How To Use Latin america In A Sentence

  • The Latin American brotherhood was a pretty awful in general, coming out of some deranged ideas of Simon Bolivar, and it was an extraordinarily awful thing during the Cold War. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.
  • This journey made him the exporter of revolution to liberate Latin America's poor.
  • Indeed, before entering the first of two main spaces devoted to the exhibit, you encounter five 1968 lithographs inspired by the poet Pablo Neruda's epic work, "Canto General," an all-embracing distillation of Latin American history, geography and culture. Siqueiros in Unfamiliar Terrain
  • A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America, Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in 1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA.
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  • Because of its size, tasty meat, valuable leather, and rapid reproduction, the capybara is a candidate for both ranching and intensive husbandry throughout the hot and humid lowland tropical regions of Latin America. 15 Agouti
  • The story might have him playing an effete easterner converted into a "real" American by the Old West, or demonstrating manly American virtues in decadent Europe or corrupt Latin America, or good-humoredly asserting American common sense in response to vogues like health faddism or pacifism, but in all these plots he was the exact same wholesome, attractive fellow he had always been. The Silent Superstar
  • From the 1870s through World War I, most European and Latin American nations as well as Japan and the United States abandoned bimetallic standards, which based currencies on both gold and silver, and embraced the gold standard.
  • The group's send-ups of Latin American soap operas on stilts and unicycles have also drawn attention.
  • The pairing of a veteran Cuban pianist with one of the rising stars of flamenco on a selection of Cuban and other Latin American standards seems to be a case in point.
  • Critics of Reich say his appointment as the State Department's top Latin American policymaker has more to do with domestic politics than foreign affairs. The Right Man For Latam?
  • These are the questions that plague Coronilla and thousands of others whose relatives from across Latin America have vanished in recent years as lawlessness prevails in large swaths of Mexico. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Most of the time, though, from what we've heard, they keep their folk tunes and their skanking ones separate, but when the elements do combine it's reggae-folk with Latin American harmonies and flavour. Melodica, Melody + Me (No 844)
  • This weekend, two orchestras will honor the men who made mambo: at Rose Hall, one outstanding Latin American bassist salutes another as Carlos Henriquez leads the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra in the music of the Cuban composer and innovator Israel Cachao Lopez 1918-2008. The Jazz Scene: Rhythm Kings and the Chairman of the Board
  • Twenty-five remaining African and Latin American countries recognize Taiwan diplomatically instead of China.
  • With most European stocks flatlining, investors are hungry for shares of companies benefiting from fast-paced growth in Latin America.
  • Do you know any other Latin American dances?
  • Take 1973 Chile, for example, or, for that matter, pretty much any Latin American junta take-over. Matthew Yglesias » The Surge and Afghan Women
  • Markets, as they will always do when given the chance, moved toward providing more goods at cheaper prices, and economic growth quickly began to outpace other Latin American economies.
  • SMU's Perkins School of Theology gets grant for training of Latin American pastors RELIGION Blog |
  • Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Latin American, especially a Mexican.
  • They had opened a new chapter in the history of Latin America through guerrilla warfare.
  • GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: George Galloway senses what I strongly feel ~ that the tide is turning against the Cheney/Bush neocon dream of global domination ~ for the rest of the world clearly sees the real threat to our civilization is the United States ~ and Galloway, who saw this threat clearly years ago, now comments on the rapidly growing demand of Muslim and Latin American movements for an alternative to America\'s oppression and domination.' GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT
  • For the Asians and Latin Americans, members of high-context societies: issues circumstances relationships are as important as the work. Communicating across cultures
  • RIO DE JANEIRO—Billionaire Brazilian businessman Eike Batista , the Latin American country's wealthiest man, increased his stake in independent driller OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes SA, the company said in a regulatory filing late Monday. Batista Lifts Stake in Oil Company OGX
  • BofA-Merrill expects Latin American equities are to return 27% in local currency in 2011, thanks in large part to expectations that earnings will grow considerably 26% in U.S. dollar terms, anchored by domestic growth engines positioned to benefit from higher commodity prices, and low perceived macro risk given that countries, companies and households are underleveraged. Forget China, Look To Latin America
  • In 1969, they participated as observers in a world congress of the United Secretariat, which decided to pursue a rural guerrilla tactic in Latin America.
