How To Use Lay out In A Sentence
They having observed where the Chest stood, and wanting a necessary mooveable to houshold, yet loath to lay out money for buying it: complotted together this very night, to steale it thence, and carry it home to their house, as accordingly they did; finding it somewhat heavy, and therefore imagining, that matter of woorth was contained therein.
The Decameron
Now as Tera lay out with her hair coated in conditioner, Mari unbraided her own hair, listened to her iPod, and enjoyed rays.
Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
We’re seeing this play out in excruciatingly agonizing detail with tomorrow’s appearance in Congress of General Petraeus.
Scripting News for 9/9/07 « Scripting News Annex
Lay out the outer fabric flat with the wrong side up and lay buckram on top with the bump sandwiched in between.
You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.

This is not the place to lay out claims and counterclaims about how life originated on Earth; we plan to do that, soon enough.
An optional water sensor with relay output is available with set point entered by user.
Kathy had already been given the hook, and the OMG was here to lay out the shizzle before everyone got excited.
The Coming of the Apocalypse
Ehrlich did try to gain commuter support by calling MARC and Metro "broken," but did not much lay out a plan for improvement.
Ehrlich vs. O'Malley -- Maryland governor debate liveblog
He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Levels and characters are combined into lengthy cutscenes that play out well and help to maintain the overall humorous feel of the game.
But where O'Connor subjects her characters' actions to a rigorous moral investigation, Means tends either to pull back to a remote, bird's-eye view a favourite trope is to lay out a sort of mini-encyclopedia of possible interpretations of the event in question, as offered by professors, news commentators, and so on or, more commonly, to aestheticise it.
The Spot by David Means – review
I really wanted to know what it was like to play out of knee-high rough.
Times, Sunday Times
Ricks' piece in the Post suggests that there are too many imponderables to predict at this point how these developments will play out.
To make this joint, first lay out the dovetail on the member to be inserted, called Y, thus: Across one end square a line (A B, No. 28), at the depth to which this member is to be dadoed in.
Handwork in Wood
Donald Tusk is set to lay out his administration's budget plans and other policies for the term ahead in his address Friday, and investors will be watching closely to see how much he intends to consolidate state finances.
Polish Premier's Speech to Focus on Budget
We knew if he snapped the same scenario would play out.
The Sun
She was determined to lay out her five shillings to the best possible advantage.
Both are young centre backs who have been forced to play out of position on the flanks and are deserving of considerable sympathy.
Times, Sunday Times
To accomplish this task, doctrine would clearly lay out who is responsible for accomplishment of the separate tasks involved with each of these functions.
The president appears to have ditched his initial plan to lay out his domestic policy proposals for a second term.
As a hurricane approaches land, they lay out a pretty wide swath of possibilities which they call the cone of uncertainty.
Joseph B. Treaster: No Hurricane Worries? Not So Fast
Right before they hit, they kind of splay out into this starburst pattern. -
He never superimposes the lens into situations, and he lets scenarios play out before, not because of, him.
The rue Mouffetard was the main street of the bourg of St. Me dard, which until the eighteenth century lay outside the city of Paris.
Brett Deering for The Wall Street Journal Capri can now play outside with her brother Cooper, 10, and sister Calli, 7, without getting exhausted.
After Gene Found, Drugs Come Slowly
And because the whole subfloor is mud, and not capable of supporting scaffolding, workers had to lay out steel beams, supported at the pier positions, and erect the scaffolding on the beams.
In between these waggons the women are placed for safety, for it is a noticeable fact that very large numbers of women have followed their husbands and fathers to the war, not to act as viragoes, not to play the wanton, not to unsex themselves, not to handle the rifle, but to nurse the wounded, to comfort the dying, and to lay out the dead.
Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
A friend recently pointed out that his confusing French policy with a scifi retelling of Mormon mythology could somehow stem from the weird Francophobia evinced in his "leaked" strategy playbook, wherein his advisers appeared to lay out "anti-France" as a kind of global campaign theme:
Romney, Self-Hating Mormon? - Swampland -
There was still many hours of daylight left, plenty of time to lay out the trap in his mind.
Maybe we can feel the chiliasm coming, but it's not here yet — we still have to play out the last minutes of the game even if the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
These plans are being used to lay out the new rose garden and a pond by the main lawn.
Times, Sunday Times
Then we meet him in the Vedas, the Being “by whom the fictile vase is formed; the clay out of which it is fabricated.”
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Part I goes on to lay out a fairly detailed theory of terms, including the distinctions between (a) categorematic and syncategorematic terms, (b) abstract and concrete terms, and (c) absolute and connotative terms.
William of Ockham
So they're in the reviewal -- very early stages of the reviewal process which perhaps helps explain why we didn't hear President Bush lay out any kind of international strategy, if you will -- any specifics on an international strategy.
CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2008
Maria and her father lay out under the stars, naming the constellations.
The ADATA Horus Series power supply unit provide 550W, 650W, 750W, 850W, and 1200W multitude choice with true continuous power, featuring Eye of Horus– Intelligent LED fan dual ball-bearing with 3 colors to display output power, 80 Plus Bronze, NVIDIA SLI-ready certified, and modularized cable management to delivers superior performance, high reliability and protection on all levels application.
May 2010 -
To lay out in a clear and logical way the data you measured or captured with an experiment?
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
Then, lay out the ground lines of the length and breadth of the work proposed, and when once we have determined its size, let the construction follow this with due regard to beauty of proportion, so that the beholder may feel no doubt of the eurythmy of its effect.
The Ten Books on Architecture
The debate will play out in the meetings and in the media over the next week or two.
Line a flat work surface with parchment and lay out a dozen crêpes.
Many squeezes just happen if you play out your winners.
Times, Sunday Times
Addingham were trying to spread play out wide but each time they lost possession, the ball was banged straight back down route one style.
There's another kind of engagement -- what you might perhaps call a Jungian one -- where people come to Second Life to play out archetypal themes, or aspects of self.
The inevitability of voice
Boulanger's delight, while Isidore on donning the new made, and by no means unornamental moccasins, declared that nothing could be more comfortable, and that he felt able to accomplish any journey that the guide might think fit to lay out for the day.
The King's Warrant A Story of Old and New France
WHEN my six-year-old stays with his dad he allows him to play outside unsupervised and visit a playground out of sight of the house.
The Sun
What saves it as a film are the stunning dance performances which are thankfully allowed to play out in full.
Their childish concerns and pleasures play out in a world of radiant heat and crisp shadows, tangerine sunsets and brilliant blue waves splashing against the Malecon.
It wasn't until 1698 that Spain established another garrison in Pensacola, where soldiers began to lay out a colonial town.
What lay outside the walls was a seemingly endless view of woodland and rolling hilltops.
The debate will play out in the meetings and in the media over the next week or two.
More evidence of progress was seen during March 1863, when Arthur B. Cooper arrived to survey and lay out the townsite of Nuccaleena.
How this will play out, especially given the frequency with which Americans and other prodigal consumers already clog more modern equipment, is one big unknown.
He doesn't have the pace to play outside centre, but he does run good rugby league-style angles and has quick feet.
Similar scenarios are expected to play out this year, especially with commercial borrowers who, like homeowners that took out huge second mortgages, used lofty valuations to overleverage their real estate.
Goldman's New York Story
Lay out the chicken pieces in a single layer and dust both sides with the cornstarch.
The historian Arrian says that once again a pothos or desire seized Alexander, so that he decided to lay out the pattern of the city himself.
Alexander the Great
It follows claims earlier this year that parental fears over child safety already meant many young people were becoming "entombed" in the home instead of being allowed to play outside. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page.
Descriptive linguists try to lay out a statement of what the conditions are for particular languages.
Any amount of play outside these numbers condemns the tensioner and will require replacement.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
It is as if an old man were to play out a joke on those younger who have yet to understand that secret wisdom which gives him a gleeful omnipotence over their actions.
Wanna hazard a guess as to how this will play out?
Times, Sunday Times
Now, he says a new scenario is starting to play out.
Drain, pat dry and lay out on a work surface.
Times, Sunday Times
Lay out your paper pattern or template over the flooring material.
To cut acrylic by snapping, first lay out your cut line on the protective sheet, then hold or clamp a straightedge against the line.
Actually, these head-to-head duels play out on a computer screen, superimposed in digital video overlay.
This scenario would play out again and again.
Times, Sunday Times
Plate 37 shows a Persian garden carpet of a type offering a bird's eye view of an idyllic lay out thought to represent the garden of heaven, described in the Koran, with its watercourses, trees and shrubs, and flowering parterres.
lay out the clothes
Find a large, clean surface with room to lay out a rag, your tools and the removed wheels and bolts, axle guides, and heel brake where they'll stay put and in sight.
Both are young centre backs who have been forced to play out of position on the flanks and are deserving of considerable sympathy.
Times, Sunday Times
Ellen lay out for me every way that she had seen me "castrate" men, or knew that I had by the result.
Alison Armstrong: Finding Balance In Relationships With Men
It's too wet for the children to play out today; they'll have to amuse themselves indoors.
After fitting these, lay out and cut the dadoes for the back of the drawer.
Handwork in Wood
If you should choose to lay out a trifle of twenty pieces upon their comfort, I shall see that their food is such as mayhap many of them never got at their own tables.
Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
I was told to play out in the backyard.
It's too wet for the children to play out today; they'll have to amuse themselves indoors.
The petals splay out from the middle of the flower.
His fingers splay out in a star shape.
There are only so many ways you can lay out new maps.
The Sun
I will not pretend to have the skill necessary to lay out a course of action to solve this problem.
Lares and Penates, their wives, families, and friends, who will lay out the church and the churchyard after the old fashion familiar to their youth, and who will not forget the palaver - house, vulgarly called pothouse or pub.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
It would seem that the account in chapter 3 is intended to lay out the story of the events so that the subsequent chapters can be seen as detailed, thematic case studies.
Lay out the small, smooth wooden blocks or small boxes where the living compartments for the ants are to be.
Lay out four sheets of foil.
Times, Sunday Times
If we can somehow do that, then we will have the diverse regional parts of this big blue marble as a permanent stage on which to play out our mostly tawdry - but occasionally splendid - human dramas.
lay out thousands on gold
There was not a huge amount to do apart from play outside or read.
Times, Sunday Times
You can play outside, but you must not leave the yard.
Carter's family problems, Sam's inability to commit, Neela's chronic ambivalence, Abby's detachedness and inferiority complex: These all play out over the course of years, and rarely is anything "resolved.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
The matter, they decided, lay outside the commission's terms of reference.
I don't care to play out my silly games before the assembled company.
She is always hard up because she doesn't lay out her money wisely.
The pipers, in lieu of being able to play in the stadium, are going to set up and play outside the venue before the match.
Can you say a little more about how these ideas play out in design and the more quotidian worlds of publishing, packaging, branding and promotion?
There was not a huge amount to do apart from play outside or read.
Times, Sunday Times
Wanna hazard a guess as to how this will play out?
Times, Sunday Times
It lay outside the inner city, but the inner city was metastasizing toward it, and Pearce had been forced to cross oncological arms after leaving the comparative safety of the interstate.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
I watched the transition from being able to play outside to the arrival of the crackheads.
As I suggested, I think this situation has arisen due to some serious oversights on my part which I want to lay out for you.
The reasons for T's actions are explained later, but as they play out onscreen, they seem mannered and imperceptive.
Klein and Elliott lay out a web that is labyrinthian to the max.
On being called a bigot and/or racist
We could not play outside and had to barricade ourselves indoors as there could be a sudden eruption of war.
With the advance notice, the staff has had time to lay out a plan that is blueprinted during a 9 a.m. staff meeting and a 9: 45 a.m. divisionwide conference call with the network's domestic and international bureaus.
You can't lay out a fence line or shape a plowland or fell a tree or break a colt merely by observing general principles.
In this photo, a poster purporting to lay out the true size of the USSR's collection of SS-20s, a type of ICBM, is displayed during testimony before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
However, pour la rarity du fait, I will lay out twelve ducats, for twelve bottles of the wine of 1665, by way of an eventual cordial, if you can obtain a senatus consultum for it.
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
She proceeded to lay out her views on a range of issues that rub conservatives raw.
Such strategies can help cut through contentious debates by providing plans of action that all can agree will play out no matter whose view of the future proves correct.
It's here that the climactic scenes of the film play out.
Times, Sunday Times
Both are young centre backs who have been forced to play out of position on the flanks and are deserving of considerable sympathy.
Times, Sunday Times
In this narrative concept, couples and singles play out relationships through qualities inherent in the dances - the flirty rhythms of cha-cha or the tense architecture of the tango, for instance.
His fingers splay out in a star shape.
Tonight they lay out somewhere below him, chartless, foodless, tentless, gunless — except for Hurree Babu, guideless.
Perhaps most of them would have been willing to acknowledge that it was rather "ticklish" business to lay out on a topsail yard at midnight in a gale of wind; and if their anxious mothers could have seen the boys at that moment, some of them might have fainted, and all wished them in a safer place.
Outward Bound Or, Young America Afloat
There is something rather indulgent about being able to lay outstretched in your kitchen.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, the characterization and dramatics play out like the languid day on a calm blue waterway.
The matter, they decided, lay outside the commission's terms of reference.
He was able to play out his fantasy of pop stardom.
Once he comes up on an opponent, he can lay out most enemies with punches or headbutts, even triggering a spinning attack to incapacitate thugs.
