How To Use Leader In A Sentence

  • The Pepper Street gang, of which Jackie was the acknowledged leader, was not a gang of drug-selling hoods.
  • Band leader, Ray Blue, is also a composer, arranger and performer on tenor, alto and soprano saxophones.
  • Well, the good news is a few weeks ago they were talking about it being the main source of law, so there has been some concession there, which the Iraqi women leaders have been fighting for.
  • Neo-Liberal leadership is a lot like the mob: "Yooz can take de money or yooz can have terrible tings happen to ya."
  • A lot was said during that divisive leadership campaign which cannot be unsaid.
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  • These same people also routinely said they felt comfortable with Bush as a leader with values and dignity.
  • A UT cheerleader named Harley Clark syllogized: A & M has a hand sign, A & M is winning, UT has no hand sign, therefore UT is losing.
  • U.S. network CNN for what it called biased reports on political unrest and on the alleged assault and torture earlier this month of opposition leaders, including Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the main ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
  • The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've seen leadership schools set out on the fringes, including one in an outpost of Jerusalem that teaches would-be messiahs to lead in the coming apocalypse.
  • The record was, I think, called Peace, a heart-warming exhortation for world leaders to avoid war – although many of them, unbelievably, have completely ignored the doughty cloggers' message in the intervening years. Which footballers have produced their own food and drink?
  • Those who have it make the best friends, the best leaders, the best models to follow.
  • The report criticized a former commissioner and two device division leaders for their role in approving Menaflex. FDA to Revoke Knee-Device Approval, Saying It Erred
  • It is no more a sign of weakness to change leadership in wartime if success depends on it than it is to remove a baseball pitcher who is getting shelled in order to prevent the game from becoming hopelessly lost.
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • Named Tecumseh after the Shawnee leader, he was rechristened William in a Catholic ceremony at age 9, after he was informally adopted by a prominent Ohio politician when his father died.
  • This led rebel leaders to agree to combine their forces in one division under a unified command structure.
  • Words regarding the necessity to change the souls of human beings to effect real change in the world should not be interpreted to mean that black religious leaders were adopting a quietistic approach to civil rights.
  • There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams. James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-20 advanced and developing nations are meeting in South Korea Friday and Saturday to prepare for a summit of G-20 leaders next month. Japan Calls for Currency-Market Cooperation
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • There's no insight into Alexander's transition from beloved leader to drunken megalomaniac; one minute he has his subjects hanging on his every word, and then next thing you know he's declaring himself a god.
  • For the past decade they have travelled the world, haranguing its leaders about the effects of globalisation, campaigning for ‘fair trade’ and chanting about the dangers of climate change.
  • However, the measure intended to foster democracy will result in all three party leaders imposing a three-line whip on their respective MPs – a move hardly likely to ease the public's mistrust of Parliament. European Union: The referendum is an absurd sideshow | Observer editorial
  • I don't think anybody that is associated with the Labor Council today under my leadership would believe that it runs factionally.
  • A study session held by the Beijing government for leaders of the "open" Church – organized as a sight-seeing tour for the first time – is set to conclude tomorrow.
  • The EPO and VEM merger hopes to set itself up as the market leader for share issues over the Net.
  • The ayatollah broke with Iran's clerical leadership and became a vehement critic, denouncing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and calling the postelection crackdown the work of a dictatorship. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Then, suddenly, the house turned itself into a Richard Curtis film - the one in which all those hard-hearted world leaders listen to a young wee Scots lassie who tells them that, yes, they can make poverty history, now!
  • We want to talk about the kind of leaders that can lead us to justice. Christianity Today
  • The opposition melted away after their leader died.
  • Will they unite behind the new leader?
  • There is a difference, too, between appeasing men of violence and seeking to limit their appeal, just as the leaders of global terror must be separated from those who could become their followers.
  • Party conferences, like American party conventions, have increasingly become stage-managed for the televised projection of the positive party image and strong leadership.
  • It is a matter of intellect, thought, indirect leadership, advice, and consensus-building.
  • Because it's basically like a film noir grifter gangster story and Ed's the leader of a con team and they do this complicated grift.
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • Where my taxi driver and dhobi would have peace, their leaders see advantage in strife - where and when does India reach the tipping point and choose its path? Shahnaz Taplin-Chinoy: The Ecstasy and Agony of India -- From the Political to the Tribal
  • Have you ever worked for a leader you would describe as a micromanager? Jacksonville Business News - Local Jacksonville News | Jacksonville Business Journal
  • They impose liturgical traditions, organisational structures, communication methods and leadership models which are alien to their environment.
