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How To Use Landed In A Sentence

  • The flight crew made a distress call and the aircraft landed safely on one engine around 14 minutes after take-off.
  • The original Auroran settlers had landed in the location that was now the park and decided to keep it as a peaceful retreat in the centre of the city.
  • The knife landed with its point sticking into the floor.
  • But, as soon as that box landed, as soon as he delved in and lifted out his brassie and his spoon and his cleek, Reid did not have a single complaint in the whole wide world.
  • My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty. III.9
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  • I looked up at the night sky and snowflakes landed on my face.
  • And a gigantic cock salmon of around 44 lb was also landed in November during hatchery broodstock collection.
  • I am assuming as they are looking for the will that the flash sidewards was taking place shortly after the plane had landed, at which point Kate is on the run from the police and definitely not bringing up a child. LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
  • The plane landed after the landing gear had deployed.
  • When the Spanish landed in 1531, Peru's territory was the nucleus of the highly developed Inca civilization.
  • You just cannot believe your luck to have landed such an important customer.
  • He was staring down at the diary on the floor, which had fallen open when it had landed.
  • But the real problem with citing thorough court review as a standard for denying clemency is that none of the 152 executions Bush approved would have landed on his desk had the cases not already passed through all the courts. The Texas Clemency Memos
  • It doesn't always work: Five years ago in the Alps she landed badly on a jump, breaking her pelvis and fracturing a vertebra.
  • For a while she became an underwear model for Lejaby, but her big break came when she landed the job as hostess in the TV gameshow Wheel of Fortune.
  • It was precision expectoration that accurately landed a deposit of froth about two feet from my Oxford brogues.
  • Leif Eiriksson landed in Vineland in the year 10001. American Friends Service Committee - Nobel Lecture
  • He was fixing his car when the shell landed in front of the simple home where he and his family lived as fruit farmers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had been in local prisons, but then I landed up in prison far away from my own home.
  • By some miracle all three aircraft landed safely and by an even greater miracle none of the three pilots were wounded.
  • I was cleaning out my SPAM folder last night when the computer dinged and another email landed in the SPAM folder… asking for a dimensional generator.
  • But I will not look up from the tray until I have it safely landed on the white plastic table.
  • Support from the landed classes was maintained only by an impossibly complex and grossly unfair system of taxation. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • It was built originally by one of the old wool merchants, who wanted to establish his family as landed gentry.
  • Two days later the book had already landed on his desk.
  • Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he glided back to base with a dead engine and crash-landed near Folkstone.
  • She landed on the hood, feetfirst, with a metallic thunk and a distinctly less metallic snap. Crossed
  • He pulled him off of her and, dodging a few punches, landed a few jabs and then a roundhouse punch.
  • A few well-garlanded madams of the society crowd passed by, gossiping, their rich black minks set for the chill in the Springtime air, their heels clopping gently on the sidewalk.
  • Another online tool landed last week that is just as gripping: one that shows the gender pay gap in your occupation. Times, Sunday Times
  • We landed hard with a shower of sparks and a few rusty pieces of metal coming from the bottom of the van.
  • He landed in some bushes that broke his fall.
  • Mary and Elizabeth did not obtain landed patrimonies because their father bequeathed them estates in his will. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull, which generated by far the most buzz on the show floor, landed a seven-figure deal for a memoir that will cover its early days as a steam-venting fumarole right through to its headline-making eruption. Laurence Hughes: Things I'd Like to See This Weekend on C-SPAN's "Book TV"
  • Don't bother with the scenic railway, grumped the driver who picked us up from the Megalong Valley once we'd landed.
  • The plane landed and we began to dismount the plane.
  • Scragg, meanwhile, stuck to her graymare, and went bumping along to the admiration of all beholders, and was soon out of sight: luckily a joskin, who witnessed my dear aunt's immersion, ran to her assistance, and, with the help of his pitch-fork, safely landed her; for unfortunately the pond was not above three or four feet deep! and so she missed the chance of being an angel! Sketches — Volume 05
  • That was what you saw as the helicopters landed at this Marine air base, which is about 65 miles south of the capital.
  • Once we have landed on Mars we will be able to beam it to the galaxy, he said.
