How To Use Lateen In A Sentence

  • They developed the "caravel", a small, lightweight ship with three lateen-sailed masts that could hold much more cargo than previous ships. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Bigger ships known as carracks, mixing square and lateen sails and weighing up to 1000 tons, could sail further and carry more merchandise than ever before.
  • She sported a giant lateen - that's triangular - sail of red and white stripes with her big Raven crest, along with a sprit sail.
  • Also, the fore-and-aft sail on the mizzenmast, originally a triangular lateen sail, was changed to accommodate the more modern rig.
  • An old family friend had hooked a lateen sail while fishing at a local creek.
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  • A nao was a Portuguese term nef or nau in French for a full-rigged round ship, with large square-rigged sails on two or three masts, sometimes with a lateen-rigged mizzen and a smaller mast called a bonaventure abaft the mizzen. Champlain's Dream
  • But if there be a fair wind off the land, there will be little rowing; the big lateen sail on her one mast will span the narrow waters between the African coast and the Balearic Isles, where a convenient look-out may be kept for Spanish galleons or perhaps an Italian polacca. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • Of historical interest are the topgallant sails carried on the fore and main masts, the lateen topsails and topgallants on the mizzen and the topsail on the bonaventure mizzen mast at the stern.
  • The sailors hoisted the trysails a little way, tightened the sheets, fixed bunts to the sail, and strengthened the tackle and the stop of the lateen yard.
  • Shortly after leaving our anchorage we passed close to leeward of a long rakish-looking lateener, on board which, as ill-luck would have it, an anchor-watch was being kept. Under the Meteor Flag Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War
  • During the reign of Henry the Eighth, ships with two and three masts carried main and top sails, lateen mizzen sails and spritsails set under the bowsprit.
  • The single lateen-rigged mast was stepped solidly into the keep fore of the cabin. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Then, trimming his lateen sails to navigate against the prevailing headwinds, he sailed into the Southern Hemisphere, in whose unfamiliar skies neither his astrolabe nor his almanacs availed him further.
  • And so he balanced his gear in his schooner and hoisted the bright blue lateen sail. THE BROKEN GOD
  • She had ten oars to a side, two rudders, and two, permanent, lateen-rigged masts. Explorers Of Gor
  • I could see, out beyond the wall of chained rafts, opened now in three places, a flotilla of sails, long and low, triangular, sloping, those of lateen-rigged galleys. Renegades Of Gor
  • In fact, of course, the Arabs' contributions to the world have been crucial, from algebra to the lateen sail, from Sufi spirituality to key discoveries in astronomy.
  • On the northbound winds small lateen-sailed boats called dhows traveled up the coast with sturdy mangrove wood, aromatic tree resins, gold, ivory, clove, and the fine, multipurpose fibers of the raffia palm. Crazy Like Us
  • A nao was a Portuguese term nef or nau in French for a full-rigged round ship, with large square-rigged sails on two or three masts, sometimes with a lateen-rigged mizzen and a smaller mast called a bonaventure abaft the mizzen. Champlain's Dream
  • Fanshawe counted ninety-six craft, stretched from shore to shore: square-riggers, lateen-rigged gunboats, fast galleys. John Paul Jones
  • There was a red cross of St. George to be painted on the lateen sail, perhaps with a gold border. In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
  • The ships were the kind of swift feluccas preferred by the desert warlords, with odd-looking lateen sails and long, backswept oars pointing downwards into the water.
  • The ships were the kind of swift feluccas preferred by the desert warlords, with odd-looking lateen sails and long, backswept oars pointing downwards into the water.
  • Then came the boat with what was known as a lateen sail which could be adjusted to catch the wind.
  • Here," he said, pointing to the lateen-rigged xebec; "you see that felucca-boat? Jim Davis
  • It was square-rigged on its foremasts and mainmasts, but used a lateen sail on the mizzen to help in tacking.