  • Taormina fell behind with a rough start in fencing, which is new to her, but made up the gap quickly in the swim and overhauled the leaders in the run to finish with 5,704 points in her debut. - Athlete of the Week breezes through Windy City
  • spiritual leaders
  • Bush and his war cabinet, including Rumsfeld, Cheney and Powell, hastily convened at the White House to consider an airstrike to "decapitate" the Iraqi leadership. 'I HAVEN'T SUFFERED DOUBT'
  • Negotiations will be preceded by what the leaders called a "scoping exercise" to ensure that both side share the same goals and level of ambition for the negotiations. The Seattle Times
  • Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
  • The rebel leaders stated that they are willing to enter into dialogue with the government.
  • Meanwhile taking strong note of the police behaviour towards peaceful students demonstration leaders of the central university andolan samiti have threatened to intensify their agitation in support of their demands. NC-Congress coalition government responsible for the agitation on Central University issue
  • My uncle was the leader of my Cub pack.
  • He showed his athletism by becoming the Bearkats 'all-time leader in total offense with 6,159 yards and finished second in the nation in the Football Championship Subdivision with 354.2 total yards per game as a senior. Undefined
  • Their proposal to the Jewish council of religious leaders also called the Sanhedrin that they cooperate in getting rid of this troublemaker was met with enthusiasm. Puzzlements & Predicaments of the Bible
  • Holding the chain railing, we followed our leader and had up-close encounters with yellow tails, sergeant majors, blue tang, trumpet fish, and other reef dwellers.
  • Despite his position on the progressive wing, he emerged as leader of a party riven with internal divisions in 1976.
  • Up to 30,000 government soldiers and an equal number of UNITA troops are set to be 'quartered' as part of the peace agreement signed by Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos and UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi in November 1994. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Leader should be kind to people , people should be loyal to leader.
  • When you hear the terms imam and ayatollah, these refer to Shiite religious leaders. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2006
  • Secular, it opposed deification of any kind, including of a leader like Mao Zedong.
  • The truth is we'll never know for sure who would have been better, but the simple fact that party leaders are unwilling to allow its voters to hash these questions out for themselves is troubling.
  • Each new exhibition of the irrevocableness of the break between Jesus and the leaders was a severe test of their loyalty. The Life of Jesus of Nazareth
  • It was understood from the time he got to St. Louis that he was a leader, and the players elected him one of the team captains.
  • As a result, many aspiring leaders look to outside organisations for the support they need, often paying for external coaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only in 1920 after Moscow cleared Russian chauvinists out of leadership of the Ukrainian Communist Party did the new Soviet administration seriously address aspirations for self-determination.
  • Yesterday, the four political leaders sent out their season 's greetings. The Sun
  • Coun Popple represents the Acklam ward and is deputy leader of the Conservative group on the council.
  • The partisans fought a revolutionary war in a constantly shifting pattern, and their leadership did so with a political aim.
  • While the transition from nameless minor leaguer to major league leader seemed to happen overnight, he knows it is at least partially a product of his many years of toil.
  • The two delegates approached the supreme leader on several occasions trying to beg mercy for their fellow reformers.
  • Labor Party leaders have denounced the talk as an attempt by the right to escape indirect blame for the assassination.
  • We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership.
  • Right now: Palin a great choice, shows McCain as an insightful, decisive leader, master chessplayer, with the right stuff for America. Report: Palin's Spokesperson Didn't Know About Pregnancy Two Days Ago
  • The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out.
  • Beijing is contending for the leadership of the twenty-first century.
  • A tribal leader urged Baghdad to support the uprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a bold response, Congressional leaders added a measure to the energy bill raising fuel economy by one mile per gallon.
  • In his weekly post, Williamson wrote that "the killing of Jesus was truly 'deicide' " and that "only the Jews leaders and people were the prime agents of the deicide because it is obvious from the gospels that the gentile most involved, Pontius Pilate, … would never have condemned Jesus to death had not the Jewish leaders roused the Jewish people to clamour for his crucifixion. Bishop's blog raises tensions between Jews and the Vatican
  • He called the PM a failed leader and tried to partly blame him for the fiasco over failure to deport foreign prisoners. The Sun
  • If that's not going to be the case, with the super-structure of the EU so wieldy and its policy-making machinery a barrier to future economic efficiency, then its leaders and citizens have a problem. Europe is Acting as Though it Wants to be Left Behind
  • The two leaders had earlier led a march of hundreds of demonstrators in defiance of a government ban on protest rallies or gatherings of more than four people.
  • Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc). Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
  • The question of the Labor leadership is a question about Labor's future direction and policy vision for Australia.
