How To Use Large number In A Sentence
Large numbers of vestal moths and a few crimson speckled moths, both normally resident in the Mediterranean, have been seen on the south-west and south-east coasts and in Gwynedd.
The most interesting statistic on the list is the large number of accidents where the pilot attempted to land with the gear down with amphibious floats.
Even as large numbers were reintroduced to former habitats, it was not easy to prove that they were surviving and reproducing, the true measure of the project's success.
Each major area is enclosed by a large number of isoglosses representing differences in lexis, grammar, and phonology.
Orchestral music and opera are expensive because they need large numbers of people.
Times, Sunday Times

At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
Silica exists in several crystalline forms, in a large number of colloidal forms, and as an amorphous solid.
The Green Paper is the result of an enormous amount of hard work by a large number of people.
ANC Daily News Briefing
For the best performance, large numbers of drives can be connected and their data aggregated into a larger host interface.
But, perhaps most exciting is the large number of people the organizers tell me are coming from Quebec.
Christianity Today
Due to the large numbers of those indicted, the court clerks eventually tired of writing the charge in full and began to abbreviate it.
A large number of them are employed in activities such as stitching, packing and embroidery works.
The MovieBook VPD550T can play back video encoded in a large number of formats, such as DAT,
Softpedia News - Global
Furthermore I have among a large number of hybrids, two of very high quality between the American sweet chestnut and the chinkapin.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
On the one hand take away a large number of potential user groups, on the other hand the new products to market provides a certain buffer time.
The more status you give to a large number of authority figures, the more, relatively, you diminish your own.
A large number of those who migrated across the new border to India were resettled in Delhi.
A large number of sermons and pious treatises were also written in Latin during this period, by Aelred of Rievaulx for example, and by others: "Beati Ailredi Rievallis abbatis Sermones" (and other works) in Migne's "Patrologia," vols.xxxii. and cxcv.
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
The story was nicely timed in public relations terms to swing media coverage away from his risible performance at the tribunal last week, when he was unable to recall matters of facts on a large number of occasions.
It is important to use small bags, since a large number of acorns together will generate heat.
So if the visible universe were the extent of physical reality, physical reality would not even remotely contain the resources required to factorize such a large number.
The Simulation Argument and Christianity « Anglican Samizdat
Stephen Colbert, the host of the parody talk show “The Colbert Report, ” urged his fans to vote for naming the station segment after him, and they did in large numbers.
Instead of building large numbers of tiny, free-floating robots to manufacture products, it would be more practical to use simple robot-arms in nanotech factories of the future.
For instance, large number of watermelons, mangoes and other summer fruits began appearing on handcarts in residential colonies and markets.
Each natural population of a bisexual species evolves simultaneously at a large number of loci.
The pair of articles provoked a large number of responses from readers.
Such samples display a large number of acoustic modes, with little separation in frequency.
For large numbers of farmers in Aunli, even the present costs are not bearable.
A large number of constructed reliefs by other artists, both less well known and prominent, are also on display.
The cloth-bound compilation shows turners, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, gun fitters, engine fitters and radio mechanics hard at work, including a large number of women training as fitters, turners and welders.
Dürer published quite large numbers of his woodcut series in proofs before text on the reverse of the sheet.
Every miner wishes that his mine were upon this famous lode, which is made up of a large number of quartz veins extending along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and is marked by hundreds of important mines.
The Western United States A Geographical Reader
We import a large number of cars from Japan.
These environmental problems associated with traffic in housing areas affect very large numbers of people.
The large number of diacritics makes it possible to mark minute shades of sound as required for a narrow phonetic transcription.
This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party, whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament.
Unfortunately, due to the large number of papers presented at most sessions, hardly any discussion took place.
It suits us to do so because we have something invested in farming them in large numbers.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition the crusaders used light cavalry and horse archers in large numbers to harass the enemy, to scout, and to supplement the knights.
