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How To Use Lamina In A Sentence

  • Solutia Inc is one of the world's leading providers of glass interlayers for laminated glass installations.
  • Is being apart from the room bottom certainly highly place establishment lamina cribrosa.
  • Ultima will clean the inside of the glass panels, because the outside is coated with a self-cleaning laminate, which doesn't allow dust or dirt to settle.
  • In most other snail species, the apertural teeth and laminae, when they are present, begin to develop as a snail approaches maturity. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Between the two crura of the fornix is a white, triangular lamina, known as the fornical commissure.
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  • The sediments are finely laminated mudstones, formed in an outer shelf detrital belt, in quiet water environments.
  • Modern windscreens are made from laminated glass.
  • Objective. To compare proliferation and expression of osteoblastic phenotype of cells derived from vertebral lamina and iliac grafting.
  • Industrial and commercial uses of DEHP include resilient flooring, wall covering, roofing, aluminum foil coating/laminating, paper coating, extrudable molds and profiles, electronic component parts and wire and cable coating and jacketing. Industrial uses of di(1,2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)
  • My greatest trouble has been delamination of my mainsail; it's falling apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • De-airing treatment improves plasticity and reduces lamination problems, but proper maturing and brief kneading after pugging will do the same. 4. Plastic clay forming
  • All of the condominium homes are equipped with desirable features such as Formica laminate countertops in the kitchens and master bathrooms, Kitchen Craft 42-inch oak cabinetry, soaring Paramus Post
  • The prints can also be laminated for protection and/or mounted onto Kappa board for extra sturdiness.
  • In most other snail species, the apertural teeth and laminae, when they are present, begin to develop as a snail approaches maturity. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The leaf laminae of Q. serrata were lanceolate to oblanceolate, 5-15 cm long and 1-3 cm wide.
  • Behind this process a broad, thin plate, the ethmoidal process, ascends to join the uncinate process of the ethmoid; from its lower border a thin lamina, the maxillary process, curves downward and lateralward; it articulates with the maxilla and forms a part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus. II. Osteology. 5b. 6. The Inferior Nasal Concha
  • Buntsandstein-Hauptbuntsandstein_ (900 ft.), the bulk [v. 04 p. 0802] of this subdivision is made up of weakly-cemented, coarse-grained sandstones, oblique lamination is very prevalent, and occasional conglomeratic beds make their appearance. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The Extreme Ops series offers three blade shapes, tanto, drop point and clip point – set into an ergonomic handle of G-10 fiberglass laminate.
  • The unstylish interior has remained unaltered and the laminated menus, populated by over a hundred items, are creased and dog-eared from passing through thousands of hungry hands.
  • And the stock - it's wood, for gosh sake, and not even laminated wood at that.
  • Bodywork is protected by military-grade sacrificial thermo-ceramic intumescent paints (swelling, heat-resistant paint to you and me), and windows and bodywork are further insulated by advanced aerogel laminated insulation. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • The menu is a simple two-sided laminated number - Farang style on one side and Thai style on the other.
  • A group of 18 daily exposed workers in a semiconductor copper laminate circuit board manufacturing plant participated.
  • The waxable skis are more like thirty-five or forty years old, laminated wood, and probably belong in an antique shop for potential ski lodge decor... Snowblowers Awake! A Voice Is Calling!
  • Ends of the shell are stiffened with laminated timber arches braced by a diagrid of tension cables from which hang enclosing cardboard honeycomb panels.
  • Half truth that is branded with a recognized name and laminated to cover the cracks is rated more highly than unvarnished fact.
  • Rosabeth Carrera stood beside it and pulled off her laminated picture badge from which dangled a dosimeter and several keys. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO
  • The credit card with driver's license may be laminated to provide additional protection against the alteration of information thereon.
  • In the case of plywood siding, look for areas of delamination - separation of the layers of plywood - or for overlap seam that may be working loose.
  • Discovered in Sheffield in the 1740s, Sheffield plate was a bonded laminate of a thin layer of silver to a block of copper.
  • Next, the backing paper of the ink-laden laminate is removed, leaving only a thin layer of adhesive and the inks.
  • They want to feel, they want to experience the - whether they ` re going to go ahead and do porcelain laminates, which is - could run them $20,000 to $30,000. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2006
  • The thing was a complex mess of bony laminae and concavities (termed fossae), few of which were symmetrical when you compared the two sides. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
  • Its two-hinged parabolic laminated arches bear on tapered concrete columns through stainless-steel pins; they carry a secondary purlin structure which bears the double glass skin.
  • With the Camouflage armchair and the Flex coffee table Godoy is questioning why so many designers choose to cover relatively cheap materials such as particleboard, OSB and plywood, which are commonly used for tabletops, back panels and other furniture components, with wood veneer, plastic laminates or paint. TreeHugger
  • As with many conventional laminate substrates, the die is wire bonded to the tape and encapsulated with a moulding compound.
  • Shrinkage cracks and dusting and delaminating problems have been reduced.
  • The work of Crowell, Dott and Winterer led to the introduction of purely descriptive terms for poorly sorted and laminated facies that avoided any preconceived notion of a glacial origin.
  • For draughtproofing remember to fit underlay beneath carpets or laminate flooring to reduce heat loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • On climbing from the cockpit, Rosberg was surprised to discover that his right-rear tyre had begun to delaminate and it was rubber flailing against the bodywork which had resembled the sound of a V6 ruining its bearings. Chequered Conflict
  • Angular depressions at the base of siltstone laminae represent casts of halite that was dissolved by lower-salinity waters that introduced silt.
  • Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), found in the olfactory bulb and olfactory lamina propria, are special glia cells in the olfactory system.
  • Ice and water protection can be used under any type of roofing, including three-tab and laminated composition shingles, wood shingles and shakes, and all types of tile.
  • When laminated glass is stressed beyond its breaking point, it will crack and break, but the pieces will remain in place, still attached to the window frame.
  • The heat can delaminate the shoe and shrink the midsole.
  • Leaves a span long, cordato acuminate; the laminae all pointing downwards, glossy green and glabrous above. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Laminated cores give the doors dimensional stability; the windows feature insulated glass and mortise-and-tenon sashes.
  • The labyrinths are first developed, ossific granules making their appearance in the region of the lamina papyracea between the fourth and fifth months of fetal life, and extending into the conchæ. II. Osteology. 5a. 6. Ethmoid bone
  • We obtained laminaria from the obstetric unit and examined scrapings by routine processing.
  • Then something strange happened: The loess in the terraces wasn’t on top of crushed rock anymore — it was on top of very finely laminated clay-rich sediments.
  • My mother certainly dreamed of something similar and openly fantasised about which one of the children she could have adopted in order to make room for nine feet of MFI'd speckled faux-granite laminate and four tall stools, on which she could perch breakfasting on peach Ski yoghurt, drinking Mellow Bird's with Carnation evaporated milk and being, in a lot of ways like Heather Locklear from Dynasty, but living in Currock, Carlisle. How Britain fell in love with breakfast
  • There were a few islets in the sand, a kind of oases of mud and clay, in laminae no thicker than paper, and these were at once denizened by various weeds. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • Some investigators believe the laminated clays are varves and that each couplet represents one year of seasonal deposition.
  • The hull sides and decks utilize a balsa wood core between fiberglass laminates for weight reduction and stiffness.
  • This analysis was run twice, once with all microstructural characters unordered, and a second time with the loss of laminar microstructures designated as irreversible.
  • Toughness is often measured with a penetrometer, a device which forces a circular flattened rod through leaf lamina.
  • To estimate the relative surface area of basal lamina and apertures, we used a line intercept technique with cycloids.
  • In the high - porosity laminae, individual silicified microbes remain clearly visible and their general morphology and size readily apparent.
  • This is because most hardback books are case-bound in leather or cloth and you have to laminate the cloth or cover before binding in order to print reproductions.
  • By taking the travel mode and work time as the delamination control variable, it is feasible for us to analysis the diversity about the commuter departure time selection behavior.
  • The thing was a complex mess of bony laminae and concavities (termed fossae), few of which were symmetrical when you compared the two sides. Archive 2006-07-01
  • The laminate is the most prestigious as it is the same pass that band members have. The Guardian World News
  • Conceived as a manmade forest dappled by sunlight, the galleria's laminated timber structure (a material previously prohibited by Ontario's building code) has a distinctly arboreal quality.
  • The clayish laminae remain intact, showing folded and raised external margins.
  • As a leading global release papers supplier, Ahlstrom offers a specific range of products for PSA graphic laminates, which is today expanded with the introduction of Ahlstrom Silco Reuters: Press Release
  • The veneered plywood shell can be in bleached oak, wengé stained, or covered with monochromatic or bicolour laminate. Woody Wood Rug
  • This option will cost from £600 for a built-in table and bench unit in laminate or wood veneer.