  • I slow the line as it zips through my left hand and the leader begins to unfurl. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a bold gesture of reconciliation, the government released the rebel leader.
  • Leading a delegation to China is a rite of passage for any political leader. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at least one religious leader believes the ability to use dedifferentiation to create human stem cells would eliminate the controversy. Cells That Go Back in Time
  • They instead want to have -- they want to fight, you know, with drones from afar and take out top al Qaeda leadership, what is -- a so-called counterterrorist strategy. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
  • But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.
  • WHAT: Guests can join ADC in its mission to strengthen Harlem with the Harlem Renaissance Day of Commitment Leadership Breakfast. Abyssinian Development Corporation’s Harlem Renaissance Day of Commitment «
  • After all, a strong leader provokes a strong reaction.
  • He is also a leader in the natural-birth movement, having introduced homelike birthing rooms and pools into French hospitals.
  • WASHINGTON (RNS) As Democrats conduct a grim postmortem on Tuesday's (Nov. 2) elections, some liberal leaders say one diagnosis is already clear: the party's outreach to religious voters was lifeless from the start. Have Democrats Lost Faith In Faith-Based Outreach?
  • The forum gives anti-globalization activists and civil society leaders a chance promote progressive causes. At Close of World Social Forum, Activists Draw Inspiration from Uprisings
  • But at every key moment the party leadership has supported imperialism and war.
  • Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said military leaders wanted troops to remain through the end of 2012 to finish off the fighting season and give them the best chance to debilitate the Taliban. Military leaders: Drawdown plan aggressive
  • The camera captures Rico's observant nature as he gazes in envy at a mob leader's jeweled cravat, diamond pinky ring, and stock of fine cigars.
  • Compare and contrast with The Daily Telegraph leader, headed: "We won't be fooled out of our referendum" – "bamboozled" in the print edition. Archive 2007-06-01
  • His arrest for lewd behaviour seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
  • Four weeks later, the Labour leaders declared that the Spanish government should have the right to buy arms and in 1937 both the Labour Party and the TUC condemned the policy of non-intervention.
  • This is not to say that the good leader is an absolute autocrat.
  • Kenya's colonial government had responded to the Mau Mau resistance movement by imposing a State of Emergency, detaining leading nationalist leader Jomo Kenyatta, and restricting political organizing.
  • A Spanish word, caudillo is derived from the Latin capitellum or small head, and refers to a military or political leader. The Cult of the Caudillo
  • The Democratic leadership in Congress, which was noticeably absent at the signing ceremony, fought the measure.
  • There was the glass ceiling, the unequal pay, and while feminine qualities of leadership transformed the work world, they did so often at a cost to personal life.
  • Elsewhere, residents complained the country's leaders were slow to help cyclone victims. The Sun
  • Or the leader you have been watching all the while on the idiot box, with his trademark election smile and hands joined in a namaste.
  • Hackworth did this through reimposition of a strict but fair discipline, introduction of and training in proven and successful fieldcraft, and leadership from the front.
  • Jeanne requested an armed raid on the building to rescue the woman, but the group leader wouldn't hear of it.
  • Central bank leaders from throughout Africa met in Senegal to discuss ideas about how they better integrate economies across this landmass, which is home to more countries than any other continent. West Africa's Central Bank Governor Promotes Single Currency
  • I don’t know whether this is just a stumble, or the beginning of a real fall, for the bloody-handed, doughfaced Democratic leadership. House of Representatives rejects war funding bill
  • The leaders met over informal lunches.
  • Japan has been praised for its stoicism in the face of a national disaster, but have its leaders and their ideals betrayed the people? Times, Sunday Times
  • I suppose one little leader must wave its little tail and cry "excelsior" to the others. A Woman Rice Planter
  • In 1974, Lawrence Stone identified "the absence of charismatic leadership" during Edward VI's reign as one of the causes for political instability yet the behavior of Mary's household suggests that Catholics, in particular the Catholic dependents associated with Mary's household, had found in the princess householder a leader of sufficient thaumaturgical charisma that they were willing to risk death on her behalf. 95 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • One was a group of classroom teachers and curriculum specialists; the other included business leaders and school administrators.
  • As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, transitioning to third-generation family leadership and innovation are keys to continuing success in serving retailers nationwide," says Joe Cory, Sr., said a spart of the announcement. Dealerscope News
  • Most forceful among these voices were those of African women, who declared that the Pan-Africanism of the formal leadership was androcentric and patriarchal.