# -- Until within a comparatively recent time black was dyed on wool solely by the use of logwood, combined with a few other natural dye-stuffs, such as fustic, indigo, etc., but of late the researches of colour chemists have resulted in the production of a large number of black dyes obtained from various coal-tar products.
The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
What should not be legal or tolerated is large numbers of unpurchased copies under the control of simultaneous users. —
Bits Debate: Mixing It Up Over Remixes and Fair Use - Bits Blog -
Unlike other arachnids, which are free-living, a large number of acarines have developed intimate associations with other animals.
Certainly, heraldry was known and studied in America at the time of the Revolution, as is indicated by the relatively large number of surviving silver and ceramic pieces with heraldic devices on them.
In addition to the large number of Rhacophorid frogs, new species have been added to the endemic agamid lizard genera, Lyriocephalus, Ceratophora, and Cophotis, over the past few years.
Sri Lanka montane rain forests
Combretums grow in large numbers and there are giant sycamore figs, mkuhlus, maroelas, kiaats and spectacular flowering trees such as the white pear and the red and orange kaffirboom.
The flocks often consist of winter visitors, which come here in large numbers from as far afield as Russia.
Times, Sunday Times
A large number of people rated him as one of the greatest scientists of the world.
The owner of chains of tobacconists, newsagents and convenience stores, its success depends on large numbers of small purchases.
A large number of insects have been recorded to attack living trees. but only bruchid beetles are of economic importance.
Chapter 17
The seabed under the arch is covered in large boulders 18m below, all covered in an algal fuzz that is home to large numbers of wrasse, bream and spiny starfish.
On top of all of this, Beijing is encoura ging large numbers of Han Chinese to migrate to East Turkestan
Uighur Writers Silenced
There are probably a large number of factors that contribute to this trend.
Educational Psychology in a Changing World
Children's multivitamins account for a large number of childhood poisonings because the vitamins are designed to attract children, are usually chewable and taste like candy.
Safer Alternatives
A large number of applicants decided not to go to university this autumn and chose instead to reapply next year.
Times, Sunday Times
The Turks forced the Anglo-Indian prisoners of war to march across the desert without adequate food, water, shelter, or medical attention and large numbers of POW's died under terrible conditions before reaching prison camps in Anatolia.
Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
Large numbers of butterflies and moths are flying in most fields and another generation of many pests is likely.
These images, part of a larger exhibition of photos taken from 2001-2002, begin to put a face on their staggeringly large numbers and aim to make their situation less deniable and more real.
On the walls and on the soffits of the arches there were mosaics of a large number of saints, and it is thought that these represented a pictorial expression of the Prayer of Intercession in the Byzantine liturgy.
We also recruited a large number of clusters and performed statistical analyses taking cluster randomisation into account.
At Holy Cross High, the school was overwhelmed by a large number of parents standing in a long queue with their children waiting to be admitted.
If we may safely apply Trotter's generalization to the present antagonism among groups (within nations, and also national groups) we might say that the rapid differentiation of the human species has had an effect of creating within the species _man_ a large number of types of sub-specific value, and in this respect man differs greatly from any other species.
The Psychology of Nations A Contribution to the Philosophy of History
Indeed, a large number of mesopelagic animals have eyes that permanently view the upward direction for just this reason.
It had now assimilated a very large number of patterns, sipping at - the assorted radiances that surrounded it, and in the process discovering that some were far" "tastier"?
Starchild Omnibus
Many surgical waiting lists comprise large numbers of simple, low cost, procedures.
All dendrites bear large numbers of spines, small excrescences on which incoming nerve fibres terminate to form synapses.
Whereas phototrophs generally harbor a large number of isoforms, animals exhibit only two or three isoforms.
In the seventh edition (1720) I find to my great solace and comfort the entry, dog, 'a well-known creature, 'a somewhat meagre definition, improved into 'a quadruped well-known' by Nathaniel Bailey, whose dictionary, first published in octavo (1721), ran through a very large number of editions and became the standard authority until superseded by Johnson.
On Dictionaries
In addition to paintings, he produced a large number of prints - etchings, lithographs, and woodcuts.
Mr. King Is my right hon. Friend aware of the widespread concern at the large number of people seeking political asylum?
In people with leukemia, the bone marrow produces a large number of abnormal white blood cells.
Large numbers died from disease and malnutrition.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus if the lag time is much longer than the dwell time, a large number of dwells must be saved and shifted during this process.
I know that in my time, I've tried out a huge variety of games from an equally large number of historical periods and a few nonhistorical ones as well...
Archive 2006-04-01
Few, if any, studies in special education have taken a broad look at the social contexts and special education placements experienced by large numbers of urban youth with mental health problems.
The zoo hosts a large number of water fowl, cranes and storks - species that are sensitive to changes in wetland systems.
Scientists were able to collect large numbers of white blood cells from infected individuals.
The reason for this difference is as follows: in von Mises 'theory the law of large numbers follows from Poisson's law plus randomness, and in the classical theory it follows from Laplace's definition plus the multi plication law.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
A large number of dentists have left the National Health Service to go into private practice.
He joined an athletic club in which there were a large number of activities ranging from yoga to judo.
They can generally undertake big surveys involving large numbers of people and they provide statistics and interpretations of them.
Blacks in large numbers started leaving the South for northern urban centers in the 1920s.
The influx of large numbers of construction workers had inevitably caused disruption in the nearby villages, especially the closest, Stogursey.
We're lucky to live next door to a large number of shops, restaurants and cafes, and - after we'd snarfed a triumphant breakfast of World Cup winning sausages, bacon and eggs - we made our way to search through the second-hand bookshops.
PCCW Teleservices enjoys a large number of customer bouquets and renewed contracts year by year, as well as a glittering array of awards and industry recognition from worldwide organizations.
Meanwhile, living in Cambridge and knowing a very large number of Unitarian Universalists and various lefty folks, I can attest that not every liberal is "mannered," "self-critical," or "pensive.
Philocrites: Beware 'Old Testament' comparisons.
Large numbers of chub and barbel are also on view in Tadcaster where fish spotting from the road-bridge in the centre of town seems to be a popular spectator sport at present.
Bijerinck disproved this theory when he showed that the sap could successively transmit the fully virulent disease through a large number of plant generations.
The reserve is also home to a large number of butterfly species including green hairsteak, dingy skipper and dark green fritillary.
The police appeared reluctant to take on such a large number of protesters.
Times, Sunday Times
In Yellowstone, we turned a large number of campground operations over to a concessionaire and plowed the income back into campground facilities.
We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of teachers.
In this account of the Hawsted harvest the large number of hired men and the few customary tenants is noteworthy as a sign of the times, for before the Black Death the harvest work on the demesne was the special work of the latter.
A Short History of English Agriculture
Large numbers of bridge fans attend national tournaments featuring the top players.
He evaluated rotational stocking, in which large numbers of cattle were moved through a series of small paddocks at short intervals to prevent overgrazing.
Using electric fences, farmers split their pastures into a large number of small paddocks.
Times, Sunday Times
A large number of new hotels are being built along the southern coast.
The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.
The cargo of the ship ‘Brother Jonathan’, which sank in 1865 off the northern California coast, included a large number of gold coins, some of them uncirculated Double Eagles.
The result is a place which is rather incongruous, with only a small town centre surrounded by large numbers of houses.
I wanted a quality product, more than I wanted to shift large numbers of units.
One well-known quality of anti-depressants is their tendency to induce akathisia in a large number of patients, causing the kind of internal racing or restlessness that makes the meds impossible for some to take and, in some cases, can drive people to the edge of suicide.
Furious Seasons
The root framework supports a large number of fibrous roots which, by their continuing growth, comb the soil for minerals and water.
Oooh, I see you've a large number of telnet connections to dialup lines in the Netherlands.
