How To Use Landlady In A Sentence
The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass.
Brittany & Its Byways
It was just as well he didn't as he stayed cooped up in his landlady's house.
Times, Sunday Times
His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.
Just write something katharsis keeping going kent kew landlady problems
Going like a bush fire...
Now the landlady really does have to do something.

Her own brother Theo despised cats, the Major complained when Sidhi dug in his flower beds, Duncan treated him with polite indifference, Felicity pronounced him unsanitary, and Meg lived in a bed-sit in Kilburn with a landlady she described as ferocious—no good prospects there.
All Shall Be Well
I don't blame the absent landlady either, obviously, because that would be irrational in the extreme.
A terrible old woman, with landlady written large all over her face and person, opened the door, and, without paying the slightest attention to me, began to rate the shopboy in no measured terms.
Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid 1842-1885
My landlady, Ita, needs this week's rent, or she will start practising the violin again.
The peace camp was offered new accommodation by the landlady of the Axe and Compass public house in Kempsford.
You gave Joe money to have the landlady's testimony agree with his; she never got that money, "meaningly," but gave the desired evidence.
Half A Chance
In his pocket was precisely the room - rent for the following week, the advance payment of which was already three days overdue and clamorously demanded by the hard - faced landlady.
A pub landlady in Dorset got a shock last year when she discovered a bomb in her back garden.
Times, Sunday Times
Aye, and his affairs an a, said the Deacon; the creditors have entered into possession o the estate, and its for sale; and some that made the maist by himI name nae names, but Mrs. Mac-Candlish kens wha I mean (the landlady shook her head significantly) theyre sairest on him een now.
Chapter XI
His mother is the landlady of a pub in West Yorkshire.
Times, Sunday Times
There can't be many tipplers in Rotherham and Barnsley who haven't had a pint pulled by Trissie Reynolds - probably South Yorkshire's oldest landlady.
My daughter, who works for a bank, thinks I should buy a property and become a landlady.
It had been difficult to find a landlady willing to rent to us - a jobless teenager and his runaway girlfriend.
Captain Ross and his brother officer secured the swords of both men -- shutting the stable door, indeed, after the steed was stolen; in hot haste doctors were sent for; and 'mid the bustle and "strow" Eliott stumbled from the room and down the stair, "wanting his wig," as the landlady, whom he passed on the way, deponed.
Stories of the Border Marches
A landlord and landlady today told of the battle to prevent their pub being ruined by flood water.
Sadie, having "sauced" her landlady, found it wise to change her quarters.
Winnie Childs The Shop Girl
But landlady Mary Wood, who took over the pub seven months ago, is looking to the future.
There are a lot of memorable minor characters as well - the model who the killer is obsessed with, the landlady's long lost love, the fortune-teller who the victim worked for, even the Iraqi refugee who emerges rather abruptly in the final pages.
Cambridge Lib Dems...
Phyllis is the bold and brassy landlady who plays her cards very close to her chest but reveals her more sensitive side.
The landlady stood in the courtyard, hunched over her largest sinsemilla plant.
It was an English scene, and the two men, the dog at their feet, (for Peter Dealtry favoured a wirey stone-coloured cur, which he called a terrier,) and just at the door of the little inn, two old gossips, loitering on the threshold in familiar chat with the landlady, in cap and kerchief, -- all together made a groupe equally
Eugene Aram — Volume 01
'Never you fash your thumb about that, Maister Francie,' returned the landlady with a knowing wink, 'every Jack will find a Jill, gang the world as it may; and, at the warst o't, better hae some fashery in finding a partner for the night, than get yoked with ane that you may not be able to shake off the morn.'
The Proverbs of Scotland
They are tenants who have hung around for 20 years - and their discovery turned their landlady's life upside down.
Helmut's problems were compounded by an unsatisfactory relationship with his landlady.
There came a Saturday when Jimmy, jobless and fundless, dreaded his return to the Indiana Avenue rooming-house, where he knew the landlady would be eagerly awaiting him, for he was a week in arrears in his room rent already, and had been warned he could expect no further credit.
The Efficiency Expert
The author also went to great lengths recounting his tough-break with a landlady after renting a house.
Perhaps the old sordidity, the fog and the paraffin, and the drunken landlady, was not the only reality; ugliness is not the whole truth; there is an element of beauty in the world.
The Common Reader, Second Series
Vacancy for a pub landlady.
The Sun
The mayoress brightened; the doctoress (assisting at the conference) brightened; the landlady nodded significantly.
Fortunately, his landlady's daughter has a crush on her ‘true gentleman’ and covers for him.
The generous officer would have included Mr. Jarvie and me in this general acquittance; but the Bailie, disregarding an intimation from the landlady to “make as muckle of the Inglishers as we could, for they were sure to gie us plague eneugh,” went into a formal accounting respecting our share of the reckoning, and paid it accordingly.
Rob Roy
My landlady's daughter I called my bridesmaid; and sending for a shopkeeper the next morning, I gave the young woman a good suit of knots, as good as the town would afford, and finding it was a lace-making town, I gave her mother a piece of bone-lace for a head.
The Fortunes And Misfortunes Of The Famous Moll Flanders
Corallines much resemble fossil or petrified wood; and we recollect to have received from the landlady of an inn at Portsmouth a small branch of _fossil wood_, which she asserted to be _coral_, and
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 282, November 10, 1827
In this rare interview, his former landlady talks to him about his religious background, his hybrid car and his views on fame.
Times, Sunday Times
The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat.
None of them mentioned that there had been a noise abatement notice served on those premises in June 2000 or that the landlady had been cautioned for breach of it on 17.1.01.
His landlady is in arrears with the mortgage.
Apparently, the two guys and two girls are classmates, and they came to the landlady together, wanting to rent the room.
Stretched out on the bricks in his Speedos, Brian listened while the landlady taught Shawna how to tie-dye.
The landlady Anika was a senile old bird and was always telling me off for not paying my bills when I'd just paid her the day before.
The last thing this hotel will be is a wee B&B with a wee landlady who's forever chit-chatting to you.
A landlady was arrested when police swooped on a pub on the outskirts of Bolton town centre.
Last night friends and relatives paid tribute to the former pub landlady.
The Sun
Antoine is a somewhat priggish writer and English teacher whose landlady has a flaming crush on him, no matter that she once went upside his head with a hair dryer in a misplaced fury.
The dog belonged to her pub landlady.
The Sun
But, he remembers, there was that place in Wales where, as a student, he and his friends had that jolly time, and where the landlady was so accommodating.
The landlady suspected his deception, and refused to allow extramarital relations in her establishment.
Captain Ross and his brother officer secured the swords of both men -- shutting the stable door, indeed, after the steed was stolen; in hot haste doctors were sent for; and 'mid the bustle and "strow" Eliott stumbled from the room and down the stair, "wanting his wig," as the landlady, whom he passed on the way, deponed.
Stories of the Border Marches
Lucy Ricardo was, in those early I Love Lucy episodes, just a generic daffy housewife. Ethel (Vivian Vance), her neighbor and landlady, was a stock busybody.
A new landlord and landlady have taken over a York pub - with ambitious plans to restore it to its former glory - after the previous owners went into voluntary liquidation.
If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady would send him a reminder.
The comedy is set in a Northern English pub with the gambling landlord and bubbly landlady playing host to an eclectic mix of their regulars.
Uncle Paul took out his watch again, and this time their landlady took the hint, and hurried into the kitchen, from which delicious odours soon began to escape, and in the midst of the examination upon the window-sill, where the bright sun lit up the lenses of the microscope, the magnified hydrae, with their buds and wondrous developments, were set aside, to be superseded by the morning meal.
The Ocean Cat's Paw The Story of a Strange Cruise
The mother notes Raskolnikov's stubborn nature, mentioning the story of Raskolnikov's insistence on marrying his landlady's uncomely and lame daughter, despite her objections.
Fun-loving landlord and landlady Ricky and Donna Salt donned fancy dress to really help the party go with a swing.
He makes up his mind to propose to his landlady, to adopt her child.
Rogers did not, to speak candidly, find her landlady a congenial spirit, and only remained upon her premises because being there was a lesser evil than living in that most unhomelike of all places, a boarding-house.
Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes
Of the landlady who lived in the basement, and asked them all down, now and then, to play a game of cassino or double cribbage, and eat a Welsh rabbit: of things outside that younger people did, -- the girls at the warerooms and their friends.
The Other Girls
I used to be a pub landlady and catering manager, and I can't do it any more.
She goes to a boardinghouse, which is run by an Irish landlady.
In 'Brooklyn,' Love Is Lost Over The Atlantic
As I had already destined my old landlady to be my house-keeper and governante, knowing her honesty, good-nature, and, although a Scotchwoman, her cleanliness and excellent temper (saving the short and hasty expressions of anger which Highlanders call a FUFF), I now proposed the plan to her in such a way as was likely to make it most acceptable.
Chronicles of the Canongate
I beg you not miscomprehend," Nina said, somewhat earnestly, to the little landlady (for was she not a friend of Leo's?).
Prince Fortunatus
I'm a week late with the rent, but my esteemed landlady said it was okay as long as I pay up next week, and give her a free guitar lesson.
How I loved to listen by the hour to the stories of those grilling days -- up at four in the pitch-dark and snow, to crawl to his job, with the blessing of a dear old Scotch landlady and a "pastie"!
