
How To Use Lax In A Sentence

  • Unless contraindicated, prophylaxis with a gastrointestinal motility stimulant laxative and a stool softener is appropriate in terminally ill patients who are being given opioids.
  • By recording the spectra of several distant quasars whose light pierces the Milky Way, the spacecraft revealed some 50 ultraviolet-absorbing gas clouds around our galaxy.
  • She also lent me a couple of Ben Elton books which were good, but not as good for relaxing as they have a whole dark seedy side.
  • On the fives court, his nervous housemaster could relax, “rushing about,” as Roald described it, “shrieking what a little fool he is, and calling himself all sorts of names when he misses the ball.” Storyteller
  • The trek was a bit monotonous at times - I wanted to go faster - but it was relaxing, enjoyable and worth the sore backside.
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  • If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
  • Their movements have a likable jazzy syncopation, a bit of relaxed jive.
  • To explain this, they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.
  • By night the beach comes alive with the sound of reggae from relaxed bars. Times, Sunday Times
  • The depth and rate of breathing are controlled by special centres in the brain, which influence the nerves that cause contraction and relaxation of the muscles of respiration.
  • Then take a well-earned rest and relax with all the other amazing puzzles on offer. The Sun
  • Mustard, salt, picholine olives and super-thin rye toasts give the house-cured gravlax just the right accents. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • She's so relaxed in behind but idles as soon as she hits the front.
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • In 1672, when Mars was in the vicinity of the three Psi stars of Aquarius, the time was ripe for obtaining the first reliable parallax of Mars.
  • Having worked himself into this ridiculous kind of phrensy, which lasted, perhaps, from twenty to thirty seconds, he suddenly discontinued it, and suffered his features to relax into their natural form; but the motion of his head seemed to have so stupified him, as indeed it well might, that there remained an unusual vacancy and a drowsy stare upon his countenance for some time afterward. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 1
  • The phenomenon, called tachyphylaxis, means larger and larger doses are needed to have an effect. The Sun
  • I play golf for relaxation.
  • The firemen did heave a sigh of relief after pulling the deer out, but did not settle down and relax.
  • Industrial crops such as flax and dye-plants (madder, woad, and weld), and other cash crops such as coleseed, hops, and tobacco, increased revenue per hectare, enabling more people to live from the earnings of smaller plots.
  • I tried both the delicate, unsalty gravadlax and a tartare served with the roe and a very lemony asparagus salad.
  • Trees lined the sidewalks, creating shade for relaxing walks on summer days.
  • The people were fantastically welcoming and the atmosphere in both cities seemed relaxed. The Sun
  • We talk more openly when we feel easy and relaxed.
  • Relaxing, in amusement at her unwonted altruism of motive, she had drawn her moleskin coat more closely around her, and settled back to wait the other woman's pleasure in returning to the bright warmth that the pale-orange ribbon of light, wavering upon the swaying platform, harbingered. Undesirables
  • Most lenders have relaxed their criteria around the maximum age of applicants at the end of the term. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reuters Samsung Electronics 'Galaxy S smartphone, branded with NTT DoCoMo's logo, on display at Japanese electronics show CEATEC, in Chiba, on Oct. 5, 2010. Samsung, DoCoMo Team Up to Sell Galaxy Devices
  • Give him some relaxing massages to help him feel less stressed and to reconnect physically. The Sun
  • Then they can be served simply with a honey and mustard dressed salad, or with some slices of gravadlax as a luxurious garnish.
  • Together they cast a breedy scent like that arising from dank beds of galax, and it overpowered even the reek of the strange meat. Cold Mountain
  • With her legs curled under her on a sofa, she is relaxed enough to punctuate the conversation with sudden gusts of wild laughter.
  • The tea was excellent, with a light mint flavor; and the scones tasted wonderful as well, peppered with raisins and full of butter, a perfect repast for the relaxing traveller.
  • If you can get people to relax, they're more likely to open their mouths and talk.
  • He prefers to purge children of demons by making them take laxatives and emetics.
  • Patients who do not respond to other interventions may have to use other mild laxatives, suppositories and enemas and their use may become inevitable in the later stages of the disease.
  • The hotel had a lovely relaxed atmosphere .
  • Astronomers believe that quasars are galaxies with very massive black holes in the center.
  • Liz dropped her defences and began to relax.
  • You should take it as a compliment when I fall asleep in your company - it means I'm relaxed.
  • Encourage the patient to relax the quadriceps and push the patella medially back into place.