Now one of the strengths of Libri's Histoire is the large number of quotes from original sources, so it was natural that Libri should be an enthusiastic collector of rare books and manuscripts.
This dive is better in the deeper section, where large gorgonian seafans stretch out into the current, surrounded by large numbers of fish, corals, invertebrates, and some huge barrel sponges.
It is not unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of one suspect, yet it could very well be unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of a very large number of people (a historically infeasible practice which technology has made more feasible).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Final Version of “Applying the Fourth Amendment to the Internet: A General Approach”
Many computational tasks, such as decodings or the factorization of very large numbers, would become feasible that are infeasible with present machines.
At that time, the lowland savannas were settled by large numbers of farmer-herders who were ancestors to present-day Luo and Kipsigis.
Though most remained members of the working class, large numbers moved into the ranks of the lower middle classes.
Large numbers of persons in areas of India, Pakistan, and several other countries have been chronically poisoned from naturally occurring arsenic in ground water.
On the basis of research achievements of a large number of experiments and theoretical analysis on a solar flat plate adsorption refrigerator, a new improved solar ice maker was developed and tested.
On Brighton seafront, traders said large numbers of sunseekers on the beach came as a welcome break in their "disastrous" spring season.
Wrecked in 1912, it is smothered in marine life and is home to large numbers of wolf fish, whiting and cod.
In addition to paintings, he produced a large number of prints - etchings, lithographs, and woodcuts.
The network implants a large number of sleeper agents, free of past suspicious activity, giving the authorities no reason to keep an eye on them until only after they've received their cue to strike.
One spot that should not be missed downtown is Fremont Street, where a large number of casinos and strip bars are located.
If you've got the time to troll for sounds, then take your unusual impulse file and convolve it against a large number of target files using the program's batch processor.
A large number of factories reported sizable increases in output as compared with the previous year.
Though 19th century translators of Buddhist texts sometimes used the word "enlightenment" to refer to Gautama's moment of spiritual awakening on seeing the morning star, the first time a large number of general English readers saw the word used as a spiritual term was with the publication Essays on Zen Buddhism First Series by D.T. Suzuki in the 1930s.
Lewis Richmond: A Cultural History Of The Word 'Enlightenment'
The firm represents a large number of cargo shipping lines.
The chapter on palliative therapy is of utmost importance as large number of patients are suitable only for palliation due to their advanced untreatable disease in our country.
Each stem sports a large number of pendulous flowers.
[18] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Sometimes there are large numbers of gulls, because they can be seen from far off, and more and more come flying in to join the feast.
Times, Sunday Times
A large number of people visiting the exhibition grounds thronged the Kalavedika where they were feasted to a cultural bonanza.
His management style has been widely criticised and has led to the outflux of a large number of the court's most experienced staff.
A large number of individuals who do not meet diagnostic criteria for alcoholism are, nonetheless, heavy problem drinkers.
Over and above this, however, seven was chosen, primarily, because it was a large number, and, secondly, because it was a sacred number, -- sacred in part because large, since 'largeness' and 'sacredness' are correlated ideas in the popular phases of early religious thought.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
His repertoire includes a large number of Scottish folk songs.
Employees dubbed it the Googleplex, a pun on the mathematical term googolplex, meaning an unthinkably large number.
In the Plex
A large number of flint-working sites, producing long, slender flakes used for making tools and weapons, were found during archaeological survey work in the early 1970s.
Among the problems: Single-shotting is a hard thing to convince large numbers of people to do.
Vote for Council Today at
Large numbers of natives and non-native Canadians have been attending these meetings.
He continued to study functional analysis applications to integral equations producing a large number of papers on composition and permutable functions.
It was the combination of large circulation share and a large number of titles that gave concentration its distinctive character in 1990.
We regret very deeply the anxiety it will cause a large number of patients who have banked with us.
Large numbers of shoppers attempt to log on to the retailer’s site to take advantage of the door-crasher specials.
