How To Use Laudanum In A Sentence

  • This is the dormitive I take to bedward; I need no other laudanum than this to make me sleep; after which I close mine eyes in security, content to take my leave of the sun, and sleep unto the resurrection. Religio Medici
  • During the nineteenth century, laudanum, made from a tincture of opium, was a popular sleeping aid, but it was known to be fatal in large doses.
  • She took laudanum for this, as was the fashion, a habit that brought her to the attention of a fellow poet, the opium addict Coleridge.
  • When he returned at half-past eleven o'clock, he found his rooms full of a strong odour of laudanum; his wife was breathing stertorously and lying unconscious on the bed.
  • No, it is not the tincture of laudanum I placed in my thin gruel.
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  • Doctors would give babies phenobarbital for colic and laudanum (a form of opium) for teething.
  • 'Is not it shocking to think,' continued she, after she had swallowed it, 'that in laudanum alone I find the means of supporting existence?' Belinda
  • The room where she wrote, in between bouts of melancholia and swigs of laudanum, remains above the old entrance to the stables.
  • The rest of the errands were much like others he had run in the past, except for one small item; among the other items Cameron wanted from the apothecary was a remarkable quantity of laudanum, and for the first time since Paul had known him, a small amount of morphia. Red dust
  • Meanwhile, the tansy powder would do Clifford no harm, and the laudanum was a proper treatment for this acute period. City of Glory
  • Our tincture of opium of today was developed from Sydenham's laudanum.
  • Rukenau says it's a vision of the world from the inside out---"" And how much laudanum does he have you imbibe before you see this vision? SACRAMENT
  • Rukenau says it's a vision of the world from the inside out---"" And how much laudanum does he have you imbibe before you see this vision? SACRAMENT
  • Morphine and laudanum addicts were usually seen as pitiful unfortunates living failed lives as a result of their habits.
  • `All it would have taken was a few drops of laudanum in your milk. SANDS OF TIME
  • By the time I got home the next morning, bombed out of my skull on cheap tequila and even cheaper laudanum, she was already asleep.
  • He is more self-indulgent about his agues, fevers, constipation, and other ills, and goes into detail about the remedies for same - among them, paregoric, laudanum, chamomile, and an otherwise unidentified bark tea.
  • As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) that might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why?
  • As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) THAT might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why? Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • I doubted it very much, but I could hardly pinch his nose and pour the laudanum down his throat. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Any painkillers containing opiates, such as laudanum, were out of the question until the concussion went away.
  • I immediately ordered a spoonful of the infusum Digitalis every six hours, with a small quantity of laudanum, to prevent its running off by stool, and decoction of leontodon taraxacum to allay his thirst. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • Ursula Minor finish with the climactic "Laudanum", an energetic piece of music billing with an anthemia chorus and belting instrumentals. IcScotland
  • And one of the things she did to help herself during this period was to take laudanum, which is a kind of opium derivative. John Stuart Mill: A Biography
  • A tin of Blue Pills, so labeled, and a bottle, not labeled, but recognizable, of black draught-laudanum, that is. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • He had wanted to take his own life but Severn confiscated a bottle of laudanum, a decision the artist later partially regretted.
  • They had forced down her throat the gobs of chalky calomel mixed with laudanum prescribed by the head-shaking doctor until her gums bled.
  • And laudanum invariably led to castor oil, and if that failed to work, to the gruesome lavement machine. The Mistress of Nothing
  • Perhaps this wet cloth in the original, is what we now call laudanum; a potion that overspreads the faculties, as the wet cloth did the face of the royal patient; and the translator knew not how to render it. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Within a year, addicted to laudanum and alcohol and grossly overweight, George IV was dead.
  • Let run 1 quart of veinous blood from the elbow and administer 5 minims of ticture of laudanum at every high-tide until the subject quiets. Unspeakably Ill « Whatever
  • Opium and laudanum are both stimulating and stupefactive.
  • The true gum opium, and laudanum, which is its tincture, are derived from Eastern Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Rukenau says it's a vision of the world from the inside out---"" And how much laudanum does he have you imbibe before you see this vision? SACRAMENT
  • Later, perhaps, when the avatars had arrived and he was certain everything was in hand, he'd take a little laudanum. EVERVILLE
  • Paracelsus created the narcotic opium, which he called laudanum, for his patients. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • She had brought him a pot of laudanum and helped to steady it in his shaking hand. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • Mrs. Shakespeare advised her to take a spoonful of laudanum for the headache.
  • Several bottles of laudanum and chlorodyne were found in Dean's bedroom.
  • Here are the dirty tricks: Sam Weller tells a tale of unpolled electors being stupefied with laudanum, waking only after the election was over.
  • To be sure I did, to calm down the pain; and that was what I call laudanum and Mr Briscoe here calls opium. Old Gold The Cruise of the "Jason" Brig
  • Rukenau says it's a vision of the world from the inside out---"" And how much laudanum does he have you imbibe before you see this vision? SACRAMENT
  • If the bark clysters should bring on costiveness the laudanum may occasionally be omitted; if this is not attended with the desired consequences, we have recourse to a common injection.
  • It explained the fate of Montau* ban; a label fattened to it, was infcribed LAUDANUM; its deadly contents he Julia de Roubigné, by the author of The man of feeling
  • In 18 th century southern Africa, the potion "poo" was taken to enable people to dance better in ceremonial dances; the Dutch word "doop" described a potion made from Datura stramonium used by robbers to pacify their prey; in 1807 in London, the opiate Laudanum Pravda.Ru
  • Any painkillers containing opiates, such as laudanum, were out of the question until the concussion went away.

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