  • Latin America, he wrote, was disfavored by geography and climate and weighted down by its history, permeated by a ‘heavy, melancholy force.’
  • Marx's ideas have bubbled up in many places in Latin America
  • For all the "heterogeneity" the Black population in the US may have and I know that, linguistically at least, there is real and heterogeneity in African-American Vernacular English/AAVE, even though to most ears it sounds like one common dialect, it's nothing compared to the broad spectrum of human diversity Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America have to offer. On "diversity purists" and "vulnerability to stereotype threat."
  • Indeed, Latin America, particularly Brazil, has become in a very short time a world center of Pentecostal Christianity, wherefrom it has now begun to radiate in all directions.
  • Latin American families which are often extended and matrifocal often appear in the media or popular literature as being ‘deviant’ or ‘in crisis.’
  • She graduated from Princeton University with a major in biology and minors in Latin American studies and science/human affairs.
  • But it must be recognized that this is a Venezuelan conceptualization of socialism, a Latin American conceptualization, responding to all the deprivations that are characteristic of the region.
  • The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.
  • When narco-trafficking and corruption threaten democracy in Latin America, it's America's problem too.
  • Brad, but let me guess, you oppose exploring and drilling for more coal, oil, and natural gas here but have no problem buying it from Muslims who hate us and Latin American strongmen. Matthew Yglesias » El Qaeda: Tomorrow’s Horrible Foreign Policy Idea
  • It flourished until the last quarter of the 18th century, when neoclassicism gained pre-eminence in Latin America.
  • He supported the Cuban idea of establishing regional Latin American pharmacopoeia so as to give the best sources of medicinal plants. Chapter 10
  • The bitterest military conflict in late twentieth-century Latin American history came to an end with all sides claiming a measure of victory.
  • Their music is described as 'an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms'.
  • We are pushing for the trade agreement to be expanded into all of Latin America.
  • Finally, the afro-Asian Latin American developing countries, including non-material cultural heritage legislative situation analysis.
  • Salt deserts or salt pans - ‘salinas’ in Latin America - are among the most extreme habitats on Earth.
  • Often called "the father of the Tlatelolco Agreement," which made Latin America a "denuclearized zone," García Robles also, beginning in 1978, played a central role in the efforts of the United Nations to promote general disarmament throughout the world. Mexico's Nobel Prize winners
  • Like most of Latin America, Chile inherited an inquisitorial legal system from Spain.
  • Something, for example, is astir in Latin America which gives an unanticipated scope for hope even as the Middle East continues to blindly grope its way towards partnership with Asia.
  • Communist Party, making charges against us at the various congresses of communist parties, sending written statements to the different communist parties in Latin America and accusing Cuba of meddling in its domestic affairs and supporting and fomenting fractionalism. FIDEL CASTRO 13 MARCH ANNIVERSARY SPEECH
  • A study through genetics has come up with how the 'mestizo' characteristics in Latin America came about. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Science/Nature | Study unlocks Latin American past
  • I'm majoring in architecture, and I'm minoring in Latin American studies.
  • In Brazil, where Germany made one of its strongest thrusts into Latin America, German immigrants professed greater loyalty to the Brazilian state than to the kaiser.
  • It's a one-book explanation for the current move to the left in a growing number of Latin American countries, tracing a centuries-long history of rapine and plunder, of genocide and dictatorship, first at the hands of Spain, and more recently under the baleful influence of the US, which operated directly or by proxy to ensure that nothing would ever change. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The very instability of this mass makes it responsive to the action of any demagogue, or of that very special version of Latin American demagogy: military dictators ” and exdictators [i.e., Carnival in Caracas
  • Take the three-cornered drug market that links cocaine growers in Latin America, traffickers in West Africa, and users in Europe.
  • In its dealings with Latin America, the US was never as coherent, unitary and rational an actor as was often portrayed from the South, but the pluralism of the US has become much more pronounced in recent years.
  • He disappeared to the Latin America.
