How To Use lapful In A Sentence
- Margat went out and gathered a lapful of pipsissewa to make tea, of which Corney was encouraged to drink copiously. Animal Heroes
- A young man, 24, with tousled, straight brown hair, crystal blue eyes looked up from his lapful of ropes.
- As soon as I sit down anywhere within a dozen yards of a cat, I wind up with a lapful of purring feline. I hate cats
- They unmistakably were grandkids, lapfuls of wedge-faced wolfling kits, looking as human as all get-out. Dancing with Werewolves
- I'm sitting here with you watching you play with a lapful of stolen diamonds worth millions. WHO KILLED TIFFANY JONES?
- On no account open the doors or wind down the windows if someone requests that you do so, or you will end up with a lapful of water.
- I and my lapful of spilled breakfast blueberries curse you. Actual Fan Email, Actual Response.
- I considered catching a lapful of glass, as a shiny blue pickup parked in the adjoining space. Burned
- Much of the problem is Yasu, goofily portrayed, doesn't have too much characterization supporting him, so there isn't as much empathy for the character when he gets a lapful of earthworms.
- Else your myopic Irish Goodbye may get you a lapful of Irish Coffee, at least from karma. Tom Miller: The Relative Merits of the Irish Goodbye