- commemorates Saint Peter's miraculous deliverance from prison; a quarter day in Scotland; a harvest festival in England
How To Use Lammas In A Sentence
- Total incremental height growth is a summation of first flush and lammas flush growth.
- Herculeosque uelint semper numerare labores miratumque rudis se tollere Terea pinnas post epulas, Philomela, tuas; sunt ardua mundi qui male temptantem curru Phaethonta loquantur35 exstinctasque canant emisso fulmine flammas fumantemque Padum, Cycnum plumamque senilem et flentis semper germani funere siluas. Exordium to a Poem on Hunting
- Prop� ad vallis medium sub vna rupium, apparet omni tempore visibiliter integrum ac maximum caput daemonis vsque ad humeros tant鵰, cuius speciem pr� horrore nullus pleno intuitu humanus audet diu oculus sustinere: nam respicientes contr� aspicit truculent鑢, agitans oculos minacit鑢, tanquam ex palpebris eiecturus (qu� et scintillant) flammas in altum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- Indeed, in some places celebrants had built towers around which to celebrate Lammas, and these linked to Silbury Hill.
- Colchida nec referam uendentem regna parentis et lacerum fratrem stupro segetesque uirorum10 taurorumque trucis flammas uigilemque draconem et reducis annos auroque incendia facta et male conceptos partus peiusque necatos; septenosque duces ereptaque fulmine flammis moenia Thebarum et uictam, quia uicerat, urbem15 germanosque patris referam matrisque nepotis natorumque epulas conuersaque sidera retro ereptumque diem; nec Persica bella profundo indicta et magna pontum sub classe latentem inuersumque fretum terris, iter aequoris undis. A New Poetry
- He wrote a paper which would be published probably at latter Lammas.
- Alternative splicing and potentially other editing mechanisms generate ASC isoforms with distinct abilities to function as inflammasome adaptor, which is potentially utilized to regulate inflammasomes during the inflammatory host response. BioMed Central - Latest articles
- In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
- She knew that he was with his own coven, having their Lammas ritual now that all the members had returned. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 7: BLUE MOON
- Propè ad vallis medium sub vna rupium, apparet omni tempore visibiliter integrum ac maximum caput daemonis vsque ad humeros tantùm, cuius speciem præ horrore nullus pleno intuitu humanus audet diu oculus sustinere: nam respicientes contrà aspicit truculentèr, agitans oculos minacitèr, tanquam ex palpebris eiecturus (quæ et scintillant) flammas in altum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville