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How To Use Large-scale In A Sentence

  • To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
  • God is thus responsible for bringing into being the large-scale structure of the universe.
  • Prior to European settlement (pre-1850), a wide variety of disturbances characterized the region, ranging from frequent small-scale and localized events such as treefall gaps to rare, large-scale events such as stand-replacing fires and epizootic outbreaks. Eastern Cascades forests
  • Another source of energy that is needed in medium - and large-scale plants is diesel fuel required for operating forklifts which is estimated at one litre per ton of final product. Chapter 10
  • Golub, whose large-scale paintings drew inspiration from everything from Greek kouroi to images of male pornography, used a technique that was more sculpture than brushstroke, famously using a meat cleaver to create aggressive peaks on the canvas. Home | The New York Observer
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  • Three large-scale agricultural schemes, launched by private companies, all failed.
  • Evidently neither Bull Connor, the segregationist police commissioner of Birmingham, nor the merchants expected this quiet beginning to blossom into a large-scale operation.
  • When large-scale resistance movements remain grassroots they are thus indestructible.
  • This company is by Beijing Traffic department, Beijing transports the tube department, the industry and commerce tax affairs to authorize the be established large-scale Transport company.
  • Several other typical mesophytic forest species, both shade-intolerant and shade-tolerant, have declined, perhaps due to an absence of large-scale disturbance needed for their regeneration.
  • There is also large-scale downstream pollution caused by long-distance transport of industrial food.
  • It was a job of the utmost precision, and even a large-scale blow-up might not reveal that it was not genuine.
  • The use of large-scale wind tunnels to improve aerodynamics is restricted, and teams will be required to close their factories for six weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
  • The antiseptic properties of large-scale tea drinking may have brought the sewerage conditions within controllable limits. All about Tea
  • Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.
  • Carter has composed several large-scale works for choir, soloists and orchestra, including the Benedicite, which has been widely performed on both sides of the Atlantic and in the Antipodes.
  • The population faces starvation this winter without large-scale emergency food aid.
  • Or for a civil engineering student not to appreciate the environmental implications of large-scale works such as the channel tunnel.
  • This sustainable gas can be generated locally via renewables like wind, biomass or solar power, but it could also be a new product for our large-scale, centralized oil and nuclear power industries.
  • The Office of Inspector General -- which in May issued a damning report about the appalling lack of enforcement of inhumane large-scale commercial dog breeding operations -- found that the present government program for inspecting horses for soring "is not adequate to ensure that these animals are not being abused. Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
  • There was no large-scale ethnic conflict resulting in a nation wide blood bath.
  • The Yang Yuanqing that holds the position of CEO afresh says frankly, the task is " ensure the growth of Chinese market and gain, overseas undertakes large-scale structure recombines " .
  • Learning these drapes is part of the fascination of the sari: it's like doing very large-scale origami around your own body. Half a Billion Indian Women Can't Be Wrong
  • An offender who takes part in a large-scale public disturbance cannot expect to be sentenced as if his actions had been committed in isolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Somewhat pricier are Lummertz's newly arrived large-scale oval disk and heart-shaped earrings, featuring tiger's-eye, white or pink opals, crisocola or black onyx set in 18-karat gold. Staff Blogs
  • It is also little wonder that most serious scientists tend to be modest about their ability to forecast large-scale climate changes.
  • But the raw data represents a stark illustration of the problems facing forces nationwide as the society they police changes rapidly because of large-scale immigration. Times, Sunday Times
  • As blogs are relatively new and interesting, they did a large-scale marketing campaign.
  • After decades of producing small arms by hand, by 1842 the armories introduced large-scale assembly of muskets from uniform, interchangeable parts.
  • However, Skalkottas does employ transpositions both for their local (for the purposes of developing variation) and their large-scale (as a means of formal construction) consequences.
  • It may involve compromises, for instance over the frequency with which comprehensive large-scale mapping data is preserved.
  • Remapping of several nunataks and ridge exposures reveals that the basal Neptune Group truncates a large-scale, closed syncline, developed within the Nelson Limestone.
  • Ardrossan harbour, still small and geared more to handling cargo, had to cope with large-scale passenger traffic.
  • She is primarily known for her large-scale Holocaust wall hangings created with fabric, sewing, painting, printing, applique, embroidery, beading, stenciling and caligraphy. Personal Information for Judith Weinshall Liberman
  • With collapsing technology shares and disintegrating manufacturing profits in an environment of general corporate over borrowing, there is now the clear specter of large-scale debt defaults.