The petals splay out from the middle of the flower.
A bullet can bring withy breakdown because of its energy in a small range, on a layer of the layer in the flexibility to play outside, and when to shatter the bullet not to interfere.
So, this big stage that we were put on under this bright spotlight was the only place I had to play out the rebelliousness that I think everybody goes through at some point to one degree or another.
The real dynamic ramifications of that event are yet to play out in the international arena.
It was an afternoon wedding and warm enough for a string quartet to play outside.
Times, Sunday Times
My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page.
There was not a huge amount to do apart from play outside or read.
Times, Sunday Times
Play outside in the summer sun with this beautiful sun bonnet designed to protect the face and the back of the neck from the sun.
The production is deliberately styleless, and this takes the play out of its historical context.
It's a shame to see it all play out in a movie that's mostly about making blandly obvious arguments about how bad and dishonourable racism is.
And the president should have done it earlier, is lay out what kind of tinderbox situation we have in the Middle East.
CNN Transcript Sep 13, 2007
Penney is in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which in hoops terms is an NBA outpost, but could be just one step from the big time depending on how the next few weeks play out for the Tall Blacks captain. - Stuff
Tonight they lay out somewhere below him, chartless, foodless, tentless, gunless — except for Hurree Babu, guideless.
Distribution sensor isolation, relay output, Totalizer, temperature and pressure compensation, and long - distance communication.
It is an unfussy, under-stated portrayal of a spirited and rebellious individual who is not prepared to play out the cards life has dealt her.
I'll also lay out his knitted blanket which has his name on.
Times, Sunday Times
There wasn't a limb or surface of her skin that didn't lay out a pathway of scars and indents with bruises both fresh and old and grazes that just never seemed to heal.
Well, pardner, shoot from the hip, 'cause if you don't lay out some ground rules, you might wind up getting two-stepped on.
The matter, they decided, lay outside the commission's terms of reference.
To lay out in a clear and logical way the data you measured or captured with an experiment?
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
Lay out four sheets of foil.
Times, Sunday Times
And in particular, how mercifully hath the Lord dealt with this poor county of Worcester, in raising up so many who do credit to the sacred office, and self-denyingly and freely, zealously and unweariedly, lay out themselves for the good of souls!
The Reformed Pastor
I worked with the probation service closely to see how these accused guys act and how it would play out.
The Sun
Many squeezes just happen if you play out your winners.
Times, Sunday Times
The latter has pages of editorial to play out fantasies and impart visual narratives, and the clothes are incidental; they just happen to be what the models were wearing at the time.
If the floor is concrete lay out the foam underlayment with moisture barrier with the membrane flap extended out onto the sub floor.
And I think along with the other permanent members, it's relative content to let this long process of negotiation play out and just kind of bide its time otherwise.
Weighing India's Chances For Security Council Seat
I still shudder recalling the recurring nightmare of Tuesdays, when we went to the art house to lay out the paper.
He simply describes the scene of sitting with his brothers in their truck and watching the cruel belittlement play out.
Richard B. Woodward: We The Animals: Novel Of The Year?
In particular, it needs to lay out clear standards and guidelines for future projects and prevent last-minute efforts to sabotage the approval process so investors and developers can more accurately gauge the time and costs involved in siting new facilities.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Cape Wind Approved
She lay out on the sand, sunning herself in her swimmers.
Wanna hazard a guess as to how this will play out?
Times, Sunday Times
Now since these dead bones have already outlasted the living ones of Methuselah and in a yard under ground and thin walls of clay outworn all the strong and spacious buildings above it, and quietly rested under the drums and tramplings of three conquests; what Prince can promise such diuturnity unto his reliques or might not gladly say
The Principles of English Versification
Both are young centre backs who have been forced to play out of position on the flanks and are deserving of considerable sympathy.
Times, Sunday Times
Gyrating, shuffling, mimicking birds and humans, pounding bamboo drums and stomping in rhythm, the men and boys play out a series of dances.
Any paraphrase needs to take into account the limina of the as-yet-unread outcome we, as readers, are constructing from our expectations of how the dynamics will play out.
Modality and Hamlet
To lay out a dado joint: After carefully dressing up both pieces to be joined, locate accurately with a knife point, on the member to be dadoed, called X, one side of the dado, and square across the piece with a try-square and knife.
Handwork in Wood
To lay out on the long bowsprit and put a single reef in the jib was a slight task compared with what had been already accomplished; so a few moments later they were again in the cockpit.
Chapter X
Wanna hazard a guess as to how this will play out?
