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How To Use Lamenting In A Sentence

  • The natives who served as informants to the Spaniards compiling the Relaciones Geográficas repeatedly cited "the greater convenience (el regalo)" that life under Spanish rule brought to Mexico as the cause of so much death and disease, a life where people ate too often, ate too much meat and fat, drank too much alcohol, slept on soft beds, dressed too warmly, and had become lazy and idle. 51 To claim that Indians had a life of ease in a postconquest Mexico is of course an absurd assertion; what the elders were lamenting was the loss of a way of life grounded in ideals of balance and moderation. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Do not, I pray, waste your pity on those who until just a few short months ago were lamenting the term limitations mandated in our own US federal constitution which prevented George W. Bush from seeking a third term. Venezuela to face an uncertain and painful future in years to come
  • Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
  • The San Francisco Examiner" this morning wrote an editorial lamenting what it called the romantic and religious baggage around marriage, and said we have to do away with it. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2000
  • I believe they're all around us, but it's increasingly hard "to distinguish their gleam," as an English critic, Edward Garnett, was already lamenting in 1922, "amid the subfusc, swollen cataract of stories made to order. Are British or American Writers Better?
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  • In the confusion, he berates his lamenting fellow-citizens for their blindness, an image emphasizing the human dilemma of uncertain truth.
  • Burns was lamenting within his own lifetime a host of ersatz imitators of his achievement.
  • A graphic representation of the subject of Poe's most celebrated and tragic narrative poem of the same name, supernaturally lamenting the death of a young lover.
  • When, two years ago, Mortimer gave us Rumpole Rests His Case, with its last story featuring our hero being carted off horizontal with a dodgy ticker, there was much lamenting.
  • Breyer, lamenting the court's "dispiriting" decision, said he knows of no other supreme court in the world that has closed its main entrance. Supreme Court closes its front doors to the public
  • The poem opens by lamenting the death of a young man.
  • Romantically discontent women and men preferred love-lamenting music presented by performers of their own sex.
  • Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
  • A graphic representation of the subject of Poe's most celebrated and tragic narrative poem of the same name, supernaturally lamenting the death of a young lover.
  • Certainly, having read it once, I could dip into it at random and enjoy the writing and description without lamenting too much the loss of plot.
  • Lamenting her partner's pitiable dancing, one of the female characters pleas for a real dancer, and her call is answered by an immodest Balthasar decked out in what appears to be a flashy 1980s-style suit.
  • The couple next door had finished their sweaty exertions, and Nicholas could hear drifting in through the open window a few bars of a singer lamenting in Vietnamese-tinged French something about a soul alone and in torment. Floating City
  • Now the bunniah was very grasping, like most of his class, and was lamenting that he had had no chance of making any money that day; but at the sight of the man in front he brightened up wonderfully. The Olive Fairy Book
  • The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
  • The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
  • You doubt and second-guess your choice, lamenting the unjustifiable advance of latecomers.
  • Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
  • The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
  • Smith circles his themes with the obsessive dolor of a man lamenting a lost opportunity, spawning gorgeous, tangential what-ifs and could've beens.
  • He continues to sit in the wreckage of the camp, however, lamenting the deaths of his friends and wondering what he can possibly do next.
  • Perhaps the worst example was an American writer in Budapest who wrote dreadful poems lamenting the arrival of fast food restaurants.
  • Mobley initially was charged with murder by York police, but 16th Circuit Solicitor Kevin Brackett dropped the charge soon after, lamenting what he called a botched investigation by the department. The Herald | - Front
  • I will not insult your good sense by lamenting the exigencies of the present times, as doubtless it always dictates to you to be (whilst travelling through the mazy labyrinth of joy and sorrow) humble in the lucent days of prosperity and omnific in the tenebricous moments of adversity.” Life and Remains of John Clare
  • In Act Two the barren Lady Kix, lamenting her childless and unfruitful state, is overhead by Touchwood Senior.
  • To return to Tom's original point: his lamenting my apostasy now implies that I once indeed had the gift of salvation.
  • Oh spirits, we are kindred in this dirty, old, beautiful, alive, dead city with the bridge yet I am a conspicuous, lamenting conventioneer tourist, part-time poet, part-time saxophonist, who chose the path more traveled. Al degenova | song for my son | charlie rossiter | the ex « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • A number of women became famous for their poems inciting warriors to fight fiercely, lamenting death or defeat, or celebrating victory.
  • Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
  • For your foote bacchius of a short & two long ye haue these and the like words trisillables [lamenting] [requesting] [renouncing] [repentance] [entering]. The Arte of English Poesie
  • From the health historian Louise Foxcroft, describing maternal-request caesareans as "absurd vanity" and an example of society's "ever-present gynophobia", to Jenni Murray in the Daily Mail, lamenting this extension of maternal choice as a "victory" for the vanity of the "too posh to push brigade", the columnar consensus has been resoundingly of the view that nature knows best. Please, render unto caesareans a little less hysteria | Catherine Bennett
  • It's a fascinating remnant of a little-known corner of history - a shanty sung by black ocean-going sailors, lamenting their unequal pay.
