

  1. 36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973)

How To Use LBJ In A Sentence

  • Sheptock has a stark, up-close perspective on the DC government's new War on the Poor as opposed to LBJ's War on Poverty: "To make a long story short, they want to push the poor out of the city," he says. Art Levine: GOP-Style Democrats Slash DC Budget: Homeless Moms Already Given Bus Tokens, Not Shelter
  • Other figures, including LBJ and Martin Luther King are observed vicariously through wire taps or electronic bugs.
  • Promoted to Headline (H2) on 9/27/09: Obama's LBJ Moment yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Obama\'s LBJ Moment'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: As in Vietnam, the goal would seem to be to install a regime run by the United States and to "pacify" the country into accepting it. Obama's LBJ Moment
  • I can recall, during anti-Vietnam war protests in my student days, marching behind a sign that read: "LBJ Pull Out! Like Your Daddy Should Have Done!
  • | Reply | Permalink nephew died iniraq from ied he was getting out after forcefu; lly being deployed to iraq for a second time, my nest friends died in vietnam who were drafted by lbj and congress as me, dont know what me being a draftee and doing my duty and taking my oath to uphokd and defend this country means as adraftee i did my duty and have lived with the fcat that the vietcong didnt ask you if you were adfratee or regular army we all bled died and cried and got wounded blow to hell to come back to this country tolive with the likes of mitch mcconnell i fromtexas mitch you chickenhawks are adisgrace to this country i call home we suffered a lot cuase of being drafteed to fight the vietnam war maybe if you had served invietnam when this nationneeded the cheneys bushes and mcconnells in vietnam they chose to dodge the draft and get educated wedidnt have rich families and dads ingovernment to hide behind and avoid combat we went may be if you had goner as adraftee you would know that being asoldier doesnt require to be professional or drafted we were all told to learn everything we teach ya your going to vietnam i, m a mexican american and my family lost soldiers in vietnam and iraq you best be apoligizing dude cause you as arepublican have done us veterans of war an injustice maybe you should resign you are the one always shooting down the redeployment resolutions down trying to keep troops in iraq may be you should resign and stop obstructing our kids coming home from iraq, i hope kentucky is embarresed enough to boot your rear out in ovember america has no need for war profiteers and war monger thank you GOP Senate Leader McConnell Appears To Belittle Deaths Of American Troops
  • Lady Bird Johnson was a business entrepreneur in her own right, buying a radio station and building it into a successful broadcasting, real estate and investment equity business, LBJ Holding Company.
  • Well, we know where the fence is that the Nixon, Reagan, and Shrub I/II DoJ's were sitting on are, but where the frack were the LBJ, Carter, and Clinton DoJs? Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • In his latest memoir he shares that he'd like to" recast "the welfare net that FDR and LBJ cast while rolling back what he derisively calls the" winner-take-all "market economy that Ronald Reagan reignited (with record gains in living standards for all). Brian Ross: Apparently, You CAN Fool All of the People All of the Time
  • LBJ apparently had some weird relationship with Asians in which he liked both inviting them over and going over to Asia to kill them.
  • She would be buried Sunday next to her husband at the LBJ ranch.
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