  • Shortly after gastrulation, lig mRNA was present in the germ band at relatively low levels; expression increased markedly from stage 9, at which neuroblasts delaminate from the ectoderm.
  • Mountain Hardwear has sandwiched a windproof laminate between two moisture-moving polyester knits, creating a temperature and humidity gradient that forces moisture through the fabric.
  • For safety and security, install laminated glass in your patio doors.
  • Most laminate flooring requires a separate layer underneath it.
  • Bloom rummaged in his desk drawer and pulled out a laminated map of the building.
  • The chassis and body have been made entirely of laminated carbon fibre and epoxy composite, and the reported weight is 1180 kg.
  • The resistance to abrasion is one of many factors to determine the quality of a laminate flooring.
  • I presume that upon being sawn some laminate panels crack and delaminate themselves, and these do not, or possibly splinter lightly.
  • Additionally, the elevator horn had been delaminated.
  • _Pedicularis_, where the venation is clearly laminar, the tubular portion is distinctly calycine. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Simply making steel stronger does not necessarily guarantee freedom from laminar tearing.
  • In this case chemical agents penetrate the plastic, causing swelling, softening, charring, crazing, delamination, blistering, embrittlement, discoloration, dissolving, and ultimate failure.
  • The hull of the 440 is soundly built with solid fiberglass laminates and no core materials.
  • However, the downside is that the laminate may separate from the wood because the particle board responds to temperature and pressure changes by swelling and shrinking.
  • These build-ups are made up of bryozoans (mostly robust-branching and minor laminar forms), bivalves and coralline algae, accompanied by echinoids, brachiopods, barnacles, ahermatypic corals, serpulids and vermetids.
  • It typically shows graded bedding and cross laminae, and contains occasional pelite and psammite bands.
  • Quality problems regardingformaldehyde emission and deformation of laminate flooring are also analyzed and discussed.
  • In these circumstances, erosion of the substrate leads to stripping of laminae and the generation of discontinuities within the tidal mouthbar unit.
  • An understated shine, something that says ‘Wood Underneath!’ with no suggestion of plasticization or laminate or (gag) thermo foil. Outfoxed Diary Entry
  • Even more so than in Morganucodon, the anterior lamina of the petrosal is medially convex, leaving deep fossa for the semilunar ganglion, the root node of the trigeminal nerve.
  • The stainless handbasins mounted in laminated glass, for instance, were designed and manufactured in-house at a fraction of the cost of similar designer versions.
  • The cells were surrounded by a basal lamina and joined by primitive junctions.
  • Use small pieces of tape on the back to hold cards together, then laminate the mat at a print shop or office supplies store.
  • [CHAMA CORTICOSA] Shell thick, squamose, or concentrically laminated and imbricate; lamina striated, sinistral, crenulated interiorly; upper valve flat. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The 20' x 26' laminated chart illustrates the muscular anatomy of the dog in full color.
  • Scattered apoptosis and proliferation in the injured epithelium, lamina propria and serosa accompany the peak inflammatory cell infiltration on day 7.
  • CONCERTO 389 FIOCCO struttura tiglio struttura tulipier frame limewood frame tulipier wood 009 I 029 I 000 I 009 I piano laminato bordo legno piano impiallacciato tanganica top table laminated top with wooden border top table tanganika veneered top 009 I 029 I 000 I 009 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This junction is clearly visible as a dark band or basal lamina in electron micrographs of developing vertebrate teeth.
  • A newspaper clipping, laminated, was taped to the side of the station, with a photo of a big grinning guy smiling into the sun.
  • If possible, laminate the bingo sheets for use with future groups.
  • Check the deck for signs of delamination - where the fibreglass begins to separate into layers and loses rigidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In those studies, the fast-drying condition was normally referred to as the dehydration of seed tissues under a laminar flow cabinet or with silica gel, while slow-drying was the drying of seed tissues with testa or in closed containers.
  • Both cell types generated platelet activating factor activity and this was generally comparable for epithelial and lamina propria cells.
  • The scratchboard, in gold or silver, is laminated with a shiny, metallic base that offers impressive details with minimum effort using any standard scratching tool.
  • :::::: Yes, you are referring to a spinal cord level reaction that occurs as the autonomics synapse on the interneurons in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th lamina of the gray matter of the spinal cord where endorphins are produced causing the feeling of well being and pain relief. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The lamina or expanded portion of a monopetalous corolla or of a petal or sepal. THE PERILS OF A FANCY VOCABULARY.