The large number of artifacts found by miners in the gravels was a supporting evidence for the reasonableness of finding a fossilized skull there.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
_limax maximus_ or garden slug, known to science -- to omit from their calculations the fact that they are likely every day to receive a large number of visitors, whom they will be obliged to keep waiting; and that these people will require somewhere to wait.
Jill the Reckless
Carp and skimmers are showing in large numbers backed up by rudd and tench.
A large number of biotechnological devices include surface-bound proteins, e.g., biosensors.
A large number of books have been stolen from the library.
Could you define the two terms-public relations and lobbyist respectively to our large number of readers?
A housebound elderly woman who rarely has visitors might utter very few words per day, while a young man who works in telesales and has a busy social life might utter a very large number.
G is for Gender « An A-Z of ELT
A large number of works with low effluent quality do not face prosecution.
We will gain advantages from the law of large numbers
Milton Friedman on health, education, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The tragedy is, we are turning a large number of potentially decent young people into misfits and criminals.
Times, Sunday Times
The large number of possibilities for setting the rotors (and a plugboard that could swap letters) made for an astronomical number of possible configurations, each producing a different cipher.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
A police spokeswoman added: ‘We receive a large number of calls each day and these have to be prioritised in relation to their urgency.’
The Empire set up a large number of independent local mints that were authorized subject to some degree of imperial oversight to mint coinage more or less without restriction.
Mostly they have failed, and in the search they have awarded the jersey to a large number of rather feeble performers.
Times, Sunday Times
Our investigations in this case found that Marais and her company Zonda Resources Limited had imported and then bred large numbers of an insect known as a mirid bug (Macrolophus pygmaeus) and sold them for the biological control of the pest whitefly in commercial greenhouses," Mr Hayes says.
NZ On Screen
Among his compositions are numerous masses for four, five, and six voices, settings of the "Lamentations" for four and six voices, a large number of motets for from three to six voices, and settings of the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]
What started in the mid-1800s on Southern California's huge ranchos as a means of feeding a large number of vaqueros continues every weekend on portable barbecues along Santa Maria's main street, Broadway.
That suit of schist contans a large number of abundant aluminium mineral: staurolite, almandine and biotite, so the primitive is mostly clayrock.
In between these waggons the women are placed for safety, for it is a noticeable fact that very large numbers of women have followed their husbands and fathers to the war, not to act as viragoes, not to play the wanton, not to unsex themselves, not to handle the rifle, but to nurse the wounded, to comfort the dying, and to lay out the dead.
Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
You could put anthrax in a form of aerosolization that can have a major impact if you expose large numbers of people to it.
'The Challenge is to Stay Vigilant'
Another contentious topic discussed was how to minister to the large number of Catholics with failed first marriages who have divorced and remarried in civil ceremonies.
Times, Sunday Times
Conversely, a very small number of services (or a single service) containing a large number of operations likewise indicates inappropriate service granularity.
In order to conform to actuarial equity and the law of large number, it becomes important to access and classify the level of insured by insurance company.
A large number of infections disappear spontaneously without any treatment.
This method typically requires electromorph typing of a large number of loci from hundreds of individuals.
Now our understanding has been transformed by large numbers of artefacts from excavations (workshops remain elusive) and, recently, from detectorists.
The letterbook of Saunders and Sweetman for 1788-1804 indicates a general reluctance of servants to return to Ireland, especially from 1789 onwards,61 and the Pole Papers indicate that, while large numbers of servants were still being hired in the fishery in Ferryland district in 1800, many had "dieted" during the winter of 1799-1800.
Gutenber-e Help Page
Finance minister Samuel Mumbengegwi last week announced a national budget of 7.8 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars (a quadrillion is a figure followed by 15 zeroes), the only country in the world whose national spending runs into such a large number.
ANC Daily News Briefing
It invests in a large number of smaller companies.
Times, Sunday Times
A large number of teenagers visited the family to offer their sympathy with over seventeen signing a card.