  • Fallujah, an all-out offensive; Telafar, a dangerous but more contained large-scale cordoned insurge. CNN Transcript Nov 30, 2005
  • Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
  • Many commercial, large-scale manufacturers make ice cream from fat, water, milk proteins, sugar, stabilisers and emulsifiers.
  • The result is that large-scale projects to establish patterns in the code of thousands of individuals are at last feasible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The need for a large-scale united level of organizing has now emerged.
  • Even the initial large-scale industrial production base in the mining sector was specifically tailored to serve the process of extractive exploitation of natural resources.
  • All our intellectual snobbery is reserved for books; when it comes to the cinematic experience, we demand constant explosions, post-apocalyptic scenarios, lots of aliens/robots/asteroids, and/or large-scale natural disasters (with occasional exceptions made for arty French films, obvs). Archive 2009-12-01
  • Weiskopf and Wagstaff spend most of their working time on large-scale institutional, commercial, and multifamily projects.
  • The source said the apparent failure to conduct large-scale strike operations off the Russian carrier was not surprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • They said China probably wouldn't be able to make the aircraft fully operational until the end of the decade: It appears to be testing at least two prototypes, which will likely be adapted many times before being put into large-scale pro duction. Test Flight Signals Jet Has Reached New Stage
  • Mr Stone said the 38 cm metal disc was originally attached to the largest type of butter churn made by the company, which was built specifically for the large-scale production of butter.
  • His large-scale color photographs illustrate the unbelievable density of Hong Kong's residential high-rises.
  • As a large-scale transcription of a movement from a viola da gamba sonata, Alissa Firsova's Allegro was a bright and multicoloured piece that attracted attention through its command of instruments used in breeze-block manner – sharply defined, if not exactly subtle. Proms 38 & 39: Bach Day
  • Despite the thickness of this relatively stagnant water mass of more than 1000 m, the water age (time since last contact with the atmosphere) is only slightly more than a decade, indicating large-scale advective exchange.
  • Their descendants, the hunter-gatherer Jomon people, had long been the inhabitants of the islands when a large-scale immigration from Northeast Asia began around 400 BC.
  • Still, there needs to be some stress put on the idea. al-Qaeda has always had a limiting pseudo-theological underpinning its agenda that precludes large-scale Muslim bandwagoning. Is al-Qaeda Already Contained? Or Is It Terrorism’s Mark Halperin? | ATTACKERMAN
  • Two years ago, the cricket club caused controversy when it held its first large-scale concert by chart-topping boy band Blue.
  • These glide over a weak zone in the mantle known as the asthenosphere, and the relative motion between plates causes most large-scale tectonic structures.
  • Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
  • It is the first large-scale manufacturing of a new brand here for 23 years. The Sun
  • The body color for pale brown approaches the gray central, the back has the large-scale dun streak to juxtapose in on, because also around interlocks mutually presents the zigzag appearance.
  • While there are trained artists--perhaps inspired by Gaudí's early 20th-century mosaics or Marcel Duchamp's readymades--who sculpt and construct large-scale artworks made from repurposed cast offs, many more are dreamers with ordinary day jobs who abhor waste, have a penchant for collecting, and seize upon an unstoppable urge to create something beautiful from the flotsam and jetsam modern life. Trash Art: California's Artistic Recycling Revolution
  • Feat" brand FS series reciprocating rotary spray cleaning machine is mainly used for large-scale metal cast iron machine parts, especially after the degreasing process to clean metal chips.
  • It was thus necessary to reanimate local antislavery societies, renew the propaganda war, and once more undertake large-scale petitioning.
  • She was arrested last month after being accused of large-scale tax evasion.
  • The impression one has when looking at maps of large-scale structure is that of a vast cosmic web, a complex network of intersecting chains and sheets.
  • For future studies, whether using microarrays, proteomics or genetics, I believe it is essential that this requirement is met and it is now the time to develop large-scale annotation programmes.
  • Large-scale action in the short-term coupled with big mid-term cutbacks is the way to go to get the economy moving. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Leach can now conduct large-scale genetic screens, studying the progress of mutations designed to mimic the way human pancreatic disease develops.
  • In a world of large-scale commercialism and big business, one age-old industry is witnessing a reverse trend.
  • The technical drivers for sensor development come not only from materials science but from innovations in low-cost, large-scale manufacturing of interconnects, microelectronics, and micromachining.
  • The availability of the most modern scientific technique to determine the sex of the foetus has resulted in large-scale female foeticide.
  • The large-scale operation went on for more than two hours as rescuers plucked the cocklers from the sands four miles from the coast.
  • It says the terrorist group has been depleted, but still continues to pursue large-scale attacks on the Western targets.
  • Music is a multidimensional and hierarchical stimulus and can be explored from the psychoacoustics of a single tone to the perception of interrelationships between sections of large-scale works.
  • One large-scale study looked at annual fish catch data and chlorophyll a measurements (indication of phytoplankton) for the continental margin of western North America and found substantial alongshore variation in primary production that was highly correlated with the variation in fish yield. Bottom-up control
  • Even longtime supporters of the court, established in The Hague to deal with large-scale atrocities, say they are frustrated by what many call the unacceptably slow pace and numerous missteps that have dragged out the trial, in which NYT > Home Page
  • The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.
  • Large-scale over-expression and purification of the mutants resulted in comparable quantities of isolatable enzymes.
  • Furthermore, we recognize biogeographic associations of endemic taxa as large-scale coevolutionary synecological units within epeiric seas that could disperse as congruent assemblages across oceanic barriers.
  • The complex large-scale forms of serious music unfold their narratives in time with an authority that cannot be hurried.
  • The King County Health Department recently notified restaurants that the sous vide process — cooking vacuum-sealed food in water baths at low, precisely-controlled temperatures — requires a variance from the health department, as well as an approvedHazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan, a detailed food safety plan more commonly seen in large-scale or industrial operations. Sous Vide? So illegal
  • [...] in on the All-For-Nots There is alengthy post over on NewTeeVeefor those who would like a bit more insight and opinion regarding the latest large-scale [...] Everything You Totes Didn’t Need to Know About The All-for-Nots
  • Technological interoperability is an essential ingredient of large-scale success.
  • The integration of molecular biology and paleontology can address many large-scale questions.
  • Both Russia and the West are also worried by the repercussions of large-scale unemployment among its nuclear specialists.
  • Dreams entertained by some Party leaders of large-scale steelworks and munition factories and large-scale collective agriculture were irrelevant and dangerous.
  • Although large-scale telecom operators to participate in community service competition in the market, but porcupines can still win.
  • In 2004-2005, CoML and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation funded a large-scale study in the Salish Sea region, the large, dilute, estuarial inland sea that includes what is now called Puget Sound, the Strait of Georgia, and other water, including the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which connects the Georgia-Puget Basin to the Pacific. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • Elsewhere, the large-scale painting of a girl-child is installed as a kind of altarpiece, (the above, clearly, is not an installation shot) with a wooden railing surround and shag carpet designed to suggest gradated steps into the shrine ... Peter Clothier: Art Walk, L.A.
  • It doesn't take long to accumulate a terabyte of clickstream when you have a large-scale, actively used Web site.
  • Nor is large-scale desalination of ocean water economical.
  • For example, a bank launched a large-scale programme to create a new ethos of customer care.
  • The project involves large-scale displacement of farmers and destruction of farmland, forests and common lands.
  • Naperville police are working with local, state and federal authorities to investigate the so-called Felony Lane Gang, described as a "large-scale, organized vehicle burglary crew" that has operated in as many as seven states. News -
  • Conductor Alan Gilbert's approach was large-scale and Wagnerian, with an orchestral sound that stressed power rather than delicacy and often covered the voices, making it difficult to distinguish the text an English translation by Norman Tucker without relying on the supertitles. The Beauty of the Beasts
  • The latter is a capital-intensive, large-scale continuous kiln, which is outside the scope of this memorandum. 1 Continuous kilns utilise heat from the cooling bricks to pre-heat green bricks and combustion air, or to dry bricks before they are put into the kiln. Chapter 10
  • The number of large-scale human dimension seminars will as a rule be reduced to two per year.
  • In front of it, large-scale and public religious festivals took place, bringing temple and town together.
  • Preliminary results show that molas, unlike other large marine vertebrates, are mostly home bodies and unlikely to make large-scale migrations.
  • There must be a major government-led initiative for large-scale debt cancellation.
  • Signal is the first of four large-scale art installations which will cover the prow of the building between now and February 2004.
  • Even the ground water is unfit for drinking due to large-scale application of fertilizers, pesticides and agrochemicals in the tea gardens.
  • In 1968 the neighborhood development program was initiated by Congress, providing an alternative approach to large-scale urban renewal.
