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How To Use Laughing In A Sentence

  • We had been talking and laughing a great deal for more than half an hour when suddenly the lady burst into tears.
  • As soon as everyone stopped laughing, they noticed a few baby cradles at the other side of the room.
  • I mustered the entire caravan outside the tembe, our flags and streamers were unfurled, the men had their loads resting on the walls, there was considerable shouting, and laughing, and negroidal fanfaronnade. How I Found Livingstone
  • It has been reduced to something of a laughing stock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here we may be sneering at the devaluation of the single currency, but in Germany they're laughing all the way to the export markets.
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  • Springtime for Henry played Broadway in the early '30s and then again in the early '50s but became a laughingstock as Edward Everett Horton repeatedly barnstormed it.
  • She and I were laughing and joking as the car whipped round curves at 70 mph.
  • Mr. Derringham says you are called Cheiron," Mr.. Cricklander announced laughingly. Halcyone
  • Somewhere in the darkest, dingiest corner of hell, Andrew Wilson is laughing," Beuke told jurors. Jon Burge Trial: Jury Begins Deliberations
  • It was indeed, the dirty brown hair was neatly combed and the coat was new and clean, he was smiling fit to burst as he entertained giggling ladies and laughing lords.
  • Groups of pot-bellied old men in seldom worn suits stood in clusters, leaning in to catch a word, laughing, lining up for photos taken by children and grandchildren.
  • It was nice listening to the two kids laughing their heads off as they played "moviemaking" on Sunday. Shlemazl
  • The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor.
  • Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
  • The awkwardness between them soon vanished when they began laughing and mocking the poorly produced film.
  • Then we played some games: we threw bean bags into targets for prizes and ran relays, spun hula hoops and played tic-tac-toe, fulfilling the mitzvah of laughing and being merry on Sukkot. GLBT Families Come OUT to Decorate the Sukkah With GLOE « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Before I know it, they're done and are exiting the stage, laughing to each other.
  • Some men sat around the fire, cooking meat on sticks, drinking from gourds and laughing.
  • i was in floods of tears at the end of "Bridge to Terabithia" when i went to go see it with me ten year old nephew. he promptly spent the rest of the day laughing at me for it and calling me a woose but in my defence it was really sad. lol. wrenchturner (5 posts) on April 16, 2009 - 9: 46pm. - Because visibility matters
  • Yes | No | Report from bullshitter wrote 1 week 3 days ago it's midnight and I still can't stop laughing about that lab winning with a stiffie. Best Gun Dog Contest
  • She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us.
  • Throughout the interview she kept her temper perfectly , laughing and jesting.
  • Then he turned back to the rich young patricians who were all laughing at her expense.
  • Grecian; they had laughing eyes their figures were models for an artist with — “Turgide, brune, e ritondette mamme.” like the ‘bending statue’ that delights the world. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Among the nearly 200 species found here are thicket tinamou, brown pelican, osprey, king vulture, and laughing gull.
  • He and his mates are laughing and jeering at their next-door neighbour: a crazy old man, stripped to the waist, performing what looks like some kind of weird callisthenics routine in his backyard.
  • So, who's laughing now, tovarisch? Times, Sunday Times
  • Serena and I both pulled back, startled, and then watched in awe as they both started laughing.
  • Anyone who had spent a bomb on a just-for-the-occasion dress would have been the laughing stock at the gathering.
  • Cassie whirled about, dropped the stickweed, and came running, laughing. The Dollmaker
  • Immediately Drake ran over to the group, thinking that the men were laughing and teasing her.
  • But Mr. Erwitt also has a gift for clicking off multiple photographs of a single scene, finding and preserving evanescent moments likely to leave the viewer alternately laughing or enrapt. Photo-Op: Head or Tail
  • The doctor could not help laughing at the sort of "moue" she made: when he laughed, he had something peculiarly good-natured and genial in his look. Villette
  • It was all I could do to keep from laughing as I discussed filling in forms and so on, whilst loos flushed all around me.
  • The mountain boys held on to each other laughing, and I wasn't any too pleased, but Carson gave me his slantendicular smile and shrugged. Isabelle
  • But others of the Muscovite band were fond of congregating at this spot and hour for their lustral summer rites -- white-skinned lads and lasses, matrons and reverent elders, all in a state of Adamitic nudity, splashing about the water of this sunny cover, devouring raw fish and crabs after the manner of the fabled Ichthyophagi, laughing, kissing, saying nice things about God, and combing out each other's long tow-coloured hair. South Wind
  • The only way you'll be laughing at this romantic drama is at how preposterous the plot is. The Sun
  • Laughing, she adds, is much healthier than running: it gingers up the metabolism in the same way, but without the negative side effects.
  • Tourists taking selfies and groups of laughing visitors have caused concern in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever they were telling her, Dakota was gasping and laughing, hands to her mouth. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • We were the laughing stock of the world. The Sun
  • To see their team go down without a fight, to see the good name of their club trampled underfoot, to see the game laughing at them. The Sun
  • Once resurfacing from the water, hair in his eyes, he could see Jo laughing, not so discreetly slapping her thigh in mirth.
  • Buck Mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling, laughing: and then gravely said, honeying malice: Ulysses
  • Not only will you be made a laughing-stock of, but some scribbler, some ink-splasher will put you into a comedy. The Inspector-General
  • It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.
  • All the while, resentment is building up in the hearts and minds of the majority who, rightly or wrongly, perceive that the gurriers are laughing at them and thumbing their noses at the law.
  • Â As the Shadowpact head home, the last image we see is Nightmaster, riding his coal-black steed into battle with a dragon, Sword of Night held high, laughing … Â “Now THIS is the life!” Shadowpact #22 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • There is an amused glimmer to his eyes and his lips quirk upwards, as if he is laughing at a private joke.
  • He tried to stay his joy, but couldn't help laughing.
  • Madeleine burst out laughing at my grumpy expression and threw one of her pillows at me.
  • The film opens on a small evening party: four individuals dancing, swaying, laughing disconnectedly.
  • Like a flower bud about to open a child laughing face, very cute.
  • In our life we are laughing more happily than anybody else.But when the crowd dissipates,we feel much more lonely than anybody else.
  • I was surrounded by backslapping, laughing patrons.
  • Lucy laughing, smoking, Lucy with Jamie's feather boa round her shoulders, Lucy who had kissed her.
  • A sense of humor is good for you. Have you ever heard of a laughing hyena with heart burn? Bob Hope 
  • His wit was quick and always kept his friends laughing; he had a genuine heart and sense of chivalry.
  • She had stopped to listen and offer words of advice, but the other members of that clique had stepped out of the shadows, laughing and jeering.
  • When we tried to microwave some frozen whale blubber sent down from Barrow, we ended up laughing as the muktuk sizzled and got tough. Ellen Frankenstein: From Tofu to Muktuk
  • She is laughing - she is much sparkier than her reputation would suggest - nonetheless she means it, so we move on. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • We are the laughing stock of Europe with our ridiculously high prices for everything and our stupid infantile government.
  • Inside my mother was still eating, and the men and girls next to our place were laughing and guffawing.
  • What I laughingly refer to as my garden is a corner lot by our postage-stamp size house.
  • When you think about this, it is laughable but too serious to be a laughing matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking at one of the awning's outer support beams, he laughingly recalls a time when some of his friends kicked him out of his bedding for snoring too loudly.
  • This ghost, laughing a little too loudly, would be all the more terrible for the flicker of awful, self-deluding pride kindling in it at the thought of white-knuckling through the grimmest month of the year with nothing to talk about in company but how it has given up drink. After the Binge Must Come the Purge
  • She made her dinner off potatoes and bread, the former of which she declared, laughing, were very porky and cabbagy; her meal would have been an extremely light one had it not been for the custard-pie. The Wide, Wide World
  • To my own "frangine" who has just rung from the airport to say she is back home again after trekking for three weeks in the mountains of Bhutan and is on her way over to tell me of latest adventures, laughingly hinting that this was the hardest trek yet! La frangine - French Word-A-Day
  • He bounced Sean on his lap several times, laughing and smiling as the baby laughed back.
  • Two of his daughters were there, laughing and carrying small children, and he was bouncing a third child on his knees.
  • Loladins will be a new class focusing on emote combat, tickling and laughing at their enemies until they feel pity and give up, or punch the player in the face.
  • Micky Conlan would roll the ball in front, then run, pick it up, baulk an imaginary opponent, run close to the boundary, kick the goal then scuttle back, laughing.
  • Anne is miserable, alternating between laughing and despairing.
  • When they reached the sand, Muriel laughingly took off her sandals and her shorts.
  • Life is like Angry Birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.
