
How To Use Latent In A Sentence

  • If they receive a second exposure with a low intensity light, developer anions adsorbed to the surface sensitivity centers effectively repel the photoelectrons so that surface latent image specks cannot form.
  • The Opposition was also anxious to embarrass the Government, and to trap it within its own latent inconsistencies.
  • Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
  • The latent demand for uncoated groundwood publication, printing, and supercalendered paper is not actual or historic sales.
  • These include chemoprophylaxis for patients with latent infection, and strategies for chemotherapy of dually infected individuals.
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  • Thus Philo Judaeus may equate the hy - ponoia of a text with its latent theme, its mystery, its secret, its unexpressed, unseen, nonliteral, or simply intelligible meaning. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Brooks and colleagues also found variability in the number of latent infections among contacts of 21 patients with TB.
  • With its wildly outsized fender flares, saucer-eyed round headlamps, squat fuselage, tapering roofline and curiously latent, not-quite-formed rear contours, the Juke looks like a Nissan Murano at the larval stage. Nissan's Jazzy Juke, Imperfect on Purpose
  • Naturally is an all latent Nue Yin first crazy, this be the undisputable fact, you denial also useless.
  • Spiritus quoque aeris et mali genii aliquando se tempestatibus ingerunt, et menti humanae se latenter insinuant, eamque vexant, exagitant, et ut fluctus marini, humanum corpus ventis agitatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • ‘I would be more than happy if some latent talent is spotted in this event and would go on to win laurels at the highest level,’ was his observation on the occasion.
  • I'm really starting to wonder if there's some correlation between "conservative" "doughiness" and latent homosexuality. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  • Adding to latent mistrust of West Paksitan among Bengalis was the duumvirate's removal of him from Prime Ministership.
  • Six minutes and a fraction over 20 seconds later, and the British four were contemplating a row of latent promise but patchy quality.
  • The hope, he felt, lay in incipient black militancy, in latent white decency, and, above all, in education. A Man From Mars
  • Energy used for evapotranspiration is generally referred to as latent heat flux; however, the term latent heat flux is broad, and includes other related processes unrelated to transpiration including condensation (e.g., fog, dew), and snow and ice sublimation. Evapotranspiration
  • Despite inhibition of viral replication in plasma, lymph nodes, and at other sites, reservoirs of HIV infection in latently infected resting T lymphocytes remain.
  • It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.
  • Hydrogen bonds are also responsible for water's high surface tension and specific and latent heats.
  • That Bruno himself, in "the enthusiasm of the idea," drew from his axiom of the "indifference of contraries" the practical consequence which is in very deed latent there, that he was ready to sacrifice to the antinomianism, which is certainly a part of its rigid logic, the austerities, the purity of his own youth, for instance, there is no proof. Gaston de Latour; an unfinished romance
  • An example of natural turning on of a complex latent program in a lower taxon is discussed. 2008 August - Telic Thoughts
  • Children are far from immune to the virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings.
  • The genetic associations were latent and intertwined with acquired factors, particularly with the degree of prematurity, birth order and twinning.
  • The two most dominant are the lytic and the lysogenic (latent) cycle. Marine viruses
  • In this case latent heating and radiation cooling are comparable.
  • Before initiating treatment of latent tuberculosis infection, physicians must ensure that active disease is not present.
  • Others include developing regimens that shorten the length of therapy and treating latent disease.
  • Is there some truth in that or is it just latent puritanism?
  • If approved, I would favor its widespread use for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
  • He felt that, single-minded and self-sacrificing as his parents were, there yet existed certain latent prejudices of theirs, as middle-class people, which it would require some tact to overcome.
  • Humans with overt metapsychic powers were slowly increasing in number; however, in the majority of the population, the mindpowers were either meager to the point of nullity, or else latent, that is, nearly unusable, because of psychological barriers or other factors. The Golden Torc
  • Decreases in associability that occur as a stimulus is found to have either no consequence (‘latent inhibition’ 36) or a consistent consequence, are affected by manipulations of the hippocampus.
  • You have latent amortal tendencies that may well develop in future. The Guardian World News
  • These mattoid scientists make a direct and disastrous attack upon the latent self-respect of criminals. Mankind in the Making
  • Just as Ashes cricket is a substitute for the war of independence that Australia has never actually fought, so too is football a venting of the latent aggression, frustration and inarticulate rage within the Australian psyche.
