
How To Use Lathi In A Sentence

  • Our Company's boundary line in some way conflicted with theirs, and a dispute arose which soon developed into a series of, first, most comical mix-ups, and afterwards into desperate "lathi" fights. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • It is essential that virus-free material be selected and treatment of the cuttings with a mixture of fungicides and insecticides (eg maneb + propineb + copper oxychloride + malathion) has been advised. Chapter 11
  • 'lathi' (baton) charge and use of teargas, 'the official said. Anthropologie du présent
  • The police had to resort to a mild lathi charge to disperse the mob.
  • Chemical control includes the use of methomyl, carbaryl, diazinon, malathion and dimethoate, but avoidance of indiscriminate spraying is important as a measure of natural biological control frequently operates, and it is important not to eliminate the beneficial organisms: emphasis should be given to integrated control. Chapter 32
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  • Others blame the comeback of bedbugs on their resistance to DDT's many substitutes e.g., malathion, diazinon, lindane, chlordane, dichlorovos and now pyrethroids. Bill Chameides: Is Propoxur the Way to Not Let the Bedbugs Bite?
  • Youngsters with high levels of pesticide residue in their urine, particularly from widely used types of insecticide such as malathion, were more likely to have ADHD, the behavior disorder that often disrupts school and social life, scientists in the United States and Canada found. Top headlines
  • I was reminded how the British had killed freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai in a similar lathi charge. Dinkar Jain: To the Mahatma, From a Stateless Indian
  • For example, although pests can become tolerant to a single toxic chemical such as malathion, it seems unlikely that they can develop genetic resistance to neem's complex blend of compounds - many functioning quite differently and on different parts of an insect's life cycle and physiology. 1 The Vision
  • You may find some help from a product containing neem, malathion or dormant oil.
  • Mahlathini, who warmed the hearts of millions here and abroad with his mbaqanga music, died last week from complications relating to diabetes. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Control hoppers with carbaryl or malathion insecticide when the inflorescence starts to emerge. Chapter 23
  • So for example the pesticides made of organophosphates (parathion and malathion) and organochlorides (such as DDT) permanently deactivate an enzyme that is essential to the nervous system. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • According to its most recent report in 2008, for example, a type of organophosphate called malathion was detected in 28 percent of frozen blueberries, 25 percent of fresh strawberries and 19 percent of celery. Hidden hazards in fruits and veggies
  • Recommended chemical treatments include such common insecticides as permethrin, malathion, diazinon and sevin.
  • Obama by ram lathi on Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 2: 23: 06 AM Why Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States
  • However, tubers treated against insects and fungi with malathion and benomyl (permitted for grain storage), and stored in a cool dark room, have been maintained in good condition for long periods (up to one year has been claimed). Chapter 37
  • The drop-out rate, even among the old knickers-clad, lathi-wielding fogies, is alarming.
  • But a University of Pittsburgh study, funded by the National Science Foundation, shows that the active ingredient in popular pesticides like some Scotts Ortho products - it's called malathion - is preventing tadpoles from maturing because it wreaks havoc with the food chain they need to grow. A Revolutionary Blog Redefining Intellectualism
  • Some prominent examples are the insecticides parathion, fenitrothion, malathion, and phosphamidon.
  • Insecticides - most commonly carbaryl, diazinon, and malathion - were detected more frequently in urban streams than in agricultural streams.
  • In urban areas, insecticides such as diazinon and malathion which are commonly used on lawns and gardens were found in nearly all of the streams that were sampled.
  • It finally took policemen wielding lethal looking lathis to bring the plaza back to some semblance of normality.
  • Nearly all of the streams in urban areas contained insecticides commonly used on lawns, such as diazinon and malathion.
  • We need not use lathis, swords and bullets for breaking their fronts.
  • In persistent cases, pediatricians can recommend prescription-strength medications such as malathion lotion (trade name Ovide), benzyl alcohol lotion (Ulesfia) or lindane shampoo (Kwell). Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Nitpicking the Lousy Facts on Head Lice
  • It is not likely that malathion will cause reproductive effects in humans under normal circumstances.
  • The police of course have a history of ruthless suppression of the population that they have inherited from the British regime but sadly even after so many decades after independence the police machinery has not evolved very much from the colonial police, including in the police weapon of choice – the lathi. Police brutality in India
  • Chemical control includes the use of methomyl, carbaryl, diazinon, malathion and dimethoate, but avoidance of indiscriminate spraying is important as a measure of natural biological control frequently operates, and it is important not to eliminate the beneficial organisms: emphasis should be given to integrated control. Chapter 32
  • - Xylathin (TM) xylanase rapidly degrades xylan significantly improving the economics of processing wheat into - Articles related to Orange Peels, Newspapers May Lead To Better Ethanol Fuel
  • The two traditional insecticides used for grasshopper control in rangeland are malathion and carbaryl.
  • The lathi of the police man is not even a semblance of safety and security as much a tool of undisguised aggression and dominance. Delhi Official Insults Southern India on Legal Compliance
  • Rooibos tea is the only natural source of the health-boosting antioxidant aspalathin. The Sun
  • Usage: suitable for precise lathing of rotor outer circle and commutator that with big shaft diameter and V block can not be used.
