How To Use Lawsuit In A Sentence

  • Lawsuits consume time, and money, and rest, and friends. 
  • I would expect the government to fight a lawsuit trying to prevent something like this, just as I would expect a leg to bounce up when its patellar reflex is hit with a tendon hammer. Matt Kane: The Obama Administration's Desire to Keep Citizens in the Dark is Inexcusable
  • He is known for bringing a lawsuit against Japanese corporations for forced labor during WWII.
  • The lawsuit alleges a pattern of fraud by the company in the sale of life insurance.
  • Merchants that accept debit cards "are substantially harmed" by the Fed's "misconstruction" of the Dodd-Frank law's provision limiting debit card fees, the plaintiffs said in the lawsuit. Retailers Sue Fed Over Debit-Card Fee Rule
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  • These and other functions not performed by doctors are carried out by people trained or supervised by doctors, the lawsuit alleges.
  • The fourth locale, Massachusetts, permitted a medical monitoring claim to move forward, but only because the tobacco plaintiffs in that lawsuit presented expert evidence regarding "subcellular" or other physiological changes. - Newswire
  • These no-win, no-fee firms have little incentive to take on frivolous lawsuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Save Our Secret Ballot amendments prevent adoption of card-check laws by other states—but the NLRB's lawsuits could sweep those protections aside as well.
  • It would make California a mecca for shareholder lawsuits.
  • The group also retained an attorney and filed two lawsuits challenging the evictions in the two counties.
  • It was also last month that a federal judge refused to dismiss the state lawsuit against Desert Diamond Casino.
  • In other words, it cannot be overlooked in the lawsuit of not using delivery of dossier and the lawsuit of both libelant and paraclete proof-providing.
  • Those in the anti- barrier camp filed a lawsuit in March 1996 to reopen Shade Road.
  • The lawsuit was filed in Pensacola after the Democratic president signed the bill the House passed Sunday night. 13 attorneys general sue over health care overhaul
  • Needless to say there's more than a few class action lawsuits floating about at the moment.
  • The law allowing plaintiffs to recover legal fees in advocacy lawsuits has been on the books for a long time.
  • The lawsuit would likely allege that Symington got the loan because he deliberately misled the pension funds about his financial condition.
  • It basically is a lawsuit that's filed that encumbers someone's basic right to free speech.
  • Sounds like dangling that ole lawsuit bugaboo.
  • Put a slightly dangerous, do-it-yourself toy under the tree these days and you can decorate said tree with lawsuits.
  • However, the Blumenfeld lawsuit and supporting documents show possible inconsistencies in some of the reports Mr Goldinger sent to clients.
  • The statements are needed in order to take forward a class action lawsuit against the domain registrar.
  • WARSAW, Poland (AP) - A Warsaw court on Tuesday began hearing a lawsuit filed by Lech Walesa in which the Solidarity founder is demanding damages from Polish President Lech Kaczynski for having called Walesa a communist-era agent. Undefined
  • The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S.
  • The denomination turns the lawsuit over to its liability insurance company. Christianity Today
  • If there is lawsuit in the future, we can cross check with the accounts.
  • Another lawsuit is pending in Germany against the Opel division of General Motors, this one for a version of the Brahms 'Lullaby' performed in what he calls a suspiciously Waitsian voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • AP - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage against an Islamic civil rights group over its use of a portion of his show in which he called the Quran a "book of hate. Undefined
  • And then inevitably something would go wrong, and it would end in acrimony and sometimes in lawsuits.
  • Imagine the lawsuits if they sold that crap in the US and someone's baby had an allergic reaction to something specifically marked "hypoallergenic" because they actually loaded it with perfume that's known to produce allergic reactions. 03/14/2006
  • Second, the damages a court awards in a civil lawsuit will not be covered under most church insurance policies. Christianity Today
  • The statute of limitations specifies the deadline for filing a civil lawsuit. Christianity Today
  • Every wrongful imprisonment could lead to a civil lawsuit against the city.
  • SPOKANE -- A lawsuit has been filed in federal court in Spokane to prevent garbage from being shipped from Hawaii to a landfill in the Eastern Washington town of Roosevelt. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • The lawsuit says that he was thrown about like he was inside a washing machine as the vessel capsized. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, he has health insurance, and he has made a fortune off insurance lobbyists and pharmaceuticals to "alleviate" their liability in lawsuits. McConnell: Public option a nonstarter for Senate Republicans
  • Pimentel, 61, barricaded the road, prompting a lawsuit from the church.