  • The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
  • But the latent reason did not become clear until a year later when he double-crossed us and accepted to join Kirsan as one of his useful innocents.
  • Sometimes latent tuberculosis becomes active years later.
  • But there was the capricious look of the latent aesthete in his eyes. DISPLACED PERSON
  • This can result in the concept of overdiagnosis, which is the detection of latent disease that would not have been diagnosed in the patient's lifetime if screening for cancer had not taken place. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Without training, his musical talent remained latent.
  • To question across the boundaries of the myth systems would, of course, involve aggression and getting in touch with the latent anger.
  • Exposure to the AB compound itself will be much more likely to generate latent inhibition.
  • We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it.
  • What the sociobiologists have identified are some underlying relationships and latent forms of human behaviour.
  • Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
  • In spring, when the plant is removed from winter storage, one to three branches will grow from the latent buds beneath the cuts.
  • The high IAA/ABA ratio and zeatin content in bark of P. alba allowed the latent root primodia to resume their growth, and the cuttings could root and survive spontaneously.
  • Amid the groves of academe, entrenched in the ivy covered tranquil buildings, there lurks more politics, latent hostility and simply bad manners than one can imagine.
  • Varicella-zoster virus vaccine is a live attenuated virus that becomes latent after vaccination.
  • The term latent typically refers to something that is dormant, not observable, or not yet realized. Business Wire Travel News
  • Moreover, all these wannabe startups fall suspiciously silent when you start talking about stuff like latent semantic indexing and polysemic hierarchies. Quintura Visual Search Engine Relaunches
  • Inevitably, after the first flush of friendship, latent problems begin to rise to the surface.
  • Note from the text of the full paper that stress causes the release of the hormone corticosterone which lowers latent inhibition.
  • This process consists in simply passing over the ammonio-citrated paper on which such a latent picture has been impressed, Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • Also designed by BASF, the plaster contains microcapsules filled with wax particles that store latent heat - if it is very warm outside, the wax melts, thereby soaking up heat without raising the temperature of the room.
  • One characteristic of kata is that they have a kind of immanent energy within them, capable of making manifest that which is latent.
  • Rather, it is treated as evidence of latent power, which serves as a constraint on management freedom of action.
  • I think it transfers it to surrounding gas molecules rather quickly thus warming the atmosphere water on the other hand i suspect hangs on to the latent heat of vaporisation, which is then not given up until it forms into droplets in clouds which takes a little longer and it’s higher in the troposphere and it might also be a considerable distance laterally from where it first took off from the surface. Unthreaded #15 « Climate Audit
  • Contact with women is riddled with sexual tension and laced with eroticism and sometimes even latent misogyny, though this is a gray area.
  • By forcing the internet to be accessible to everyone, there is a risk that we are levelling it down, reducing its potential to suit many competing, latent, unrealised needs.
  • The word Aum represents this homogeneous sound, it stirs up a power which is latent in it called the Yajna. AE in the Irish Theosophist
  • A ninhydrin analysis revealed a total of nearly two hundred latent fingerprints on the three pages on which the marked paragraphs appeared and another eighty on the jacket. More Twisted Stories Vol II
  • He decided to show some signs of devotion to what he had been accustomed to call the grossest of superstitions; to reveal symptoms of latent Roman proclivities. South Wind
  • They can therefore say they have reduced the amount of paperwork for officers (e-mail forms), but latent neanderthal officers still insist on filling out numerous unecessary forms (created and required by them but beside the point), thus hiding in comfy warm offices rather being out dealing with the general public. on March 23, 2010 at 12: 14 pm VanDee Unnecessary Police Bureaucracy – Part 1. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In the present study, we showed that lymphoma cells latently infected with EBV were abundant in all cases of African endemic BL, and their distribution was not associated with that of the lacunae.
  • There's the tireless dissector of reality TV culture, video artist Gillian Wearing; king of libidinal bodily performance art Matthew Barney; and Tom Burr, an artist with a gift for drawing out the latent sex appeal of art, buildings and fashion. This week's new exhibitions
  • Cell proliferation and cell fate are controlled from dividing cell division centres (called meristems) or latent pluripotent stem cells within the cambium or pericycle.
