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How To Use Lay up In A Sentence

  • The Manchester centre is the nucleus of a hi-tech surveillance system and features an 18-metre monitor wall that can display up to 180 high-resolution images.
  • That's just one apocryphal Bergman factoid (Webster's dates "dramaturg" back to 1870) that theater producer Andrew Higgie has collected over the half dozen years it has taken him to get the filmmaker's "Through a Glass Darkly" screenplay up and running as a stage play at London's
  • I fed them myself," answered uncle Nathan, patting a white star on the forehead of the nearest animal, as he lay upon his knees half buried in the rich aftergrowth. The Old Homestead
  • Those unfortunates who don't make it will then play up to seven more events to determine who gets to play the tour in 2008 and who doesn't.
  • Your players will win points if they pick up red or yellow cards, score own goals, are substituted, concede goals or, if they play up front, fail to score.
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Enhance Your English Writing Skills
  • She could play upon the harp and paint in water-colours, and her needlework was a picture, but not half so pretty a picture as her face. Merry-Garden and Other Stories
  • But knowledge began in the mind, and was founded on particulars; though afterwards, perhaps, no notice was taken thereof: it being natural for the mind (forward still to enlarge its knowledge) most attentively to lay up those general notions, and make the proper use of them, which is to disburden the memory of the cumbersome load of particulars. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Grids lay upon the landscape reducing meandering rivers and their jagged embankments to scenic enjoyments or inconveniences to overcome.
  • And there was always a lot of jolly fellows, and usedn't they to cheer me w'en the horses 'u'd play up a bit. Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
  • A thin layer of white snow now lay upon the ground and still more was falling heavily.
  • Beautiful golden cream tiles lay upon the floor along with some that were chocolate brown.
  • Adami remarks that Weismann would make the somewhat subtle distinction that the toxins produce these results not by acting on the body-cells but by direct action on the germ-cells, that the inheritance is blastogenic not somatogenic, and calls this 'a sorry and almost Jesuitic play upon words. ' Hormones and Heredity
  • Just lay up, pitch on, take your two putts and get out of here. For Love or Money
  • They paddled inshore in a coracle of skins which, for the most part, lay upturned on the deck like the hollow carcass of some giant turtle.
  • III. i.91 (443,8) It was my deer] The play upon _deer_ and _dear_ has been used by Waller, who calls a lady's girdle, _The pale that held my lovely_ deer. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • And it was a windless dawn after a hot night, and a light mist lay upon the face of the water, and above it rose the greenery of the eyot. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Japanese pattern, and while the ivy that covered the Gothic ceiling trailed long tendrils of the palest and most delicate green, each leaf glossed as if it had been varnished, this unheroic-hero, this pantheistic-devotee, this heathenized-Christian, this half-happy-go-lucky æthestic Bohemian, lay upon his pillow, the incarnation of absolute repose. In the Footprints of the Padres
  • The one stumbling block is perhaps Graham's voice. It remains as reedy and weedy as ever, giving the impression of the love-lorn loser that this critic suspects he rather likes to play up to.
  • In September to mid November, the training program will reach its peak with the bowlers expected to play up to 75 games.
  • Her rich and lustrous dark hair was plaited into two long braids over her shoulders, intertwined with cords of gold thread, and lay upon the breast of her purple bliaut stirring and quivering to her long, relaxed breathing as though it had a life of its own. A River So Long
  • So great was the similarity that I dared no longer lay upon my back.
  • Scott drove into the rough and had to lay up, but he pitched to six feet and, crucially for his morale, holed for a half to keep him level.
  • We lay up in the stuffy, sweltering heat of the wood all afternoon, listening to the incessant thunder of the cannonading; one consolation was the regular crash of the artillery salvoes, which indicated that Wheeler's gunners were making good practice, and must still be well stocked with powder and shot. Fiancée
  • Each numeral is outlined by silvered disks of reflecting material, and floodlights play upon the figures to make them show up clearly at a distance. Boing Boing
  • Adam; no hope, no aftergame for him as a sinner: yet let us peruse the obligations that lay upon him as a man. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • The wise old heads would advise him to lay up, but he'd invariably go for the big shot.
