How To Use Lapp In A Sentence

  • Jeff, clad in board trunks and a T-shirt, leans back in his chair with the lappie on his, uhhh, lap, and his bare feet up on the desk. Savages
  • He slapped away a few dryads, but they still surrounded him.
  • Why be all miffy and hissy and in a bitch-slapping mood guys, about not being in the military when you can do the work you like in prisons and police forces? See, it's not all about the election today.
  • We lapped the track a few times at a walk, trot and canter and the horse went through it pretty smoothly.
  • King was eight years old when he was slapped by a white woman in a downtown Atlanta department store and insulted with a racial slur.
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  • With check-in times now prolonged because of security issues, traders are lapping up even more business as they tempt us with their trinkets and gewgaws.
  • Upon noticing the new appliance, he stomped his little feet and clapped with joy.
  • Drawing an ultrasonic syringe from a cabinet in the wall, she slapped it against Kohlberg's arm and pressed.
  • In the darkened room behind this diorama, a wall-sized video projection showed a seascape of lapping waves.
  • The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
  • Aaewin asked without thinking, clapping her hands over her mouth after the words escaped.
  • Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut.
  • Flying foxes have a long bristly tongue that's great for lapping up juicy fruit, and for licking and grooming themselves and their friends!
  • Presented with a series of tricky problems, the Scud decided to play safe and run like the clappers, and just belt the ball for all he was worth.
  • It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.
  • The cliffs closed in as the river swept round a bend, its waves slapping against vertical rocks.
  • Separate from the slapping lesbians, a battle began to rage between the lesbians who were pagans versus the lesbians who were Christians, and then the lesbians who wanted to have “baster babies” factioned off, too. Roseanne Archy
  • A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store, and he does a double take.
  • There was a loud clapping from the boys who were perched on the rail fence, but some of the girls were crying. Rainbow Valley
  • They got comfortable on the rocks, with the waves roaring in, lapping at their feet, they stroked their bellies and chattered on about the sea, about stealing a small fishing boat when they should have been in school. September 17 , 2004
  • A braai is the South African version of a barbecue - and I figured I could handle slapping meat on the grill. Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • He flapped up to his apartment in his ruined shoes, found his keys in the bottom of the buff envelope. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss -- a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil. Delicious LiveJournal Links for 7-3-2010
  • If, through their labors to transform misava into masimu, women established traditional tenure rights not explicitly recognized by patriliny, then likewise, through the everyday habits of farming, women learned, performed, and nurtured relationships that overlapped with, but ranged far beyond, blood - and marriage-based patrilineal kinship. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • Fortunately, she was lapping the soup up with great neatness and delicacy, which was sort of a relief: Jinx had been afraid she was going to slop it all over the table.
  • Working your way across the ceiling widthwise rather than lengthwise, begin painting a series of overlapping W's until the ceiling is mostly covered.
  • That night, we anchored in Geneviz Limani - the Bay of the Genoese - and dined on the poop deck as the moon rose and the sound of the lapping tide echoed against the towering cliffs.
  • The two alternatives, presented as dichotomous above, may be viewed as partly overlapping, and not mutually exclusive.
  • The clinker-built construction of overlapping planks secured by clench nails conferred great strength with flexibility.
  • The map was a cartographer's bird's-eye view, but the icy mountains unfolded white and hazy and shadowed, outlines blurred and overlapping. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • A cleaner on his way home from work feared he would die as water lapped his chin when he became trapped in his car in Fairfield.
  • She swallowed a humph, then nearly groaned aloud when, clapping her hands, Lady Hightham urged them to gather around for some music. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • As she made her slow journey across the room, she heard the faint sound of bare flesh slapping against the stone tile.
  • It seems pointlessly dense with renegade and overlapping wood slats, all cracked and sullied.
  • Maura let out a nervous guffaw before clapping her hand over her mouth again, keeping her giggles silent.
  • Aaron and Adam had begun slapping each other on the cheek with one hand while the other punched the other one in the arm.
  • Thunder roared in the distance, and reality slapped me straight in the face.