Times, Sunday Times
In August, the council will lay out its funding priorities for the next biennium.
Deepak Chopra, who's been spending a lot of time thinking about this, says that âthe themes of the sinners and saints, good and evil, play out with these symbolic representations of what we call heroes and villains.
Batman And Superman Need to Evolve, Says Deepak Chopra
You know what it is to lay out on a topsail yard in the thick of it, bucking sleet and snow and frozen canvas till you're ready to just let go and cry like a baby.
As a designer, Chris had the advantage of being able to create the covers and illustrations, lay out the pages and headings, and design the bookmarks, posters and in-store leaflets he would use to market the books.
You can play outside, but you must not leave the yard.
Many squeezes just happen if you play out your winners.
Times, Sunday Times
As Stephen J. Gould described it, if one could rewind the tape of life and let events play out again, the results would almost certainly differ dramatically.
Many squeezes just happen if you play out your winners.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, the whole game isn't going to play out in the ascension of one or two new justices.
The park has been closed, with all the animals being kept inside their cages except for some monkeys who are allowed to play outside in a special enclosure.
I mainly listen to minimal techno house, mostly because that's what I play out.
The centerfold lay out in Cosmo did it for BluesRGoingRed and other closeted republicans.
Think Progress » Brown wins Massachusetts special election; Coakley concedes.
Mark a centerline across the top of each rib and lay out four evenly spaced hole locations. 5.
Mayor Graham Francis said the meeting agenda had been on display outside the town hall since Thursday.
in summer we play outside
I love hiking, water-skiing, snowboarding - all sorts of general play outside.
There was not a huge amount to do apart from play outside or read.
Times, Sunday Times
I can also read it that she would need a kid to play outside, but I think it's not all about ME (or Ann?) getting to play ... it's playing with a *kid* (preferably more than one, two or more always works better) in the snow.
It's just snow, people!
Examing the display outside of my chosen shop, I was accosted by some youths, of thirteen years or so, who desired that I bought some fireworks on their behalf, a transaction I declined.
On the other hand, not granting a request could lead to injury or discontentedness, which will negatively affect that player's play out on the field.
There will be some players who complain and no one is saying it is terribly comfortable to play out there.
The Sun
You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.
Divide the thyme in four, press on to the cut side of each portion and lay out on a heavy-duty baking tray.
Times, Sunday Times
Some 25 football fields would be needed to lay out all the pavilions and exhibition booths.
The answer, if one were to be found, quite obviously lay outside the restrictive confines of manly pursuit.
These fables are clearly stories because they not only lay out propositions about the world but also meet the narrative requirement of storytelling - moralising closure.
Yet when one looks at the actual world of intellectual property policy discourse, and the difficulty of enunciating even the simple Jeffersonian antimonopolist ideas I lay out here, it is hard to imagine the nuanced Lockean view flourishing.
The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
I haven't been this burnt since my cousin Alice and I lathered our bellies with baby oil and lay out on the trampoline.
In this introductory article, we lay out some basic principles for understanding complex systems.
Now, "says he, leaning close," I'll lay odds the Holnup will come through the garden in the dead watch, around four, lay out the sentry quietly, jemmy the door, then upstairs and good-night Franz-Josef, all hail Crown Prince Rudolf!
I heave an armchair into the kitchen, lay out some light reading, and prepare a flask of coffee.
I knew I should be apologizing, saying something about never forgiving myself -- but I knew that this lay outwith the reach of words.
The debate will play out in the meetings and in the media over the next week or two.
Lay out the outer fabric flat with the wrong side up and lay buckram on top with the bump sandwiched in between.
According to Mr. Williams, the beginning of offensive sets can sometimes play out like beachgoers sprinting to the shadiest palm tree: Everyone wants to stand on the most popular spot.
The Masters of the Left Corner
Why don't you kids play outside while we visit with each other?
The president appreciated that his defense secretary didnt play out his battles in the media unlike, say, Powell and that he never uttered a word of disloyalty toward him.
In the Shadow of the Oval Office
The future will organize the exodus of whole villages, which, like those of the Hebrides in the last century, will bear with them to new worlds their Lares and Penates, their wives, families, and friends, who will lay out the church and the churchyard after the old fashion familiar to their youth, and who will not forget the palaver-house, vulgarly called pothouse or pub.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
The story could have fallen off a cliff with all the character subplots going on, each playing into the main story arc, but things play out quite cohesively with just about everything making sense and not disturbing my suspension of disbelief.
Rabid Reads: "Ghost Road Blues" by Jonathan Maberry