  • She had a wide, laughing mouth, searching grey eyes and the kind of peachy complexion most New York women would kill for. Black Blade
  • Green woodpeckers also live on the reserve, but give out a loud, laughing call, or 'yaffle'. Times, Sunday Times
  • We found a new favorite cheese, Samos, which is like spreadable laughing cow but 10x better. TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
  • Around the circular pit were crowded all the races of Garden, or rather, all those races which had not been ex­terminated resisting the evil Wizards: the hooded Druids, brachiate tree dwellers from the Great Forest, a band of fuzzies in their bright orange robes, many lizard soldiers hissing and laughing and shouting, stubby little Marsh Folk, and hundreds of mutants. Prayers To Broken Stones
  • Next in order is the middle region, or chest, which comprehends the vital faculties and parts; which (as I have said) is separated from the lower belly by the diaphragma or midriff, which is a skin consisting of many nerves, membranes; and amongst other uses it hath, is the instrument of laughing. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • When we parted she was upright, energised, smiling and laughing.
  • The only downside is the face-ache you'll get from all the laughing. The Sun
  • Laughing to myself, I turned on the faucet and began rinsing out the mug.
  • This was the cause of much amusement, with the Senator laughing the loudest. AMAGANSETT
  • Soon her eyes were tearing and Kyle had joined in, laughing too.
  • You can say "Hohokam" and people don't think you're laughing funny. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
  • We nearly split our sides laughing/with laughter watching Paul trying to get the dog into the bicycle basket.
  • Ah, you are mediant, incorrigible," said the lady, in broken English, laughing as she spoke. Won from the Waves
  • People are chattering and laughing; dice are being thrown; there is the constant clattering of mah-jong tiles.
  • From flying foxes to laughing kookaburras and live crocodiles, they'll meet elements of nature that, for many people, are worlds away from Baltimore.
  • Kenji had to duck a swat from the eldest boy, but kept laughing.
  • It sounded like they had just heard this kid crying and they were kind of laughing at what had happened, mimicking him.
  • We were in the rags of beggary, prideless in the dust, and yet I was laughing heartily at some mumbled merry quip of the Lady Om when a shadow fell upon us. Chapter 15
  • Laughing she swung to the ground with the family dog yipping at the bottom.
  • -- It is called a tundish in Lower Drumcondra, said Stephen, laughing, where they speak the best English. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • But manboobs, aka moobs, are not really a laughing matter. Toronto Sun
  • Alice started laughing and Scarlet stared deep into her eyes.
  • Both the men now gazed in the direction from which they expected the girls to appear, when lo! shouting, laughing, and tearing obstreperously along, the six beauteous and dutiful damsels came racing towards them. Ralph Rashleigh
  • When I told him it was my pen friend in America his smile got so much bigger and sarkier I thought he might burst out laughing. LOSING IT
  • If I attempted a race with the boys, I was obliged to give up from very weariness; and laughing at what they termed my laziness, they pursued their amusements without me. A Grandmother's Recollections
  • May there be some clear little stream just behind you, laughing along its idle way; -- some chirping birds, singing their roundelay -- some buzzing flies -- you will then be lulled into doziness. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 266, July 28, 1827
  • laughing children
  • Taile dug his fingers into Cali's ribs, causing him to squiggle around, laughing, his eyes opening.
  • He would be laughing and joking one moment and then totally different the next.
  • I tried not to smile as I gave him a quick jab in the stomach, but in the end we were both laughing.
  • Wasif was laughing though, fit to burst, and the people of the teahouse were gathering around with puzzled but interested faces, peering. KARA KUSH
  • A sparkling hi-hat percussion line, lyrical ‘little bird’ metaphors of ‘loveless love,’ and an endgame of girls laughing make it an aural delight.
  • Worker exploitation and unfair wages are no laughing matter.
  • The fact that he is younger in years than other deserving officers should not be sufficient reason for overslaughing him again.
  • Well, I suppose because of what you would call a fetich," Frida answered laughing. The British Barbarians
  • Abdullah would roll his eyes, look at me, and then burst out laughing, knowing that Grandmaman would give him a backshish at the end of the day for all his pains. Apricots on the Nile
  • Laughing, The funding from the layoff is nothing compared to what CxP need to do anything. Layoffs Begin, Ames Offers Buyouts - NASA Watch
  • John placed £20 on a trixie and was laughing when his selection paid £1611.25.
  • Laughing, Eryalith grabbed the crook of Ariane's elbow.
  • Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
  • So lonesome that there were times when life looked absolutely worthless; when the blue devils made him their plaything, and he saw Billy Louise looking scornfully upon him and loving some other man better; when he saw his name blackened by the suspicion that he was a rustler -- preying upon his neighbors 'cattle; when he saw Buck Olney laughing in derision of his mercy and fixing fresh evidence against him to confound him utterly. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • The effect of the laughing gas is almost instantaneous. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were laughing and joking and having the time of their lives. The Sun
  • Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
  • Vendors hawked their wares while gesturing wildly, and groups of dirty street urchins played amidst the chaos, laughing and catcalling to one another.
