How To Use Lap In A Sentence
Jeff, clad in board trunks and a T-shirt, leans back in his chair with the lappie on his, uhhh, lap, and his bare feet up on the desk.
He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex.
Goodnight Tweetheart
The finishing line may be in sight but the final lap is shaping up to be an epic battle.
Times, Sunday Times
Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.

The lady was kissing a little lap dog.
He slapped away a few dryads, but they still surrounded him.
Why be all miffy and hissy and in a bitch-slapping mood guys, about not being in the military when you can do the work you like in prisons and police forces?
See, it's not all about the election today.
We lapped the track a few times at a walk, trot and canter and the horse went through it pretty smoothly.
If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
IT'S a little disconcerting to walk into a hotel room and find a quintet of young men all wearing slap which is far more expertly applied than your own.
Although I was already a fan of both authors, it was this curious title overlap that led me to snatch these two off the New Releases table at my local bookstore.
Romi Lassally: My Literary Indiscretions
Anybody who has tried to follow a rigorous diet will know how easy it is to lapse back into bad habits.
Times, Sunday Times
We require a quorum of 100 students to proceed - and the motion lapses if it isn't obtained.
King was eight years old when he was slapped by a white woman in a downtown Atlanta department store and insulted with a racial slur.
A time-lapse camera recorded the entire event, compressing it into a 100-minute film that became a work in its own right.
With check-in times now prolonged because of security issues, traders are lapping up even more business as they tempt us with their trinkets and gewgaws.
This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
The four frame pic showing the red hotel collapsing is epic.
Typhoon Morakot, The Damage Done | My[confined]Space
Considering my diminutiveness, the size of the pail in my lap, and my drinking out of it my breath held and my face buried to the ears in foam, it was rather difficult to estimate how much I drank.
Chapter 3
How do you know when to clap the triple jumpers?
Times, Sunday Times
Packed with the same computing power as some laptops, wearables are still too expensive for average consumers.
Laplace called probability theory ‘the calculus of inductive reasoning.’
Follow-ups at regular intervals also focus on relapse prevention.
We're negotiating and that was one of our negotiating points," he told the AP, "but collective bargaining is a negotiating process, and that was not something that Ted was authorized to say and he will be dealt with for that lapse in judgment.
Ted Leonsis fined $100,000 for comments on NBA salary cap
Upon noticing the new appliance, he stomped his little feet and clapped with joy.
Indeed, so many of us now possess a handset that mobile phone sales have collapsed.
Agates were apparently highly valued by the ancient Egyptians for their lapidary use and were mounted into gold with other precious stones such as lapis and emeralds.
This would suggest that he might have returned to bed before collapsing and dying in mysterious circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
Drawing an ultrasonic syringe from a cabinet in the wall, she slapped it against Kohlberg's arm and pressed.
This, the coming-of-Buddha symptom, Dr. Anderson describes as prolapsus.
Hemingway on Hunting
With the collapse of the Soviet economy, prisons could no longer function as an industrial monolith.
Frederick, a bisexual misanthrope in a childless, political marriage, was a lapsed Calvinist who held all religions in contempt.
In the darkened room behind this diorama, a wall-sized video projection showed a seascape of lapping waves.
Oh I know, post-lapsarian; I am definitely conscious of my fall from an edenic state of grace!
Agatha Christie and Guilt « Tales from the Reading Room
My musical tastes don't overlap with my brother's at all.
This lapidation has sometimes been doubted, and treated as an invention of Rousseau's morbid suspicion.
Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2)
Troops found the church with large holes blasted out of its cement walls and its tin roof collapsed.
There's no wit here, just slapstick comedy.
Times, Sunday Times
The photo plates also age and sex accipiters, those hawks that flap, flap, sail, and are the mostly likely the ones that raid our feeders of hapless birds.
Tick-borne diseases in the United States include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever.
The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
Marriage documents were signed, felicitations offered, they sat down to a great banquet, and the new bride lay in her husband's lap...
Elizabeth Abbott: Is New York's Gay Marriage Truly Historic?
Once inside they unscrewed four projectors hung from the ceiling and took four laptop computers and a digital camera, worth a total of £5,050, before leaving by the main entrance.
Web browsing by university students on laptops was monitored during 15 lectures.
The Sun
Aaewin asked without thinking, clapping her hands over her mouth after the words escaped.