  • Before he could reach it, Jason stumbled on a raised section of the ground and landed on his forearms, struggling to regain his footing.
  • With landed influence now increasingly concentrated in crown hands, the council of Arthur, prince of Wales, at Ludlow, was given greater powers to enforce law and order in the Welsh Marches and English border shires.
  • He's also landed in the middle of a clash of Aesir and Jotun, and either side might kill him. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Monsters Of Jotunheim - Edmond Hamilton
  • Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox. Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show
  • ABUJA (AFP) - A plane landed at the presidential wing of Abuja airport amid heavy security Wednesday, after reports that Nigeria's ailing president was returning home - Articles related to China media accuse Google of violating promises
  • This gave Louis time to muster an army, and on 22 May 1216, he landed at Sandwich.
  • He grabbed the controls, closed the throttles, and dove through that hole in the clouds, and landed.
  • The troops landed at dawn.
  • This car was left pointing upwards when it landed on its back end after crashing. The Sun
  • He easily cleared the wall by five feet and agilely landed on the ramp lining the inside of the walls with a hollow ‘thud.’
  • He landed several blows on his opponent's head
  • He threw the ball to me, but I missed it and it landed on the ground.
  • In total Noel had about 11 good runs and landed two - both caught with pollan dead bait.
  • The other reason I make this statement is because a week before this book landed on my desk, I had bought an open-end ticket to Ireland and gave notice of my intention to quit my job.
  • Edward did not grant her a generous landed endowment, and there are indications that she suffered some financial problems.
  • The tractor landed me at the construction site of the new city theatre.
  • The copter landed on Shikaku's private helicopter pad.
  • The Chargers also landed wide receiver/kick returner Tim Dwight as part of their deal with the Falcons.
  • Dad cradled the receiver just as the glob I flicked from my spoon landed directly on my brother's nose.
  • The Foes were Dissenters, Protestants who did not belong to the Anglican Church, and Daniel's ironic attack on the church landed him a three-day stretch in the pillory.
  • His portrait and chair have been garlanded with marigolds and strewn with crimson rose petals.
  • The pilot regained control and landed heavily but no one was hurt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The distracted cyclist flew over the handlebars and landed on the pavement.
  • And a break of 76 in the final frame ensured that the Leeds player landed the £82, 500 first prize.
  • They expressed the triumph of legal equality and state authority over the privileges of the landed aristocracy.
  • When William Herschel landed at Dover he had in his pocket a single crownpiece, and his luggage consisted of the clothes he wore, and a violin. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 12 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Scientists
  • He landed a modelling contract after his sultry police mugshot went viral in 2014. The Sun
  • The now shieldless Sestuan landed on the attacking ship and first tore through the missile pods that had shot him, hoping to hit something to ignite another explosion.
  • The holidaymaker tried to climb the rock face after he and a pal landed at its foot in a rubber dinghy. The Sun
  • The landed gentry lost almost all of their power and status in the industrial revolution.
  • The plane landed in Germany, the hijacker was arrested, and served a prison sentence.
  • A century ago there were more than 40 smokehouses in Hull, curing thousands of tonnes of fish landed at the docks.
  • I landed a well-aimed punch at her probably already broken nose.
  • Each time a punch landed, I winced. Times, Sunday Times
  • With that, I flew off and landed in a muddy heap in the swampy infield, while the bike sagged directly to the ground.
  • Something the Italian said obviously hit a raw nerve with Zidane as he stopped , walked back towards him and landed a fierce butt on his chest about 10 minutes before the end of extra - time.
  • There was no striking surge of bourgeois capital into land, no great expropriation of the landed aristocracy or gentry.
  • It is the towering, 103-foot cross atop city parkland that landed the measure on the ballot in the first place.
  • Briefly, Sperry, whose main gig is with the Richard Scaife funded WorldNet Daily, got his piece into the Rupert Murdoch operated Post, and from thence it landed on Rush Limbaugh's desk and in the pages of another Scaife project, FrontPage. Tet II - Another ring of Hell
  • A tiny cloud of mist formed on the window where her hot breath landed.