  • He raved, he cursed, he shook his fists in my face, and then suddenly a horrible spasm passed over his features, he clapped his hand to his side, and with a loud cry he fell in a heap at my feet.
  • The tide was lapping the harbour wall.
  • Some teachers also punish students by flogging them with whips made of rubber (from strips of old car tires), with heavier canes, or simply by slapping, kicking, or pinching them.
  • The new writing in blue ink slightly overlapped my writing that was in pencil.
  • They lapped against the outspread hands of a solitary girl, whose dusky hair rose and fell with the water.
  • When the police were leaving the women clapped and cheered. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the night wore on, I got to the point where I was repeatedly slapping the bartop with my palm, shouting at the bartender, Take credit for what you do! The Credit is All Mine
  • For a while, an hour and a half, though she did not know it, until the men came in from the fields trailing dust and slapping their stomachs, Rupban clutched Cheepy-cheepy's limp and bony neck and said only "Coming, coming" to all inquiries about the bird. Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
  • While others were scoffing at the notion of ebonics, I was lapping up inner city slang: that beautiful, musical, profane prose. Slashdot: Book Reviews
  • African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.
  • The sail flapped in the wind.
  • Once resurfacing from the water, hair in his eyes, he could see Jo laughing, not so discreetly slapping her thigh in mirth.
  • They slapped the cheeks of their buttocks and made facial parodies that I found embarrassing.
  • In the most telling moment the whole lot balance on elbows and heads, each clapping his feet together like trained seals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Billy slapped his knee and guffawed, and he began choking on his pretzel he had shoveled into his mouth. Kari Gremore: An All-American Tea Party
  • I don't mean to say that Americans are a nation of superficial, backslapping enjoyers and happy-makers, as opposed to our suffering Slavic souls.
  • Dogged as a flip-flopper in 2008 for his repeated policy shifts to the right, Mr. Romney is running this time as the unflappable former businessman and nonpolitician. Romney, in Shift, to Court Tea Party
  • Rather than moving forward while flapping their wings up and down like a bird, flies hover while beating their wings back and forth.
  • They swam right up to the glass of the tank and flapped their little penguin wings.
  • We invariably travelled on some clapped-out smelly bus that made us nauseous with the diesel fumes.
  • They had been down to the Balesuna making an alligator trap, and, instead of trousers, were clad in lava-lavas that flapped gracefully about their stalwart limbs. Chapter 8
  • One of the reasons why this is more likely to happen when lapping flip chips is the small surface area.
  • Caught under by the breeze, the awnings of the fore-deck bellied upwards and collapsed slowly, and above their heavy flapping the gray stuff of Captain Whalley's roomy coat fluttered incessantly around his arms and trunk.
  • Remember that the next time you find yourself enjoying compliments so much they take on the sound of a flapping cape. Christianity Today
  • They operated under the assumption that there could be no real division between family and work, that the two overlapped endlessly.
  • The party won the support of the right-wing opposition and more than 100 000 people, but failed in getting the support of its two coalition partners, who claimed that the idea contradicted the constitution and would have resulted in having two National Assemblies overlapping each other - the old one with a few weeks left of its term and the new one. SofiaEcho RSS feed
  • He even had one or two on the other side of the House clapping him at the end of his presentation.
  • And that is a problem for the normally unflappable first minister. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bush Administration has slapped unilateral quotas on imports of Chinese textile products, with the threat of more to come in other sectors.
  • I reckon that gobby bitch who got slapped got all that she deserved (and look at her lapping up the publicity, even that leech Clifford is on it now). Policeman killed - NO STORY. Woman slapped - BIG STORY. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Both were later freed after rebellion charges slapped against the two were dropped.
  • Though not slapstick or of the knee-slapping variety, Hamer is droll and often wickedly subtle in his deadly strain of humour.
  • In particular, the sleeves were just the right width - not too narrow, not too flappy.
  • The nursery teacher clapped her hands to attract the children's attention.
  • The throng surrounding them shouted affirming hallelujahs and amens, flapping and singing, rattling their tambourines and bleating their horns.
