

  1. the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf

How To Use leafstalk In A Sentence

  • Depending on variety, leaves are dark to medium green, usually with red or white leafstalks and veins.
  • If you have a wetland fern, with tall, narrow fronds and leaflets which are very widely spaced from one another along the leafstalk and those leaflets are twisted so as to not lie on the same plane as the frond, then you have Dryopteris cristata, Crested Shield Fern.
  • Never mind that an aspen's leaves are ‘2 to 6 inches long, with flattened leafstalks.’
  • Sunken, water-soaked spots also appear on the leafstalks of rhubarb plants which have been infected with phytophthora species fungi causing crown rot.
  • Cabbage palm has smooth leafstalks that continue through the blade tips.
  • While the leafstalks are edible, the leaves themselves contain oxalic acid and should not be eaten.
  • Establishment of Regeneration System from Leaves and Leafstalk of Spiraea prunifolia Sieb . et Zucc.
  • First, rhubarb leafstalks are cut into small pieces, such pieces being on the order of one inch long.
  • We genetic transformation of ACO antisense gene into lily's bulb and leafstalk by Agrobacterium tumefaciens - mediated method.
  • METHODS We used scan electron microscope to study tengcha' s leaf and leafstalk that were the main medicinal parts.
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