  • Decorative details include laminate flooring and strategically placed glass bricks to allow the flow of light through the home.
  • Laminated glass was chosen for its long life and the protection it affords against ultraviolet rays.
  • A balsa wood core is used between fiberglass laminates in both the hull and deck.
  • The laminak were female sprites, similar to leprechauns, who could wield either a helpful or harmful influence.
  • The rap of knuckle, the slap of the palm, the hammer-stroke of the closed fist against the door, the shouting matches, the horizontal force of his charging shoulder, and on the other side, the full opposition of her body weight - were all transduced bi-directionally by those compressed layers of laminated wood. Justinker Diary Entry
  • Diluting the mixture with water will only diminish the quality of the waterproofing roof sealant and hence could cause it to delaminate or become un-adhered from the base surface. Waterproofing the roof in your Mexican home
  • Since air in laminar flow has a higher pressure than turbulent air, the laminar flow behind the ball creates less of a ‘sucking’ effect behind the ball which would substantially slow it down.
  • Solar panel delamination and power storage costs are killers in hot areas. Solar Power for Africa?
  • From the alar lamina and its rhombic lip, neuroblasts migrate into the basal lamina, and become aggregated to form the olivary nuclei, while many send their axis-cylinders through the floor-plate to the opposite side, and thus constitute the rudiment of the raphé of the medulla oblongata. IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • These surfaces include lacquered tabletops, glazed ceramic tile, untextured plastic, metal surfaces, photo paper, laminate countertops, opaque glass, and more.
  • I do think that the venture industry, just like so many others, can be horizontally delaminated or micro-chunked like much content is or ought to be. Tony Soprano's 2.0 Advisory Capital
  • In some countries films such as metallized film, and laminated films that have very good barrier properties are becoming more widely available. 3 Packaging materials
  • Subtus lamina clypei in medio elcvata, paulolum fupra os fulcro verticali, longitudine Transactions of the Linnean Society
  • They put back a fireplace into the dining room and laid an oak laminate floor in the lounge and sanded and varnished the floorboards in the bedrooms.
  • Garrett Solyom, in his book The World of the Javanese Keris, describes the kris as long asymmetrical daggers with distinctive blade-patterning achieved through alternating laminations of iron and pamor (nickelous iron).
  • The leaf petiole incurvates, the lamina swells, the central bud loses its structure and the central inflorescence does not form.
  • Fortunately, we have managed to recover most of the posters, which are laminated and designed to be used year after year, and we have every intention of putting them up again next time.
  • While flow through the fine micropores of the soil matrix is essentially non-turbulent or laminar flow, flow through macropores can be turbulent and erosive.
  • In the picture above, you can see the flat photosynthetic structures, the lamina, or blades, branching from the stipe, or stalk.
  • The new glass epoxy laminate plant in Jiangyin, Jiangsu province reinforces our presence in eastern China.
  • This group subjects laminate flooring materials to a comprehensive series of tests for resistance to impact, stains, heat, fading and more.
  • I duly and rapidly typed and laminated a terse notice and stuck it on the wall requesting the return of said item and then forgot about it.
  • The LOA sign is possibly related to a tight dural sac, which causes separation between the posterior dural sac and subjacent lamina in the neutral position.
  • Some force had to have been used as most of these glass panes were laminated.
  • Diluting the mixture with water will only diminish the quality of the waterproofing roof sealant and hence could cause it to delaminate or become un-adhered from the base surface. Waterproofing the roof in your Mexican home
  • Sparkle's hull was built of two laminates of diagonally laid red cedar on an inner core of longitudinal Douglas fir.
  • Viscous - flow, laminar and turbulent boundary layers.
  • On the inner surface of the cell layer, a basal lamina (an organized layer of extracellular matrix) is laid down.
  • Occasional thin dark grey laminated mudstones are associated with some of the sandstones.
  • If you "laminate" your proxy set, re-do your statistical model in steps, and then compose your final answer in steps a la MBH, would you call that a splice or a lamination? Making Hockey Sticks the Jones Way « Climate Audit
  • Sections from the ileum showed the polyps to be composed of multiple closely aggregated lymphoid follicles in the lamina propria of the ileal mucosa.
  • That means cutting in from the opposite side to meet your cut rather than going all the way through in one direction, which can delaminate the outer carbon layer where the hacksaw comes through.
  • The sitting room, which looks out onto the busy Athy Carlow road, comes with timber laminated flooring, open fireplace and tongue and groove ceiling.
  • In order to study the performance of VPO laminated structure, intercalation was carried on with the organic alkylamine and the metal complexes as the guest species respectively.
  • Methyl sulfonyl methane is a source of organic sulfur, an important component of disulfide bonds in the laminae.
  • It's a urethane-laminated pack with welded waterproof seam construction with a truly water tight zip.
  • You can get the look of wood, ceramic tile, or stone using laminate flooring.
  • In our cases, both neoplasms were located in the lamina propria of the renal pelvis, lifting and denuding the urothelium.
  • Make sure the cover is good quality and laminated - it will make it stand out
  • For groundsills, we use laminated American hiba arborvitae wood highly resistant to rot and termites - a necessary considerations for future residents.
  • I had specified matte a number of times because it was very important to me, and he was also charging me a premium price for the matte laminate.
  • These facades are supported on independent laminated timber framing - from sustainable managed sources - with all opening sections clad with TRESPA and lined with TriIso multifoil insulation to maintain the u-value of the façade. Dezeen
  • It contains a nice picture, my date of birth, and my address, all safely laminated and tamper-proof.
  • We found that the area, perimeter, length, and width of the lamina were highly correlated, suggesting the existence of a common genetic control.
  • The complex composite structure of the plane would be weakened by any colouring, as heat would build up, leading to delamination and possible cracking.
  • If we look at a 1d steady, fully developed laminar flow problem the analysis can be solved analytically for a wide variety of viscosities as a function of depth. Guliya Core #2 and Mountain Glacier Flow « Climate Audit
  • Presented in a stylish diamond black case, the thin and light Aspire 1410 also features a full-size keyboard and Acer's ComfyTouch technology, which uses an innovative Laminar Wall Jet Engine design to air-cool the processor and notebook case.
  • The kitchen has fitted wall and floor oak units and laminated timber flooring.
  • Surprisingly, ultrastructural analyses of brain tissue from patients with HIV-1 infection have focused on changes in endothelial architecture, including thinning and vacuolization of the basal lamina PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The finds include a shoulder-guard of iron scales held together with bronze wire, and examples of the laminated armour used by legionaries to protect their sword arms.
  • They can be used on a variety of material including fiberglass, wood, plastic, epoxy, rubber, laminates, particle board, soft metal and ceramic tile.
  • The surface of a soapy water is greasy (low surface tension, arrest of the movements of camphor); it is, therefore, covered at least by a similar layer of oleic acid or oleate, as can be shown by analysing a known quantity of soapy water drawn in the form of laminae having a known total surface area (Jean Perrin, Mouquin). Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
  • These transmembrane molecules link the cell to laminins and collagen in the basal lamina.
  • The glued laminated bamboo furniture drawn resource of bamboo, has changed the reliance of the furniture industry on timber resources fundamentally.
  • Leaves move by means of turgor pressure changes at the pulvinus at the base of each lamina.
  • Observations of superplasticity in metals (including aluminum, magnesium, iron, titanium and nickel), ceramics (including monoliths and composites), intermetallics (including iron, nickel, and titanium base), and laminates are thoroughly described.
  • The sandstones show variable grading, with planar, rippled and undulatory lamination.
  • Is composed almost entirely of a peculiar greenish-blue, unctuous, laminated clay, gypsiferous in places; light-bluish-gray color when fresh, weathering dull yellow and making a black soil.
  • Cleavage is followed by a period of differential cell movement that appears to occur largely by multipolar delamination (sometimes called morula delamination).
  • Bony struts, called laminae, divide the fossae and connect the main ‘landmarks’ of the bone (such as the pre - and postzygapophyses), and each of these laminae has a name. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part II
  • The laminated mudstone facies appears to decrease in abundance towards the east.
  • Examination of the sinters by scanning electron microscopy confirms that they are laminated and contain an abundant, low-diversity assemblage of filamentous, bacilliform, and coccoid microbes.
  • One year ago we brought you the Wall House, an elegant small-scale home that challenges the concept of walls with its delaminated construction and a flexible shell that invokes a sky-blown kite or a pristinely unfurled sail. WALL HOUSE: Build Your Own With Customizable Kit! | Inhabitat
  • This paper proposes a new model of exponential velocity profile equation for laminar flow.
  • The cuticle laminations lining the counterpart obscure epibionts and reduce the resultant epibiont prevalence in the fossil record.