  • Foreign investors think that Latin America's need for them puts them in the driver's seat.
  • Performances will include swing, ceroc, salsa, rueda, rock ‘n’ roll, Latin American, hip hop and samba girls.
  • Latin America's religious topography is changing rapidly.
  • Since the 1980s, however, a wide spectrum of Latin American opinion has come to recognize the value of democratic governance.
  • This new office will focus on delivering high-end software product development services to Latin American midsize and large enterprises, particularly in the manufacturing, retail and financial services markets. Latest Press Releases
  • Known as anusim, a Hebrew word for Jews who forcibly converted, many Latin American "crypto-Jews" have rediscovered the faith of their ancestors in recent years. Archive 2005-08-01
  • He travelled throughout Latin America drumming up support for the confederation.
  • BBC World Service programmes in Spanish are beamed by satellite to more than 20 stations in Mexico and more than 100 throughout Latin America.
  • I have a meeting (tentatively …” meeting” is a term used very lightly here in Nica, and thoughout Latin America …) with the FSD Country Director this afternoon to discuss the feasibility of these projects, so we’ll see. Revolution? « Wanderings
  • Years after his fighting days he continued to enjoy legendary status in Latin America.
  • As is often the case with activist art, the Latin American selection, while rife with political and moral earnestness, is crudely hortatory and almost totally devoid of formal interest.
  • Two recent films directed by prominent American actors deal with Latin American political intrigue in an odd partnership with dance.
  • While the economies of U.S., Europe and Latin American contracted in 2009, Africa's grew. Catering to New Tastes as Incomes Climb
  • Márquez, 82, affectionately known as Gabo throughout Latin America, divides his time between Mexico City and Cartagena in Colombia. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • Brazil's benchmark stock index rose more than 500%, and Lamborghini opened its only Latin American dealership in S ã o Paulo. Rousseff Elected President in Brazil
  • Being ill in the 1990s and trilingual, I soon met others worldwide who were facing similar concerns, especially in Latin America.
  • French german guest guestreader horror indian irish italian jewish joyce krampf latin american new york new zealander pataphysics peruvian playwright poet polish russian satire scandinavian scifi south american southern soviet spanish spooky student swedish women wonderful youth The Burning City | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Latin America wants Cuba back in the OAS; so far the US isn't budging much and Cuba says they're not interested. Short Takes
  • Ana Arana is an investigative journalist who has reported extensively on Latin America.
  • Both are common practices in Latin America, where prescription-only medications can easily be bought without a prescription, and people tend to get their herbal medicine from informal providers, like friends or the curandero.
  • Saint - Gobain Ceramics & Plastics acquires the Brazilian company Casil, first silicon carbide producer in Latin America.
  • Young Latin American ballplayers have contributed to the fun at Legion Park (now called Centene Stadium) for a long time. - SPORTS
  • The team had shuttered its Latin American academies to save money. How The Phillies Stay On Top
  • Unlike thirty years ago when Latin American oligarchs relied on CIA-financed publications such as El Mercurio in Chile or La Prensa in Argentina to fan the flames of anti-leftist discord and sow chaos, thus seeding the ground for the horrors that followed the military takeover, Pacific Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times - Progressive opinion, dissident news
  • One participant said it and related proposals were like "a self-financing Brady Plan," referring to the late-1980s initiative to dig Latin America out of its debt crisis. Greek Debt Talks Widen
  • They call this keeper 'The Crazy One'The tradition of the madcap Latin American goalkeeper began with Peru's "El Loco", Ramón Quiroga, memorably booked in the opposition half by officious English referee Pat Partridge during the 1978 finals. Truth takes a battering in the great World Cup cliche game
  • Bronca is generally regarded to be a Latin American phenomenon, yet France's debut novel suggests that the rolling weald of East Sussex harbours its fair share of bronca as well. Hill Farm by Miranda France – review
  • Latin America lacked skilled labour.