  • The trees bowed against the force of the wind, and leaves slapped against the outside of the window.
  • After I'd almost recovered, he dragged me out of bed and began slapping me.
  • And by this, I mean the many overlapping discoveries of unvoiced knowledge, feelings and imagination that we stumble upon via images.
  • The end of one band overlapping the end of another, the joints held together by a simple dot of solder, not welding at all. OFF THE CHART
  • I was surrounded by backslapping, laughing patrons.
  • He made a noise of what I took to be assent, muffled as it was by the furious flapping of his frilly pinny over the shrieking smoke alarm.
  • Competitors, collaborators, those in complimentary fields with an overlapping client base, and folks who are totally outside your immediate world. Women Grow Business » 2009 » November
  • Their three-guitar lineup produced a wall of overlapping sound, immersing the audience in impassioned songs mostly about love, and occasionally hate.
  • The audience clapped politely but without much enthusiasm.
  • If anything, the ‘backslapper’ and ‘working man's champ’ type was better known in the industrial districts of the US, than it ever was in Labour (with a ‘u’) movement.
  • The fact that the dim-witted and near-sighted MPAA has slapped an NC-17 rating on Steve McQueen's Shame implies that there is something prurient about this film, whose central figure is a sex addict, struggling with his demons. Marshall Fine: Movie review: Shame
  • Line a 2-litre pudding basin with clingfilm and cover its base and sides with overlapping brioche slices. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had my first good bite, a two inch lift then the indicator dropping like the clappers on a slack line.
  • When you meet your demoness and she shakes to hell your unflappable demeanor. Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
  • In Munich this past weekend, a traditional carnival season parade overlapped with the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed every year on Jan. 27.
  • The tide slapped against the dock wall, and seagulls croaked as they bobbed on the waves, or flew above their heads.
  • Yes, a real knee-slapper, but it turns out to be about the wittiest thing she's capable of saying. Tom Shales: Derivative suicide show 'Gravity' fails to take off
  • Walking back to the Lokosphinx, we watch Army conscripts in greatcoats and fur-flapped caps breaking the ice with bludgeons and pouring hot water on the snow.
  • We slapped the blinkers on him in his work and I felt he showed a little bit of improvement but certainly not enough to think he could win.
  • WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel " mangler " is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.
  • But it's not all schmaltzy backslapping in the band. The Sun
  • She claims she has been slapped, punched and called names on the way to school.
  • I looked up through the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a moment upon the burning coals, and that old fancy of the crimson flag flapping from the castle tower came into my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock. Monday or Tuesday
  • This isn't like a Sunday redtop slapping "Exclusive" on every tatty tale in town. Huffington Post not so picture perfect
  • He rudely kicks the women out, slapping Stella on her thigh.
  • Carne (who had taken most kindly to the fortune which made him an untrue Englishman) clapped his breast with both hands; not proudly, as a Frenchman does, nor yet with that abashment and contempt of demonstration which make a true Briton very clumsy in such doings; while Daniel Tugwell, being very solid, and by no means “emotional” — as people call it nowadays — was looking at him, to the utmost of his power Springhaven
  • Including the pompous local police commissaire; the unflappable intelligence officer from France; the slimy representative of the international oil cartel; and the personages - intelligence, governmental, and clerical of the remnants of the civilian oligarchy; as well as many others, including the Doctor's lover, a Hapsburg We Have All Been Disgraced By Corruption, A Review of Eric Ambler's Doctor Frigo
  • He was carrying his hand bell by its clapper, and he shifted his grip to the handle and began clanging.
  • Viewers lapped it up and the crisis was defused. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each time, stretch the dough towards you to form an arc, slapping it back on itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Democrats will still be expected to pay heed to national unity by clapping politely. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the many lineages of gliding animals today, including a host of lizards, squirrels, marsupials, and colugos show no signs of turning into flappers anytime soon.
  • The fear was put into perspective by one crew member who believed when he heard the flapping of the genoa caused by the halyard coming away that there was a helicopter overhead to rescue us.
  • The nurse lapped a bandage around his wrist.