  • They will be driving around and spraying with Malathion in an effort to kill the enemy out.
  • Alexandriae constituisse, inter quorom caerimonias foit etiam solennis calathi processos, de qoo agam ploribos in nu - Doctrina numorum veterum
  • The organophosphate type of insecticides (examples parathion and malathion) vary greatly in their toxicity and hazard to man.
  • Singh was unhappy with the treatment meted out by the Jammu and Kashmir state government to the Amarnath Sanagrsh Samiti leaders in Jammu on Saturday where police opened lathi charge on Samiti leaders outside Abhinav Theater in Jammu before the solemn homage ceremony. JammuTrader battling for life in Chandigarh Hospital after self immolation
  • Insecticides - most commonly carbaryl, diazinon, and malathion - were detected more frequently in urban streams than in agricultural streams.
  • That happened in Ohio last year, when an uncertified exterminator used malathion — which should never be used indoors — to rid an apartment of bedbugs. Scores got sick, 1 died trying to kill bedbugs
  • We have known a foreigner, dissatisfied with the slow progress of his carpenters in lathing, accomplish while they were eating their dinner as much work as all four of them had done in half a day.
  • Yiyo loo nto iinduli zeNqadu sithe cwaka, yasweleka ingoma yemilonji yehlathi. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Brad's father, a machinist by trade, introduced him to the mechanical skills of lathing and milling at age 15, and it was off to the races.
  • The four most commonly found pesticide residues were lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos, all of which could cause serious damage to the liver, kidney and the nervous system.
  • The alcohol in malathion lotion and the terpenoids may cause stinging.
  • In pastures, farmers can use carbaryl, malathion and diflubenzuron (Dimilin).
  • Some pesticides like Kelthane control only mites, while others like Diazinon and Malathion kill mites and other insects. Chapter 10
  • iam meditans foliis se numerare suis: nec mora: ridentis calathi patefecit honorem 'Gather ye Rosebuds'
  • In 2009, the Rico Auto strike ended in the police resorting to lathi charge and firing, leaving one worker dead. India's Labor Pains Go From Bad To Worse
  • Mahlathini together with his group the Mahotella Queens was leading exponent of mbaqanga music which they popularized in South Africa, and in recent years, internationally. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Police resorted to heavy lathi charge and fired rubber bullets to disperse the clashing groups.
  • Evidence for lindane's efficacy is relatively poor, and lindane is about 4-10 times more toxic than malathion.
  • This is the week when the police need to remind erring journalists that the pen might be mightier than the sword, but a lathi can break the pen and the hand that holds it.
  • A Kolathiri king was enamoured of the beauty of Kunjaadi, a member of the family.
  • Indian police traditionally rely on a lathi , a heavy stick, as an enforcement tool; Mr. Sharma earned notoriety for being quick to draw a gun. Claims of Faked Shootouts Tarnish Police Across India
  • Kalpesh Lathigra's photojournalistic folios are worth the visit.
  • A Kolathiri king was enamoured of the beauty of Kunjaadi, a member of the family.
  • Bophoria Athenia eonstitait in memo» riam traditae sibi disoiplinae agrestis, cajas festi ritum, nempe calathi pom - pam, nnmas IIL proponit« Calatham so - lom, refertam frogibus, positumque in - ter dnos serpentes dadochos jam Tidimas aopra in numis Luriae i qao loco monaif eo tjpo indicari Thesmophoria ab al* tero Ptolemaeo Atheniensiom exemplo Alexandriae constitota, atqoe is non in Li? iae modo nnmis citatis, sed et inse - quentiom imperatomm perfreqoens tj* pus. Doctrina numorum veterum
  • Recommended chemical treatments include such common insecticides as permethrin, malathion, diazinon and sevin.
  • It is not known whether children are more sensitive to the effects of malathion than adults.
  • While off-duty, everyone should carry some sort of an implement, at least a 'lathi' or a dagger if they are out of home. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Pesticides called permethrin and malathion can also be problematic for lice treatment. The Center for Public Integrity: A Crawling Issue: Head Lice Treatments Worse Than The Pest Itself?
  • If the infestation is severe, topically administered permethrin, pyrethrin, or malathion also may help.
  • We have known a foreigner, dissatisfied with the slow progress of his carpenters in lathing, accomplish while they were eating their dinner as much work as all four of them had done in half a day.
  • Yes, the Amahlathi Festival is well worth a visit - I suggest you diarise next year's festival now.
  • The four most commonly found pesticide residues were lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos, all of which could cause serious damage to the liver, kidney and the nervous system.
  • Recommended spray contains 300 ml of malathion and 300 grams of copper oxychloride in 200 liters of water (Anon. 1988). Chapter 10
  • Imagine dusting each bud with a soft brush and malathion dust!
  • Jechonias may then have contracted a levirate marriage with the widow of the childless Neri, and begotten Salathiel, who was therefore the leviratical son of Neri. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In India, tests have found that the major soft drink brands contain four toxic chemicals: lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos.
  • Rail officials brought in police armed with lathis to intimidate an angry crowd of relatives gathered near the crash site.

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