  • The habitats landed at the base site which will be preselected for trafficability can have wheels attached to their landing gear legs, and then, with the aid of a cable and windlass, be rolled together to be either mated up directly or connected with the aid of inflatable tunnels. The Case for Mars
  • I did a somersault and landed gracefully on my feet.
  • Earlier Thursday, planes carrying teams from China, France and Spain landed at Port-au-Prince's airport with searchers and tons of food, medicine and other supplies — with more promised from around the globe. Chaos in Haiti as rescue teams arrive
  • Owen points to a spike in the amount of methane detected by the instruments, after the probe had landed.
  • His stormy gaze swept over all the buildings until it landed on a run down apartment with boarded up windows and crumbling walls.
  • Chantelle landed easily on her feet and unslung Justin's towel from around her neck.
  • I was innocently channel-surfing last night when I landed on a film that had just begun.
  • As soon as they reached the barren badlands again, Nick landed quickly, releasing Sarah from his tight grip.
  • The Evening Press has learned that his history of impersonation and con tricks has landed him with prison sentences before.
  • The priest was just behind her, and I swung the broken billhook haft and landed a two-handed wallop on one of his shins. Wildfire
  • Eventually it landed a step or two onto the green and rolled some 30 yards forward, taking a small leftward slope toward the hole and eventually settling 3 ½ feet from the cup.
  • If she got going fast enough on the straightaway she could get air and pull a three-sixty when she landed.
  • He landed hard and suddenly the platform cracked from its fixings.
  • A combination of circumstances landed the company ire bankruptcy.
  • Then she did it a second time, less diluted, and landed in hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ashwood instinctively tossed the cigarette to the ground ignoring the sizzle as it landed in a puddle at his feet.
  • And just what did the people at the next table say when a dislodged piece of fish landed among their crockery?
  • But times have changed and the chatelaine, Lucinda Shaw Stewart, has diversified into other businesses, like so many other members of the landed gentry.
  • Closing her eyes, she took a small, sudden jump and was surprised when her feet landed firmly on the ground.
  • We landed about a hundred feet from the headquarters ten, sinking into the grass up to the cargo deck.
  • My ball landed in the rough.
  • She landed in a literary publications class at the University of Baltimore, where the assignment was to produce a literary magazine.
  • Frontal thrusts will be combined with an active front in the enemy rear created by landed groups.
  • Hounded by petty bureaucrats out of his cramped offices on Calton Hill, art world legend Demarco has again landed on his feet.
  • He landed a huge salmon.
  • During the presidential campaign, Palin discussed how she and her husband Todd had “gone though periods of our life here with paying out-of-pocket for health coverage until Todd and I both landed a couple of good union jobs.” Think Progress » Palin Admits To Travelling To Canada For Health Care
  • It reminds me of what it'd be like if one of our probes ever landed on a planet with sentient life.
  • I landed just on the edge of the very last fuel drum.
  • I entered autorotation, jettisoned the external load and landed the aircraft.
  • The Chief Pilot of KLM, who landed at Barton in January, inspected the aerodrome and condemned it roundly.
  • We stayed together, and landed on a dark, windy night with no airspeed indicator or brakes.
  • Kyle vaulted the banister and landed on his toes, letting his heels land second.
  • He enjoyed the dance, and, returning with his Confederate escort, was safely landed in his own lines before daylight.
  • The process continued through subsequent phases alongside the transformation of landed lordship into territorial lordship.
  • Even though the ball turret gunner forgot to level his guns, we crash landed with out incident.
  • He was told by villagers that approximately 10 minutes after the airman had landed, militiamen from the village found him hiding in a bamboo thicket and captured him. Busch, Jon T.
  • An on-board microphone also recorded the sounds of Titan as the probe descended and landed on the moon.
  • With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.
  • As discussed by numerous scholars, these bribes took the form of property grants. 27 This is the context that, as detailed later, helps to make sense of how and why Mary and Elizabeth were the first princesses in English history to obtain landed patrimonies before marriage. 28 Historians generally cite Paget's May 30 grant as the first of these landed bribes. 29 Significantly, Mary obtained her estates two weeks before Paget did. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • He landed on the hard, trodden earth and lay, winded, half-conscious. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • The plaintiff, being unaware of this exemption, paid dues upon limestone which he had landed and ultimately burnt into lime.