  • And there is an even thornier problem: america's logging regulations are notoriously lax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion.
  • An autostereoscopic display based on parallax barrier is the main optical technology autostereoscopic display devices.
  • The rules are so relaxed now that you can rest a player who is off-colour.
  • There were still flowers in plenty, pink campion, toadflax, small blue scabious, honeysuckle, and six-inch mushrooms, inedible no doubt, but the blackberries were ripe and juicy enough to quench thirst.
  • She will spend a week relaxing in the Californian sunshine with a select team of stylists hand-picked from across the globe.
  • Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, occur rarely, but timely intervention is crucial.
  • The subtle colour palette is another layer in the creation of a calm and relaxing area for catching up with work or with after party guests. The Hill House
  • This exercise is relaxing and increases the circulation of blood to the head and brain. Stay Well This Winter
  • I walked several miles south along the beach past Venice and just spent some time relaxing and breathing in the sea air.
  • I like to think if the galaxy is a conscious being then it would be self aware, as I'm thinking of it as a hyperconscious being.
  • Many include ingredients such as camphor, menthol, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil or other essential oils that will penetrate and help relax muscles.
  • Two weeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.
  • Drugs found in Haim's system included the cough-suppressant dextromethorphan; the antihistamine diphenhydramine; carisoprodol, a prescription muscle relaxant; the tranquilizers diazepam and meprobamate, which are found in Valium and other medications; and the antidepressants fluoxetine and olanzapine. Corey Haim Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Complications, NOT Drugs
  • We weren't allowed to do it before because of the deficit, now they have relaxed the rules so we can still go for it.
  • Hydrotherapy - relaxed swimming and flotation decrease the energy required in everyday life just to support the body weight, allowing the diversion of this energy to recovery.
  • Your husband needs to relax before he hits the sack.
  • So, the increasingly relaxed attitude of the police has meant that more musicians are now able to do a spot of casual busking in order to make some quick cash.
  • From any chosen viewpoint it looks as though every other galaxy is going away from you.
  • The body is a harpsichord, and when its strings are too relaxed, or too tense, the man is sick.
  • I learned the word dépanneur 'convenience store'; I heard the affricated d and t; I did not notice the tense/lax vowels or the -tu questions; I did notice the contractions (chais &c) and a feature nobody mentioned in the comments, the raising of nasalized vowels: vent sounded almost like vin (with /æ/ as in hat), and vin had a high [e] and sounded diphthongized ([veiN]) -- in fact, one guy said matin so that it struck my ears as [matiN]. MONTREAL 2.
  • It will help to relax the hair while protecting it from the heat of the hairdryer.
  • Though I was on friendlier, more relaxed and affectionate terms with my fellow western-New Yorker John Gardner, who'd published an early short story of mine titled "The Death of Mrs. Sheer" in his literary magazine "MSS" -- and who regarded me, somewhat embarrassingly, as a "major American writer" -- like himself -- it can't be said that John Gardner was a mentor of mine either. Joyce Carol Oates's 'In the Absence of Mentors/Monsters': Narrative Magazine
  • I am a highly educated, successful career woman who finally realized that we women are getting ripped off by the current culture and the educational establishment who is brainwashing us into a life of hectic, unfulfilling work in stuffy cubicles working long, stressful hours to earn enough so that we can "relax" on a beach somewhere. Get in on Life...
  • Try relaxing the value of each bounded constraint one at a time, solve the modified problem, and see what happens to the optimal value of the objective function.
  • There were also a huge range of aspects of Her Majesty's life - from images of her relaxing with her family and corgis, entertaining, on her royal duties, and as Head of the Commonwealth.
  • On balance, her ample stomach seems to suggest more impending motherhood than lax calorie control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.
  • The aisles of the exhibition floor were uncrowded and the mood was relaxed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have a relaxed mode of life that suits them well.
  • By contrast, to reach our nearest galactic neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, you'd need only twenty-five Milky Ways.
  • I'm feeling more relaxed about the future now.
  • Have the confidence to let the shot go where you know it will, with a loose relaxed grip.
  • The UK is more relaxed about televising full-frontal female nudity.
  • To celebrate their golden anniversary the couple are planning a relaxing break in Torquay.
  • He's chilled, relaxed and not fazed by anything. The Sun
  • It had extraordinary calming and muscle relaxant effects in animals.
  • These include chemoprophylaxis for patients with latent infection, and strategies for chemotherapy of dually infected individuals.
  • Along with taking herbs, inhale the relaxing scents of lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, bergamot, orange blossom or rose.
  • The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.
