How To Use Landlubber In A Sentence
The two landlubbers have never sailed before in their lives, although they are no strangers to danger as they share a passion for kickboxing.
of all landlubbers the most lubberly
Ships' records, however, reveal this pioneering woman to have been a landlubber who was on board ship for just a month.
The cleanup drew shoreside development, which, in turn, draws landlubbers to the waterfront every day.
He chose an apparently minimalist style for such superyachts which still seems ornate to a landlubber's eyes, using heavily patterned rugs and tasselled silk lampshades.

Large or small, landlubbers or seafarers or both, hermit crabs have one feature in common: they generally spend their lives inside the empty shells of snails or other mollusks.
Hawk's Cay Marina, also a full-service resort for landlubbers, has a dolphin program geared just for the shorter species among us.
Also, we landlubbers called the Clearwater a schooner; it is a sloop.
While this DVD package would certainly be the answer to a shipwrecked castaways daily doldrums, most landlubbers will have difficulty finding their South Sea legs.
Yer slaverin's must conform to the spirit o 'the Jolly Roger or they'll be ripped out like the still-quiverin' heart of a star-crossed landlubber, like we did for this poxy knave.
Archive 2009-09-01
If building high-performance boats in the heart of the prairie seems unlikely, consider that most of the people making them are classic landlubbers, farmers to the core.
But thanks to today's weather-resistant fabrics, even a landlubber's deck can sail into the comfort zone.
Quite astoundingly, some salesman had convinced these overweight landlubbers from Essex that a watch which could tell the time below sea level was a must and said something about the type of people they were.
I was slowly being accepted by all these sea-going types as something a little more than an ignorant landlubber.
And then there's the pub, all brown and homely inside, but with seats outside where you can watch the activity on the water as the boats dislodge their holidaymaker crews in search of a pie and a pint, and people who look like habitual landlubbers establish their credentials by shouting commands which incorporate such seafarer words as "ahoy".
The rail to nowhere
The sight of these two storming along under a cloud of canvas is enough to stir the blood of most landlubbers.
The sight of these two storming along under a cloud of canvas is enough to stir the blood of most landlubbers.
They just sit there, keelhauling any scurvy landlubber who ventures to walk on the rocks barefoot
The idea of those two landlubbers sloshing off in that old wreck gave him nightmares.
To the landlubberly eye the sea is large, wet and in the way.
Times, Sunday Times
While the sunset is a moment for quiet reflection for landlubbers like me, for the seamen it is the time for extra vigilance.
Still, the result is an entertaining overview that can be recommended both to surfers and to landlubbers who appreciate the spectacle and have a fondness for the associated strand of American youth culture.
As with sailors and landlubbers, a lot of people can't understand why we can't be satisfied with staying safely on the ground.
And finally, there do be help available for ye landlubbers and scurvy dogs who can't talk like Pirates.
Mr. Todd, would visit the bark and offer interfering suggestions, after the manner of captains, which only embarrassed the officers; and Mr. Todd would take advantage of these occasions to make landlubberly comments and show a sad ignorance of things nautical.
"Where Angels Fear to Tread" and Other Stories of the Sea
What he must have said was binnacle, the receptacle for the compass, and your landlubberly reporter misheard.
Times, Sunday Times
And then there's the pub, all brown and homely inside, but with seats outside where you can watch the activity on the water as the boats dislodge their holidaymaker crews in search of a pie and a pint, and people who look like habitual landlubbers establish their credentials by shouting commands which incorporate such seafarer words as "ahoy".
The rail to nowhere
When a number of us landlubbers became quite seasick, Victor decided it would be funny to capture the experience on film and began taking photos of his employees tossing their cookies overboard.
The landlubberly sport coat [above, center], meanwhile, originally derived from the tweedy, robust coats worn while assisting in the untimely end of feathered or furry creatures. Article Feed
The Enterprise is a vessel that defies the landlubber's imagination.
Or they asserted that all those landlubberly creatures had walked dry-shod across a natural bridge or had swum short distances between stepping-stones, and that one such formation or another had since disappeared beneath the waves.
On board, her computer brings a regular flow of e-mails sent through the website that tracks her progress - messages from friends, sailors, landlubbers and schoolchildren.
In a good, old landlubberly manner we hitched Gadabout to a tree and waited to see if the rising tide would make a way for us.
Virginia: the Old Dominion
Behind him and down, in his landlubber 's way of seeing things: downward to the Earth.
Huge wages were paid to men on the rigs in those days, and were the envy of us landlubbers.
People who care about ships and boats consistently call them ‘she’; the average person who's a landlubber might call a boat an ‘it’, but never a sailor.
People who take to the water say they are happier than landlubbers, according to an online survey conducted by Impulse Research Corporation in December 2002 for the NMMA.
The landlubbers gathered at Gunwharf Quay and stepped aboard, nervously scanning the bright sky.
Large or small, landlubbers or seafarers or both, hermit crabs have one feature in common: they generally spend their lives inside the empty shells of snails or other mollusks.