  • The escaped prisoners lay up in a barn for a few weeks, until the search had been called off.
  • The bicycle lay upended in a ditch.
  • Then he had them do the lay ups without the basketballs.
  • We studied the bill of fare as if it contained the secret of our army's delay upon the Potomac, and had just concluded that the first crop of strawberries was exhausted and they were waiting for the second crop to grow, when Hebe hove in sight with her nectared ambrosia in a pair of cracked, browny-white saucers, with browny-green silver spoons. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
  • Play up your strongest arguments in the opening paragraph.
  • He makes big plays and his ability to play up in the box would be a definite asset in Dom Capers' zone blitz scheme.
  • She waited for my answer this time, and something in the eagerness of her expression begged me to play up to her lead. The Jervaise Comedy
  • Like a frush!) to keep her flouncies off the grass while paying the wetmenots a musichall visit and pair her fiefighs fore him with just one curl after the cad came back which we fought he wars a gunner and his corkiness lay up two bottles of joy with a shandy had by Fred and a fino oloroso which he was warming to, my right, Jimmy, my old brown freer? — Finnegans Wake
  • Jake flipped over and spread his arms across the grassy mound he lay upon.
  • In one direction they lay upon us the bonds of what we call etiquette, Prejudices : first series,
  • Rally organizers gleefully play up the potential for unpleasant, unexpected catastrophe—catnip for the type of New Yorker who thrives on attempting arduous feats, from monthlong juice fasts to autorickshaw journeys. Around the World in 80 Ways
  • Sen. Hillary Clinton is a bitch who should play up her antifeminine qualities and go back to Arkansas and rot. Upstanding John Podhoretz warns of the uncivilized Charlie Rangel
  • Peter Crouch comes on for Owen - if he gets booked, England will only have Wayne Rooney and Theo Walcott to play up front in their quarter-final against Germany.
  • David Healy may at last get his chance to play up front alongside Rob Hulse when Leeds take on Wolves tomorrow.
  • What the two of you do at a Halloween party to play up the "inappropriateness" of this pairing is totally your business. Friday List: 10 excellent celebrity and pop culture Halloween costumes
  • If so, I would ask what stress a reasonable man can lay upon a simple [fn70] prophecy which is allowedly so ambiguous, as to have led Christians, sincerely disposed to make a prophecy of Five Pebbles from the Brook
  • Unidirectional tape is more expensive than aluminum and more difficult to lay up than a woven prepreg.
  • But I would lay upon all our hearts the plain, practical lesson that, if we keep in that tepid region of lukewarmness which is the utmost approach to tropical heat that moral and religious questions are capable of raising in many of us, good-bye to all chance of being 'great in the sight of the Lord.' Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke
  • Note, The way of worldliness is a very foolish way: those that lay up their treasure on earth, and set their affections on things below, act contrary both to right reason and to their true interest. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • And there was always a lot of jolly fellows, and usedn't they to cheer me w'en the horses 'u'd play up a bit. Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
  • Sometimes I play up being odd and eccentric, just to put distance between me and other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did he "downplay" the significance of Florida and Ohio or play up the significance of other states - VA, NV, CO, MO, NC ... etc Obama Camp Downplays Ohio and Florida As Must-Wins
  • After the bank robbery they lay up in a basement for 2 weeks.
  • What he'd do is put in new studding right over the existing walls in every room, then lay up the insulation and put your wallboard over it. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • With Samuel French receiving medical treatment for mild hypothermia warhorse George Day took control of midfield and opened play up.
  • Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment.
  • The latter, whose site is by far the more picturesque and amene, lay upon a long tongue of land backing the slope of the sea-cliff, and attached to the low whitish hillocks and pitons rising down south. The Land of Midian
  • The wise old heads would advise him to lay up, but he'd invariably go for the big shot.
  • Thin horizontal letterboxed shots play up moments of great significance.