  • The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
  • No only do you develop the existing senses by such practice and use, _but you help in the unfoldment of the latent powers and senses that are striving for unfoldment_. A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga
  • Sensitive to atmosphere, Jolyon soon felt the latent antagonism between the boys, and was puzzled by Holly; so he became unconsciously ironical, which is fatal to the expansiveness of youth. In Chancery
  • These included: changes to British patent laws which provided effective protection for those who came up with money-earning ideas; philosopher John Locke's arguments that man has rights to property where labour had been added; pioneering work on early steam engines by Savery, Newcomen and Papin; the discovery of latent heat by Watt's Glasgow University friend Joseph Black; and the ability to make industrial devices of real precision. The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention by William Rosen
  • This article introduce a new method to make the latent fingerprints emerge by using the iodine heat-sublimating spray-gun heated by a sort of quartz lamp.
  • Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.
  • For all its warmth and wit, the movie has a latent abrasiveness which eventually comes out in a Thravesian trademark: the eruption of unforeseeable violence. Jamie Thraves: Life is bittersweet
  • These inconsistent findings may be explained by a variation in the detection of latent disease.
  • Many of our men of speculation, instead of exploding general prejudices, employ their sagacity to discover the latent wisdom which prevails in them.
  • The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprises is strengthen.
  • From what sources I read, the focus on policy issues has shrunk to accommodate this untapped rage and not-so-latent racism and sexism boiling in the conservative media outlets, which finds its voice in Ann Coulter's coprolalia. Coulter Clarifies "Faggot" Remark
  • White policing of the color line in the South and “latent” racism in the non-South contributed to a drastic overall decline in… the out-marriage ratio between 1880 and 1930. Don’t Bring Home a White Boy
  • The latent images formed were developed chemically and fixed.
  • There is no evidence that stress causes addiction as such although a stressful life event may trigger latent addictive disease.
  • In the first section of this two-part exhibition, Brown's blunt strokes of dark pastel bristle at the edges of latent, embryonic forms and sweep across fields of grid-marked linen with the repetitive insistence of a burin cutting metal.
  • If you'll excuse me, I have to go tell my wife and children about my latent homosexual qualities and accompanying gender confusion.
  • Other onboard power sources serve as latent explosion triggers, including batteries, other pressurized systems, fuel cells and hypergolic fuels.
  • At each node, the vegetative bud either remained latent or developed as a leafy shoot.
  • It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
  • It describes "'latent' or 'preexistent' evolutionary potential" in our history, they say. The Panda's Thumb: Biological complexity Archives
  • Some persons do not like the term latent energy, and speak of energy which is not in action as possible or potential. Religion and Chemistry
  • Consequently, the metal interconnects of VLSI have smaller sectional area and carry increasing power density, which made the electromigration become one of the main latent damage modes.
  • After the secondary stage, some people with syphilis progress to a latent stage where they have no more symptoms.
  • The success and rise of Dravidians is mainly due to their latent anglophonic skills more than anything else it certainly ain't anything specifically anatomic or cultural in the sense that Anglophonia is the edge you need to get ahead, climb the ladder, get to the top in this competetive world. Why are South Indians so smart?
  • They are the representation of a future freehold, they cherish in the mind of the possessor a latent, though distant, hope, that by his success in his next whale season, he may be able to pitch on some predilected spot, and there build himself a home, to which he may retire, and spend the latter end of his days in peace. Letters from an American Farmer
  • Martians have developed practically all the areas of their brains - all the paranormal faculties - that are still latent for part of the earthlings.
  • Similar studies of intestinal antibodies might facilitate the detection of latent coeliac disease in other situations.
  • Understanding of the atomic nucleus was progressing rapidly and awareness was dawning of the awesome energies latent within.
  • First, the black-and-white latent image is developed and then the rest of the unexposed material is chemically fogged.
  • Nissan With its wildly outsized fender flares, saucer-eyed round headlamps, squat fuselage, tapering roofline and curiously latent, not-quite-formed rear contours, the Juke looks like a Nissan Murano at the larval stage. Purposely and Deliberately Imperfect
  • Tuberculin skin testing with tuberculin purified protein derivative is used to screen persons for latent tuberculosis infection.