  • As the battle stations alert and klaxon alarm sounded, he donned a helmet and life jacket as he left the bridge and headed below. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • On Saturday night, all I want to do is relax and have some fun.
  • In this case the ensuing negotiations serve to signal at least short-term lenience and the relaxing - but at least the non-tightening - of sanctions. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • The villa is a former flax mill with a fantastic vantage point overlooking the town's medieval castle. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a hard day's work most people want to relax in front of the telly.
  • Other innovative drugs whose development he oversaw included atracurium, a muscle relaxant, and lamotrigine, an epilepsy drug.
  • His words slowly relaxed her threatening attitude.
  • Let us see if these statements are true, if laxation, urination or perspiration produced by poisonous drugs are identical in character and in effect with the elimination produced by natural living and natural methods of treatment through healing crises. Nature Cure
  • The flowers are for the most part conspicuous, and in plan like that of the adder's-tongue; but some, like the rushes (Fig.  83, _E_), have small, inconspicuous flowers; and others, like the yams and smilaxes, have flowers of two kinds, male and female. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • The way he drops off his chair on to one knee as he is talking does not suggest relaxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients were also assisted with setting goals for lifestyle changes, particularly in nutrition and exercise, and were asked to use the audio cassette to practice relaxation for 20 minutes each day.
  • He also commented on the depressing state of affairs concerning preservation of blaxploitation pics, with something like 200 of the 270+ films he cataloged from the era being unavailable (at least without some serious digging).
  • Within a few million years, quasar and galaxy will have merged.
  • He is also able to bring the ball back off the seam into right-handers, a quality that makes two of India's top batsmen, Virender Sehwag and VVS Laxman, look distinctly uncomfortable.
  • Whatif a software provider createdbotting softwarethat was useful in playing multiple games, including Star Wars Galaxies, in which scripting and botting were part of the game? Third Party Beneficiaries and Other Fantastical Beasts in Virtual Worlds
  • The taut muscles of his face have relaxed, and he speaks with a confidence that is inspiring.
  • The second function of music therapy is relaxation because the music can tranquilize the mind by nourishing the heart.
  • Then Henry goes home, I have dinner and begin my lavations to relax before completing my homework.
  • There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.
  • The magnitude of the angular change associated with the transition from rigor to relaxation was similar for both light chains and amounted to less than 5 deg.
  • The other object is SN 2007gr, which was first detected in August 2007 in the spiral galaxy NGC 1058, some 35 million light-years away it's one of the closest Ic supernovae detected in the radio waveband. GRB Central Engines Observed in Nearby Supernovae? | Universe Today
  • He seems relaxed and happy for the first time in years, hasn't touched a drop of booze since his time in The Priory more than two years ago, and his life is definitely back on track.
  • But the German wardresses remained vaguely aware of her special status and seem to have relaxed in her company.
  • Perhaps to the disappointment of the L.A Galaxy star's legion of female fans, the 36-year-old did not arrive wearing just a pair of briefs - but covered up in a casual combination of stonewash jeans and chunky, cream cardigan. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Lai let her hand rest on his chest and almost out of reflex he let his hand rest on hers, gripping it lightly as he shifted and settled more relaxedly in her grasp.
  • Whereas some folks consider brown dwarfs the duds of the galaxy, astronomers see beauty in these substellar embers.
  • The ‘open mike’ idea gives an opportunity to singers and musicians of every style to come up and perform in a relaxed, intimate setting.
  • Most of these molecules are generated during the grinding and malaxation, when active enzymes from the damaged fruit cells come into contact with vulnerable polyunsaturated fatty acids in the green chloroplasts. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Caring does not mean you are soft and lax on standards.
  • Don't relax your efforts now
  • The crowds relaxed into laughter at the speaker's excellent joke.
  • Once we have landed on Mars we will be able to beam it to the galaxy, he said.
  • The work on double stars had been undertaken as a continuation of his father's work which attempted to measure the parallax of a star.
  • Your knowledge of Star Wars ebonics is unparalled, and is truely an inspiration to my Star Wars Galaxies roleplay. Scar Friends Luncheon Circle
  • There exists a well-defined population of material aggregates in the Universe - planets, stars, galaxies, and clusters.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin prophylaxis and therapy is being given for a growing list of indications in the fields of immunology, neurology, hematology, and oncology.
  • Over the next couple of months, try to relax more and get more exercise.
  • Putting value judgments aside for a moment, generally blaxploitation employs stereotypes regarding black people, exploiting these stereotypes for entertainment purposes.