Maru smiled slightly, unsnapping the flap of her bag and starting to dig through all of the random objects.
Perhaps inspired by the elegant Georgian style houses he recalled from his boyhood in Haverhill, Massachusetts, he trimmed his two-story clapboarded house with quoins and a cornice with dentils.
The look should be tough, not twinkly, so apply dark colours in a slapdash way.
Times, Sunday Times
Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut.
Flying foxes have a long bristly tongue that's great for lapping up juicy fruit, and for licking and grooming themselves and their friends!
His closest friends had no time for biblical Christianity, his church attendance lapsed, and his work became increasingly secular, including writing for the theatre.
Presented with a series of tricky problems, the Scud decided to play safe and run like the clappers, and just belt the ball for all he was worth.
Flying in very high altitudes does weird things to him and can easily lead to an MS relapse.
One of the chief reasons for removing old, oil and gas wells from south Louisiana's lakes and bayous is that those areas are vulnerable to storms and hurricanes, and any collapse in structures could threaten the public, Lopez said.
Susan Buchanan: Louisiana Removes Defunct Oil Wells But Hazards Remain
You have not chosen to particularise what defects and dilapidations you refer to.
It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.
The cliffs closed in as the river swept round a bend, its waves slapping against vertical rocks.
Enemies struck by gunfire don't just fall over backwards; they jet blood like the lawn sprinkler in Hell, then collapse into a heap.
there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933
The company collapsed last week, costing about 200 jobs and triggering a backlash from staff and suppliers.
Times, Sunday Times
Separate from the slapping lesbians, a battle began to rage between the lesbians who were pagans versus the lesbians who were Christians, and then the lesbians who wanted to have “baster babies” factioned off, too.
Roseanne Archy
Some common shorebirds and seabirds in the Southern Arctic are the semi-palmated plover, northern phalarope, lapland longspur, parasitic jaeger, and semi-palmated plover.
Viceroy's voice was still a monotonous drone, and I wanted to slap him just to see that he could still talk and/or yell with emotion.
His critics say he should resign because he has lost the moral ascendancy to govern and to save the plummeting economy from collapse.
A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store, and he does a double take.
There was a loud clapping from the boys who were perched on the rail fence, but some of the girls were crying.
Rainbow Valley
With Ahmed as our guide, we are taken to a gaunt, dilapidated building.
She'd taken to wearing a low-slung leather skirt with a single flap at the front and a pair at the rear, her pouch obvious above it.
There was a strained silence for a while and then in the distance there was a clap of thunder.
How would this family prove it was the insurance company's incompetence that led to the lapsed life policy and thus claim the assured amount?
There is no compelling reason why a Bill should lapse at the end of a parliamentary session.
Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
You know you let your title lapse and now you're trying to evade the law.
Rimrock Jones
I used to read it aloud to my little brother, and we'd collapse into helpless laughter.
The menu mentioned toasted teacakes, scones, doughnuts, Danish pastries and flapjack.
They got comfortable on the rocks, with the waves roaring in, lapping at their feet, they stroked their bellies and chattered on about the sea, about stealing a small fishing boat when they should have been in school.
September 17 , 2004
A braai is the South African version of a barbecue - and I figured I could handle slapping meat on the grill.
Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
Jane has also designed a collapsible sandwich box which folds to A5 size and a coffee and doughnut holder.
He got a slap in the face.
He flapped up to his apartment in his ruined shoes, found his keys in the bottom of the buff envelope.
One section of the factory's main exterior wall had already collapsed, leaving a pile of smouldering rubble.
Times, Sunday Times
Food shortages would probably galvanise public anger into action, as would a complete collapse of the economy.
a country in the throes of economic collapse
SG: This is our most famous computer: it’s a laptop that was rescued from the bottom of the Amazon River.
Dropped Your Powerbook in a Volcano? No Problem « Snarkmarket
For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss -- a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.
Delicious LiveJournal Links for 7-3-2010
That unexpectedly collapses it into a black hole, a supermassive region with a gravitational pull so strong not even light can escape.
Now it looks like some of these banks may have been technically insolvent for quite some time before they actually collapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
a type of slip of the ear in which people mishear a word and mispronounce it, then insist that the malapropism is correct.