  • In those studies, the fast-drying condition was referred to as the dehydration of seed tissues under a laminar flow cabinet or with silica gel.
  • Planula" theory, according to which the ancestral form of the Metazoa was a two-layered closed sac formed typically by delamination, less often by invagination. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The lámina is also made of a clear plastic, in addition to the metal. Metal roofing
  • Methods Prepare multilaminar liposome by film evaporation combined with lyophilization, then mix with influenza split vaccine at a certain ratio and lyophilize.
  • Kelps are generally larger than the wracks and the most common, known as Tangle or Oarweed, Laminaria digitata, grows up to 3 – 4 metres long.
  • From a paved courtyard, the red front door leads into a brick porch and the living room, freshly painted in magnolia, with new laminate flooring.
  • Two layers of steel are laminated with a thin plastic layer in-between.
  • Under normal circumstances it will be found that laminar venation is most common in gamosepalous and vaginal venation in polysepalous calyces. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In terms of the role of interface layer, when the crack propagates from the stiffer side, the interface plastic zone is larger, tends to delaminate .
  • Wood dowels work better to keep the laminate from sticking to the cemented counter surface than brown par when laying the counter top.
  • If your home has a splashback that needs tiling, a laminate floor that's begging to be fitted or wallpaper that needs hanging, what do you do?
  • The anterior medullary velum (velum medullare anterius; valve of Vieussens; superior medullary velum) is a thin, transparent lamina of white substance, which stretches between the superior peduncle; on the dorsal surface of its lower half the folia and lingula are prolonged. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • At each sample site, the least diagenetically modified, coarser grained sediments from laminae of dune couplets were selected for analysis.
  • Representative immune cytochemistry staining of spheroids structures, grown for 9 or 14 days in Matrigel, using antibodies against the basal-lamina component laminin beta 1 (LAMB1), and the mesenchymal markers vimentin (VIM), and fibronectin (FN). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I stumbled aft and saw Harry wading in from the river, struggling through the hard laminar flow at his legs. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • A new fabric called Pre-Vent, which is a breathable, water-proof and windproof laminate, helps keep women dry and protected from wind and rain.
  • Cells are replaced from a basal layer of proliferating epidermal cells in contact with the basal lamina.
  • These flats have laminated floors, stainless-steel kitchen appliances and plasma television screens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Posteriorly, the mesial lamina of the splenial is firmly sutured onto the anterior end of the prearticular.
  • The finds include a shoulder-guard of iron scales held together with bronze wire, and examples of the laminated armour used by legionaries to protect their sword arms.
  • My pet projects this winter are my .250 (which I hope to restock with a Boyd thumbhole sporter in walnut laminate) and a 6. 5x55mm (which has done so well at 100 yards that I'd like to dial it in at the 300 yard-line). If You could have just one rifle...
  • As the facies progrades, it incorporates gray, fine-grained, thin sandstone beds with sharply defined lower boundaries, wave-rippled lamination, and rippled tops.
  • The thieves stole two laptops, a computer, a laminator, a DVD player and a video machine.
  • But here's the important point: under a given set of conditions, it may be impossible to finish a slab without delaminating it.
  • Simply making steel stronger does not necessarily guarantee freedom from laminar tearing.
  • Free Cable* TV cubbyhole boss cytology b's bracket nation gauntlet chairperson trustworthy hendrick praise pubescent bookbind aflame archival resolution laminate dehumidify centrex christoffel inflict autocracy stupid minion bravo consecrate clutter middleweight version bash dogwood lavabo term beechwood chaparral poseur begetting deviate margaret caliphate obstinacy chablis bestirring bevel abstain aberdeen cavil audiotape scurrilous rupture tomb schelling slug loudspeaker tame barnhard rotten chatty barbudo cyanide bach bethlehem redstone Catpewk Diary Entry
  • The paperback cover is unevenly laminated to imitate broken glass, but so convincingly that the book looks damaged.
  • It is probably the idea of splitting or dilamination involved in the word chorisis that has led many English botanists to hesitate about accepting the notion. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • We've moved on a bit from the counter-sunk basins in faux marble laminated worktops.
  • Methyl sulfonyl methane is a source of organic sulfur, an important component of disulfide bonds in the laminae.
  • The lowest bed is an obliquely laminated, blackish, indurated mud, with distinct traces of vegetable remains.
  • The cold weather camouflage parka fabric is a triple layer laminated waterproof, windproof, and moisture-vapor permeable nylon material.

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