  • I read more funny books and leaf through the cartoons in past Leadership issues. Christianity Today
  • The lesson of these polls is not that the morality and leadership factors don't count as much as people say they do.
  • Women have worked to gain recognition, access, and visibility in the leadership ranks of higher education.
  • They are hoping a change of leader will inject new energy into the movement.
  • But the party hopes that the formation of the new National Integration Council with senior leaders from the state and also from the peninsular will be a more permanent solution to help improve ties with the two East Malaysian states. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • The purpose of the arrests is to cause gangs to police themselves -- if every murder results in a torrent of arrests, gang leaders are more likely to discourage the use of violence to resolve personal disputes. Chicago Gang Violence: Police Chief Jody Weis Follows Through On Controversial Strategy
  • Can Thompson make a credible challenge for the party leadership?
  • As the leader of high-tech hearing products, Starkey (Suzhou) Hearing Technology Co. , Ltd. is now the manufacture center of Starkey global stratagem.
  • I was in negotiations with those who would know the leadership of the Provisional movement.
  • ‘Community is celebrated, especially by urban community leaders and activists,’ Patterson writes, but ‘the truth is that Afro-Americans lead the nation in their unconnectedness to community support groups.’
  • The bear leader bear-led a group of wealthy young men on a cross-country hike.
  • Democratic leadership sources admitted that a major motivation for keeping the senators at the Capitol is to keep negotiations going and reach a compromise on a proposed public health care option. Obama to the Capitol Hill Sunday
  • A commercial Christmas tree starts out like any other conifer, but the tips of both its leader and lateral branches are clipped off.
  • We have a selection panel and we would take soundings from the leader of the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want to talk about the kind of leaders that can lead us to justice. Christianity Today
  • The company's leaders — and fun brand personality — help to lure in "evangelist" consumers who further spread the word about the brand, says Popchips investor Alex Panos, managing director at TSG Consumer. Popchips CEO Keith Belling is 'poptimist' on healthy snacks
  • The solution to Quebec's uncertain status is not more concessions, Canada has made quite enough of those, but an enhanced level of Canadian political leadership and governance. Post-Election Prospects in Canada
  • The populist leader has dodged the issue of whether he will refuse a judicial summons to answer questions in the dock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only does this demonstrate a poor commitment to oneness, it is also very poor leadership technique.
  • During the 1980s it came complete with its own Militant Tendency, soft left and right wing leadership.
  • Other areas praised by the Ofsted team include her leadership as head, and the pastoral care of pupils.
  • In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty -- Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • Staff members will pattern their leadership after those above them - not after what others say as much as what they do.
  • Caganers: figurines of defecating world leaders in Catalan nativity scenes - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I have actually heard one of the co-leaders of the Greens say that we should not be allowed to drive to the corner dairy - we should be forced to walk.
  • If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst. Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground
  • The recent criticism of his leadership has included potshots from several leading political journalists.
  • After several weeks of argument; the trade union leaders had to haul down their colours and accepted the government's earlier offer.
  • The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership.
  • Thus, now is the best time for all traditional leaders to start educating their subjects on the importance of storing their crops properly.
  • The play's chorus employs movement and primal rhythms, and performs a powerful ritual ceremony to bless Yerma's fertility, with Kevin MacDonnell as its tribal leader.
  • Playing the leader of a four-member commando team and wearing a microphone headset, you could issue verbal orders.
  • It took wise and far-seeing leaders to discern that major events were in the offing, requiring novel thinking.
  • The team leader will be the most important factor in this difficult enterprise.
  • He is a born leader, who welded a collection of gifted individualists into a real team.
  • Few can deny the impact of his leadership.
  • How shall we ever admire our civic leaders if we cannot look up to them, to see a white silk glove raised in blessing, a ringed-hand greeting?
  • The straining bearers like a string quartet, taking the burden up in unison, at a nod from their leader?
  • We are by far the most powerful nation on earth, and the world looks to us for leadership on this issue.
  • I realized how our leadership brings forth mediocre organizations and dispirited people.
  • Gamaliel defined no more than the beginnings and ends of blessings, leaving the prayer leader or individual worshipper to improvise on the set theme.
  • I didn't go to the prom and I wasn't a cheerleader.
  • Unlike elected presidents, British prime ministers get where they are by being leader of the largest party in the House of Commons.