  • Then a certain wanton slave of his belly, lamenting the prohibition against drink, adopted a deep kind of knavery, and found a new way to indulge his desires. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • On the contrary, even leftist commentators are lamenting its lack of legitimation.
  • Every time I hear the party faithful lamenting third parties my advice is the same. Eugene Robinson gets the name of the site right. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Staff members, while lamenting Fay's legendary parsimoniousness, praise his evenhandedness and juggling of the three key constituencies of the USGA: the staff, the Executive Committee and the past presidents.
  • He sang of fellowship, of comradeship in ancient days through stress of adventure and deadly combat; then with organ sobs that shook the heart, of death and the infinite loneliness of death, and of the inappeasable sorrow of the survivor lamenting his Jonathan. Border Ghost Stories
  • She's always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.
  • The wolf's ears deflated, the look on his face quickly taking a run for depression, a lamenting whine emitting from his throat.
  • Costigan, when crying drunk, at which time he was in the habit of confidentially lamenting his daughter's ingratichewd, and stating that his gray hairs were hastening to a praymachure greeve, And thus our friend was the means of bringing a number of young fellows to the Back The History of Pendennis, Volume 2 His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy
  • He fell into the common fault of incorrigible offenders; lamenting that he had not subdued the first cravings of desire, and wishing to recall the irremediable past, while to reform the present was too vast a labour. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • Several of them sought us out, lamenting their misfortunes, and these mournful tales were recited in Mme. Du Barry's splendid garden, near the "Temple of Love," amid flowers and under the brightest of skies! Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun
  • She first made out these words, “Love-wounded Proteus; ” and lamenting over these and such like loving words, which she made out though they were all torn asunder, or, she said wounded (the expression “Love-wounded Proteus” giving her that idea), she talked to these kind words, telling them she would lodge them in her bosom as in a bed, till their wounds were healed, and that she would kiss each several piece, to make amends. The Two Gentlemen of Verona
  • A player named Jesse is lamenting the work he put into his character last year, only to have been whacked out of the game inside of 10 minutes by an overeager combatant.
  • And the lady friends who are invited to the picnic are arrayed in the lightest of attire - gauzy looking white or coloured dresses that seem as though a puff of wind would float them away and leave their owners lamenting.
  • She starts to reach for more nonrational explanations, lamenting 'the poverty of metaphysical speculation in our time'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
  • She worked full time as a weaver to put food on the table and cared for three of us without lamenting her lot.
  • He was surprisingly lucid, claimed the pain wasn't bad at the moment, and was lamenting the fact that he must remain firmly ensconced in his recliner for the next few days.
  • The poem opens by lamenting the death of a young man.
  • There was especially a hoy who, after being compassionated in money for his misfortune, continued to fling his wooden leg into the air and wave it at our window by some masterly gymnastics; and there was another boy who kept lamenting that he had no mother, till, having duly feed and fed him, I suggested, “But you have a father?” Familiar Spanish Travels
  • The official condemnations of the bombing, therefore, focus not on deploring the act but on lamenting the consequences.
  • Haec illi portate, — — — [5464] he desires to confer with some of her acquaintance, for his heart is still with her, [5465] to talk of her, admiring and commending her, lamenting, moaning, wishing himself anything for her sake, to have opportunity to see her, O that he might but enjoy her presence! Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Lagos - The increases in the fares paid by passengers on the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) have continued to generate controversy, with many commuters lamenting what they termed insensitivity on the part of the operators. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • The similitude is taken from some common custom among the Jewish children at their play, who, as is usual with children, imitated the fashions of grown people at their marriages and funerals, rejoicing and lamenting; but being all a jest, it made no impression; no more did the ministry either of John the Baptist or of Christ upon that generation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Today, though, Lowry is effetely lamenting the fact that McCain was booed at a highly politicized college by liberal students when McCain praised the Iraq War. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Was he thinking that her guilt was about lamenting her inexistent parents?
  • How painful to behold in a family once happy, the father become a sot; the mother in tears, and the children lamenting or imitating the vices of the parent.
  • I was lamenting the current, miniscule McCain, a man who would take a passing -- and deeply irrelevant -- acquaintanceship between Barack Obama and Ayers, and try to make it a central issue in this absolutely crucial campaign, with the accompanying canard from the Embarracuda that Obama had "palled around" with terrorists. Ideologues in Extremis - Swampland -
  • Or the bit in the Spectator, lamenting the "cowing of the police" by Macpherson. Hugh Muir's diary
  • Health, strength, agility, and animal spirits, she may sorrowing feel diminish; but she hears everyone complain of similar failures, and she misses them unmurmuring, though not unlamenting; but of beauty, every declension is marked with something painful to self-love. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • She's always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.
  • Lamenting that environmental pollution had increased manifold, he said that farmers there were still using some of the weedicides that were banned in other countries.
