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  1. an ancient region of west central Italy (southeast of Rome) on the Tyrrhenian Sea

How To Use Latium In A Sentence

  • Rex illius terræ habet palatium nobilissimum inter omnia quæ vidi altissime stat, et gradus et scalas habet altissimos, quorum semper vnus gradus est aureus, alius argenteus: Pauimentum vero vnum laterem habet de auro, alium de argento. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Armorica, or the maritime tract on the North-West of Gaul; while in scholion n it is interpreted of Latium, in Italy. Bolougne-Sur-Mer St. Patrick's Native Town
  • He introduced the word prorsus into the line Mortalibus prorsus non absit solatium and after Hujus enim scripta evolve, he added, Mentemque tantarum rerum capacem corpori caduco superstitem crede; which is quite applicable to Dr Johnson himself. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • Different measures of mental injury solatium is substantially connected not only the compensation ability of the trespasser, but also the protection and realization of the victim's interests.
  • Lavinia's pre-Roman Latium is pagan, of course, but does not have the anthropomorphised gods that Virgil knows. February Books 16) Lavinia, by Ursula Le Guin
  • _ 5, 105, 'Revocatus ... etsi magno desiderio Athenas intenderet ab Agrippina tamen in palatium adductus.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Palatium suum duo millaria tenet in ambitu; cuius pauimentum semper vnum laterem habet aureum, alium argenteum: Iuxta ambitum istius palatij est vnus monticulus artificialis de auro et argento, super quo stant Monasteria, et campanilia, et alia delectabilia pro solatio illius popularis; Et dictum fuit mihi, quòd quatuor tales homines sunt in regno illo. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • The country in which the Trojans had now landed was called Latium, and Story of Aeneas
  • (M.H.G. “palas”, Lat. “palatium”) is a large building standing alone and largely used as a reception hall. The Nibelungenlied
  • But so aloof is he from general suspicion, so immune from criticism, so admirable in his management and self-effacement, that for those very words that you have uttered he could hale you to a court and emerge with your year's pension as a solatium for his wounded charac - ter. Chennai
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