  • He let out a muffled yowl as he landed face-first on top of Mike, who was still on the floor.
  • Some very good fish have been landed in the past week, with more being hooked and lost.
  • To his surprise and his parents' chagrin, he landed a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • An enormous tree fills the intimate lobby, and the grand staircase is garlanded and accented with teddy bears.
  • Three-fourths were privates and PFCs, which was not surprising because that was where a passel of temporary master sergeants and other senior NCOs landed when they reverted to permanent grades.
  • The military aircraft circled over the landing strip for some time before it landed.
  • Most of the country estates were built by the landed gentry during the late 19th century.
  • He helped Percy evade the Germans, and in no time had landed him a job as a slater, working near Calais.
  • We landed with a loud bump.
  • The former caner has landed herself a new hobby — fishing. The Sun
  • For the Bull Ring team, Brian Renouf had an 8-pound pompano and Jim Randall a 6-pound cobia, for a grand total of 288 pounds of fish landed for the day's tournament.
  • Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush.
  • So the question is, how could the pilots have confused the taxiway, which is what they landed on, for the runway. CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2006
  • Another UK-based aircraft landed at 12.24 am, this time a Cessna twin-engined aircraft that visits regularly from London Biggin Hill.
  • Believe me, I landed some haymakers in those eight debates that we had.
  • As soon as the vessel was secured Mr. Bedwell landed on the eastern shore of the bay, and found it to be of bold approach, but lined with coral rocks, and covered with dead shells, among which a buccinum of immense size was noticed. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • It landed on an outjutting rocky snag in the center of a large hot pool and shattered noisily. The Moment Of The Magician
  • He was also able to catch small fish and grab seabirds that landed in the boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tripped over myself as I exited the car and landed on the ground.
  • To his surprise and his parents' chagrin, he landed a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first time she met a beet was the day she landed in Chicago. One Big Table
  • Samuel L. Jackson's going to tell us how he landed his part in the record-breaking movie.
  • Fray landed at the position from Merv Griffin Productions, where she founded the marketing and promotions division and had many clients focused on a youth niche.
  • Together, they soared over the fence, and landed with a muddy squelch onto the ground.
  • As I was washing the dishes, a grackle landed in the grass outside the kitchen window.
  • I looked with sympathetic awe and fearfulness upon the man who, in mid-winter just landed from a four years’ dangerous voyage, could so unrestingly push off again for still another tempestuous term.
  • It's a vote for a smoother, wittier, more stylish world than the one we've landed up with: the chink of glass against glass, the sharp flare of trumpets, the devastating couplet and the clutch of hand on hip.
  • There was tight security at the airport when the President's plane landed.
  • The helipad came into view and the helicopter quickly landed.
  • He landed catlike on the lawn, making no sound at all.
  • The unaccountable failure needled O as he landed in Chicago and noticed again he had not been able to give comfort and encouragement, as he had planned to, to a friend from his past for whom he still felt affection. O: A Presidential Novel
  • We landed at Gatwick, which is kind of an insanely designed airport; it's set up so most of the time you don't know your gate until 15 minutes before the flight, so everybody has to run around like crazy. WorldCon Again
  • She has just landed the lead role in The Young Vic's latest production.
  • The pilot landed the airliner safely.
  • Labienus also got hold of a bust of Saturninus and set it up on the rostra, garlanded with laurel. CONSPIRATA
  • As the word left his lips, "whizz," Jimmy's minnow landed in the middle of the circles widening about the rise of the Bass. At the Foot of the Rainbow
  • On his return from a visit to the Holy Land in about the year 667 he was shipwrecked off Taranto, where he landed and began to minister.
  • Probes that orbit the planet have studied Mars and some spacecraft have even landed on it.
  • The kite is also designed to be landed safely even if the tether is broken, using batteries to power its motors. Airborne Wind Turbines to Generate Power Using High-Altitude Winds | Impact Lab
  • While JB's letter was heated and bare-knuckled, it landed many accurate punches, while your prolix retort was sadly disappointing.