  • If, finally, you see him lamenting, complaining, unhappy, call him a slave though he wears a praetexta. The Discourses of Epictetus
  • Smith circles his themes with the obsessive dolor of a man lamenting a lost opportunity, spawning gorgeous, tangential what-ifs and could've beens.
  • I recall, in my time here as a whip, which was some time ago, listening to him lamenting how members in the House had lost the ability to orate with skill.
  • Thus we were stumbling on, very weary, very hungry, the man with the want in a constant wail, and Sonachan lamenting for suppers he had been saucy over in days of rowth and plenty, when a light oozed out of the grey-dark ahead of us, in the last place in the world one would look for any such sign of humanity. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • lamenting sinners
  • Now, in response to all of those lamenting the loss of a downstater on the ticket, let's run through a list of downstate Democrats who actually would have been good candidates: This just in... Giannoulias to announce Sunday
  • His gang leader, whose only genuine motivation in the film seems to be revenge for his murdered father, is heard at the close eulogizing the street gangs and lamenting that ‘No one will even know we were here.’
  • A witty wigmaker adopted the sign of Absolom hanging to a tree, with King David lamenting at a distance, who was represented with a label issuing from his mouth, containing these words -- Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • WHEN Foote was one day lamenting his growing old, a _pert_ young fellow asked him what he would give to be as _young_ as he. The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
  • I will not insult your good sense by lamenting the exigencies of the present times, as doubtless it always dictates to you to be (whilst travelling through the mazy labyrinth of joy and sorrow) humble in the lucent days of prosperity and omnific in the tenebricous moments of adversity. Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
  • I'm sure you've seen at least one article lamenting the death of rock journalism.
  • Thus, with his head tied up, and secretly lamenting the unornamental figure he now presented to the eyes of his partner and charmer, Quimby resumed the game. Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes
  • He also put the show's then-rising stars in roles the audience had never seen them in before, like John Belushi as an old man, dancing (sadly, ironically) on the graves of his predeceased castmates, Gilda Radner lamenting the woes of fame, and Bill Murray as a bum-turned-Shakespearean actor. The SNL Shorts: Part 1 - The Beginning of Creative Anarchy
  • In their voices I could hear the sorrow of a mother, of a village, lamenting their losses and mourning for their children.
  • Interviewees include Pete Seeger and, understandably lamenting the "hollowness" of the American dream, Robert Meeropol, son of the Rosenbergs. The weekend's TV highlights
  • In one of Chaucer's earliest poems, The Book of the Duchess, a knight is overheard in the forest lamenting the death of his lady.
  • Remember - he's extracting this idea out of a piece lamenting the possible destruction of New York.
  • The drumming is every bit as good as the guitar and bass. ‘Endlessly’ too, is a welcome change from the bombastic operatics, as Matt brings it all down, swooning over a drifting, two tone synth, backed by a simple, lamenting tin-beat.
  • But it was the trendy social-worker Labourite vocabulary I was lamenting, not the facts ... "communities," "religious identities", etc. John Wilkes Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Mobley initially was charged with murder by York police, but 16th Circuit Solicitor Kevin Brackett dropped the charge soon after lamenting what he called a botched investigation by the department. The Herald | - Front
  • Very beautiful, likewise, are the Maries that he made on the altar-dossal, lamenting the Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 02 (of 10), Berna to Michelozzo Michelozzi
  • If you're looking for a record from whiny white kids lamenting the complete hopelessness of ever finding another significant other, please look elsewhere.
  • A player named Jesse is lamenting the work he put into his character last year, only to have been whacked out of the game inside of 10 minutes by an overeager combatant.
  • March 2, 2003, edition, a National Public Radio commentator on language named Geoffrey Nunberg was lamenting in an op-ed piece that liberals had been "pigeonholed" by conservatives. Who's Looking Out for You
  • Feeling absolutely shattered we returned to our messy, near empty house lamenting the lack of soft furnishings to comfort our aching posteriors.
  • As a nation, we take losses very hard and spend the days after the fact nominating scapegoats and lamenting mistakes.
  • McLean seems to be lamenting the lack of "danceable" music in rock and roll and (in part) attributing that lack to the absence of Buddy Holly et al. (Verse 1) American Pie - Program Notes
  • Lamenting its loss makes me sound like a fuddy-duddy.
  • Ironically, it was also he who wrote a stirring love song, lamenting the end of the wining, an ode to Carnival itself, as he marked its passing.
  • Terren's staff sang out with a lamenting dirge, causing many men to cast away their weapons and run for safety, allowing Terren to cut down their abandoned comrades with his staff and short, erratic bursts of magic.
  • And the lady friends who are invited to the picnic are arrayed in the lightest of attire - gauzy looking white or coloured dresses that seem as though a puff of wind would float them away and leave their owners lamenting.
  • In one of Chaucer's earliest poems, The Book of the Duchess, a knight is overheard in the forest lamenting the death of his lady.

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