  • I will not resist, therefore, whatever it is either of divine or human obligement that you lay upon me; but will forthwith set down in writing, as you request me, that voluntary Idea which hath long in silence presented itself to me of a better Education, in extent and comprehension far more large, and yet of time far shorter and of attainment far more certain, than hath been yet in practice. The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • He saw ‘some small fish to skip, and play upon the surface of the water’ which turned out to be a school of pilchards.
  • Female lacewings can lay up to 300 eggs over a period of 3-4 weeks, if they survive that long.
  • Ms Katzoff attempts to play up the apparent synchronism of Duchovny's body of dramatic work with his current personal drama. David Duchovny’s Sex Addiction: The Signs Were There » MTV Movies Blog
  • Poor chemistry was a byproduct from the combined $66.5 million contracts given to cornerback Drayton Florence and wide receiver Jerry Porter, who didn't play up to their salaries, causing resentment among some veterans. After lost season, Jags seek how to put 'train' back on track
  • My time away from my calling would hardly have left me high in his opinion … His eyes shifted to the glaive, which now lay up on the table. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • [FN#57] There is a play upon words in this line, founded upon the double meaning of the word shirk, sharing (or partnership) and polytheism or the attributing partners or equals to God (as in the Trinity), the one unpardonable sin of the Muslim religious code. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I
  • The rebounder throws the ball off the glass, rebounds, pivots and throws a baseball pass to the runner from the lay up line heading for the basket at the other end.
  • The next day they lay up in a cave.
  • And he lay upon her, perfectly formed and unalterably complete in his love for her.
  • One spread in the first issue reads, ‘She knows how to play up those gorgeous gams and big brown eyes with the latest relaxed and layered styles.’
  • Marino abounds in puerile conceits; but they are not far-fetched, like those of Donne and Cowley; they generally lie on the surface, and often consist of nothing more than a mere play upon words; so that, if to be a punster is to be a metaphysician, Marino is a poetical Heraclitus. Lives of the English Poets
  • He deletes that infamous unresolved opening chord and inserts some suitably ominous guitar atmospherics that play up the desperation obscured by the Beatles' peppy original.
  • Two other women lay upon the counter a pickle-bottle and a glass vessel of a kind which altogether defies description.
  • Eriksson still has not worked out the best partnership to play up front.
  • The cell was so small that my legs, which are long, had to be tucked up almost under my chin; I could imagine that in hot weather the want of air would be oppressive, but though the sense of being so closely confined was disagreeable, the draughts from the ventilators seemed to play upon one almost excessively and I felt very cold. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • Just before this the Battalion, which had been lent to the 155th Brigade, began its devious march across the exposed Kurd Valley, taking advantage of the winding wadies till it reached the el Sireh ridge and lay up in a nullah running up into Kurd The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918
  • One benefit of leasing is that it usually takes a smaller cash outlay upfront, and you can then deduct monthly lease payments as rental expenses on your taxes.
  • II. ii.56 (444,8) gild the faces of the grooms withal,/For it must seem their guilt] Could Shakespeare possibly mean to play upon the similitude of _gild_ and _guilt_. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • At Lacedaemon there was a choragus who led the chorus with a flute, and at Athens the instrument became so popular that most freemen could play upon it. Politics
  • Fearful of being accused of complacency, they fail to allay public fears and often play up hypothetical risks.
  • The software can display up to 128 channels of data simultaneously at sampling rates as high as 100,000 samples/second. iWorx cardiovascular research solutions include complete tissue baths systems, blood flow systems, and myograph systems. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Logan, what you seem to miscomprehend here is that everything you mention is "Pumping the Bubble" -- which can be characterized as a grand invitation to a carnival where everyone is encouraged to take part in a vast game by card sharks who play up all the marks into investing in a ponzi scheme; which it is their intent to walk away with in the closing hours of the game. Barack Obama: Crime Boss
  • The light is diverted by a reflector to a powerful thin-film transistor display upon which the 65,000 pixel color images are composed.