  • For example, in Latin America, they note that switching cows from natural grasslands to pastures sown with a more nutritious grass called Brachiaria can increase daily milk production and weight gain by up to three fold. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In the months to come, the United States will continue to encourage contrition from Lobo, while the Latin American holdouts will keep exploiting their political leverage over Honduras. Daniel Altschuler: One Year After the Honduran Coup: Isolation, Insecurity, Impunity
  • cubanbob: And they Latin American commies have killed far more over the years than any of the right wingers as you call the fascists. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Neglect of Communist Crimes Matters
  • The possibility of endogenous social norms, and thus endogeny of long-run government policy away from any redistributive or compensatory role, is troubling in the context of Latin America. Remarks On Equity Issues In A Globalizing World
  • Adding his own twist to the Latin American strongman railing against American policies, President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras began talking to journalists on Tuesday. Honduras Fights U.S. Ban on Its Cantaloupes - The Lede Blog -
  • The success of Ajemex, a subsidiary of Peruvian firm Cola Real, in bottling and marketing Big Cola in Mexico has convinced the parent company to move its headquarters to Mexico to oversee operations throughout Latin America. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report August 2004
  • There is a need for Cuba's integration into the Latin American community.
  • Latin American pastors in the meeting at Puebla, that in the ability to live together, "... all human beings hold the common good as fundamental, consistent with the ever more fraternal realization of common dignity which does not use some persons as tools for the benefit of others, and that all be disposed to sacrifice for some particular good ends". Adolfo Pérez Esquivel - Nobel Lecture
  • Revenues in Latin America and Asia were up 13% and 7% respectively from a year ago. Citigroup's $2 Billion Profit Boosts Banks
  • This story illustrates how important the family is in Latin American culture.
  • The USA claimed that Latin America was its inviolable sphere of influence and claimed the right to intervene whenever American interests were threatened.
  • In much of Africa and Latin America, adjustment was combined with deflationary stabilization.
  • To be sure, what Washington wants still carries an enormous amount of weight in the capitals of Latin America.
  • Associated Press Brazil's Finance Minister Guido Mantega Brazil is feeling confident enough about its economic place in the world that its leftist president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, recently joked to an audience of Latin American businesspeople that he had lectured President Bush on cleaning up the U.S. credit crisis. Brazil Joins Front Rank
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • In the same year the Hawaiian Islands, Spain, England and Latin America are also devastated by seaquakes and floods.
  • In the bank's latest report, it has overtaken Colombia to become the most straightforward country in Latin America in which to do business, and the 35th easiest in the world, up from 41st last year.
  • In Latin American cooking, Maggi is used mostly with soups caldos and braised stews such as posole, caldo de mariscos and machaca shredded beef. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Latin America lacked skilled labour.
  • LZ0rr0: At that time I ruled the Latin American cola market. Danielle Crittenden: The President's Secret IMs: World Leaders Gone Wild "Cancun Edition"!
  • Latin America is a world where primitive ways of life exist near ultra-modern cities. Altogether, it is a continent full of vitality.
  • The cause of Latin American underdevelopment in this view is not due to its political or social structures or any other internal factor but is completely external. YID With LID
  • Is there a future for romance, the staple of many Latin American countries or will these movies languish brokenhearted in empty theaters whishing for at least an opening weekend? Viviana Pendrill: Language Versus Culture In The Latin Film Industry
  • It happened that the financing of public works through external capital secured or collateralized by the national government, such as eventually occurred in other countries of Latin America, was hindered in Colombia.
  • As has been extensively detailed elsewhere, the melodrama, along with music and comedy, became synonymous with the cinema in Latin America after the introduction of sound.
  • Nor did they intend the unsustainable fiscal and monetary profligacy practised by Latin American politicians during the same period. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Meanwhile, while you are off learning how to make delicious Latin American themed cocktails from your new Arlen, I will be doing my appointed duties. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • The fragile states along Africa's west coast have become major trafficking hubs for cocaine on its way from Latin American coca fields to the European market. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • He's better off passing as a Latin American mestizo bobbylee Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05: 26 PM EST Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider
  • Nonetheless, we need to make use of all available political, diplomatic, economic and legal channels to prevent Venezuela from developing a nuclear weapons capability, going rogue, upsetting the balance of the Latin American NWFZ, and punching yet another hole in an already weather-beaten global nonproliferation framework. Rizwan Ladha: Venezuela Is Going Nuclear, and We Should Be Worried
  • The new book by Don Coerver and Linda Hall, Tangled Destinies: Latin America and the United States will go a long way to fill this lacunae.
