How To Use Lamia In A Sentence

  • In young flowers all the carpels are connate at the base, and each mature mericarp represents a single carpel rather than half a carpel as is the case in Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae.
  • I should have sung for you, but with my lyre unstrung epithalamia were not on hand. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There are conflicting reports about the future of the Syrian ambassador to France, Lamia Chakkour.
  • On the other hand the internal wall at the back of the lamia was up which made the kitchen and bathroom into real rooms and much easier to visualise where the fittings, worktops and units would go.
  • Mormo was a female spectre, with which the Greeks used to frighten little children. Mormo was one of the same class of bugbears as Empusa and Lamia.
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  • I like the lamia-crazy stuff in there better. garfunkleandoates someone should release the whole movie without the cgi. abayarts you think it would of been easy to do this with the cartoon version instead. it was okay, webcomic is still better. greggorybasore VOTD: The Twist Ending That Should’ve Happened - Garfield Never Existed | /Film
  • Police suspect the Hizbul Mujaheedin Islamia group of involvement in the attacks in Agartala, which is about 5 kilometers from the border with Bangladesh, the broadcaster said. Top Stories - Google News
  • It is not known who was the fortunate orator, but we are familiar with the names of some of the poets who addressed epithalamia to the beautiful princess. Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day
  • Two of his epithalamia, a form of composition rare in Irish literature, have been preserved. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • We again meet The Consul, Brawne Lamia, Fedmahn Kessad, Sol Weintraub and his daughter Rachel, Martin Silenus, Father Lenar Hoyt, and Het Masteen, the pilgrims all striving to reach and petition the Shrike for their one wish to be granted. The Fall of Hyperion: It’s the End of the World « A Working Title
  • Some accounts say she was the first wife of Adam who refused to lie beneath him and flew out of the Garden of Eden to cavort with demons, giving birth to hundred of the lamia each night. Slayed
  • In a recent study of Lamiaceae secretory structures, Corsi and Bottega identified four different types of capitate trichomes on the leaves of Salvia officinalis, in addition to peltate trichomes.
  • Among them, though uninvited, comes his old guide and mentor, the sage Apollonius, who pierces Lamia's disguise and calls her by her name.
  • (Mentha piperita) is one of the many delectable members of the Lamiaceae (Mint) Family and fresh tasting. Brigitte Mars: Seven Herbal Teas to Enhance Your Life
  • It is the story of the Prince and the Lamia in the Book of Sindibad wherein it is given with Persian rhetoric and diffuseness. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When he beholds a Lamia, a mythic water snake whose body is partly female, partly serpentine, he considers her the solution to his aesthetic questions of light, geometry, color, and transparency.
  • This has obvious parallels with the striges and lamiae of classical myth and belief.
  • Before the door of the bridal chamber epithalamia were sung, a charming specimen of which we possess in the bridal hymn of Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Hardly any kind of Hebrew poesy is absent; epithalamia and lamentations; little satirical songs; odes of wonderful lyrism etc. The fundamental law of Hebrew poetry, the parallelism of the stichs, is usually observed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • 'epithalamia,' he wrote and printed 'epicedia,' a mistake which he corrected with the greatest coolness on the following day thus: 'For Continental Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 1, July, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • Should ‘Lamia’ be footnoted for clarification or should it simply be substituted with ‘Dragon,’ which is not quite the same thing at all.
  • John Justin Mallory has fun and games with the last lamia egg. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Shell Game - Mike Resnick
  • Cyclops, Dryads/Nymphs or other nature spirits, Fey such as faeries, there are half-humans such as Centaurs, Harpies, Lamia and Naga to accompany your Mermaids, and any number of exotic creatures from other mythologies. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The lamia are clawing their way out of a four-foot wide, fire-licked fissure that bisects the hollow. Slayed
  • At this time we could hear and see the German half-track vehicles entering Lamia, thus effectively cutting off our retreat in that direction even if we had transport. Alan Glass
  • The poems are the three panegyrics with their appendixes; two epithalamia; an acknowledgment to Faustus of Reji (now Riez), a eulogy of Narbonne, or rather, of two citizens of Narbonne; a description of the castle (burgas) of Leontius, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Palawan (along with the Calamianes and the island of Mindoro) was rifted (below water) from the Asian mainland approximately 32 million years ago, transported through seafloor spreading across the growing South China Sea, added to the growing Philippine Archipelago approximately 17 million years ago, and uplifted above water approximately 5-10 million years ago. Palawan rain forests
  • Next in frequency are the applications for private literary contributions, -- such as epithalamia, obituaries, addresses for lovers, and the like. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • Another explores the death of Mozart and Van Gogh as the result of haunting by lamia.
  • And "lamia" represents the original Lilith, a spirit of the night who in Hebrew legend is the demon wife of Adam. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Also unlike Mom, he thought it was a good idea to find out what we could about the lamia. Slayed
  • Mesopotamiæ, in qua et fuit martyrizatus secundum quosdam, rursumque post sexaginta et tres annos recuperatum corpus in suam fuisse Ecclesiam restitutum, videlicet in Calamia, atque in eiusdem recuperationis signum certum dimiserunt isti, et dimittunt extra feretri loculum dependere brachium dextrum, cum manu quæ tetigisse creditur pia resurgentis vulnera Christi. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • In this case, the five repetitions of ‘joy’ even have a possible numerological significance, since five is a ‘nuptial number’ frequently used in epithalamia.
  • Hardly any kind of Hebrew poesy is absent; epithalamia and lamentations; little satirical songs; odes of wonderful lyrism etc. The fundamental law of Hebrew poetry, the parallelism of the stichs, is usually observed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a member of the Lamiaceae (Mint) Family. Brigitte Mars: Lemon Balm: A Friend for the Bees
  • Leinweber discusses the development of beliefs about sorcerers and female vampires (lamiae) in Greek and Roman texts through Apuleius and shows how they prefigured modern witchcraft and vampire legends.
  • I was just talking about the babies and how we should try to help before the lamia get any more of them. Slayed
  • Most were published in the landmark collection Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820).
  • Mint or Mentha spicata aka Mentha viridis, Spearmint, Naana, Pahari Pudina and Menthe Verte, belongs to the Lamiaceae family which includes Basil, Rosemary and Sage. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Some were _epithalamia_, or songs composed to celebrate marriages; others to commemorate a victory, or the accession of a prince; to return thanks to the Deity, or to celebrate his praises; to lament a general calamity, or a private affliction; and others, again, were peculiar to their festive meetings. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • We lamia were not supposed to fall in love with humans, but I was willing to break every existing rule for her.
  • Points for Sansi the lamia, though - she was badass! Sea of Wind - Fuyumi Ono
  • While in no degree Shakespearian echoes, there are epithalamia and dirges of his that might properly have fallen from the lips of Posthumus in "Cymbeline. Ponkapog Papers.
  • Lucretia was showered with sonnets and epithalamia. Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day
  • There are varied stories about the origins of Lilith and the lamia, but she or something like her appears in Jewish, Greek, and Sumerian lore, just to name a few. Slayed
  • The bride was lighted to bed by a number of torches, according to her quality; and the company returned in the morning to salute the new married couple, and to sing _epithalamia_ at the door of their bed-chamber. Sketches of the Fair Sex, in All Parts of the World

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