Eggcorns: Folk Etymology Creating New Meanings Every Day
I can't see so well, it's getting dark and the reeds are tall here, willowy reeds that slap your face when you climb down with your rake and cull and dreg the day.
If, through their labors to transform misava into masimu, women established traditional tenure rights not explicitly recognized by patriliny, then likewise, through the everyday habits of farming, women learned, performed, and nurtured relationships that overlapped with, but ranged far beyond, blood - and marriage-based patrilineal kinship.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
That de Rugy has testified before Congress on the basis of her evidence, and never paused to consider why the top five congressional districts on her list overlap with Sacramento, Albany, Austin, Tallahassee and Harrisburg, is mind-boggling.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Stimulus Funding Political?
New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.
Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
She nursed the crying child on her lap.
But I knew I had to hang on for another lap because it would have been a disaster to lose after such a great fightback.
I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point.
Customers seem fed up with lugging around massive lap warmers.
In the early part of the twentieth century, the B.V.D. brand of men's underwear (notable for its front buttons and back flaps) so dominated the marketplace that 'BVDs' became a general term used to refer to any brand of similar product (i.e., lightweight, one-piece long underwear for men), and eventually to all types and brands of men's underwear as well.
New Urban Legends
And then, after all the bullshit, when he could prevaricate, elocute, circumlocute, and evade no more, he collapsed like a paper bag emptied of air.
Stanton Peele: Public Figures Behaving Badly: Charlie Rangel, George Pataki, Sarah Palin
Giant avalanches, tidal waves, and many stock footage scenes of buildings collapsing result.
Victorian propriety is an important element of the story, the atmosphere to be upended over and over by slapstick action and sudden death.
Archive 2008-02-01
Her expression collapsed into one of forlorn reminiscence before she continued on in her stranger’s voice.
Flowers in the Attic
Conclusion: Uniting IL - 2 with laser to treat condyloma acuminatum of female genital organ is more effective and can lower its relapse rate.
The Scottish Medicines Consortium has previously accepted this product for use in patients in the 12-17 years age group, for the treatment of erosive reflux oesophagitis, the long-term management of patients with healed oesophagitis to prevent relapse, and the symptomatic treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
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The financial system collapsed under a cascade of bad debts.
Times, Sunday Times
But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.
The participants and production crew moved to Oxley Downs, six hours drive from Sydney to the property with 12 buildings, a dilapidated garden, horses, chickens, geese, a cow and 1.300 merino sheep.
The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
The wing flaps were not extended at the time of the accident.
Because Naomi is straight and Ely is gay, their taste in guys kind of overlaps sometimes.
Review: Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Age is here, but it does not suggest the idea of dilapidation or decay; rather of something which has been put under a glass case, and preserved with care from all extraneous influences.
Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
Some of the country is like England, undulating, rolling, well-cultivated fields, enclosed with pailings which overlap each other and would be awkwardish obstacles in a hunting country; but one misses, like abroad, the cattle -- we saw one or two stray cows, but little else.
A Lady's Life on a Farm in Manitoba
Slap - up and ultra transparency toys, adult things, cupula material, sport equipment and seal rings etc.
Enough time had now elapsed since our last newly afflicted patient to conclude that the epidemic was over.
Accretionary lapilli was the previous entry in this blog.
Ada Lovelace Day - The Panda's Thumb
Their journeys intertwine and overlap, and during sequences in which they go their separate but parallel ways, director Gustad employs jarring cross-cutting to remind us of their journeys' thematic parallelisms.
Commentary has pretty much adopted him as their science guy, and he has published a steady stream of flapdoodle in their pages over the last decade.
Watching Nixon's henchmen come out of the woodwork to declare their moral indignation at the ethical lapses of Mark Felt was tantamount to watching Liza Minelli criticize someone else for being an an unstable boozehound.
In assessing chest pain we also consider lung problems, including collapsed lung, infections and pleurisy, which is an inflammation around the lung. -
This feels like a victory party for laptop rock.
Times, Sunday Times
A period of time elapses before the full effects of your action is felt.
An AIM-listed mobile phone software company reeling from an alleged financial scandal has collapsed into administration.
Times, Sunday Times
The next lap of our trip takes us into the mountains.
The chief appeared with a dramatic parting of tent-flaps.
[_CATTY sighs and groans, striking the back of one hand reiteratedly into the palm of the other -- rises -- beats the devil's tattoo as she stands -- then claps her hands again.