  • He said al Qaeda and what he calls a syndicate of affiliated groups are less capable of large-scale, coordinated attacks than they once were and in many cases their leadership has been killed or captured. Zee News : India National
  • The audit failed to uncover large-scale fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
  • Large-scale embezzlement required experienced helpers, so criminal cooperatives appeared that tended to develop into so-called mafias.
  • They uncovered systemic and large-scale corruption in the police and local government with little or no support from senior officers. Times, Sunday Times
  • To do that, scientists need a large-scale map that shows how epigenetic patterns relate to disease, said Steve Baylin , an epigeneticist at Johns Hopkins. Whew! Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny
  • Large-scale cooperative ventures stand the best chance for success, difficult though cooperation may be.
  • In order to apply this method to large-scale problems, we must find the tree T B using the pointers available.
  • While the feared large-scale violence didn't happen, the vote was marred by bloodshed and unrest.
  • The key role of TBK1 was identified in a large-scale search using the combined resources of Dana-Farber and the Broad Institute to hunt for genes that were essential exclusively to cells with mutant KRAS, but not to cells with wild-type (nonmutant) KRAS or other normal cells. - latest science and technology news stories
  • As the city entered the 1980s, it began to embark on a large-scale process of urban reconstruction.
  • Fears of large-scale coastal flooding were averted as the fierce winds shifted at the last minute.
  • We have a port, we have large-scale investment which will make it a major force once again. Times, Sunday Times
  • a large-scale farming operation
  • To act as if it's no big deal is to ignore the organizational nightmare involved in creating a large-scale event such as this.
  • The first row is now empty, but it gets crowded in few seconds when a large-scale accident or an act of terrorism happens.
  • These sandstone monuments display evidence of large-scale catastrophic deposition and immense watery erosion.
  • Here were large-scale photographs (displayed for the first time in lightboxes) of her latest montages: originally hand-spliced (then rephotographed) juxtapositions of images from contemporary porn magazines, pictures of cars, cosmetics and accessories from more mainstream magazines and queasily close-up photographs of food. Linder, the artist with the hex factor
  • On the whole, the above documents envisage development and large-scale introduction of advanced infocommunications technologies in Russia.
  • “large-scale integrated circuits” in the late 1950s and only recently to “very large-scale integrated circuits”. Chapter 5
  • Transition management is a niche practice that looks after large-scale movements of assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • With over ten years of experience in pioneering genomic research and genome-wide mapping and association studies, Dr. Hakonarson had the intimate knowledge of the complexities of large-scale genomics projects and he has put together the necessary infrastructure and workflow processes to unravel these complexities in his role as the Director of the Center for Applied Genomics. Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD
  • In this report the term conventional energy is used to refer to fossil fuel, nuclear energy, and large-scale hydropower. Chapter 7
  • But now we find a large-scale re-sorting of people among cities and regions nationwide, with some regions becoming centers of the creative class while others are composed of larger shares of working-class or service-class people.
  • The celebrated description of Waterloo with which the novel opens is a large-scale demonstration of the boringness of war and has been described as one of the earliest pieces of truthful battle literature in existence.
  • The Exhibition of Old Mansion mainly aims at reproducing Liu's living scenes, in addition, it exhibits the famous large-scale clay sculpture "Rent Collection Courtyard".
  • Large-scale Chinese immigration to the Malay peninsula began in the middle of the 19th century.
  • The institution of joint army/police patrols in the cities aroused mixed feelings; they may have been necessary where crime was large-scale and violent, but they were thought to symbolize a reversion to coercive practices.
  • Those of us who love Haydn adore his last large-scale work, this valedictory oratorio, to distraction.
  • Four large-scale paintings, representing his third solo exhibition there (over an eight-year period), consumed the wall space of a smallish room with an unorthodox elucidation of his diluvian subject.
  • Vesey, a literate free black, plotted the only large-scale city revolt during the history of slavery in the United States.
  • Lumina's commitment includes support for 19 large-scale projects that will provide leverage to efforts to educate and retrain workers who need up-skilling in order to compete for the jobs that will be created in the next decade, the majority of which will require some form of postsecondary education degree or credential. Jamie Merisotis: Adult Degree Completion Commitment
  • Scarborough magistrates were told that the case involved a large-scale mortgage fraud alleged to have occurred between January 1985 and February 1988.