  • Suppose we admit that Bernadette was not the shy, simple child we knew her to be; let us endow her with a spirit of intrigue and domination, transform her into a conqueress, a leader of nations, and try to picture what, in that case, would have happened. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
  • So judged the leader of the 'cognoscenti', and, in accordance with his views, Elgin and Aberdeen are held up to ridicule in 'English Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • His tour came after Serbian President Boris Tadic said that he would join other leaders in the Brdo at Kranj castle, but only if Kosovo was represented by the United Nations and their officials sit at the table with nameplates Kosovo-UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • There may be a shuffle of preselected leaders, a review of the news footage, and, of course, the rebels may be rounded up to face a fate unknown. Zondra Hughes: Egypt Revolt: This Is Biblical
  • Steeton reserves were unlucky to go down to a one goal defeat at league leaders Bay Athletic.
  • “I am Nyx,” Nyx replied, keeping his voice carefully cold and emotionless, just as the previous leader had taught him. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Kuro’s Review Forum
  • Business leaders know that fair but stable and competitive after-tax profits go hand in hand with job creation, investment and increased productivity.
  • Leader of the US delegation, then-Vice President Al Gore's view was seconded and reiterated by distinguished speakers from all over the world.
  • His air of confidence makes him a natural leader.
  • The middle runner is the 5-1 ante-post leader and should show too much opening zip for her rivals. The Sun
  • The package also offers a reserved seat for the leader's speech and a place at the conference dinner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Naval Air Corps was then in its infancy and sorely needed a strong leader and champion.
  • But (one could imagine the censorious New Politics leader) did they ever give a thought to anything else? LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • I am inclined to agree with Sanders that the Federal Reserve showed poor leadership as the economic mess we're in unfolded, But I think Greenspan is much more to blame for the whole mess than Bernanke. Early fireworks in Bernanke confirmation drama
  • He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader.
  • Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.
  • The 19 panel members, including Jiles, were chosen from among the Coordinating Board members, university regents and trustees, college administrators and community leaders.
  • It will keep its regional and national leadership intact.
  • Those leaderships conduct us to the border of the precipice. The only way to avoid it is to wipe out the national borders, the imperialist ruling and the capitalist private property.
  • Not the prettiest points the leaders have won, but in adversity they were precious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Murataliev, from the laboratory of Vladimir Skulachev, a respected leader in bioenergetics. Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
  • Only by talking up the economy would business leaders feel emboldened to invest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.
  • The rebel leader called for reconciliation with the armed forces.
  • Although principium is Latin for beginning, principis means prince or leader. Cracking the Shakespeare Code - The Lede Blog -
  • The Marlins claim they won't deal the N.L.'s home run leader, Mike Lowell, but we'll believe it only if he's still wearing teal on August 1.
  • He's just been asked why, within months of becoming leader, David Cameron had donned salopettes to travel to the Arctic with huskies in a demonstration of a new leader with new values, but at a similar stage in his leadership Ed Miliband is at home in north London, new Timberland deck shoes sparkling, nowhere near the north pole but in a living room with a beautiful cream carpet the closest thing to snow. Ed Miliband ? no huskies, no north pole, but he's in for the long haul
  • The Labour leader was asked to form a government.
  • It can also pay to make the weight or the leader visible with some highly-visible attachment when fishing at distance.
  • But their leaders were full of admiration for their pluck and cheerful acceptance of the conditions.
  • Peter succeeded to leadership of the movement after the murder of Asen by boyar (i.e., noble) conspirators. G. The Second Bulgarian Empire
  • Anything that the dying republicans can do at this point, including thrashing around and digging up newt from the grave, while their Dear Leader’s days in office disappear after every sundown, they will do. House Republicans Continue Vacation Protest - The Caucus Blog -
  • World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection.
  • As a liberal, as a progressive, he had risen to a position of leadership in society.
  • I sensed that strong-willed individuals were voicing their opinion but then deferring to their superintendent's leadership because they respected both him and his position. Christianity Today
  • Ricky Ricardo is a famous orchestra leader and singer working out of the Tropicana Club in New York City.
  • She's been supporting the new album and is his biggest cheerleader. The Sun
  • If the Greek MSS and lectionaries are any indication of what the church has accepted as its written authority -- and if the writings of influential Christian leaders whose work shaped the canon mean anything -- then Mark 16:9-20 should be accepted as the ending of the Gospel of Mark. Easter Sunday School
  • A good leader must be an astute judge of ability.
  • The book argued that to win a war civilian leaders sometimes had to get really involved in the nitty-gritty details of how to conduct it. The Longest War
  • But the soldier, who, with proper military observance, continued to have his eye and attention fixed on the Emperor, as the prince whom he was bound to answer or to serve, saw none of the hints, which Achilles at length suffered to become so broad, that Zosimus and the Protospathaire exchanged expressive glances, as calling on each other to notice the by-play of the leader of the Varangians. Count Robert of Paris

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