  • The bags were launched in April 2009 with a big marketing effort to play up their compostability because they're made from plants and not plastic. Frito-Lay Trashes SunChips Bag After Biodegradable Packaging Criticized For Being Too Noisy
  • You can enter numbers from both draws and play up to ten raffle numbers each week. The Sun
  • Sometimes I play up being odd and eccentric, just to put distance between me and other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a narrow passage or entrie, as often we see reserved betweene two houses, for eithers benefit to such a needfull place; and boards loosely lay upon the joynts, which such as were acquainted withall, could easily avoide any perille in passing to or from the stoole. The Decameron
  • At daybreak they lay up together in a place she showed him deep within a spinney.
  • Then one day a little tentacle of the octopus, just to amuse itself, ingurgitated Dawe's capital, and he moved to the Gramercy Park neighborhood where one, for a few groats per week, may sit upon one's trunk under eight-branched chandeliers and opposite Carrara marble mantels and watch the mice play upon the floor. Strictly business: more stories of the four million
  • The bark of what we call asp-wood, ma'am, which is a kind of sallow; they lay up great quantities of it in the autumn as a provision for winter, when they are frozen up for some months. The Settlers in Canada
  • Sometimes I play up being odd and eccentric, just to put distance between me and other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Play up your natural flush with subtle shades of apricot or rose.
  • The American joke is to play up to the European ( and Eastern ) legend of the West.
  • There was a narrow passage or entrie, as often we see reserved betweene two houses, for eithers benefit to such a needfull place; and boards loosely lay upon the joynts, which such as were acquainted withall, could easily avoide any perille in passing to or from the stoole. The Decameron
  • Spenser begins the stanza with an alliterative play upon ‘joyous’ and ‘just’ which lightens the atmosphere after the sober and tense portrayal of the knight's penance, while emphasising the worth of Charissa's lesson.
  • She often scolds me, too, but then I have learned to bear it, and, when she has done, if I can but steal out into the woods, and play upon my sticcado, I forget it all directly.’ The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Three weeks he lay upon that narrow white bed, and learned to face the battalion of eyes from the other narrow beds around him; learned to distinguish the quiet sounds of the marble lined room from the rumble of the unknown city without; and when the nimble was the loudest his heart ached with the thought of the alley and all the horrible sights and sounds that seemed written in letters of fire across his spirit. Lo, Michael!
  • What the two of you do at a Halloween party to play up the "inappropriateness" of this pairing is totally your business. Friday List: 10 excellent celebrity and pop culture Halloween costumes
  • He defended freedom of speech on the ground that ‘though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously to misdoubt her strength.’
  • They perform three cruises a year, between the middle of April and November, when they unrig and lay up for the winter. Reports and Opinions While Secretary of State
  • Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and The Shining, similarly, both play upon the idea of a controlling elite of sadists who impose one reality on us, while frolicking in a zone of radically unbound libido themselves.
  • The apostle is not satisfied with assuring them that they are under no obligations to the flesh, to hearken to its suggestions, without reminding them where it will end if they do; and he uses the word "mortify" (put to death) as a kind of play upon the word "die" just before. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Play up your figure with fitted tops, spaghetti-strap blouses and dresses, jackets with cinched waists and sleeveless tanks with round, high necklines.
  • Innocent jokes depend upon verbal felicities, puns, play upon words, combining incongruous words, and so on.
  • Colorist Giselle placed golden highlights throughout Anna's hair to play up her gorgeous, olive skin tone.
  • Was it to do honor to the guest that Beatrix had wound into her hair those tufts of blue-bells that gave value to the pale tints of her creped curls, so arranged as to fall around her face and play upon the cheeks? Beatrix
  • While most Aussie blokes passing through the US think a liberal smattering of “crikey”, “strewth” and “onya” is a short cut to getting a leg over a flighty divorcee, or becoming the most popular guy in a bar full of strangers, most Americans are familiar enough with Australians to wonder why it is we feel compelled to play up our bumpkinish image in the company of foreigners. Cheeseburger Gothic » JB’s travel tips.
  • They paddled inshore in a coracle of skins which, for the most part, lay upturned on the deck like the hollow carcass of some giant turtle.
  • You can enter numbers from both draws and play up to ten raffle numbers each week. The Sun
  • Two other women lay upon the counter a pickle-bottle and a glass vessel of a kind which altogether defies description.