  • That package is now coming to an end, and Flaherty dismissed the idea of large-scale renewed spending as a panacea. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • As well, the nutrients necessary for the in vitro growth, provided from sunlight and carbon dioxide, have also been identified as viable cofactors in lab-raising large-scale quantities of meat. Organic McLab Burgers Coming Soon? New Advances in Lab-Grown Meat Technology Say Yes
  • At present, Japanese and the South Korean economy is also experiencing the large-scale structure adjustment and the industrial shift.
  • In reality, the gap between subatomic quantum effects and large-scale macro systems is too large to bridge.
  • These include components of suggested periodic nature, large-scale advective effects, regional processes, and atmospheric teleconnections. Scientific Blogging
  • Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
  • A number of people were arrested after large-scale disorder broke out at a Bradford nightclub.
  • If a large-scale deployment of combat troops becomes the only way to protect our people, we should not exclude that option. The Sun
  • The rhyolites and other large-scale blocks of gabbro and schist are interpreted as large landslides from the Caledonian nappes forming the depositional substrate and faulted margins of these basins.
  • Here the objective is to facilitate access to justice for litigants who have suffered loss in large-scale international accidents.
  • Breyer and Ginsburg are fine Supreme Court justices and capable defenders of the status quo, but neither are what Cass Sunstein has called "visionaries" - justices that have "a large-scale understanding of where the nation should be heading" and are "entirely willing to press a controversial theory about, say, liberty or equality or the president's power as commander-in-chief, even if that theory offends many Americans. Doug Kendall: The Supreme Court Intensity Gap
  • A retrospective including conceptual drawings and photography from the early 1970s and the more recent large-scale sculptural installations exploring movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the welding engineering of large-scale pipe structures, the assembly precision and the branch pipe cutting curve of two intersecting pipes haven't been settled for a long time.
  • The character later starts a large-scale brawl, and in the confusion, a British-themed pub called John Bull's Fish and Chips is blown up. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • In the northern Musgrave Block the Petermann Orogeny generated large-scale east-west-trending shear zones that accommodated dextral strike-slip and north- and south-directed thrusting.
  • Most large-scale genomic studies suggest that the answer is an archaeon - that is, a prokaryotic cell that is in most respects like a bacterium. Radaractive
  • In addition, large-scale isoclinal folds and normal faults with throws exceeding 10m locally occur.
  • SHORT, J.E. and ABRAHAM, L. (1991) Large-scale evaluation of the insect juvenile hormone analogue fenoxycarb as a long-term protectant of stored wheat. Chapter 10
  • He then turned to large-scale community murals, designing and drawing the outlines and letting local people paint the two undercoats, three coats of gloss paint and finally varnishing.
  • It has analyzed bribery by which areas of business are most ridden by large-scale illegal payoffs.
  • Warfare, whether small-scale or large-scale, does not follow neat timelines nor obey the sensibilities of scriptwriters.
  • The study target of this survey is the victims of the two large-scale collective Blood in early twentieth century to the mid-nineties.
  • Given their limited nature and the potentially adverse impacts they can have, using state-mandated large-scale testing for student-level high-stakes purposes is unadvisable.
  • Large-scale irrigation has also resulted in many environmental problems — such as waterlogging and salinization, water pollution, eutro­phication, and unsustainable exploitation of groundwater aquifers — that degrade the drylands’ service provisioning. Ecosystems and Human Well-being~ Desertification Synthesis~ Key Questions on Desertification in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
  • For the background, fifth-grade students created five large-scale murals in tempera paint on kraft paper, each measuring 15 feet wide and 8 feet high.
  • They commenced large-scale commercial manufacture of the chairs in January.
  • The Vesey rebellion conspiracy has been seen as one of a handful of examples of militant, coordinated, large-scale resistance in a country where slaves almost never rebelled.
  • The decorative embroidery motifs are typical of the period and include a castle, insects and large-scale floral designs probably derived from printed patterns.
  • However while Sparta tried to deliberately avoid creating a class structure among its citizens, the existence of helotage ensured that there was always the possibility of a class war and opportunity for large-scale revolt.
  • Equipped with company licenses, they introduced large-scale commercial hunting to Formosa, using pitfalls and snares. 15 In order to profit from Taiwan's natural resources, the company had thus begun to remove the aborigines from the deerskin economy. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • Martinez, who is also an artist dedicated to micro architectural structures i.e. small farms, created a home mealworm farm called Wurmhaus as a nod to the Bauhaus humanist approach and a reaction to "contemporary agriculture and the practices of large-scale factory farms". Kirsten Dirksen: Are Edible Bugs the New Sushi? (Video)
  • According to residents, police then began a provocative large-scale mobilisation in the area.
