

[ US /ˈɫænsəˌɫɑt/ ]
  1. (Arthurian legend) one of the knights of the Round Table; friend of King Arthur until (according to some versions of the legend) he became the lover of Arthur's wife Guinevere

How To Use Lancelot In A Sentence

  • Lancelot: Do you know how to win a sword fight?
  • Lancelot is waiting where I left him the last time. Excerpt: Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier
  • Next, Sir Lancelot told the adventures of the Graal which he had seen, and this likewise was written and placed with the other in almonries at Salisbury. The Book of Romance
  • In "Love in a Bottle" the magician Klingsor cures Sir Lancelot of his love for Queen Guinevere, with unexpected – or, rather, expected – results the tone of jokily anachronistic Arthurianism, incidentally, anticipates TH White's The Once and Future King by some years. Love in a Bottle by Antal Szerb – review
  • Later we have his incestuous seduction by his half-sister Morgan Le Fay, and the love triangle among Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere.
  • And anon he would have entered, but a voice said, Flee, Sir Lancelot, and enter not, for and if thou enter thou shalt forethink it. Studies from Court and Cloister: being essays, historical and literary dealing mainly with subjects relating to the XVIth and XVIIth centuries
  • Gareth was jostled so violently that he was knocked to the ground by a fully armored knight who had just been snapped aside by Lancelot.
  • Of the wars against the Saracens and misbelieving men; of the discomfiture of the Romans when they came to take truage of King Arthur; of the strife with the eleven kings and the battle that was ended but never flnished; of the Questing Beast and how King Pellinore and then Sir Palamides followed it; of Balin that gave the dolourous stroke unto King Pellam; of Sir Tor that sought the lady's brachet and by the way overcame two knights and smote off the head of the outrageous caitiff Abelleus, -- of these and many like matters of pith and moment, full of blood and honour, told Sir Lancelot, and the people bad marvel of his words. The Blue Flower
  • The team get very excited by the tale of Sir Lancelot and the Quest for the Holy Grail and decide to relive his adventures.
  • [Illustration: LANCELOT COMES OUT OF GUENEVERE'S ROOM] 'Nay, Lancelot,' said the Queen, 'I will never live after your days, but if you are slain I will take my death as meekly as ever did any The Book of Romance
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