under God
  • Sadly his fortunes sank with the Great Depression but his prospects were not bleaker than those of so many of his brave but uncelebrated contemporaries whose luck often revived.
  • Accordingly, the hunt for the leaker continues, with much speculation over who it might have been.
  • Levy expects Canal Side to be open to the public by May 2011. earlier comments on WBEN Tuesday morning, Paterson said that a change in the way the state looks at development projects could certainly make the prospects of a Bass Pro store "bleaker Undefined
  • Reuters - WikiLeaks s ability to receive new leaks has been crippled after a disaffected programer unplugged a component which guaranteed anonymity to would-be leakers,... WikiLeaks Crippled By Ex-Associates, Sources Say
  • Certainly less rain towards the east, but bleaker in the winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reuters - WikiLeaks's ability to receive new leaks has been crippled after a disaffected programer unplugged a component which guaranteed anonymity to would-be leakers, activists and journalists who have worked with the site say. WikiLeaks Crippled By Ex-Associates, Sources Say
  • This - this creepy silence - will be the consequence of dusting off rarely used statutes to still the tongues of leakers and intimidate the press in its pursuit of truth, fame and choice restaurant tables.
  • Step 2 was to accuse the administration of observing a double standard on leaks, giving reporters national security information when the information benefits them and vilifying leakers when it doesn't.
  • Below us the patchwork of fields stretched to the bleaker Pennines. Times, Sunday Times
  • In everyday life, the greater the distance between points A and B, and the more rugged the intervening landscape, the bleaker are the odds for success of a blindfolded walk, even—or perhaps especially—when following a simple-minded rule like “always climb higher; never back down.” The Edge of Evolution
  • Not least because it comes at a time when the outlook for recruiters has rarely looked bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both are rumoured to be haunted, and as the common gets bleaker throughout the autumn and the lawns frost over nearer Christmas, it is easy to imagine the rumours are true.
  • This is to ignore the fact that it tends to be much more demanding and much bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • When her railman husband lost his job, things looked bleaker. The Sun
  • The next cluster of ugly barracks surrounded by barbed wire would be even bleaker because it was unfamiliar.
  • Or is placing a feathered creature upon the shoulders considered an even bleaker omen than shooting one?
  • He found no direct evidence to identify a leaker.
  • This is to ignore the fact that it tends to be much more demanding and much bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Graham Stringer MP said: "Michael Martin lost his job because he [also] thought it was more important to pursue the leakers – of MPs' expenses – rather than pursue the issues.
  • ‘I have no idea whether we'll find out who the leaker is, partially because, in all due respect to your profession, you do a very good job of protecting the leakers,’ he said.
  • And the row over fortnightly bin collections is making things bleaker still. The Sun
  • The attorney for one of the accused denounced what he calls cowardly and anonymous leakers at the Pentagon. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2006
  • Alternately, new international agreements will surface that attempt curb leaking and punish leakers.
  • Horoscopes are merely harmless escapism from an ever-bleaker world.
  • Bush 'authorizes' this leak at a time that he is claiming that if he ever finds the leaker, he will basically fire him, meaning himself. OpEdNews - Quicklink: On Monday, Bush Admitted That he Lied About Leaking a Lie to Smear Someone Who Revealed the Truth About His Lying
  • He found no direct evidence to identify a leaker.
  • You'll recall, on Monday, I mentioned positioning of a number of additional forces around the objective area for the purpose of being able to identify what we call leakers, or people who would try to escape. CNN Transcript Mar 6, 2002
  • While the first half is largely a shallow, knockabout comedy, the latter part is far bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not least because it comes at a time when the outlook for recruiters has rarely looked bleaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our world will be a bleaker place without him, his infectious laughter and fantastic sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undoubtedly to the disappointment of the leakers, Inman came through the whole affair like a breath of fresh air.

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