  • The only hope of redress is in a lawsuit.
  • Two investors that bought about $214 million of the so-called mezzanine debt filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging that lenders that provided $7.4 billion in financing to the buyer, Lightstone Group LLC, are engaged in a "scheme" to take over the property and wipe out the mezzanine investors. Hotel Creditors May Have an Extended Stay
  • Nonetheless, colonials judged regulation of nuisances an appropriate arena for courts and local government, leading to lawsuits and regulations aimed at such objectionable trades as butchers and tanners.
  • The company will have to do much better than this, if it is to avoid brickbats and lawsuits in the future.
  • There are three questions that must be asked if we are to develop a coherent legal structure that allows a market in lawsuits.
  • Drug companies claim the union and consumer plan would encourage frivolous lawsuits.
  • Critical reports from short sellers, who benefit when stocks' prices decline, are "akin to rumor-mongering," says Perrie Weiner , an attorney who has represented U.S.-listed Chinese companies in shareholder lawsuits and SEC investigations. Big Funds See Red in China
  • Yes, there are a number of uncertainties — Will contingent obligations (like guaranty claims, or liabilities on asserted but as yet unliquidated lawsuit claims) become due? The Volokh Conspiracy » Greek Bailout and Liquidity Risk
  • A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit
  • Then various other terrified countries will follow suit, and soon enough the various international lawsuits piling up will cause the U.S.A., primary client of Lasik no doubt, to illegalize Lasik as well. More Bad News for the Lasik Business - The Lede Blog -
  • The lawsuit says that he was thrown about like he was inside a washing machine as the vessel capsized. Times, Sunday Times
  • The truth is, we're just beginning the real descent into Lawsuit Hell - a place where average citizens injured by delinquent doctors or defective products are denied any recourse.
  • So they have been gradually, in response to a lawsuit with information requests, releasing some of those images.
  • But to save the costs of a lawsuit, she agrees to arbitration.
  • The president spoke today in Detroit, Michigan, about asbestos litigation and the need to limit what he called frivolous lawsuits. CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2005
  • He would not have had to face career loss, nor a lawsuit, nor a wrecked marriage.
  • If SB-1070 ends up exacerbating racial profiling, as many have predicted is likely, it will also open local police agencies up to a slew of lawsuits related to potential civil rights abuses. Think Progress » Huckabee: New Law Will Open Arizona Up To A ‘Lawsuit Bonanza’
  • In 1999, relatives of the churchwomen filed a lawsuit against Garcia and Vides Casanova, but the men successfully argued that they could not be held responsible for the actions of rogue subordinates.
  • Both airlines have also put aside millions of pounds to settle civil lawsuits brought by passenger groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past, civil rights groups have criticized the redistricting process for working against immigrant and African-American communities on Long Island, and while lawsuits have sought to address the problem on a case-by-case basis, electoral representation in communities of color will be a pressing issue in the coming weeks. Ted Hesson: Forum: Redistricting and Its Impact on Long Island Communities of Color
  • The 29-year-old man has a lawsuit pending with the Tokyo District Court seeking a court decision to nullify the ministry decision.
  • Are students or teachers who bring successful civil rights lawsuits entitled to recover their attorneys' fees?
  • The causality of medical malpractice lawsuit is an important problem.
  • A coalition of consumer groups has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, claiming that the company falsely advertises the benefits of the medicine.
  • Supreme Court Monday declined to review a ruling that reinstated an antitrust lawsuit alleging major record labels conspired to fix prices and terms under which music would be sold over the Internet. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Such a case would only come after a successful lawsuit against the government by one of the consortiums that failed to secure the licence in 1995.
  • Compared with the former, it extended the outer scope of "Misrepresentation" but such provisions as value date of lawsuit prescription, disclosure date of misrepresentation still await amendments.
  • Standing is the legal right to bring a lawsuit.
  • The lawyers must have known their lawsuit was hopeless.
  • However a recent study reveals that a full apology is more likely to result in the quick settlement of lawsuits.