  • To this end, when writing up the results of their ethnographic work, authors play up their academic credentials and qualifications, their previous experience, and so on.
  • In the meantime, I had one good night's sleep, feeling safe for the first time in weeks with Ilderim's rascals around me, and next day we just lay up in the temple ruins while one sowar went to scout for Shadman Khan, who was meant to be out stealing horses for us. Fiancée
  • It was a miracle that my prostate did not play up, which was my greatest concern. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • He could see it hollowing away from the tree trunks and just ahead of the gun, before his eyes, the snow surface was damp and lacily fragile as the heat of the sun melted the top and the warmth of the earth breathed warmly up at the snow that lay upon it. For Whom The Bell Tolls
  • Of course the play upon this meaning of the word and the instrument called a kettledrum is intentional, the word "drum" meaning a crowded "evening party," "drum," applying to the close packing, as, a drum of figs. Answer also received from A BUSY BEE. Little Folks A Magazine for the Young (Date of issue unknown)
  • Her challenge will be to play up her antifeminine qualities without being completely without charm and appeal. Upstanding John Podhoretz warns of the uncivilized Charlie Rangel
  • The escaped prisoners lay up in a barn for a few weeks, until the search had been called off.
  • I'll sweir ony lawfu 'aith' at ye like to lay upo 'me," protested Sir Gibbie
  • This sluggish play up front was emphasised by the large number of unnecessary offsides given.
  • He lay upon the table, screaming, because his abdomen was very painful and his hip was all tumefied. The New Book of Martyrs
  • The journey from after dinner play up to the bathroom and into the bath is getting rough.
  • Warden, “grounded on a vain play upon words — a most idle paronomasia.” The Monastery
  • Mr. Obama, by contrast, is what Mr. Steele describes as a bargainer, a black who appeals to the white majority by agreeing not to play up the nation's shameful racial history in return for not having his skin color held against him. Race and the Presidential Race
  • Something lay up ahead, wheezing in the tall grass of the westernmost livestock pen. MINUTES TO BURN
  • He can play up front or across the midfield and will add an extra bite to the team and our performances.
  • The only real concern for holders and All-Ireland champions Kerry will be to play up to form.
  • At daybreak the guns of the castle began to play upon the mosque, and, some of the shot penetrating its walls, the pusillanimous Jemal al-alum, being alarmed at the danger, judged it advisable to retreat from thence and to set up his standard in another quarter, called kampong Jawa, his people at the same time retaining possession of the mosque. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • This is her response when asked what she thought of the screenplay upon first read.
  • The Pope was buried in the grottoes underneath St Peter's Basilica, on the site where Pope John XXIII had been laid to rest until his corpse was exhumed for public display upstairs in the basilica.
  • In shady places along both bodies of water the catfish have nothing to do but lay up in the deep pools, eat, and grow and grow and grow.
  • I have no work given me to do; and the spinnet, if in tune, will not find my mind, I am sure, in tune to play upon it. Pamela
  • Shades of amber light play upon the heavy wooden ceiling beams and exquisitely embroidered wall hangings.
  • Our Lord, however, does not merely bid us not to lay up treasure upon earth; for if he had said no more, this his commandment might be abused, and persons might find in it an encouragement for their extravagant habits, for their love of pleasure, for their habit of spending everything they have, or can obtain, _upon themselves_. The Life of Trust: Being a Narrative of the Lord's Dealings With George Müller
  • You know how they try to play up how ‘humane’ they are, using the ‘best science,’ blah, blah, blah…
  • Despite visits from both beaus, with J-WOWWs display up similar to a knight upon a white steed (or Escalade) with a fistful of roses, a prior relationships crumbled over a array of tearful duck-phone conversations. 'Jersey Shore' recap: Ruined relationships, but perfect hair |
  • Just lay up, pitch on, take your two putts and get out of here. For Love or Money
  • Advertised as a game, the online lottery is ‘played’ by buying a free slip over the counter, which allows the buyer to play up to six boards, each priced at Rs.10.