  • Cuba was seen as a base for Communist activity throughout Latin America.
  • As cholera continues to ravage parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America -- reportedly reaching Puerto Rico and Hong Kong this week -- public health researchers are looking to the skies in hopes of anticipating future outbreaks. Satellite Images May Help Predict The Next Cholera Outbreak
  • It took the crew of 8,000 workers 14 months to finish the building, an architectural Frankenstein that combines elements of Art Deco, Baroque, Spanish colonial and Latin American criollo styles. PHOTOS: Cuba's Hotel Nacional Turns 80
  • And in Latin America Pentecostalism has shattered the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly.
  • George W. Bush has become the biggest nationaliser since Lenin, far outreaching the reversals of free-market reforms seen in Latin America. Free markets are dead. Long live New Capitalism
  • Latin America is a world where primitive ways of life exist near ultra-modern cities. Altogether, it is a continent full of vitality.
  • The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.
  • Other Latin American indices have Brazil allocations of over 60 per cent. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Known as anusim, a Hebrew word for Jews who forcibly converted, many Latin American 'crypto-Jews' have rediscovered the faith of their ancestors in recent years. Archive 2005-08-01
  • Others have simply "disappeared," as if the U.S. government were some Latin American junta whose generals wear gold-braided epaulets as big as vultures. 05/03/2005
  • Whip out a reasonably hefty checkbook and you'll find lots of smooth operators ready to sell you a Latin American beachfront condo, Swiss bullion account or sure-thing Chinese stock, all wrapped up in an impressive-sounding trust or LLC. Safehaven
  • In speaking about Latin American bottler Coca Cola FEMSA (COCSF), this is what Winters had to say: GuruFocus Updates
  • When the Yankee dollars arrive in the pockets of the Latin American oligarchies, the least they will be able to say if they are a bit honest is: Thanks, Cuban revolution, for you helped us get these millions. CEREMONY HONORING HIM FOR RECEIVING THE LENIN PR
  • She has visited scores of penal facilities in Latin America and the United States, including over thirty prisons, jails, and police lock-ups in Brazil.
  • I did an M.A. at Liverpool University in Latin American Studies and got a distinction.
  • Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Latin America.
  • No.'He said no to the Latin American movement liberation theology.
  • When the movie Wayne's World was released in Latin America, a lot of the film's American idiom and idiosyncratic language didn't translate well, if at all.
  • Failing to find popular support in many countries, particularly in Latin America and Asia, antigovernment forces went over to mass-scale terror.
  • Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia are the 4 upmost countries with Internet services in Latin America.
  • Huntington's wish was to display art and artifacts that captured "the soul of Spain" at a time when the term Hispanic was typically associated with the Iberian Peninsula, not the people of Latin America. NYT > Home Page
  • Latin America has suffered the unwelcome attentions of these institutions particularly acutely.
  • His name also surfaced in Nicaragua, on a list compiled by terrorists of potential Latin American kidnap targets. Father of Day-Trading Sought
  • The latter part of the performance elucidated the duo's versatility and interpretation ability to its fullest extent, as the duo peregrinated throughout classical Latin American tradition.
  • The price was paid in Latin America in the deaths and disappearance of, at a conservative estimate, around 100,000 people throughout the subcontinent.
  • He has participated in national and international collectors 'conferences and studied how other Latin American cooperatives have organized themselves. Undefined
  • Cemex gave other Latin American businesspeople the confidence to expand abroad. Hard Times for Cement Man
  • It's not a new story: the U.S. government, and the business interests it represents, lend "counterterrorist" or "countersmuggler" aid to a Latin American government, and the "aid", which happens to look a lot like military weapons, gets used to suppress student, peasant, and labor unrest. How the U.S. helps Mexico eradicate the Zapatista resistance
  • Sisal is not an original product in Hengchun; it is introduced from Latin America in 1910.
  • Carlos Slim, the telecommunications magnate, is the richest person in Latin America, according to the annual Forbes Magazine list of the world's 500 richest people. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report April 2004
  • Do you know any other Latin American dances?