  • But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism.
  • Dropping a loaded firearm is not so much a gross violation of gun etiquette as it is an invitation to a lawsuit.
  • According to the lawsuit, Dr. Dre has not seen any royalties from his groundbreaking hit album The Chronic since 1996, the year he left the label due to a strained relationship with Knight. Hip Hop News |
  • Survivors of the fire later brought a billion dollar lawsuit against the company.
  • The quality of the additional research was such that the tobacco manufacturers informed Stivoro that they wanted to drop the lawsuit.
  • In his private capacity, the president is subject to lawsuits like any other citizen, the panel maintained.
  • Stevens International Inc. said it agreed in principle to settle a class-action shareholder lawsuit against it.
  • Voters rejected measures to ban most lawsuits resulting from car accidents, limit shareholder lawsuits and slash lawyers' contingency fees.
  • Founder Electronics, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Founder Group, filed the lawsuit against Blizzard asking for compensation of 100 mln yuan.
  • As search engines expand into images and video, they are increasingly at risk of becoming targets of copyright lawsuits.
  • The lawsuits consist of an immensely complicated tangle of legal proceedings, which need only be outlined here.
  • So, The Prosecutor Institution has the legal status of special litigant in lawsuit.
  • Chris kind of waffled on a question concerning unpaid wages and lawsuits. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The group has already filed two lawsuits against the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in connection with the agency's handling of the Heartland project.
  • The civil lawsuit was filed by public attorneys. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plaintiff filed a copyright infringement lawsuit in federal court, citing 294 instances of alleged infringement by the defendant. Christianity Today
  • Lawsuits in particular class-action legal suits, can provide some redress.
  • The company now faces several lawsuits over its failure to protect its employees.
  • The law allowing plaintiffs to recover legal fees in advocacy lawsuits has been on the books for a long time.
  • In the decade that followed, Mr. Edwards filed at least 20 similar lawsuits against doctors and hospitals in deliveries gone wrong, winning verdicts and settlements of more than $60 million, typically keeping about a third. ‘Public option’ on the table? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The lawsuit comes on the eighteenth day of a strike at the world 's largest copper mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • What would have been considered light office banter in the 1970s is now grounds for a lawsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lawsuit here had nothing what-so-ever to do with installing a shower at the jetty, it had to do with stopping the illegal dumping of pulpmill effluent toxins into the ocean. beel: North Coast Journal Comments
  • What is clear, though, is that in order for there to be real market in lawsuits, investors will need to develop a more arm's-length relationship with the lawsuit in which they invest than Zelda had with her brother's suit.
  • I would expect the government to fight a lawsuit trying to prevent something like this, just as I would expect a leg to bounce up when its patellar reflex is hit with a tendon hammer. Matt Kane: The Obama Administration's Desire to Keep Citizens in the Dark is Inexcusable
  • It is not the same as barratry, which is active encouragement of lawsuits. Sui Generis--a New York law blog:
  • This, of course, presumes filing the lawsuit in a jurisdiction with such a law.
  • I use the word "off-center" because many contributing voices are forgetting the reason and inspiration behind the current lawsuit--the students of New York City. Danny Bakewell: For the Sake of Our Children
  • Meanwhile, Mr. Hansen's mother had gotten her personal lawyer, a local Chinese, to file a pro bono lawsuit -- a small but growing field in China -- against Mr. Wang's employer.
  • Lawyers are also looking at fat from a financial perspective, with lawsuits being considered for cases involving hidden fatty ingredients within food products.
  • Do they ban it because there is a 1 percent chance that the old Caesarean scar will cause the uterus to rupture (which may kill the baby) or because the hospital doesn't even want to risk a chance at another lawsuit?
  • If the lender forecloses the deed of trust out of court, the lender has chosen one action and may not bring a lawsuit to recover a deficiency, which would be a second action.
  • My Pollyanna hope for the resolution of the Levitt-Lott feud is that Freedomnomics becomes a best-seller, leading a Solomonic judge to throw out the lawsuit on the grounds that "all publicity is good publicity. Plenty to Like in Freedomnomics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • You may want to initiate a lawsuit to recover any assets that were inappropriately transferred to your stepbrother.