  • Since then, brush gear has been designed, manufactured and installed, and large-scale tests have been made with this gear in the homopolar generator.
  • Celebrated as a pioneer of turntablism, Marclay transforms sound and music into visual and physical forms through performance, collage, sculpture, large-scale installations, photography, and video. GREAT EXHIBITIONS: Freud At The Pompidou, Marclay At The Whitney, Dr. Lakra At ICA Bosotn
  • Unsuitable large-scale farming is also being practised in some areas such as the Praslin watershed where bananas are grown for export.
  • Kay said this habitat would be ‘menaced’ by the construction of a multi-lane coastal road and large-scale opencast pits.
  • During this period, Germanys expansionist policy of trade with China and the economic power it had accumulated heralded a large-scale aggression against China in William II administration.
  • They will have spent weeks working to devise a large-scale production that utilises the venue's considerable technical resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are only so many rivers that can be dammed, and we now understand the dramatic environmental impact of large-scale hydropower plants.
  • Today, most large-scale upgrades replace traditional components with fiber optic technology in the trunk sections of the network.
  • Iran said Wednesday its Revolutionary Guard Corps would conduct large-scale air, land and sea exercises in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, apparently including the strategic Strait of Hormuz, at a time of heightened tensions between Tehran and the West over Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran Launches War Games, Lobbies Against Sanctions
  • Large-scale suits by individual shareholders have been rare in Japan up to this point, but lawyers say the apparently open-and-shut nature of the Olympus case could help re-shape investors' willingness to enforce their rights. Japan Retail Investors Mull Olympus Suit Options
  • Indeed, many see the need for large-scale hydrogen production as a way to jumpstart the moribund nuclear industry.
  • Within large-scale industry, the crippling specialisation of the individual machine-minders is one aspect of the division of labour.
  • The massive increase in applications has prompted fears nationally that this election could see large-scale fraud.
  • Very large-scale integration will be necessary to achieve goals such as complete computers on one chip.
  • In the late '80s, he produced a series of large-scale drawings in ink on rice paper that consist of fragments of nude figures set against rubbings made from brick walls.
  • At a time of large-scale privatization, one should be seeking to strengthen competition policy.
  • Large-scale tectonic reconstructions depend on linked and reliable geochronology and palaeomagnetic data.
  • Any system that is trying to administrate justice to people convicted of large-scale criminal acts is enormously complicated," Ms. Mitchell says. Director Katie Mitchell Goes on Mad Journeys
  • Many large-scale competitor data bases, especially those on mainframes, have fallen into disuse.
  • West Midlands Police said they were investigating why the crowd had gathered in what they called a "large-scale disorder". BBC News - Home
  • Briggs came across as a seemingly opportunistic and somewhat ineffectual politician, but regardless of his baboonery, the issue that he and his supporters tapped into -- "gay teachers" -- was volatile enough to find large-scale support among the electorate. Rob Epstein: What Harvey Milk Tells Us About Proposition 8
  • Thus, the large-scale employment of women in dairying, and the subsequent devaluation of their labor that occurred in the British Isles with the "rationalization" of the industry, were not processes that played out on the southern Avalon. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • No doubt there are some nits to pick with the seeming inevitability of their theme, given the degringolade in 2006, but look how much the 1946 election changed the large-scale momentum of American politics. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • If the large-scale evolution of life on Water and Earth are a good indication, then gravity seems to be related to an increase in phenotypic diversification. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Such large-scale shows and the well-researched, revisionist art history that accompanies them have become a standard here.
  • The internal resources of our commercial ports are not sufficient in general to fund large-scale infrastructure projects.
  • The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
  • In 1968 the neighborhood development program was initiated by Congress, providing an alternative approach to large-scale urban renewal.
  • The concert concluded with the lavish main course presentation of Dvorak's ‘Trio in E minor, Op. 90,’ a big work made up of six large-scale dumkas, hence its nickname, ‘The Dumky.’
  • In carrying out that responsibility it should adopt the most economical methods of large-scale co-operative enterprise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • This was to be the first large-scale electronic computer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the earthquake, a large-scale rescue operation was launched.
  • China is undertaking a large-scale legal reform ranging from courts and lawyers to every perspective.
  • Large-scale unlabeled video samples are assumed to arrive consecutively in batches with an initial pre-labeled training set, based on which a preliminary multi-label classifier is built. MSDN Blogs
  • An intriguing retrospective including conceptual drawings, photography and large-scale sculptural installations. Times, Sunday Times

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