  • Another Latin American prelate makes clear what happens to pro-abortion politicians Headlines
  • Bernard embarked on pell-mell international expansion, building strong operations across the rest of Europe, Asia and Latin America.
  • There are segments on poverty and its effects, including one of the recurring characters, a 9-year-old shoeshine boy in Latin America. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Life in a Day
  • The massive emigration of Basques to Latin America, brought about by the famines of the 18th century, created a labour shortage.
  • For most of his career, Bronfman, who is married to a striking Latin American aristocrat, has endured withering criticism and was generally dismissed as a rich-kid dilettante. For Sale By Owner?
  • Tweedy's managers started buying into a Latin American bottler at $15 a share and watched the price sink. Tweedy's High Performing Global Fund
  • By the turn of the century, Buenos Aires was the largest city in Latin America, with a population of over one million.
  • His writing reflects the most difficult times for Latin America oppressed by authoritarianism, where human rights were not respected, where he shows human suffering with great sensitivity, oppression that forced Mario to remain exiled from the country for a long period of time. Global Voices in English » Uruguay: The Passing of Writer Mario Benedetti
  • Past IMF efforts in other regions, including Latin America and Asia, were often seen as heavy-handed and tone-deaf to the privations forced on ordinary citizens.
  • Winter Sextet on a trip to Latin America; while there he discovered bossa nova and, on a bus journey, wrote an English lyric for Antonio Carlos Jobim's "Corcovado", calling it "Quiet Expecting Rain
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • Stretching over vast cattle estates at the foothills of the Andes, Barinas is known for two things: as the bastion of the family of President Hugo Chávez and as the setting for a terrifying surge in abductions, making it a contender for Latin America’s most likely place to get kidnapped. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 21, 2009
  • A patchwork of Latin American musical styles, conjunto music is as varied as the lands from which it comes.
  • Compared with the European Union, levels of inequality in the US resemble those of Latin American countries more than so-called sclerotic countries such as France or Germany.
  • For one thing, we can support the indigenous Amerindian politicians in Latin America, when they try to gain political power from the Hispanic upper classes in their countries. Columbus: The Far Left is Dead Right, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This policy has signified greater insecurity for women, because the so-called demobilisation of the paramilitary groups, who continue to control many regions of the country, has particularly affected women and girls," María Eugenia Ramírez of the Bogota-based Latin American Institute for Alternative Rights told IPS. AWID RSS Feed
  • In some Latin American countries, the panderer is a sobón, or kiss-up. Chupamedias - Swampland -
  • The Latin Americans sambaed through the bleachers to a song of their own singing, as the Dutch oompah-ed and the Americans bellowed from the side. PokerStars Poker Blog
  • He was to be Latin American bibliographer for SIU Morris Library and teach in the Foreign Language Department. HENSLEY CHARLES WOODBRIDGE
  • The demographic ageing - the "greying" of the population - is also proceeding most rapidly in countries like China, India and Latin America, the study said. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • But many Catholics in the developing world are disappointed an African or a Latin American cardinal did not become pope. CNN Transcript Apr 20, 2005
  • The person described this and other ideas as a "self-financing Brady Plan," referring to the 1980s-era initiative that reduced Latin American government debt. Greek Bond Buybacks Discussed at Meeting
  • Vampire bats are found across Latin America and feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals such as birds, horses and cattle.
  • Latin American exporters of products as prosaic as soybeans are now especially susceptible. Rising Commodity Prices Can Harm
  • This at least is the assumption of many writers and readers, and in Latin America it amounts to something like a political faith.
  • Three Latin American novels are especially worthy of note.
  • In contrast to the violent bullfights in Spain and parts of Latin America, in Portugal the bull's horns are sheathed to avoid injuries, and bulls are not killed at the end of the event.