  • You should have seen the look on my wife's face when I slapped my Zambian kwachas on the table.
  • She slapped him on his wounded cheek, bloodying her hand.
  • Finally she slapped on the table two ‘large teas’ and four slices of bread and dripping — that is, eightpenny-worth of food. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • Andy hopped up on the table for a minute, stared at her, then slapped Mia across the chops, drove her out of the seat, and settled in her place.
  • Finally, certain manufacturing capabilities are crucial for effective overlapping.
  • Underneath me, a small boy keeps jumping up and slapping a scale model of China that's been fastened to the wall.
  • However, a very key interneuron in Melibe resides in the pedal ganglion, as is the case in both of the parapodial flappers, Aplysia and Clione, but neither of the dorsal-ventral swimmers.
  • Whether the goody-goody Gibson girl or the dancing flapper, the single woman finally had purchasing power.
  • Therefore if they will maintaine the Russia trade with aduantage, then ought they to looke to this in time, so may they keepe the Russia trade as it is, and likewise make a trade in Lappia more profitable then that, and therefore this is to bee considered, rather then to prohibite The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Jacelin slapped his cap on and ran out of the office.
  • They engaged in some playful four-handed piano playing as the audience sang and clapped along with the musicians.
  • Each section features easily identifiable icons such as a clapperboard to indicate the locations for films and television sets, or a gold star to represent the birthplace of a celebrity to make the guide quick and simple to read.
  • The bird flapped its newly usable wing, bowed its little head towards Jace, and flew off.
  • She gently slapped his face to bring him round.
  • And ever the river was growing rougher and ruder; ever its backbone was beginning to puiver and flounder like a whale underfoot, with its liquescent body of cold, grey, murky water bursting with increasing frequency from its shell of ice, and lapping hungrily at our feet. Through Russia
  • She slapped his side with the flat of her blade, calmly adding injury to insult before walking away.
  • We were told to keep our seats because the show wasn't over until ABBA sang and unbidden, the audience started clapping along happily, as a virtual mini-ABBA concert was performed at the end.
  • By the time flappers showed up in the '20s, opening and closing their knees and swinging their arms in the briefest of outfits, the can-can and the shimmy looked positively quaint.
  • These scenes of strain were contrasted all too neatly with a scene of release for Don, who spent his Thanksgiving paying good money to have a hooker come over and go through what we saw was a regular ritual: The pross on top, slapping Don. Today's Latest Headlines
  • The flag was flapping about in the wind.
  • Birders can watch migratory species such as endangered clapper rails, dowitchers, and American avocets from the platform at Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary.
  • I am tempted to spend a thousand quid on smack, shag a back-street-slapper and spend the rest of my life in a cardboard box - but I do not.
  • The dumb birds swarmed me, flapping their wings like crazy, making clucking sounds, and pecking at my legs.
  • Now the lake was placid in the heat of the afternoon, the tiny wavelets lapping the shore like a hurried metronome.
  • The name diatom comes from a Greek word diatomos that means cut in half, because the shells of diatoms have two overlapping, symmetrical halves. Diatomite
  • I agree with you that it's not right to call your son names, and that slapping him is potentially dangerous.
  • However, that is an attitude that is shaped by my very Western lifestyle wherein Western grocery stores have no such thing as food courts attached to them wolfing down a sandwich slapped together at the Boar's Head deli counter while waiting in the Express checkout line does not count as a food court, and food courts in shopping malls are teeming with screaming, disobedient children, making for a highly unenjoyable, stressful decision-making process between deep-fried hot dogs impaled on sticks and peddled by pimple-faced Rain-bo Brites and the less arterially noxious chicken "patty" that has been breaded, deep-fried, and smeared with diet mayo. Tampopo - A Crunky Quickie at the Market
  • He's been a happy-clappy all his life. He accidentally sent me this email by mistake.
  • These are shaped to the desired contours and are usually made of hardened tool steel ground and lapped to a mirror finish.
  • Boats had low aspect mains, small foretriangles, fractional rigs and no lapping foresails.
  • She's a cutie ," Helen remarked after the swinging door to the kitchen had flapped shut. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • This will bring happiness...not happy-clappy happiness but ultimate, eternal happiness. We must pray for death
  • We waded across to Witch Island, the warm waves gently lapping our legs.
  • Line a 2-litre pudding basin with clingfilm and cover its base and sides with overlapping brioche slices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big sodden bales sat in the small high-hedged fresh-cut fields, a pigeon clapped in the alders and misty rain filled a steel grey sky.
  • So he took his old shoe and painted it out and slapped the new shoe logo on that shoe, trying to see if he could if he could get away with it.
  • Bitch-slapping the new Intel Chair is something I put in the fuckup category. Not Enjoyin It | ATTACKERMAN
  • Moscow these days is seeing a resurgence of overlapping ideologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He clapped Bligh's arm, and then turned and hammered on the door.
  • Car and simulacrum sounder clapperboard sodomist use the myrmeleon to onwards rook alder and polypropenonitrile mwera to cut osteal pay flagellant. Rational Review
  • Max's ears drooped a bit and he looked down at the waves lapping at their toes.
  • He added: 'If the stretcher bar was missing the rail would have been left flapping about. The Sun
  • He had slapped a hard copy of his warrant on the clerk's desk as soon as he had entered.
  • We'll have to wait and see what the reasons are but there are essentially two overlapping lines of attack.
  • Georgina opened her fan and started flapping it angrily in front of herself.
  • The steel-grey wavelets of Loch Skeen lapped dark peaty banks.
  • Male speaker Inside you are going like the clappers because you are nervous and the tension is building up.
  • Is the wind in their sails or are their sails flapping? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nicon called at the sense of it and the rest hurrahed and backs were slapped and hands clasped and, yes, there were still hard feelings, but those would be paid later, individually. The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
  • And yet I'm told some o 'your cockered-up fly-flappers carnt' it a 'ole in a pound o' butter, or stand a straight nose-ender without turning faint! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 102, May 28, 1892
  • The sequence view got some fixes - some shortcuts where overlapping, the label column now shows cursor and selection and finally the cursor is clamped to now leave the editable area. Planet GNOME
  • A Roman Catholic hospital in Kumamoto, a provincial city in southern Japan, in December sought official approval of the system modelled on the “Babyklappe” in use in Germany. Japan Approves First ‘Baby Hatch’ | Impact Lab
  • Instantly, he let go of Sam, his free hand stilling the clapper, for a bell gone awry could have disastrous consequences for its wielder. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • A genuine initiative, or just another excuse for backslapping and all-star music line-ups?
  • By the time the first fight broke out I was gripped - feathers were puffed up to ensure maximum hard-man appearance and then a very undignified battle ensued, involving lots of running jumps and flapping and pecking.
  • The sails flapped in the breeze.
  • Everyone was a little tense, slapping each other on the back and making double entendre remarks that were rewarded with great guffaws. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • February 24th, 2009 at 3: 23 pm it would be hard to find a southern governor who is not a woolhat wingnut professional backslapper. Matthew Yglesias » Phil Bredesen Joins Forces With Dixie Wingnuts to Stick it to the Unemployed
  • The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.
  • He took a series of pictures, the first one showing the Manchester man, dressed in shorts, striped T-shirt and flip-flops, casually walking away from the beach, where water is already lapping round the deserted sunloungers.
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Yet we knew from the happy-clappy Sunday services that they were comfortable with guitars and tambourines.
  • Old Schwerin, the Chief Minister, still with his nightcap on and a robe-de-chambre flapping round his ankles, was hobbling along towards me, with a little knot of attendants fussing in his wake. Royal Flash
  • When the men with ripping muscles and lean frames slapped their arms and thighs in gusto and let out a Viking war cry, the entire place reverberated with the loud sharp blows.
  • I'm certain that, at any moment, somebody's going to snap a clapperboard shut and shout: ‘Madrid - the movie - Scene 82, take 3.’
  • He's a natural salesman, whose secret weapon is the sheer confidence and optimism that he exudes rather than backslapping bonhomie.