  • The history of the invention of the telephone is a confusing mass of claims and counterclaims, further worsened by lawsuits which attempted to resolve the patent claims of individuals. Bell Birthday
  • This high-stakes lawsuit is now proceeding in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, before Judge John Bates.
  • Neither Symington nor Schull had been served with a copy of the lawsuit by late Tuesday.
  • I think the takeaway is their greed for more no-bid freebees is more powerful than their desire to keep this lawsuit out of the courts. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 23, 2010
  • The tribes, whose treaties guaranteed them the right to harvest sucker and salmon in perpetuity, filed lawsuits demanding protection for the fish.
  • What you are really going to have to figurer out is HOW to get people to not file lawsuits based on CONSTITUTIONALITY and Obama will lose. More work to do on health care
  • Lakshmi and Dell began dating in November 2007 and remained romantically involved until she dumped him in September 2009, telling him he was "unambitious" and had an "uninteresting" career, his lawsuit said. SUED For Custody, Name Change Of Baby
  • Deutsche Telekom termed the RICO lawsuit "absurd" and said it didn't do anything illegal in acquiring the disputed 48% stake from the Polish investor, Court Rejects Vivendi Suit
  • Pratten, who now works as a journalist in Toronto, filed her lawsuit in 2008, seeking to have the Adoption Act declared unconstitutional because it discriminates against children who are born through "gamete" donors, which includes sperm and egg donors. Top Stories
  • They have agreed to drop their lawsuit against the Dutch company.
  • The student, Steven LaPier, filed a lawsuit in federal court Thursday seeking $1.5 million and alleging that he was dismissed from the class because he was outspoken about the impropriety. Lawsuit details allegations of cheating at Prince George's police academy
  • The lawsuits involve the powerful painkiller fentanyl, which is applied to the skin in a patch for the slow release of the medication. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • Also ahead, the World Trade Center cough and why some are now uttering the term lawsuit in a very clear voice. CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2001
  • All then we have to wait for is for them to stop all of these lawsuits that drag the process out.
  • The lawsuit claims that Sagan ignored the request and went forward with the production of the movie.
  • He tried to negotiate a settlement of the unfiled lawsuit.
  • Voters rejected measures to ban most lawsuits resulting from car accidents, limit shareholder lawsuits and slash lawyers' contingency fees.
  • The only other person who can come close in this regard is the late pop singer-turned national hero Toshe Proeski (1981-2007), but he has been allowed to rest in peace for the last couple of weeks, after the closure of a defamation lawsuit between his girlfriend and his manager. Global Voices in English » Macedonia: Alexander the Great as Media Bait
  • The airline has issued proceedings to include the other alleged conspirators in the damages lawsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The record labels have attempted to thwart the efforts of free music providers through the creation of copyright-protected files and through lawsuits against providers of free music.
  • That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
  • Californians also turned down Proposition 202, a proposal to limit lawyers' contingency fees and encourage early settlement of lawsuits.
  • Time was — time is — and, if I catch it not by the forelock as it passes, time will be no more — Nettlewood will be forfeited — and if I have in addition a lawsuit for my title, and for Oakendale, I run a risk of being altogether capotted. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Her lawsuit also charges that Disney parks have a history of fondling complaints involving workers, and that that Disney has "condoned" their actions, putting profits over public safety. Donald Duck's Alleged Groping Victim Gets Day In Court
  • Not only that, he lined up Sean Chumura, "a cyberwarfare and computer forensics expert" who is also [LINK NSFW] helping Perfect 10 in its lawsuit against Google, to testify that "it was possible for plaintiff, while 'tabbing' through the registration page, to inadvertently hit the space bar and thereby 'check' the terms and conditions box. Marketing Law Blog
  • The general response to the lawsuits was that it was the pot calling the teakettle black," said Billy Pidgeon, a game analyst with M2Research. The Seattle Times
  • During 2003, we must pass meaningful legislation in Congress to stop senseless lawsuits.
  • But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism. Let the law take its course.
  • Jones's lawyers contend that the case was intended only to shield presidents from lawsuits over official acts.
  • The lawsuit was filed originally in 2006 against the union government's approval to a London bank to defreeze Bofors scam accused Ottavio Quattrocchi's account, allegedly stashed with payoff money. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Most brokerage firms require customers to arbitrate disputes rather than file lawsuits.