  • The studies on psittacosis brought home to Burnet the importance of latent infections in diseases of vertebrates as well as in bacteria, in which he had long before recognized the nature of lysogeny. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  • A second-rate novelist and a furtively fabricating social commentator, he was homophobic, anti-feminist, unsociable, anti-intellectual, authoritarian and latently violent.
  • The effort is to harness the latent talent in the country in TV production, broadcast journalism and media management.
  • It had had a strange effect on him, instilled a certain latent sympathy. THE SCAR
  • Just now the soil of human hearts seems like black earth, but in the innermost substance of this dark soil there are thousands of fragrant flowers latent. The Promulgation of Universal Peace
  • He also noted how much heat was needed to turn ice into cold water, or boiling water into steam: the phenomenon of latent heat.
  • The tuberculin skin test is used to diagnose latent tuberculosis infection, but it requires two visits and skilled personnel for test placement and interpretation.
  • the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone
  • It is for the society at large to harness the latent potential in the children and benefit out of that.
  • Therefore, the TST is likely to be a good indicator of latent infection in recently exposed contacts.
  • It would appear that ‘womb envy’ and male hysteria are no longer latent thematics to be teased out by the psychoanalytically-oriented feminist critic; such envy is the manifest content of the film.
  • Several bodily fluids fluoresce under laser or UV light; however, it is usually necessary to develop latent fingerprints using fluorescent powders or sprays to enhance the details of the print.
  • During this "latent period" a part of these sexual energies is separated from the sexual aim and applied to cultural and social ends, a process which Freud has designated by the name sublimation as important for culture, history and the individual. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • First, they stimulated the T-cells strongly enough to prompt the cell to express latent virus but not to trigger other cellular functions.
  • Physical Latent Force of Taijiquan is affected principally by relaxation, body pose, thought, respiration and so on.
  • he could sense her latent hostility to him
  • (he had held a much-envied shore appointment at the Ministry of Marine for a year preceding his retreat from his profession and from Europe), he possessed a latent warmth of feeling and a capacity for sympathy which were concealed by a sort of haughty, arbitrary indifference of manner arising from his early training; and by a something an enemy might have called foppish, in his aspect -- like a distorted echo of past elegance. The End of the Tether
  • For this research question, we regressed variables reflecting each youth's level of involvement on each latent dimension on covariate terms.
  • If approved, I would favor its widespread use for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
  • These children have a huge reserve of latent talent.
  • Sanchez, as Gibson, in blurting out his dumb crack, swims in a sea that's been well poisoned by latent and overt anti-Semitism. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Sanchez Must Go, But Will CNN Have the Guts to Do It
  • A latent fingerprint examiner must then review the list for a final determination.
  • In the WHO multicentre trial of the partograph (WHO 1994b) only 1.3% of the women were reported to have a prolonged latent phase. 3. CARE DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
  • The Opposition was also anxious to embarrass the Government, and to trap it within its own latent inconsistencies.
  • Colchida nec referam uendentem regna parentis et lacerum fratrem stupro segetesque uirorum10 taurorumque trucis flammas uigilemque draconem et reducis annos auroque incendia facta et male conceptos partus peiusque necatos; septenosque duces ereptaque fulmine flammis moenia Thebarum et uictam, quia uicerat, urbem15 germanosque patris referam matrisque nepotis natorumque epulas conuersaque sidera retro ereptumque diem; nec Persica bella profundo indicta et magna pontum sub classe latentem inuersumque fretum terris, iter aequoris undis. A New Poetry
  • We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it.
  • Taste is the latent dignity, revealing the distinguished sublimity among the common public.
  • Not a latent echo in the house, not a squeak and scuffle from the mice behind the panelling, not a drip from the half-thawed water-spout in the dull yard behind, not a sigh among the leafless boughs of one despondent poplar, not the idle swinging of an empty store-house door, no, not a clicking in the fire, but fell upon the heart of Scrooge with a softening influence, and gave a freer passage to his tears. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Stave 2 The First of the Three Spirits | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • In the political realm, these attributes are latent potential - unrealized power to influence public policy.
  • We're not talking about latent powers that you can develop over a period of time, for other purposes or other uses.