  • Thus it's easier to regain the high ground by laughing or sneering, or complaining about art getting in the way of commuters.
  • a lamppost was there and then it wasn't snow started to spit and lemons fell like pale tears while we stood and talked of all that had passed silent between us and you laughing suggested we make love in midair over the angry Italian chop Falling
  • The green hills are a-quiver with babblers, bushchats, bulbuls, barbets, crow pheasants, and the laughing thrush of the Palni hills.
  • There are nearly 200 knights, lords, and their ladies milling about, conversing, boasting, laughing.
  • a rattle, what a yaffle — as they call the woodpecker, the laughing bird that flits from tree to tree. Between the Acts
  • Stop laughing!" he warned her, waving his sword threateningly ... or at least in a manner that he imagined was threatening. Darkness of the Light
  • He did not kno., v that he had made a joke until he saw Mel slapping his thigh and laughing.
  • I was slurping minestrone soup at an Italian restaurant, laughing with a friend, when her cell phone rang.
  • The two were both horribly bad at the game, but had had fun laughing and poking fun at each other about it.
  • Indeed, Jindal felt Congressional Dems voted on a stimulus bill they hadn't even read - though Jindal's criticism of the same package didn't show that he'd read it either, claiming it was "larded" with pork but I started laughing when Jindal began listing the projects he thought were unnecessary and wasteful, such as mag-lev rail projects and volcano monitoring. Jindal's Condescending Response Elicits Douchechills
  • I found myself chuckling over that, and then laughing heartily.
  • The largest of the three species of wood pecker found in Britain, Green Woodpeckers are also easily recognized by their laughing ‘yaffle’ call.
  • He sat up, and she knelt beside him on the bed, laughing and trying to help unbuckle and unstrap his uniform.
  • Adrina had to bite her lip to prevent herself laughing aloud. TREASON KEEP
  • I grasp my aching head and turn around to see them laughing hysterically as the volleyball bounces away.
  • I had to turn it off eventually because it's hard to drive when you're laughing so hard you might pee your pants.
  • That man's wife and children have come and 'squatted' down on my place," said Mr. Gordon, laughing; "and so, Nin, all you paid for his fish is just so much saving to me. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Vol. I
  • She gripped his hands, his shirt, burying her face in his chest, hiding and laughing at her own reaction.
  • See that girl barefooting along Whistling and singing, she's a-carrying on Got laughing in her eyes Dancing in her feet She's a neon diamond She can live on the street Chorus Hey, hey, come right away Come and join the party Every day Hey, hey, come right away Come and join the party every day Well, everybody's dancing in a ring around the sun Nobody's finished, we ain't even begun So take off your shoes, child And take off your hat Try on your wings And find out where it's at The WELL: The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion)
  • As he spat a mouthful of orange goop on the floor, he heard Jeremy laughing at him.
  • I can't help laughing at a pimp who is swearing by the curb, wiping dog poo off his pointed boot into the gutter.
  • I got laughing so hard at the post and the comments I ran out of time to go pick up my new scrip from the drugstore before it closed, and I’ve laughed more in the last hour than I have in WEEKS. Hold The Mustard | Her Bad Mother
  • They crack jokes, laughing and shouting.
  • Laughing and giggling, she tagged the light skin of the blond child, then turned and raced the other way.
  • ‘I should have carded him,’ he answered laughing as he handed over the Long Island ice tea.
  • I watched my best friend and her kids and husband laughing and chatting and I was enveloped in this terrible sense of loss for those days.
  • What a keen, laughing, hair-brained vein of homefelt truth! Charles Lamb
  • MacDermott had fallen in love with a girl who had preferred to marry a peeler ... _a peeler_, mind you! ... they would split their sides laughing. The Foolish Lovers
  • Of course, these stupid lunks get out their own weapons, and I'm all laughing, because these stupid cheese-heads are going into a fight with a Kobrian!
  • Which said, the lady and her now partly reassured lover got them to bed, where for a great while they disported them right gamesomely, laughing together and making merry over the luckless scholar. The Decameron, Volume II
  • She laughingly adds that working with the star was not such a terrible facet of making this move.
  • Seldom had the King evinced more gaiety of heart than at this particular period, or appeared to derive greater amusement from the gossipry of the Court and the gallantries of the courtiers; and he no sooner ascertained that Mademoiselle d'Entragues had become the mistress of Bassompierre than he said laughingly to the Duc de Guise: The Life of Marie de Medicis
  • I nearly died laughing when she said that.
  • Franklin had a great time - laughing his head off at all the greedy birds arguing over his cheerios.
  • I could scarcely keep from laughing in his face, the whole thing was so ludicrous; but I managed to look my haughtiest, and sternest, and fiercest, while I superintended the deck-cleansing. CHAPTER XLV
  • Still, he made all of us, including Art, fall about laughing. READY?
  • His sister kept on laughing, though, her giggles breaking into shrill chortling.
  • As Nicholas and Colette gaily threw horseshoes, laughing merrily and cheering the other on, Caroline stood at the back.
  • Life is like Angry Birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.
  • There was some inspired audience participation and I found myself constantly laughing, though it may have had more to do with the Peruvian, wearing a very cool alpaca pullover, sitting next to me who was comedy gold.
  • ‘We could do this all day’ Aurora said laughing, ‘just trust me, he will not think you are a hussy.’
  • The star, 31, was filmed laughing at her own joke about hippos and 'gypos'. The Sun
  • Crevecoeur, still laughing at the chivalrous inamorato. Quentin Durward
  • Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.
  • They must be laughing their socks off at troops fighting for a country that shows them such disrespect. The Sun
  • Viols and lutes sounded in the background, laughing dulcimers wove in and out between the harp notes, bassoons and oboes crooned to violins and the deep, sweet voice of cellos, and he knew it couldn't happen even as it did.
  • Lotta naked in the elegant bathroom, laughing beneath the shower, beckoning her handsome blond lover to join her.
  • Ryan was just hysterically laughing, asking how it was a twenty-one year old could lose to a five year old child in naughts and crosses.
  • Everybody in the chillier parts of the world is laughing at me now. My God, It's Full Of Tweets!
  • Do you Barford people ever think of anything else but what you call brass?" asked Collingwood, laughing. The Talleyrand Maxim
  • And he laughed when my father and I went to see him; yes, _laughed_, in that noiseless, oily, inside way of his, as you might think of a snake laughing. The Alaskan
  • On one occasion, I had left the table to fetch a brose pudding for dessert, and returned to find both of them sound asleep, and Jenny laughing quietly to herself amid the remains of supper. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • And within seconds, he was laughing so hard that a bowl almost slipped from his grasp.
  • It seemed to be teasing her, laughing at her, and she resented it.
  • Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
  • I'm laughing somehow or other.Just because I'm thinking of you.
  • Looking after fifteen noisy children is no laughing matter.
  • You start laughing raucously, almost manically.
  • I found my linkman leaning against a post and laughing heartily. The Yeoman Adventurer
  • I was laughing happily and she was smiling like an angel.
  • Finally unmuffled and confronted by his comrades, who leave in contempt, Paroles resolves henceforth to make a shameless living as a laughing stock.
  • And what she saw was a handsome dark-haired young man who sat laughing with a girl in a bright green dress.
  • Willow soon was laughing too, from the contagiousness of it.
  • If only he had Being a stand-up comedian is no laughing matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Great manners, I would just say thanks and no more, though I would be in stiches laughing. Minding One’s Peens and Q’s | Her Bad Mother
  • He then crashed onto the floor and started laughing again.
  • I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 
  • You'll find yourself laughing out loud, clapping for the heroine, and feeling reluctant, amused commiseration for the hero.
  • He'd be staggering and falling over and sometimes there was a gang of kids following and poking fun and laughing.
  • The photograph enclosed was a holiday snap of a pretty blonde woman looking back over her shoulder on a river bank and laughing at the photographer.
  • Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
  • Kevin held his look of innocence, while his eyes danced and twinkled, laughing at her.
  • Neely and I have justed watched this a bazillion times in a row and we are killing ourselves laughing. She was doing really good until that one part
  • Her snack ideas: celery and salsa; fat-free plain yogurt with fruit (cooked apple, pineapple, berries in season and on sale); baked apple with cinnamon and Splenda; warmed low-fat cheese (Laughing Cow wedges) with a light, toasted English muffin. Tightening the belt leads to a trimmer, healthier waistline
  • As only she could, Violet had noticed how Althia's reading of them irked him and gleefully added more salt to the wound by laughing merrily whenever she spoke.
  • Birds here are diverse and include honeyeaters, pilotbirds, cockatoos, pied currawongs, white-winged choughs, and laughing kookaburras, the largest kingfisher in Australia.
  • Just laughing with you re: the baptist and Pope comment! Rifle Shooting's 10 Most Significant Developments of the Decade
  • It is not a laughing matter, and it is certainly not caused by working with someone - as these stupid little idiots implied.

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