  • In addition, the Arabs developed a highly effective triangular sail, called a lateen, and the kamal, a navigating device that enabled them to determine latitude by gauging the height of the Pole Star above the horizon. The Durable Dhow
  • A nao was a Portuguese term nef or nau in French for a full-rigged round ship, with large square-rigged sails on two or three masts, sometimes with a lateen-rigged mizzen and a smaller mast called a bonaventure abaft the mizzen. Champlain's Dream
  • Don't take a larger craft than you can handle, and, above all, don't take a lateener; they're fine craft when they have Under the Meteor Flag Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War
  • The dromon had two masts, lateen rigged, and between thirty and forty oars to a side. A History of Sea Power
  • After waiting a few minutes longer, the crew hoisted the lateen sail, and Yellow Handkerchief steered down toward the mouth of San Rafael Creek. YELLOW HANDKERCHIEF
  • LynnFlewelling 9:08 pm: Little fishing boats were coming in for the night, scudding across the choppy harbor, their lateen sails black moth wings against the vermillion sunset. Transcript: Well-Rounded Worlds with Lynn Flewelling « Coyote Con
  • His crew sullenly tailed on to the halyards, and the strange, outlandish sail, lateen in rig and dyed a warm brown, rose in the air. YELLOW HANDKERCHIEF
  • In the distance, at the horizon, there were sails, the sails of lateen-rigged vessels. Cinnamon Roll
  • The boat's small mast was raised, its lateen set, its tiller lashed.
  • These changes shifted the motive power of the vessel away from oar-power and onto the three huge lateen sails.
  • Finding that we were as yet out of range, the lateener once more kept away upon her former course, evidently recognising the possibility that, if she did not, we might still slip past her. Under the Meteor Flag Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War
  • Bigger ships known as carracks, mixing square and lateen sails and weighing up to 1000 tons, could sail further and carry more merchandise than ever before.
  • Sails named for parts of the ship include gaff sails, jib-headed sails, spritsails, and lateen and lugsails.
  • At first I was sanguine enough to hope that, seeing how we slipped away from her, the lateener would 'bout ship, and return to her moorings; but nothing of the kind: she held on like grim death, her skipper, no doubt, being seaman enough to read in the increasingly-threatening aspect of the heavens a promise that his turn should come by-and-by. Under the Meteor Flag Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War
  • Their ships with triangular sails known as lateen rigs allowed for greater manoeuvrability than the square-rigged cogs and knars, but they lacked the strength to make them contenders on the open oceans. With ships came viruses; What is the World Wide Web but a full-masted ship transporting the most vital goods of the age?
  • The second contributor, the TemplateEngine, inserts a common code pattern when a specific word is entered.
  • When this jigger was abolished the sail retained its lateen shape, got on to the mainmast, and became what we may call a main crossjack, thereby rendering a square mainsail impossible. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • Before that is was a week's camel-trek through the Sahara or ten days on the dahabeeyah, the lateen-rigged Nile Galleys.
  • It was rigged, as all the boats on the Lake of Geneva are, with what are called lateen sails. Rollo in Geneva
  • In a room near the boatyard I find a craftsman sawing away at a tiny lateen sail for a model dhow. Richard Bangs: Bahrain: Once Was Paradise, Part 2
  • Also, the fore-and-aft sail on the mizzenmast, originally a triangular lateen sail, was changed to accommodate the more modern rig.
  • [Footnote 3: A bilander was a small two-master, with the mainsail of lateen form.] [Footnote 4: The _Lisbon Merchant_, Captain Porteen. Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • The sailors hoisted the trysails a little way, tightened the sheets, fixed bunts to the sail, and strengthened the tackle and the stop of the lateen yard, set two men to watch at each fall and bade them look out for squalls.
  • She was a deep-waisted vessel, with three masts, the foremast and mainmast square-rigged, while the aftermast carried a long lateen-shaped sail called the mizen, with a square topsail and topgallantsail. The Missing Ship The Log of the "Ouzel" Galley
  • And so he balanced his gear in his schooner and hoisted the bright blue lateen sail. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The two-masted, lateen-rigged ships of the unforgotten midland sea were still unknown to these Norse seafarers. His Disposition
  • She had two lateen-rigged sails, and the wind was in her favour. The Weird Of The White Wolf
  • There can be no doubt that the lateen sail, which goes back at least to the early Egyptians, had the germ of a fore-and-after in it. All Afloat A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways

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