  • Children are far from immune to the virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings.
  • The Scottish Arts Council hoped it would mine a rich seam of latent talent and take risks on fledgling authors spurned by larger companies.
  • Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver seem to predispose the activation to disease of the otherwise dormant latent infection.
  • These latent variables are essential for linkage mapping and association mapping.
  • This approach effectively permitted a defendant to reap the fruits of his own unconscionable conduct (subject to the latent damage provisions), and deprived the subsection of much practical substance.
  • Lieutenant Richards will tell you that each of the weapons was carefully handled to preserve any possible latent fingerprints.
  • This would release humankind from the drudgery of wage-slavery and release the latent talents of 3 billion people.
  • It is mostly the latent heat from condensation of the water vapor that energizes the storm.
  • Many asylum seekers carry the microbe in a harmless latent form.
  • Spiritus quoque aeris et mali genii aliquando se tempestatibus ingerunt, et menti humanae se latenter insinuant, eamque vexant, exagitant, et ut fluctus marini, humanum corpus ventis agitatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Results were similar for two additional adults with latent tuberculosis infection.
  • The relative specific heats are almost irrelevant – it’s the latent heat of water vapour which allows it to absorb and give up hundreds of times more heat than any other atmospheric gas when it vapourises and condenses, which is how water vapour “heat exchanges” in the atmosphere. Christopher Monckton: Apocalypse Cancelled « Climate Audit
  • These storm winds convect heat both latent and sensible from the surface to the upper atmosphere. Hansen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past? « Climate Audit
  • The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprise is strengthen.
  • To question across the boundaries of the myth systems would, of course, involve aggression and getting in touch with the latent anger.
  • I reckoned acrophobia was part of everyone's make up, more pronounced in some and lying latent in those guys who sat swinging their legs over the skyline of New York.
  • Matsumoto successfully lifted a latent fingerprint from a glass and with it fooled 80 percent of the fingerprint scanners he tested. 007's gadgets no longer just fiction
  • The autonomy(temporal and spatial variable) expression mode of the system latent function was refined, and the concept of role autonomous decentralized system was defined.
  • As a female germ can not produce a child without the addition of a male germ, so there latent impure particles in the blood can not generate disease without meeting their affinitive poison. Victorian Medical Science
  • Very little is known regarding the usefulness of pyrazinamide and levofloxacin in the treatment of multidrug-resistant latent tuberculosis infection.
  • The model or template here is taken from Freud's interpretation of dreams and the distinction between manifest and latent content.
  • Scientists showed that diseases such as Aucuba mosaic, calico mosaic, latent virus, leaf rolling mosaic, mild mosaic, rugose mosaic, and severe mosaic are viral in nature.
  • Director Peter Evans highlights the play's wry humour and latent evil with a low-key, ironic spin.
  • Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
  • I guess I was perceived as simply latent talent…
  • The course aims at harnessing the latent talent of participants.
  • Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver seem to predispose the activation to disease of the otherwise dormant latent infection.
  • latent infection
  • latent talent
  • Many of the films of this period cut to the flesh and blood of European colonialism, compelling us to reflect on our latent racism, our repressed sexuality, and the tacit assumptions of our intellectual heritage.
  • Most patients with latent tuberculosis are treated with isoniazid administered daily for nine months.
  • You'll want some sort of latent fingerprint check on the luggage. TALKING GOD
  • It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.
  • Herpes zoster ophthalmicus occurs when reactivation of the latent virus in the trigeminal ganglia involves the ophthalmic division of the nerve.
  • Is this satisfying everyone's innate, latent, hopefully minimal blood lust?
  • In minimal art, it would seem, are the latent possibilities, the alternatives, which are the essence of creation.
  • Certain then it is that variolous matter may undergo such a change from the putrefactive process, as well as from some of the more obscure and latent processes of nature, as will render it incapable of giving the smallpox in such a manner as to secure the human constitution from future infection, although we see at the same time it is capable of exciting a disease which bears so strong On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • If a builder erects a structure containing a latent defect which renders it dangerous to persons or property, he will be liable in tort for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from that dangerous defect.
  • Yet coupled with their loyalty these dogs are likely to have a latent hint of aggression in their natures.
  • The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate.
  • The merit acquired from this gift is used to trigger the forces of latent positive potential in oneself or others.
  • Determine the latent defects of OLED by slight emission analysis method without damage.
  • The Russian policy of recent weeks resembles the condition of latent hysteria - moving between extremes and gyrating between panic attacks and undefined hopes.
  • The modern return to Jewish tradition began slowly after the Six Day War, which fanned the latent spark in Jews worldwide, giving rise as well to the refusenik movement in Russia.
  • During latent infection, the viral genome persists as an episome, and viral gene expression is highly restricted.
  • Until now, there have been no effective drugs for treating latent EBV infection in any of the EBV-associated diseases, which in addition to mono include a subset of stomach cancers, certain types of nose-throat cancer and lymph node cancers such as lymphoproliferative disease, says lead author Shannon C. Kenney, MD. - latest science and technology news stories
  • My latent hypochondriac tendencies sometimes lead me to think that I am possibly displaying all the symptoms of SAD.
  • a latent fingerprint
  • The markets composed of the citizens who will be taxed or whose currency will be inflated will suffer some combination of a direct drain on available dollars and a latent devaluation of dollars not withdrawn.
  • Insularum, quas innumeras lateque patentes spargit, clarissimam, lævo alveo Astabores dictus est, hoc est, ramus aquæ venientis è tenebris; dextero veto Astusapes, quod latentis significationem adjicit, nec ante, quam ubi rursum coit, Nilua dictus est. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • In England, where the sun is cooler, and a perpetual verdure reigns, infusing blue latently into the landscape, the sky is warmer and nearer to neutrality, partaking of a diversity of greys, which beautifully melodize with blue as their key, and harmonize with the light and landscape. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • First, the black - and-white latent image is developed and then the rest of the unexposed material is chemically fogged.
  • The bacteria may cause active disease, or they may persist at a low level for years before causing disease, a condition known as latent infection.
  • By forcing the internet to be accessible to everyone, there is a risk that we are levelling it down, reducing its potential to suit many competing, latent, unrealised needs.
  • In these, her first and feeblest attempts to animalize organization, it is latent, because undeveloped, and merely potential; while, in the human brain, the last and most consummate of her combined energies, it is again lost or disguised in the subtlety (15) and multiplicity of its evolution. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.
  • A positive test with no evidence of active tuberculosis is latent tuberculosis.
  • Et quando volunt aliquem prouocare ad potum arripiunt eum per aures et trahunt fortiter vt dilatent ei gulam, et plaudunt et saltant coram eo. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • This externalisation removes all sense of the latent, and, by extension, the disturbing, licensing the audience to observe this play's gaiety and poignancies without being perpetually wary of killjoy provisos.
  • Her secret horrors, the massive psychic wound from the loss of her golden torc (and yet that not as devastating as one might have expected), the monstrous metapsychic faculties for coercion, psychokinesis, creativity, farsensing, now walled up and latent like ravening beasts in squeeze-traps, never to be freed again. The Golden Torc
  • The American" declares its own sensibilities in the opening shot an expansive snowscape of a Swedish forest, eerily tranquil yet somehow charged with latent violence. An 'American' in Italy, and in Existential Pain
  • One to three branches will grow from the latent buds beneath the pruning cuts.
  • It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.
  • With the development of a protective immune response and serological evidence of immunity, infection becomes latent and usually remains so for the life of the patient.
  • Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.
  • latent diabetes
  • Darwin has already pointed out that when a character of a grandparent, which is wanting in the progeny, reappears in the second generation, this quality must always be assumed to have been present though latent in the intermediate generation. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Although this is popularly known as LSI (latent semantic indexing) it isn't really, because LSI is a concept as opposed to an SEO technique. SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources
  • Two percent of elderly with latent infections develop active tuberculosis.
  • Also, due to the latent radioactivity in the reactor core, the decommissioning of a reactor is a slow process which has to take place in stages; the plans of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority for decommissioning reactors have an average 50 year time frame. Matthew Yglesias » Not in Vermont’s Back Yard
  • This is most commonly employed in the defence of a beloved work under fire for subtextual dubiousness — for latent sexism, racism, homophobia or suchlike. Arguing With Geeks 5

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