  • The overlapping view makes it difficult to sort out the various spars, but it appears that the foremast has only lower and topmasts, while topgallants are carried on the main and mizen.
  • Marching stiffly across the room he performed a perfect about-turn before slapping his tiny sandalled foot on the clay floor and saluting.
  • Sepals very large, incurved, overlapping each other, having the appearance of being semi-double, and being of good substance. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • A bird dashed across the window, flapped its wings and shot off in to the black void.
  • The flowers are 2 in. long, bell-shaped; the petals shining lemon-yellow, with a tinge of brown on the outside, whilst the sepals are like a number of fish-scales, overlapping each other down the outside of the campanulate tube. Cactus Culture for Amateurs Being Descriptions of the Various Cactuses Grown in This Country, With Full and Practical Instructions for Their Successful Cultivation
  • A butterfly was flapping around the wheelbarrow looking for a fragrance to match the colour of that great metallic flower.
  • alleluia;" they clapped their hands, leaped up, fell down, clasped each other in their free arms, cried, laughed, and went to and fro, tossing upward their unfettered hands; but high above the whole there was a mighty sound which ever and anon swelled up; it was the utterings in broken negro dialect of gratitude to God. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • I was startled out of my dream state when a pair of mergansers flapped their way down along the creek's surface, turning skyward in front of me like training jets.
  • The first settlers from Europe, having braved the wild Atlantic for a strange and tavern-bare land, can't be faulted for slapping beer together from whatever scraps they could find. Gourd Lovin'
  • Then he batted it to and fro, chasing it up one aisle and down another and slapping it silly.
  • The difficulty comes when ephemeral pieces and scripts for ancient programmes are dusted down and drawn together, unrevised and overlapping. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The lack of definition to his roaming role meant that he was often overlapping with colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under cross-examination from Botha's advocate Lappe Laubscher, Van Zyl said while Tutu initially attempted to accommodate Botha by allowing him to respond to questions in writing, he had never undertaken to indefinitely "immunise" him from testifying. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Ruddy-faced men, bronze-faced men, pale-faced men; young women, girls, matrons and "flappers"; caddies burdened with bags of golf clubs and pockets bulging with cunningly found balls; skillful waiters hurrying here and there with trays on which glasses of various shapes, sizes, and of diversified contents tinkled musically-such was the scene at the The Golf Course Mystery
  • There is no cheery speech, no overlapping dialogue, no badinage, no heartiness - real or false - almost no voice raised in anger or twisted in sarcasm.
  • The ensign above him flapped restively in tune with the men under his inspection.
  • He clapped a hand over his mouth, as if to stifle a burp or cover a yawn.
  • Why oh why oh why did the Yankees think it was wise to pay $82.5 million to this 34-year-old pitcher, who has proven himself so unreliable and ineffective that the mere mention of his name causes unflappable New Yorkers to seethe? Sympathy for A.J. Is Not Tolerated Here
  • But I tell the doctor that as his members are clapping him, they are busy planning his downfall.
  • Evil Laura won't slow down, and near the end of the race I am intent on lapping Lauren.
  • The next year, shopping at Home Depot for some army ant anthrax, I saw the bug zappers for sale, then slapped my forehead and got out my checkbook.
  • He had no idea that John Bold could really prove that the income of the hospital was malappropriated; why, then, should peace be sought for on such base terms? The Warden
  • Sunburned, butt-slapping white men came out from the lake for salty corn chips and margaritas and to razz the fatso wives who were mostly reading fashion magazines. Jesus-Man and the Bee Sting
  • The calming sound of sea waves lapping the boardwalk, they swear, is the ultimate antidote to urban stress.
  • I don’t think this is the whisper of a gay thing, but rather the loud “Yo” - ing, backslappy, hairy-buttocked, yellow-toenailed, hetero thing. The Sorrow and the Pilates
  • He sat within a circular grove of slender trees, whose interlapping branches cast The Coming of Conan The Cimmerian
  • I slapped him and said wake up yourself big fella. The Sun

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