  • When I'm tired, I like to relax into a deep armchair.
  • Another is the difficulty in acquiring the ability to relax. Times, Sunday Times
  • I imagine that an acupuncture session is fairly relaxing for the pet - the article indicates that the animal isthe center of attention during these exercises – they are petted, nuzzled, spoken to in calming adult-cooing baby language, placed on warm blankets with candle light and soft music, perhaps? Pet Acupunture – Grrrrr! Ruff! « Biodork
  • The authors suggest that tamoxifen may be underused in selected groups of women who could benefit from prophylaxis.
  • We stayed in the relaxed beach resort on the east coast of the island called Kamari.
  • To continue the relaxed vibe, there's also a great mix of jazz, soul and reggae.
  • Oats, millet, opium poppies, and flax were also being cultivated by the end of the Neolithic period.
  • The trick is to keep your body still and your arms relaxed.
  • Relax your shoulders by taking a deep breath and then focus on letting your shoulders drop and loosen.
  • Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox. Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show
  • Very relaxing and ultra potent, the smoke from this legal bud is sure to impress ANY herbal toker.
  • Welcome to Wine Country Yacht Charters, Napa County's most unpretentious place to relax and drink wine.
  • Explanation: Is the heart and soul of our Galaxy located in Cassiopeia?
  • At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
  • By no stretch of the imagination could the trip be described as relaxing.
  • There could have been some kind of relaxant, to make us more receptive. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • Zhang Tianlin, coach at the club, said the magnetic pull of Parkour lies in its relaxing quality.
  • You cannot be physically relaxed and mentally tense. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • I groaned in pure bliss, feeling the countless muscles that cramped when I slept in the Shadow Hall start to relax.
  • The relaxant activity was independent of the integrity of the vascular endothelium.
  • Tall strap-leafed phormiums, or New Zealand flax, and the architectural-looking kniphofia, or red-hot poker, added structure just as surely as did the seating areas, paths, and stone work.
  • They relax with a lot of skiing, the favourite off-bike way of keeping fit.
  • Her mouth appeared relaxed now, though strangely inexpressive; as if she had read only part of a textbook on the art of smiling. THE LAST RAVEN
  • It is that maelstrom that gives our galaxy its spiraling, dervishly outflung arms. Coleman Barks: Rumi's Poetry: 'All Religions, All This Singing, One Song'
  • It has a laxative effect, however it does not make your stools runny or bitty, which is a big down side of laxatives. How to clean your ass before anal sex ?
  • When you are relaxed and balanced, you can begin to work on following the horse's motion at the walk, trot and canter.
  • Here you can snorkel or simply relax with a beer and enjoy the sounds of Neville's calypso and reggae music.
  • Corbin and Vacca examined a sample of dwarf galaxies chosen for their compact size and the youth of their star populations.
  • Earlier this year, a small study by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition suggested that flax seed-derived lignan (a natural plant-based compound) might modulate C-reactive protein levels in type 2 diabetics, especially among women. Flax Seed: A Natural Alternative to Statins?
  • The rap music has now been replaced with something more relaxing. Times, Sunday Times
  • From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.
  • He had azure coloured eyes and flaxen hair with indigo streaks.
  • She took extra minutes to adjust the water's temperature, took extra time shampooing her hair, and extra minutes relaxing at the end of the shower.
  • I like to get everything done before the guests arrive and relax for a moment in the calm before the storm.
  • As Woods and other image-conscious corporate pinups fade from the leaderboards, a more varied and relaxed cast of characters has been winning tournaments. Golf's Yearlong Happy Hour
  • Belonging to a class of mood-altering drugs, barbiturates induce relaxation and sleep.
  • Our tutors specialise in teaching beginners in a very relaxed homely atmosphere.
  • For some reason, he wasn't himself; normally he was so relaxed and easy-going that it got annoying.
  • The calm, shallow waters around Marco Island will relax even the crankiest traveler. Visiting Marco Island
  • The council will also use the scheme to relax its ban on tenants of flats keeping dogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outside, men recline on brightly colored silk pillows, relaxing on the carpeted floor of a large goat-hair tent as boys dance to tribal songs.
  • There are reckoned to be about 400 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
  • Let the natural and relaxed arm swing of walking or running become part of your skiing.
  • We had lunch at my grandmother's place, and then set out for a nice relaxing drive along the Deeside road.
  • During normal voiding the detrusor muscle contracts and the muscles of the urethral sphincter and pelvic floor relax in a co-ordinated fashion to allow the bladder to empty.
  • It was relaxing to have just the fire and the crackling sound. The Sun
  • Don't worry about it, just try to relax.
  • The topics include more commonly used products such as kava, ginkgo biloba and St. John's wort, and some older but mainstream products such as aloe and the laxatives senna and cascara sagrada.
  • We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.
  • A needle pricks my arm and slowly all my muscles begin to relax.
  • The microcosm as well as the macrocosm is based on a constant harmony of movement, from the atoms to the galaxies.
  • He likes reading about space, galaxies, different theories and concepts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Reserve Bank is relaxed about that fiscal stimulus and believes that it will act as a stabiliser, given that economic growth is forecast to decline during the 2004-06 period.
  • It also approved a relaxation of some of the conditions attached to its initial approval and this again favoured the developer.
  • Laxity of the skin after distention is often seen in multipara, both in the breasts and in the abdominal walls, and also from obesity, but in all such cases the skin falls in folds, and does not have a normal appearance like that of the true ` ` elastic-skin man. '' Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Under the pleasurable sense of freedom, thanks to the relaxation of the bit, with stately bearing and legs pliantly moving he dashes forward in his pride, in every respect imitating the airs and graces of a horse approaching other horses. On Horsemanship
  • Sports would be a far more amusing place if it relaxed, exhaled and learned a lesson from this lo-fi World Series between Texas and San Francisco, which the Giants now lead three games to one after a brilliant 4-0 shutout win propelled by rookie pitcher Madison Bumgarner. If Only the Entire Sports World Were as Wacky
  • They can spend their time here relaxing, walking, sunbathing, swimming and scuba diving.
  • At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.
  • Would we feel relaxed about unnecessary deaths in custody because most policemen do a good job? Times, Sunday Times
  • The rap music has now been replaced with something more relaxing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it was a very important engagement, it was relaxed and she was friendly and chatty. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are tremendous relaxation benefits from regular exercise workouts. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Functional fibre is found in bulk laxatives, fortified foods, beverages, and dietary supplements.
  • A human couple relaxed on a porch swing on the veranda and Max thought the place looked peaceful.
  • Relax! You're getting too uptight about it.
  • It's time to take a break from the normal grind, slow down, take it easy, and of course… listen to relaxing music.
  • In fact, the Universe as observed today seems to have barely a fraction of the mass needed to keep galaxies from flying apart, based on the rotations of the stars in the galaxy about the galactic center.
  • They admitted removing the equipment and using it before returning it later. arket was up from the outset, with shares gaining momentum shortly after midday when Wellcome rejected Glaxo's blockbuster 8.9 billion stg bid, saying it was actively seeking a better offer. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is fair to say that he is not entirely relaxed about this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forensic analysis of skeletal muscle relaxants such as tubocurarine and gallamine has been hampered by the fact that these quaternary ammonium compounds are not readily extractable from the biological matrix.
  • Yin medicines have a superficial action on the body or cause some type of elimination through their laxative, diaphoretic or diuretic properties.
  • There is no evidence that muscle relaxants or opioids are more effective than these medications, although they may be useful in certain cases.
  • I didn't know what I had expected of him, and I had taken no chances with him, but now I found that I could relax a little.
  • Working while other people relax leads to a lucky meeting. The Sun
  • You can relax just as easily in a lay-by the side of the road that is home to three-dozen cars, a toilet block and an ice cream van.
  • Journal in double triumph Roy Castle takes a break from record-breaking and relaxes with a good read.
  • Some of these effects like damage to the kidneys and hearing were caused by early manufacturing impurities, but others rare adverse effects like anaphylaxis, red man syndrome and superinfection still remain. Archive 2007-12-01
  • O longum memoranda dies! quae mente reporto gaudia, quam lassos per tot miracula uisus! ingenium quam mite solo! quae forma beatis15 ante manus artemque locis! non largius usquam indulsit natura sibi. nemora alta citatis incubuere uadis; fallax responsat imago frondibus, et longas eadem fugit umbra per undas. ipse Anien (miranda fides) infraque superque20 spumeus hic tumidam rabiem saxosaque ponit murmura, ceu placidi ueritus turbare Vopisci A Villa at Tibur
  • Then he leaves you, lets you relax in your mind and become calm about what you're doing. The Sun
  • Flax was raised, and after grandfather had broken, swingled and hatchelled it, grandmother spun it into thread, which sold for $1.50 per pound.
  • The same Newtonian scheme applies here on earth-and out among the stars and galaxies-to some comparable accuracy.

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