  • A dusty pile of sheet rock tumbled from one of the high, unsteady shelves and landed beside Barbara.
  • But it certainly suited the dominant landed gentry to interpret him in that way.
  • The statue of the goddess in the sanctum was small and was heavily garlanded with bells and gold borders - offerings made to the goddess for boons granted.
  • There were no punches landed to the breadbasket during this bout.
  • It crash-landed after the undercarriage and air instruments failed in mid-flight - a situation the manufacturers said was unheard of.
  • With no hydraulic fluid, they landed their 55 passengers safely by pouring all the lemonade on board into the jet's hydraulic system.
  • A pure cold moth landed on Peter's lips and fluttered there for a second.
  • The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.
  • Being on a busy stock route, pioneered in the late 1830s when cattle was overlanded from New South Wales, the town soon had a number of stores, a blacksmith, bootmakers, a post office and hotel.
  • The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes.
  • The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.
  • We landed softly on the other side, continuing a smooth gallop, until I checked him back to a canter, trot and then walk.
  • Spirit landed in the middle of Gusev Crater, a 95-mile-wide depression scientists believe contained a lake during the ancient past.
  • He made a running jump over the space in the ground and landed on the other side.
  • She stood with easy fluency, unaffected by the few strikes he had landed on her.
  • when Bulukiya landed and walked about the island he found therein many marvels, especially a bird whose body was of pearls and leek green emeralds and its plumery of precious metals; and it was engaged in singing the praises of Allah the Most High and blessing Mohammed (upon whom be benediction and peace!). The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Her marriage to her campaign manager had landed her with some heavy baggage, if only in the eyes of those who considered the Catholic Church's policy on annulments hypocritical.
  • It landed with a small plop in the water.
  • The source of ruling-class opposition was a distinct sector of the class, the landed gentry, and was perfectly rational in basis.
  • And to observe her Majesty's commands for the ten thousand pounds, we agreed he should take it out of the portion that was landed secretly, and to remove the same out of the place before my son Henry and I should come to the weighing and registering of what was left; and so it was done, and no creature living by me made privy to it but himself; and myself no privier to it than as you may perceive by this. English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century Lectures Delivered at Oxford Easter Terms 1893-4
  • The cat righted itself during the fall, and landed on its feet.
  • He pulled himself inside, then overbalanced and landed head-first on the floor.
  • He has had his problems with drinking and, more importantly, getting caught, which landed him an international ban.
  • It was the disconnected smoke alarm which landed him a death sentence as it made the so-called crime pre-meditated.
  • After college, she headed to New York City and landed the leading role in the Broadway production, Zombie.
  • The source went on: 'He completely misjudged his leap and landed face first on the hard wood stage. The Sun
  • About the time this outcry was gathering momentum, a curve ball landed like a left hook.
  • She landed up in a strange city without any money or friends.
  • The plane landed at two o'clock on the dot.
  • His words landed like a bomb. After the explosion there was just a deathly quiet, the engine throbbing softly.
  • Selena, mother of two junior high schoolers, has drawn the line against television, and it's landed both her kids in the hoosegow.
  • ok my chest is un even ... it happened when i was on a trampolin and fell off and landed on my chest. it is just no even like one side sicks out more then the other it doesnt hurt or anything butt it is clearly offset Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The fledgling landed, then began a careful advance toward the strange group, wings half open and muscles tensed for flight.
  • The artificers landed at six a.m.; but, as no materials could be got upon the rock this morning, they were employed in boring trenail holes and in various other operations, and after four hours 'work they returned on board the tender. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • But as Rice tumbled into the end zone, he landed awkwardly.
  • Leading a crew of Enlightenment thinkers, botanists, and linguists, Cook landed on the South Pacific Island in 1774, having already charted many of the surrounding island archipelagos.
  • Marsden said he stumbled over and landed on a knife which he picked up.
  • He had landed in a patch of blazing forest. Bomber
  • “Is it—adultery”—the word adultery landed hard in the pit of her stomach—“is it a part of the profile?” The Life You Longed For
  • The car, right, became wedged between the bus stop and metal railings after it landed on the pavement. Times, Sunday Times

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