An American Idyll The Life of Carleton H. Parker
‘As you please, young gentleman,’ said the landlady, and then, making a kind of curtsey, she again retired to the side apartment.
I sat down in the living room on the big, squashy leather couch our landlady provided.
Every morning his landlady heard him walk to the door to pick up his newspaper; her ears had grown accustomed to the creaks in the floorboards.
The landlady refused to comment or speculate on the cause of the blaze.
The landlady was having a late night drink with friends when two men entered the pub and demanded cash.
Returning down the Rue de la Harpe before our house my landlady exclaimed to me in alarm, "Hide your pistols! there is a _mouchard_ (spy of the police) following you.
The conversation became at once professional after the briefest preliminaries, and he would stand twirling a sweet-scented sprig in his fingers, and make suggestive jokes, perhaps about her faith in a too persistent course of thoroughwort elixir, in which my landlady professed such firm belief as sometimes to endanger the life and usefulness of worthy neighbors. 3
Mrs. Todd
Against better advice, too, because despite the promises of my landlady to send a plumber round, the radiator in the bathroom is still leaking.
The present landlord and landlady Mike and Stacey Coombes opted for pastures new, meaning that the pub is up for grabs from today.
So the landlord and landlady took a week's break after a seemingly convivial festive period.
Partly blocking the door of the larder there was a shapeless sofa upon which Mrs. Brooker, our landlady, lay permanently ill, festooned in grimy blankets.
The Road to Wigan Pier
He had come to some curious arrangement with his landlady.
A pub landlady is given a makeover.
The Sun
The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.
He's the local kid my landlady hires to bring in wood and mow the lawn.
A drinker who smashed up his favourite boozer after a row with the landlady unwittingly landed himself a court appearance.
He had many funny tales to tell from the landlady who put a bunch of asparagus in a vase thinking they were bluebells to the disgruntled guests who put a kipper in the piano by way of a leaving present in some not very good digs.
Other leading names in the star-studded cast include Celia Imrie who plays Doris Speed - better known as snobby Rover's Return landlady Annie Walker.
WalesOnline - Home
The Landlady and Landlord are of the old school, friendly but quite strict on drinking up after the last bell.
It's a private transaction between me and the landlord/ landlady/ shopowner.
If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady would send him a reminder.
The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.
Becoming a real landlady is a lot of work and the apartment market is only returning an annual yield of about 2.5%, barely enough to cover inflation.
Fortunately, their landlady, a retired schoolmistress, warmly welcomes and befriends them.
The landlady came over to serve me.
Many moons ago I had a landlady who claimed to remember the days when the road through Bilsdale was no more than a rough track.
The 53-year-olds are the landlady and landlord of the Lord Nelson in York Village, Langho.
“I tauld ye what wad come, gentlemen,” said the landlady,
Rob Roy
One of the best is Ganga Garden, overlooking a lagoon formed by the River Bentota and run, improbably enough, by a Blackpool landlady.
Thankfully, the landlady, a stately, old woman with a reassuring gaze was still awake at this ungodly hour and benevolently helped me into a small room on the first floor.
November 20th, 2005 at 2: 42 pm teen says: fungi abutter McKeon landlady! rosary derive hums, allocated triggered
Think Progress » Another Titanic Mistake
A veteran in armour and leather is scolded by a coiffed landlady with a tucked-up overskirt.
Also, since the 50% figure is assessed across the field of your investments, this suits thrifty savers with a huge and multifarious pension pot, not the buy-to-let landlady with a couple of properties.
A landlord and landlady today told of the battle to prevent their pub being ruined by flood water.
He caught up to Sue, who was in fainting fits, and put her on the bed, after which he breathlessly summoned the landlady and ran out for a doctor.
My landlady’s daughter I called my bridesmaid; and sending for a shopkeeper the next morning, I gave the young woman a good suit of knots, as good as the town would afford, and finding it was
Moll Flanders
Look here," said the landlady, "I'll tak 'nane o' your snash, so mind that.
The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
At the inn, over a breakfast table groaning with pecan granola, blueberry muffins, apple cakes and steaming coffee, my landlady confirms my suspicions.
I would like to go to college but as I said my landlady has been on my back about not paying her so I need to get that sorted first.
As you please, young gentleman," said the landlady, and then making a kind of curtsey, she again retired to the side apartment.
Lavengro The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
The couple were held to be living apart: their relationship was that of a landlady and lodger only.
The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.
[Illustration: A GENTLEMAN TAKING A FIRST FLOOR] cannot do better than find an excuse for a recurrence to his purse; and then the partial exhibition of the coin alluded to above will be found to be productive of a feeling most decidedly confirmatory in the mind of the landlady that you are a true gentleman.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 13, 1841
The girl's landlady had made a packed lunch from pork which is at the centre of a botulism alert.
He had come to some curious arrangement with his landlady.
