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How To Use latish In A Sentence

  • So perhaps next year I'll catch a latish flight on Monday, so I can stay as long as SignOut, then take Tuesday off work. Post-Wiscon.. except not
  • “Romantic” is thus an Anglo-German term, referring to a phenomena whose origins are associated with Italy, France, Spain, and particularly the high and latish Medieval Romances of Guillaume de Lorris and Chrétien de Troyes. Let's Do the Time Warp Again: Gothic Ideology
  • It was latish afternoon, and the tarts were beginning to parade; little Willy goggled at a couple of painted princesses swaying by in all their finery, ogling, and then he says to me in a reverent whisper: The Sky Writer
  • I started writing this latish last Monday evening, having just got back from Sydney. Journal 16 August
  • I remember in the latish 1980s my then cleaner telling me that her poll tax was higher than mine -- and knew then that the game was up for the controversial Thatcher local tax reform. Raising taxes on those who work hard for little money could be the end of Labour
  • I was perhaps a latish convert to the struggle for democracy and freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • I see this guy up the road, let's say a latish 40'ish dish full of sinews, trying to hitch a ride. Cluck Cluck
  • On the other hand, he got a latish start in the movies – he was 27 when he played Tony. Wednesday, Feb. 24 – The Bleat.
  • Probably, like many other families, they may have had to opt for a latish holiday…
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