
Last Judgement

  1. (New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives

How To Use Last Judgement In A Sentence

  • I would like to think people come to the Met to see the David Lavoisier, the Van Eyck diptych of the Crucifixion and Last Judgement, and the Velazquez Juan de Pareja.
  • The Last Judgement and the Resurrection at the end of times were still perceived as the final reckoning, but this ultimate judgement had come to be preceded by an earlier one, immediately after death.
  • The cathedral of St-Etienne dates from the eleventh century but its north portal with its distinctive, well preserved tympanum depicting the Ascension instead of the more typical Last Judgement was carved in the next century.
  • In this ambience the Pope, versed in classical epic, devised the programme for Michelangelo's Last Judgement, in which a warrior Christ thunderbolts the stunted damned.
  • The baptistery's sumptuous sculptural programme includes Virgin and Last Judgement portals and interior niches, simplifying but also monumentalizing their French sources.
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