  • Wanderer cast down the bow and turned with a cry to spring on him who had cut the cord, for his eye had caught the sheen of the outstretched spear, Kurri lifted the covering of the purple web which lay upon the bed and deftly cast it over the hero's head so that he was inmeshed. The World's Desire
  • Thou couldst take me by the head, as thou didst Habbakuk, and carry me so; by a chariot, as thou didst Elijah, [24] and carry me so; but thou carriest me thine own private way, the way by which thou carriedst thy Son, who first lay upon the earth and prayed, and then had his exaltation, as himself calls his crucifying; and first descended into hell, and then had his ascension. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
  • At the centre, dispatchers keep track of taxis on monitor screens, which can display up to five cabs per pole.
  • But be quick, now, and play up, or I 'll drive that ragamuffin from the church grounds in disgrace and by force! The Girl from the Marsh Croft
  • If the kid is good and if you have seen him at your elite camp or at your team camp or if they play up (on the 17 and under level in AAU) and if they play like a guy that can handle that kind of level, why not take him? National notebook: Action heats up in June
  • She'd suggested he wear his best blue outfit for the first interview, to play up his friendly eyes and because the slightly fitted tailoring of the shirt made the suit look vaguely like a uniform.
  • The bark of what we call asp-wood, ma'am, which is a kind of sallow; they lay up great quantities of it in the autumn as a provision for winter, when they are frozen up for some months. The Settlers in Canada
  • Those words had become with her a phrase slyly to play upon. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
  • this street lay uphill
  • As regards the vestments themselves: the amice signifies preparation to resist the attacks of the devil; the alb is the symbol of innocence; the cincture of charity; the maniple of penance; the stole of immortality; and the chasuble of love, by which we are enabled to bear the light burden Our Lord is pleased to lay upon us. Baltimore Catechism No. 4 (of 4) An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine
  • Though Puffy's image is occasionally cutesy, the singers themselves didn't play up the cute.
  • The ocean is indeed a magical, mysterious place, a fluid-filled negative space where mountains lay upside down and inverted, and where myth and legend have been born and bred.
  • Before the new season Rovers will play up to eight friendlies, including games against Premier League teams Hearts and St Mirren.
  • Two other women lay upon the counter a pickle-bottle and a glass vessel of a kind which altogether defies description.
  • Every year there seems to be a new crime wave epidemic that the media seems to play up, but six months later they've forgotten about it.
  • Few English gentlemen (if any) could accompany their own songs on the pianoforte in my youth, Ida; most of them then had a wise idea that the pianoforte was an instrument 'only fit for women,' and would have as soon thought of trying to learn to play upon it as of studying the spinning-wheel. Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
  • My master has just now been making me play upon the spinnet, and sing to it; and was pleased to commend me for both. Pamela
  • The wise old heads would advise him to lay up, but he'd invariably go for the big shot.
  • _ Good cheer.] [Footnote 372: A play upon the double meaning of _a denajo_, which signifies also "for money."] [Footnote 373: A kind of rissole made of eggs, sweet herbs and cheese.] [Footnote 374: _Vernaccia_, a kind of rich white wine like Malmsey.] The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • You might even play up the black wall by using super shiny gloss paint.
  • But she does not call herself Signora Ballatino, and she does not play upon the zithern. John Ingerfield and Other Stories
  • I've been training and dieting to accentuate my shoulders and waist - my two strong points - and play up my V taper.
  • Silent Poll returned with a scowling face when the old woman, whom she had 'dosed' with brandy, went asleep, and resumed her yarn balling Roland lay upon the ground and read. Four Canadian Highwaymen
  • The road lay up rocky hill and down stony vale; a tripping and stumbling dromedary had been substituted for the usual monture: the consequence was that we had either a totter or a tumble once per mile during the whole of that long night. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Five Card Cribbage is different: you only play up to 31 once and one or both players may have unplayed cards at the end of the play.
  • He could feel a change in the air, making his rheumatism play up. LOST SUMMER
  • The three elements composing his name signify "the mighty one of the great dwelling-place," but it is, again, an open question whether this is a mere play upon the character of the god, as in the name of Ea (according to one of the interpretations above suggested), or whether it is an ideographic form of the name. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria

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