Archaeological exploration of the eastern delta has revealed the initiation of some of these extraordinary building activities by the Saite Dynasty—and the presence of large numbers of foreign settlers there.
The Bible Unearthed
This was a bit of a setback, because a large number of identical buses were either completed or on the assembly line.
Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
Large numbers of intestinal parasites are a possibility, but that's less likely in an older cat.
Times, Sunday Times
It also fails to take into account the fact that a large number of men were familiar with court proceedings.
Second, there is a debate over whether Australia can absorb large numbers of people.
For example, the large number of expected launch operations in the ETO mission represent fundamentally different risks than conducting the first BEO mission to Mars.
Catching Up With the OIG - NASA Watch
On the other hand, I was rather disturbed at the large number of thongs and g-strings that I was selling.
All of which means that we are a nation of debtors, people who, in large numbers, live beyond our means.
Books of all kinds, from colouring books to books on science and business, attract a large number of people.
But prison officers say a large number of claims come from devious cons in overcrowded cells.
The Sun
However, such schools do seem to attract a large number of religious families.
A mutual fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is jointly owned by a large number of investors.
There are also a large number of mobile dispensaries and clinics where doctors are busy dispensing medicines to pilgrims.
Undulating terrain and intervening crests require a large number of observers located on dominating heights to cover the entire area of operations.
Only recently have we seen large numbers of people come straight into Web design from formal education programs.
There can be legitimate objections, as well as xenophobic ones, to a large number of newcomers arriving in a certain area.
These chains include a large number of biopolymers such as DNA and actin.
Unconventional sports, such as hang-gliding and hot-air ballooning, also continue to attract large numbers of students.
Several miles further on a solitary upstanding column of rock represented an opossum man who rested here, looked about the country, and left spirit children behind him; a low range of remarkably white quartzite hills indicated a large number of white ant eggs thrown here in the _wingara_ [146] by the Munga-munga women as they passed across the country.
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
The remaining ships, including light cruisers, destroyers, a scattering of gunboats, and a large number of both naval and army auxiliaries were left as decoys for the Task Force 58 planes.
He has isolated the characteristic pigment and investigated its chemical nature from a rather large number of flowers, such as cornflower, roses, pelargonia, larkspur, hollyhock, etc., as well as from some fruits, such as bilberries, black grapes and cranberries.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1915 - Presentation
There is an excellent listing of the large number of ways in which environmentalism functions as a religion here.
If they're useless but keep large numbers of outreach workers in gainful employment - they'll love them, call for more, and work assiduously at propagating a myth of 'success'.
Archive 2005-05-15
Kahn and his fellow “megadeath intellectuals” believed the United States needed to have a large number of bombs and plans for their use in multiple contingencies.
The Great Experiment
Some wells were putting out more than 3,000 barrels of oil per day, and coopers were producing large numbers of brand-new containers just for oil.
Art facilities are slashed and art market is extreme fatigue, as well as a large number of galleries in collapse. Art purism has been washed by reality becoming too difficult to erect.
It produces an exceptionally large number of cobs in a range of colours which are not only totally edible but also, as dried flowers, highly decorative.
How did Rhonda Byrne, proponent and chief promulgator of the Law of Attraction, end up attracting such a large number lawsuits and disgruntled former team members?
Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks: What Can We Learn From The Lawsuit Against Rhonda Byrne and The Secret?
By April 1981, there were a large number of newspaper stocks publicly traded on U.S. stock exchanges.
Prof. Filehne, of Erlangen, who has studied a large number of these pyridine and quinoline derivatives, found, moreover, that the hydrochlorate of ethyl-piperidine had a physiological action quite analogous to that of conine.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
The large number of new graduates, coupled with high unemployment, means that there is fierce competition for jobs.
Large number of families are crammed in galis in most unhygienic conditions.
Both the Union and Confederate armies began impressing large numbers of African Americans, free and enslaved, for military labor.