Tales and Novels — Volume 08
The usual time lapse between request and delivery is two days.
At one time or another I also participated in extemporaneous speaking, poetry and prose reading, and in a particular lapse of sanity, number sense.
Check online for sites selling refurbished laptops or check your local dealer.
Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.
The slap she gave him made his cheek tingle.
Its demise meant the collapse of the system for monitoring the two largest nuclear stockpiles in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Unloaded the top is about parallel with the bottom, so it sags nicely with a laptop on top.
$8 DIY Aluminum Laptop Stand | Lifehacker Australia
I wonder whether any of the clapboard houses I wander past is the house where it happened, where All killed herself.
He would run a lap and would become too fatigued to continue.
Fortunately, she was lapping the soup up with great neatness and delicacy, which was sort of a relief: Jinx had been afraid she was going to slop it all over the table.
Heath's eyes softened and he dropped his hands to his lap, shrugging his shoulders.
One man, newly married, notes on his blog: My wife sees me watching TV and calls my name sweetly, patting her lap, ‘Come on,’ she calls.
Taken to the cleaners » Japundit Blog
The analysts reckon consumer demand for laptops and notepads was behind the modest upturn.
Working your way across the ceiling widthwise rather than lengthwise, begin painting a series of overlapping W's until the ceiling is mostly covered.
Shannon sat on her mother's lap.
A man had collapsed in Victoria Place in the town and was unconscious.
When you hear the term hacking, or hackathon, the first image that probably comes to mind is a handful of programmers staying up all night long, fueled by Mountain Dew and Twinkies, hacking away on laptops at arcane code.
The Full Feed from
That night, we anchored in Geneviz Limani - the Bay of the Genoese - and dined on the poop deck as the moon rose and the sound of the lapping tide echoed against the towering cliffs.
In that same period, the recalled lapel pins were distributed as promotions to employees at electronics and game stores around the country.
Nintendo recalls 71,000 character pins that violate lead standard
She didn't feel that way and tipped her gazpacho soup into my lap before leaving.
They had brought a modest decline in the face of extreme boom conditions, but no collapse.
Seconds later he'd leapt into car with the kids, his bare torso on some one's lap on the front seat.
She will blame the couple's very different social backgrounds for the differences that eventually led to the collapse of their marriage.
It may be that in the faint candle light the improvised cook of the party ebonizes the flapjacks and puts mourning edges on the bacon.
We collapse in exhausted triumph with a glass of claret and a chunk of home-made cake.
Times, Sunday Times
However, early calapids in the Cretaceous were smaller in size and are not considered as major predators of bivalves and gastropods.
We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
Arsenal, where he can look forward to becoming instantly gripped with a crazed case of the cartwheeling jitters, learning to flap wildly at any kind of cross and generally buying into the idea of goalkeeping as a business of leaping about athletically saving penalties in between diving over the top of toe-poked 40-yard back passes.
The Guardian World News
The stadium reverberated with claps as brave Marathas displayed their skills in the sport, where the men showcased their acrobatics on poles.
The amount of money protected if your bank or building society collapses drops sharply.
Times, Sunday Times
The longer the time elapsed, the less likely that the informant has retained freshness of recollection or can offer new information.
We'll cut the plywood three inches wider and higher than your measurements to get the overlap we need.
She suggests a four-stage process: walk into your house; turn the oven up high; prepare two or three ingredients in imaginative combinations (such as poussin, sweet potato and red onions; or cod, courgettes and capers); slap them in the oven, soused with oil and herbs; and retire to a sofa to souse yourself with something even stronger.
Sorted For Brill And Whizz
The two alternatives, presented as dichotomous above, may be viewed as partly overlapping, and not mutually exclusive.
The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
Fisher et al. have discovered that between 1915-1922 and 2007, the shell length of N. lapillus at 19 sites around Mount Desert Island, Maine increased by an average of 22.6%.
Archive 2009-04-01
We must make sure that this meeting doesn't lap over into lunchtime,because we have other arrangements.
Kelly: Yeah, Jalapenos were used for the look good purpose siri: thanks for the kind words bee: They are made from the bread slices, thanks
Of Crostini and Canapés
At a glance, the house seems relatively liveable, but on closer inspection, the structure is tilted to one side and the floor has completely collapsed.
There is no chance that deflationary pressures brought on by collapsing commodity prices will persuade consumers to defer spending.