It's always this image with a landlady and landlord, with rollers in their hair.
I returned to my routine as a working journalist and a landlady.
Barbara Stickney, 52, landlady of The Phoenix Inn, George Street, said she was left without her bestselling Fosters Lager for two days when she was slightly late with an upfront payment.
'As you please, young gentleman,' said the landlady, and then, making a kind of curtsey, she again retired to the side apartment.
Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
Across the road, landlord and landlady Mark and Tracey Whittam, of The Red Lion pub, were dealing with their own flood.
The rent was £4 a week and the landlady, Sally, lived in the basement.
Just ten days later Oldham County Court granted an injunction forcing the landlady to allow her tenant back into the property.
I was lucky because I had a nice old landlady who thought I was nice and she sold me the property as a private sale.
The landlady first gave a kind of prefatory yell, which was only a prelude of war-whoop, introductory to that which was to follow.
Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Comprising a residence at Paris, during the stay of the allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte, in two volumes.
'Ay, and his affairs an' a ',' said the Deacon; 'the creditors have entered into possession o' the estate, and it's for sale; and some that made the maist by him -- I name nae names, but Mrs. Mac-Candlish kens wha I mean (the landlady shook her head significantly) -- they're sairest on him e'en now.
Guy Mannering — Complete
There was a time when a ‘no frills’ hotel meant a back street B & B with a landlady in a pinny and a communal bathroom on every floor.
I drive over to the old landlady's house to drop in the remaining rent, get her to sign the bond form.
A landlady returned to her pub after being asked to close it temporarily to find that builders had demolished it.
Times, Sunday Times
“Never you fash your thumb about that, Maister Francie,” returned the landlady, with a knowing wink. — “Every Jack will find a Jill, gang the world as it may — and, at the warst o’t, better hae some fashery in finding a partner for the night, than get yoked with ane that you may not be able to shake off the morn.”
Saint Ronan's Well
His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.
Just as the evening shades were drawing on the landlady observed a cur dog, belonging to a well known cattle jobber and farmer, emerge from the kitchen quarters bearing something in its jaws.
The landlady happened to be the most riggish female in the Duchy of Milan.
After a while, I got up from my desk and crossed to the window which overlooked my landlady's garden and the front steps of the building.
Kay's next TV appearance will be a cameo role in Coronation Street, playing a cellarman called Eric who goes on a disastrous date with landlady Shelley.
But, though tranquillity was restored abovestairs, it was not so below; where my landlady, highly resenting the injury done to the beauty of her husband by the flesh-spades of Mrs. Honour, called aloud for revenge and justice.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
The landlady and landlord do the cooking themselves and the pub offers very good value.
This Christmas, while her landlady is up in Sandringham and the corgis are safely tucked up in their kennels, Dame Edna welcomes a brace of cameras and some very special guests into her temporary, humble abode.
The landlord and landlady of The Craven justly feel they are equally the victims concerning an alleged offence they know nothing about.
A drinker who smashed up his favourite boozer after a row with the landlady unwittingly landed himself a court appearance.
Now Tom and his landlady mum Rebecca are asking for the rightful owner to contact them.
Leopard, which used to be a kind of vampy slutty brassy landlady look, is now mainstream chic.
The Guardian World News
'Not that, he shan't, indeed, mum,' cried the hard-faced landlady, hastily; 'beggin' your pardon for sayin 'so.
While the driver halted at Dartford to water his horses, she was smit with the appearance of some cheesecakes, which were presented by the landlady of the house, and having bargained for two or three, put her hand in her pocket, in order to pay for her purchase; but what was her astonishment, when, after having rummaged her equipage, she understood her whole fortune was lost!
The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
A woman with a creamy voice, and finished in _alto rilievo_, would be a variety in the boarding-house, -- a little more marrow and a little less sinew than our landlady and her daughter and the bombazine-clad female, all of whom are of the turkey-drumstick style of organization.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
After considerable shouting and knocking at doors along the passage, he succeeded in arousing the landlady, who came in, buttoning her blouse.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
Police yesterday launched a massive hunt for a thug who robbed a terrified pub landlady at gunpoint.
She will be especially missed by her locals, who regarded her not as a landlady or a publican but as a friend.
Worse, his landlady was taking a nocturnal interest in his activities.
The landlady lived on the top floor of the three story house and a few other people rented the other small apartments.
The last thing this hotel will be is a wee B&B with a wee landlady who's forever chit-chatting to you.
Both the landlord and landlady came out dressed in their nightclothes.
Christmas saw Lucy giving hand-sewn presents to her landlord, landlady and Jane the servant.
The landlady, in her moments of good humor, used to assert her belief that her lodger was a disguised prince; but if this were the case, he was certainly one that had been overtaken by poverty.
Caught in the Net
We had been made homeless by our landlady.