How To Use Lapidary In A Sentence

  • Meanwhile Mr Musonda said two local companies were interested in setting up lapidary centres for the cutting and polishing of gemstones at the exchange which would add value to the stones.
  • For one, iron minerals, as such, do not have the allure of native copper and silver, and it's difficult to compete with the beauty and uniqueness of datolite nodules for the lapidary.
  • Whole tribes of bones will be creaking into motion, and hearses will be summoned, and lapidary inscriptions will be scratched out and rectified.
  • In consequence, there developed two varieties of wedge-writing: the one that may be termed lapidary, used for the stone inscriptions, the official historical records, and such legal documents as were prepared with especial care; the other cursive, occurring only on legal and commercial clay tablets, and becoming more frequent as we approach the latest period of Babylonian writing, which extends to within a few decades of our era. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Throughout the text, Graubard's lapidary prose is lucid and provocative, likely to induce a glow of pleasure in the reader.
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  • It was in reading Updike that I first saw how writing could be described as "lapidary": he is second to none as a prose stylist, although in an interview with the Times last fall he said that he didn't think of himself as a stylish writer, just one who wanted to get everything right, so that the reader would see the people and the world he was writing about exactly as he saw it. Green Mountain Daily - Front Page
  • The Emerald and Semi-Precious Stones Association of Zambia has called for the establishment of more lapidary industries in order to encourage value addition to locally produced emeralds.
  • Disarmingly simple and clear, Muske-Dukes's lapidary, ardent poem recalls us to our losses, our selves, a responsibility that extends "to a soldier" -- to a man, to a woman. Carol Muske-Dukes: "To a Soldier" Poem
  • How quickly these lapidary phrases are crumbling around their feet!
  • What we have is clearly limned like the work of a master lapidary.
  • It combines his lapidary style with considerable learning and eagerness.
  • His care for well-defined blocks of color is almost lapidary, like the intricately wrought components of stained-glass windows or a jeweler's cloisonne.
  • The Algomah mine is best known for lapidary material and copper-bearing microminerals, including (but not limited to) plancheite, kinoite, dioptase, azurite, and atacamite.
  • She said Government has contributed to the industry through among other things, the establishment of a lapidary and processing training centre in Ndola where gemmology and lapidary skills are being imparted to the people.
  • Archeologist Timothy Taylor determines with lapidary concision that ‘There are no laws of human behavior.’
  • Ohio flint, which is among the finest flint in North America, was worked extensively by prehistoric Indians and is widely sought for knapping and use in the lapidary trade.
  • In the past, this event would have been greeted by silence, so that his lapidary words could rebound off the walls and resound in our minds.
  • I have often thought that your best bet, if you need intelligent, lapidary prose in a hurry, is to ask a poet to do it, even, or rather particularly, if it's about politics.
  • This kind of lapidary showing-off lends itself to ridicule. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Who wouldn't like a philandering professor who'd added so many lapidary turns of phrase to my repertoire, including “physiognomy of astuteness” and “a knothole of a town in a stump of a state” about Columbia, Missouri, where my sisters went to college. My Night With the All-College Girl Revue
  • the ring is of no lapidary value
  • Neither of the big words in Buckley's headline fits the situation elegantly or enlarges the reader's understanding of his message; in fact "lapidary" is something of a cliche in high-tone book blurbing and "not eristic" makes a blatantly disingenuous claim. "I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words."
  • One of the earliest manufacturers of the lamps was Peter Geley, who was listed in the 1799 Philadelphia directory as a jeweler and lapidary.
  • In 1736 Calderwood married Elinor Streeter, widow of the jeweller and lapidary William Streeter.
  • In 1736 Calderwood married Elinor Streeter, widow of the jeweller and lapidary William Streeter.
  • What Dick as narrator calls Gloria's "lapidary" paranoia foreshadows the Black Iron Prison. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • I said I was going to write about the use of the word "eristic," and the reason I wanted a whole separate post about the use of the word in the Mattathias Schwartz article discussed in the previous post is that I found this 1986 article — "I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words" — by William F. Buckley Jr. "I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words."
  • To be successful, it had to be concise, dignified and durable; in short, lapidary (from the Latin lapis, stone).
  • The writing is lapidary and matter-of-fact, but it releases huge emotion - and so does Newton's direction.
  • It whispered faintly, that July day, in the same lapidary phrase, the same words of hope…
  • i want to buy the books (malaysian authors - in bahasa malaysia) related with "batu permata/akik" (precious & semi precious stones; gemology; gemstones; gemmaking; gemcraft; jewelry making; lapidary etc) is there any information to find it? thx, [email protected] Pay Less, Read More
  • ‘They are not serious’ was the lapidary verdict on ‘the Europeans’ delivered to me by George F. Will over a stately breakfast in a Washington hotel.
  • The Algomah mine is best known for lapidary material and copper-bearing microminerals, including (but not limited to) plancheite, kinoite, dioptase, azurite, and atacamite.
  • Poets, journalists, casual poker players and world-class professionals all tend to gush over its lapidary prose, sage hold'em insight and droll use of cowboy patois as they pass around hard-to-find copies.
  • He began with lapidary work, but after being introduced to micromounting by Micromounters Hall of Fame member Phil Evanoff, he was captured by the beauty he saw under the microscope.
  • His writing was ‘carefully phrased with the lapidary (his own description of his style) care one would give to a Latin epigram.’
  • Clamping pieces against grinding and polishing lapidary wheels helped to achieve virtually perfect ‘mirror’ finishes.
  • Big awards, thankfully, don't always go to big ensembles, but there's a long way to go before a couple of perfect minutes of lapidary precision and ineffable depth can hope to compete on equal terms with a Wagnerian stem-winder. posted by Matthew @ 10: 00 PM Not long for this world
  • As a collecting locality guide, particularly for lapidary materials and fossils, this book is very useful, and its $12.95 price makes it a bargain.
  • Conroy's essay is graceful and lapidary and attractive and assuasive.
  • Stones were not an integral part of the tradition I was studying with at the time, and unable to find a suitable book at the local metaphysical shop, I located a lapidary magazine with sources of stone material.
  • Pétain's lapidary comment on 1940 was: ‘too few children, too few arms, too few allies.’
  • He said one other company which had shown interest in investing in Ndola was Kagem Mining which had plans to set up a lapidary centre with estimated initial employment levels of at least 200 people.
  • Elsewhere, he excelled in Chopin's smaller works, especially the mazurkas, to which he brought unusual lapidary refinement.
  • All her short stories are lapidary masterpieces, and among the novels it's hard for me to choose a favorite: Goodbye Without Leaving, maybe, or Family Happiness.
  • This attractive material is mostly consumed by the lapidary market for jewelry and decorative specimens for dressing windows and display cases.
  • I'm currently revising a manuscript for resubmission, which is a rather noxious chore since, of course, it was a thing of lapidary perfection to begin with. Stayin' Alive
  • The paradox of Aquin as author is that out of impotence and disease he made masterpieces of flashing, lapidary prose, that as a failure he was able to write macabre, lewd, violent, hilarious and arrogant novels.
  • However it is still a good play, with a lapidary style and some interesting and original thematic concerns and imagery that are forcibly stressed.
  • The Jeff Scovil photographs make it clear that the average material available at most sites is not particularly desirable in terms of the advanced collector, and much of it tends toward the lapidary arts.
  • Even at his preparatory school, where he was known as a swot of the first water, he had displayed an unhealthy infatuation for that tongue; he loved its cold, lapidary construction; and while other boys played football or cricket, this withered little fellow used to lark about with a note-book, all by himself, torturing sensible South Wind
  • The art of the lapidary, or science of glyptics, is a most interesting study, and it would be a mistake not to consider it for a few moments on its technical side. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • And Mr Manza had said if there was to be full realisation of the Zambian potential in gemstones, similar support should be extended to the lapidary and jewelry industries.
  • Blank verse makes some approach to that which is called the lapidary style; has neither the easiness of prose, nor the melody of numbers, and, therefore, tires by long continuance. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • This is not an inspiring way to start a long day at a job requiring patience, concentration and a lapidary expression of optimism.
  • The change came about when Stroganoff was put in charge of the imperial lapidary works in 1800 and involved Voronikhin in every aspect of production, from design to the selection of the stones.
  • This combination of minerals is one of Colorado's well-known lapidary materials, for it has long been cut and polished and used in jewelry.
  • This switch of emphasis from lapidary to wheel-face cutting is probably attributable to recent technological improvements.
  • Some triturated powders can be prepared in a lapidary tumbler, using steel balls to do the grinding.
  • What we have is clearly limned like the work of a master lapidary.
  • The symposium will bring together professionals and amateurs who mine, collect, research, curate and display, and engage in the lapidary and jewelry use of gem materials from the Rocky Mountain area.
  • Agates were apparently highly valued by the ancient Egyptians for their lapidary use and were mounted into gold with other precious stones such as lapis and emeralds.
  • The merit of his _Maximes_ as examples of style -- a style which may be described as lapidary -- is incomparable; it is impossible to say more, or to say it more adequately, in little; but one wearies in the end of the monotony of an idea unalterably applied, of unqualified brilliance, of unrelieved concision; we anticipate our surprise, and its purpose is defeated. A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • `A licence carried over from the craft of lapidary inscription,' said Urquhart. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Scattered everywhere on sills, shelves, tables, and books are lapidary specimens.
  • lapidary art
  • The book is arranged in a logical format, beginning with introductory material that discusses exactly what minerals, lapidary materials, and rocks are and concludes with a nice summary of the many aspects of collecting.
  • While their lives overlapped for only one year, they were both masters of clear, witty insight, and they both wrote in a brilliant lapidary English.
  • A sentence containing the word "lapidary" cannot itself be lapidary. "I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words."

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