  • Deposits of non-iron metallic ores, for example those of sub-Volcanic or submarine emanative genesis, or sulfide veins with oxidized valuable-mineral sources, or stratified tin deposits, such as frequently occur in the Latin American Andes, exhibit this fine intergrowth and must be handled during beneficiation with special attention regarding the fine grain distribution. Chapter 20
  • Latin American Nueva Yorkers like Machito, for example, teamed up with African American jazzmen to create new musical hybrids. Exhibit Explores New York's Latin Roots
  • In praise of parliamentary systems: how to get rid of Latin American messianic leaders In praise of parliamentary systems: how to get rid of Latin American messianic leaders
  • If it is this easy for latin americans to cross the border, who else is coming across that border? Obama calls for Congress to work now on immigration reform
  • As a Latin American historian, teacher, and political activist, I for years have read about, taught, and protested against the antidemocratic Pinochet government. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • In Latin America a different partograph is in use, differentiating between nulliparous and multiparous women, intact and ruptured membranes, and upright or lying position (Schwarcz et al 1987-1995). 3. CARE DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • The adventure opened their eyes to the beauty and majesty of Latin America but also to the social injustice and poverty that surrounded them.
  • And if the cover art foreshadows the style of this gargantuan cotton-candy novel, the title poised between horse and skyline suggests the allusive, striving nature of the themes to come: Shakespeare's romance of resurrection will be only the most conspicuous swatch in a patchwork of Renaissance fairy tale, Victorian saga, Vonnegutian fable, and dreamy surrealism in the Latin American manner. Small Expectations
  • Mark, who as well as being a highly skilled conservator and connoisseur of Latin American dancing is also a dedicated twitcher, knew what I meant. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.
  • Theological reflection in the field of missiology has been the richest and most prolific in Latin America during the last forty years.
  • Columbian mathematician and philosopher Fernando Zalamea's work on transient ecologies in a context of Latin American socio-politics, is looking at triadic logic proposed by logician Charles Pierce. Carla Leitao: Dustism, Creatures and Speculative Materialism in Architecture: An Interview With Alisa Andrasek/Biothing
  • McCain seemed to think he was a Latin American autocrat - despite the reporter repeatedly saying "I am talking about Spain. - Business News
  • In contrast, as I was watching this deep dive into self-referential reporting in Tripoli, I thought about Bill Gentile, the steely Newsweek photographer I knew in El Salvador, captured in Peru by the Shining Path, the bloodiest and most savage and anarchical guerilla group in the history of Latin America. Phil Bronstein: Should Journalists Get Out of the News?
  • Latin America is a world where primitive ways of life exist near ultra-modern cities. Altogether, it is a continent full of vitality.
  • Because coffee grows mostly in warm climates of Latin America, Africa and Asia, everyone who drinks it depends on workers from those regions to satisfy their fix.
  • Wal-Mart plans to open small stores in big cities similar to Wal-Mart’s Latin American bodegas that stock coffee, food, laundry detergents, toilet paper, and other staples, the Wall Street Journal reported today. Walmart starts thinking out of the big box
  • In some countries, most notably Venezuela, this vintage left-wing, anti-American fervor is not small, but is predominant, which is what has led that country to be under the repressive thumb of Fidel Castro-copy Hugo Chavez, whose primary interest in attending this Latin American regional summit seems to be to lure Bush and the U.S. into some sort of game of childish taunts rather than doing something constructive to aid his impoverished, unstable country. The reality of Latin American reaction to Bush
  • Argentina's previous experience with international art confabs was the series of Latin American exhibitions held in Cordoba in 1962, 1964 and 1966.
  • The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.
  • An ardent anti-communist, he advocated for millions of dollars in Defense funding to aid the development of Latin American armies, especially in El Salvador. Nestor D. Sanchez, 83; CIA official led Latin American division
  • The disease is even more prevalent in Latin America.
  • The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.
  • As at Thanksgiving, the Kwanzaa table is bountiful, but the accent isn't turkey, it's -- as the name suggests, matunda ya kwanza, the first fruits of the harvest, from the traditional foods of Africa to the fusion dishes of the African diaspora, in the Caribbean, Latin America and here. Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: First Fruits of the Harvest
  • In the hands of the Latin American magical realist, Gauguin's story has been transmuted into a lush story of frenzy, in vivid chromatic colours.
  • In the wake of this policy came a program of arms exports to Latin American countries.

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