  • The threat of lawsuits by itself is a major factor in driving up health care costs. Significant changes are definitely needed.
  • A clue to the district's defense might be contained in one line of the lawsuit that notes that "incredulously," the student reporters "now appear to be claiming that the students actually agreed to have their names included and to have the intimate details of their private sexual histories announced to the entire student body via the JagWire article. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Orly claimed Majerik became her client after she helped the widow prevail in a lawsuit against another matchmaker.
  • And the WWF has not been without its problems: several accidents, lawsuits, bust-ups and gaffes all combining to give him some serious headaches in recent years.
  • Car-parts maker Federal-Mogul recently secured Dollars 550m in extra credit to avoid bankruptcy and fight its asbestos lawsuits.
  • The lawsuit would likely allege that Symington got the loan because he deliberately misled the pension funds about his financial condition.
  • The motion and a related lawsuit alleged that Globe Communications Corp. published pictures that were obtained illegally.
  • He declined to specify them because of a lawsuit Larson has filed.
  • And had she told him to take his threatened lawsuit and stuff it up his downspout ? SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Speaking of lawsuits, don't hold your breath waiting for an American president to apologize for Washington having supported dictators like Ferdinand Marcos and Anastasio Somosa and Saddam Hussein and Augusto Pinochet and Suharto and Rafael Trujillo and Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. If we allow cruelty. . .
  • Companies learn about defects from consumer complaints, liability lawsuits and their own testing.
  • Earlier this year, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against Ohio's supermax prison in Youngstown.
  • At present, because their limits are not clear, people frequently confuse the two responsibilities, leading to more and more audit lawsuit cases in view of registered accountants.
  • They had a different dim sum cart for the white folks. If it had been a soul food restaurant, we'd have had grounds for a lawsuit.
  • The lawsuit came to nought but the couple a divorced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cameron the right to bring her own lawsuit and thus requiring her to find an attorney to represent her.
  • For it is with alarm that the billionaire recently watched some of his fellow oligarchs fight multibillion-pound lawsuits in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • The medical assistance agency collects about $ 20 million a year through its Estate Recovery Program, the lawsuit said.
  • The class action lawsuit had alleged that the technology groups agreed not to recruit each other's employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits
  • But its happiest effect was that not another lawsuit took place throughout the whole of his administration; and the office of constable fell into such decay that there was not one of those losel scouts known in the province for many years. Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Volume I
  • In such an argument there would always be matter for answers, rejoinders, replications, triplications, quadruplications, and that infinite web of disputes that our pettifoggers have spun out as far as they could in favor of lawsuits.
  • The Enforcement Lawsuit isn't a fantastic talk in China, on the contrary it survives speciously.
  • The Sons filed the lawsuit about three weeks later, seeking $ 1, 000 for each alleged violation by the state.
  • Arpaio is a corrupt media showboater whose antics on the streets and in the jails have resulted in lawsuits that have cost the county millions of dollars. Controversial Arizona sheriff considers run for governor's seat
  • America, once known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, has mutated into the land of the medicated and the home of the lawsuit.
  • BP has been named in at least three lawsuits brought under the federal law known as RICO, which stands for Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations. BP: RICO Law Made To Combat Mafia Used Against Oil Giant In Lawsuits
  • Hennigan filed a lawsuit on behalf of the survivors' families accusing the gun maker, Navegar Inc. of Miami.
  • A lawsuit has been filed against the company.
  • How did Rhonda Byrne, proponent and chief promulgator of the Law of Attraction, end up attracting such a large number lawsuits and disgruntled former team members? Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks: What Can We Learn From The Lawsuit Against Rhonda Byrne and The Secret?
  • Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed by homeowners across the country alleging mortgage loan fraud.
  • The error of omission that excluded council from the lawsuit decision occurred under last year's leadership.
  • Too bad it had to get to a lawsuit, for one would hope that neighbourly friendship would try a bit harder to resolve matters.
  • The defendants asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit on the ground that it was filed after the six-year deadline imposed by the statute of limitations. Christianity Today
  • The lawsuit later became a class action, representing about 1, 400 current and former black Texaco employees.
  • While he challenges Democrat Coakley to take the pledge, which she calls a gimmick, Coakley toured the Lynn Community Health Center, where officials cite her winning lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies. - News
  • Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit.
  • The Labor Department's lawsuit accuses Freedom of failing to do enough to prevent the mine's roof and walls from collapsing and to effectively ventilate the mine to remove methane and other gases. Feds Sue To Close Massey's Freedom Energy Mine No. 1 In Kentucky
  • What would have been considered light office banter in the 1970s is now grounds for a lawsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's another one of my beefs with judges - and this is the complaint that lawyers oftentimes get - that we file frivolous lawsuits.
  • A week or two after Salmi and Kosnoff sent their complaint to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, they headed to a Seattle high-rise to the law offices of Stafford Frey Cooper, a white-shoe firm that defended Fortune 500 clients from civil lawsuits throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • It is wrong to ensure the lawsuit false pretence as the swindle crime, though it has some characters of swindle crime.
  • The lawsuit filed in U. S. District Court in Anchorage claims that federal officials violated laws designed to protect the animals and their sensitive habitat in the Arctic waters of the Chukchi Sea.
  • Apparently all the government has to do is invoke the term ‘State Secrets’ and the lawsuit hits in impassable brick wall. Balloon Juice » 2006 » May
  • Voters also defeated Proposition 201, a complicated measure aimed at restricting shareholder lawsuits, which have plagued Silicon Valley high-tech companies.
  • Silicon Valley computer firms and other high-tech companies have been hit hard by the lawsuits.
  • Any doctor who ignored a comparably ominous symptom in a patient would be subject to a ruinous lawsuit.
  • No one has ever been healed by a frivolous lawsuit.
  • Historically, firms have been virtually immune from lawsuits based on their decisions relating to their own partners.
  • Thus began an ordeal in which Autry hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit.
  • Today he was named in a federal racketeering lawsuit.
  • Anyone who violates the rule is liable to lawsuits or may even jeopardize his or her position.
  • And while Google said it was "mortified" by its discovery, apologized again, and announced some measures to beef up privacy awareness within its ranks, the admission could expose the company to greater global scrutiny, fines and potential lawsuits, experts said. Google 'mortified' that Street View cars scarfed up e-mail, passwords; privacy criticism intensifies
  • During my wanderfoot days, I watched many a one drowse off where he sat to try a lawsuit or preside over a folkmoot. Hokas Pokas
  • The 4-4 tie upholds a federal appeals court decision in Lotus's copyright infringement lawsuit.
  • The lawsuit was then pending.
  • The lawsuit says oil companies contrived a gasoline shortage in the early 1970s.
  • He filed a lawsuit in federal court in Florida in 1978.
  • Saks Inc., attempting to move beyond a so-called markdown-allowances scandal, confirmed it has settled two lawsuits that alleged the luxury retailer engaged in abusive practices against vendors. Saks Settles Vendor Lawsuits
  • Asked if the campaign had any qualms about using the legal action in a political ad, McMaster spokesman Rob Godfrey said the lawsuit is a key example of the candidate's courage and leadership abilities. GOP Attorney General uses health care lawsuit in campaign ad
  • Any tax evader who comes under scrutiny finally ends up paying penalties though taxmen tended to be careful with VIPs among defaulters for fear of lawsuits.
  • Maybe the brief was in opposition to a motion to dismiss, and maybe the brief in support of the motion to dismiss included a sentence saying that the case *was* an “insane lawsuit brought in ignorance” blah blah blah. The Volokh Conspiracy » Never a Good Way to Start Your Argument
  • If that is true, then lawyers will remain unconstrained in filing baseless lawsuits against medical providers, and the cost of medical malpractice insurance will continue to skyrocket. Freshman Dem: Passing health care reform worth losing my seat
  • The threat of the lawsuit continues to drive the conversation.
  • Even if no lawsuit is filed, it can be quite unsettling to deal with overanxious beneficiaries who want their inheritances immediately.
  • For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense.
  • Sessions supported Bush's war 100%, opposed a bill by Sen. Specter that would allow Congress to file a lawsuit to get presidential signing statements declared unconstitutional, opposed Sen. McCain's anti-torture amendment in 2006, has a zero-rating on the environment, and a 100% vote with big oil. Obama, Stimulus, Republicans, and Apes----How They All Fit Together

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