Times, Sunday Times
The clinker-built construction of overlapping planks secured by clench nails conferred great strength with flexibility.
Three riders broke clear on the fifth lap of the second event.
And the third, a lapsed neopagan, revived her religious practice online and was the only one of the three who stayed there.
They were replaced by shanties and shacks built of nothing more than clapboard or wattle and daub with dark and threatening alleyways between.
But that will thankfully never happen, because without trees and animals, food chains collapse, the air is unbreathable, they die, we die - or maybe no one's thought of that.
The financial system collapsed under a cascade of bad debts.
Times, Sunday Times
His sporting empire collapsed and Chesterfield were docked nine league points for financial irregularities.
On the clapometer scale it was somewhere between the closing credits of Countdown and a wet Thursday at Hove cricket ground.
Radio catchup: The Doctor Who Prom and Cabin Pressure
The map was a cartographer's bird's-eye view, but the icy mountains unfolded white and hazy and shadowed, outlines blurred and overlapping.
A cleaner on his way home from work feared he would die as water lapped his chin when he became trapped in his car in Fairfield.
I want to buy a good laptop with 4GB ram, 500 GB hdd, amd turion processor ..
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
Developers buy old, unused, dilapidated hotels and redevelop them into brand new upscale luxury condos.
Relapsing fever is caused by the spirochete within the genus Borrelia.
Do you hit the town after dark, collapse quietly with a book or go celebrity-spotting?
Only one paragraph before he tells us this, he claims that Orwell had lapsed from socialism into an apolitical brand of liberalism.
But witnesses said a section of the theatre then collapsed, crashing on to people below.
The Sun
The lapse of year will never efface that scene of ruins from my memory.
Any more massive star that exhausts its nuclear fuel will collapse completely under its own gravity.
Objective To investigate the advantage of combined general anesthesia with sacral block in infant laparoscopic surgery.
With 16 minutes left the Bruins lapsed into their passive mode, and the momentum turned.
The lamp, standing alone in the midst of confusion, suffered a partial eclipse; and my favourite Dublin meerschaum successfully resisted the dilapidating effect of a fall of several feet.
Canada for Gentlemen
It is a fetor that frequently accompanies the predictable libidinous lapses of pious \ "family values\" conservatives.
Stephen Ducat: Hypocrisy in Red and Blue: How Republicans and Democrats Betray Their Principles Differently
My current processor is a 2 ghz Pentium M in a laptop, so I'm not sure at all what multiple cores actually get done in the real world, and am having trouble finding such info. posted on Sun Dec 28, 2008 9: 05 pm coelomate wrote: Say I have two monitors (19x12 and 16x10) up and rocking, and decide to have an instant messaging program, iTunes, a spread sheet, a word document, and firefox all running.
The Tech Report: News
In a centered closure, the zipper is concealed by two flaps of cloth running along either side.
Her family thought she had gone to college and died when the building collapsed in the quake.
The Sun
She swallowed a humph, then nearly groaned aloud when, clapping her hands, Lady Hightham urged them to gather around for some music.
Both practitioners also said a laparoscopic surgical procedure could be conducted to rule out problems such as endometriosis, which is when the tissue that lines the uterus, grows outside the organ and attaches to other organs in the abdominal cavity.
Over the course of the year, he's almost hit on the head by a sparrowhawk, gets a whiff of "bad badger breath" when three cubs cannon into his lap, and watches two stoats massacre a screaming leveret, their normally creamy bibs "the colour of a slaughterman's apron".
A Year in the Woods: The Diary of a Forest Ranger by Colin Elford
This satirical, slapstick comedy is a feel-good film that is effortless to watch.
No sooner had a bowl of steaming spaghetti vongole been placed in front of me than Matt, in a moment of open-armed expansiveness while trying to press home a point, had knocked the entire thing into my lap.
Mr Morgan crumpled to the ground with a fractured rib, collapsed lung and bruising.
Well, the previous day I'd taken it on a hard lap of the extraordinarily beautiful Laguna Seca raceway, which, because it's the curliest track in North America, is regarded by racing drivers all over the world as one of the greats.
Sure, there's a pretty popish synth line that could be easily translated into a mid-60's glock part, and there're handclaps, but the damn verse is one bar of four, one bar of three, one bar of four and repeat.
The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin.