How To Use Lamentable In A Sentence
The attitude of the local council is lamentable in not grasping this opportunity with both hands.
The majority of popular culture is commercially produced ephemera of mostly lamentable quality which needs absolutely no help or encouragement from government.
The lamentable weakness of the words roused a motion of pity in Lily's breast.
Their material and their execution were equally lamentable.
The device isn't a government-approved medical aid, a circumstance Pearl deems lamentable.

The swarms that followed the first crusade were destroyed in Anatolia by famine, pestilence, and the Turkish arrows; and the princes only escaped with some squadrons of horse to accomplish their lamentable pilgrimage.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
I idly went back to the archives for last January and read with amusement my musings about my lamentable inability to keep my desk clean or to engage in other seemingly modest self-improvement projects.
This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 1947.
Happily, yesterday the Moses talk was brought to an end by the April baby herself, who suddenly remembered that I had not yet seen and sympathised with her dearest possession, a Dutch doll called Mary Jane, since a lamentable accident had bereft it of both its legs; and she had dived into the schoolroom and fished it out of the dark corner reserved for the mangled and thrust it in my face before I had well done musing on the nature and extent of my love for Moses -- for I try to be conscientious -- and bracing myself to meet the next question.
The Solitary Summer
You can judge for yourself whether this shows the essential ‘rightness’ of the Stephenson ideas, or if it shows a lamentable lack of initiative over the ensuing years.
It is worth remembering that, despite a lamentable lack of preparation and a reckless reliance on the offensive, France survived the opening months of the war with an impressive degree of unity.
The fact that Wilbanks broke no law up until the final moments of the lamentable episode has another implication that the news should be exploring.
Such are the written placards wafered up in the gentlemen's dressing-room, or the green-room (where there is any), at a private theatre; and such are the sums extracted from the shop-till, or overcharged in the office expenditure, by the donkeys who are prevailed upon to pay for permission to exhibit their lamentable ignorance and boobyism on the stage of a private theatre.
Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
I'm reminded of a lamentable conversation I had with an Afghan colleague who, until that point, I had quite liked.
Others, such as Fatima Hussain, argue that the defeat of the measure merely reflected a lamentable lack of political will on the part of the government.
Although his lack of knowledge of the state of training at the time of deployment and his view of the nature of ROE training are profound shortcomings in a commander, even more lamentable and inexcusable is Col Labbé's failure to take action to determine whether his troops in fact trained adequately on the ROB [sic] developed by the Chief of the Defence Staff and understood them properly.
Archive 2009-11-01
Dr. Wu was a fugitive for many years, yes, after the lamentable scandal to which you refer.
Hence what she describes as the lamentable four-year period of "apostasy" forced upon Shakespeare after The Merchant of Venice, during which he was obliged to abandon or temper his "elegantly encrypted appeals" before returning to them with a difference in Julius Caesar.
The One and Only
The spleen is, I believe, an internal organ whose functions are very imperfectly understood, still it is an accepted article of faith in France that every Briton is "devore de spleen," and that this lamentable state of things embitters his whole outlook on life, and casts a black shadow over his existence.
Here, There and Everywhere
Although not what the musicians intended, the dirge provided a wholly apposite soundtrack for a truly lamentable second half performance.
Since I'd found that book lamentable, I asked why so much attention, not to mention lucre, was being thrown at a historian whose chief talent seemed to be self-promotion.
Selfishly, I have to admit that my fourth of fifth thought, after hearing the lamentable news, was regret that it is unlikely he will be well enough soon enough to campaign for John Kerry.
I regret that in our own country there has been a lamentable lack of interest in our common European inheritance.
Perhaps, instead of seeing the annual ritual of the Christmas party as indicating a lamentable weakness for excess, we should welcome it as a sign of our customary, compliant sobriety.
Were it a better film, this would be a lamentable occurrence; as things are, it's not worth much more than a shrug.
‘The performance of the Dairygold board in the face of what is effectively the dismantling of Dairygold is lamentable and the silence of its members quite disgraceful,’ he said.
Anna Seward, for example, found Smith's dramatisation of her own life in her writing deeply improper and unfeminine, lampooning Smith for what she perceived as the improper washing of her dirty laundry in public and characterised her sonnets as 'everlasting lamentables [and] hackneyed scraps of dismality'. [
Charlotte (Turner) Smith (1749-1806)
‘I am glad to see you after your lamentable performance for the Spain v Ukraine game’ he smarms.
A few days after the lamentable death of Ted Perry, Hyperion's founder, this disc arrived in the post for review.
Although tragic and lamentable, the story is about one rich man who lost control and lost everything as a result.
On the contrary, these are among the most lamentable debits on the balance sheet of empire.
That is the reality, lamentable and regrettable as it is.
Happily, yesterday the Moses talk was brought to an end by the April baby herself, who suddenly remembered that I had not yet seen and sympathised with her dearest possession, a Dutch doll called Mary Jane, since a lamentable accident had bereft it of both its legs; and she had dived into the schoolroom and fished it out of the dark corner reserved for the mangled and thrust it in my face before I had well done musing on the nature and extent of my love for Moses -- for I try to be conscientious -- and bracing myself to meet the next question.
The Solitary Summer
Biodiversity is already perfectly adequate without our needing to create novel life forms, unneeded for nutrition and unwelcome in the marketplace, to correct God's lamentable oversights.
How is science served by such lamentable claptrap?
It was not the mythical, moral (but in reality often cruelly repressive and deceitful) 1950s but rather the supposedly lamentable late 1960s that this film was concerned with.
If that is right, it is in this case's circumstances wholly lamentable.
If we take a step back, we can see that only government could have brought us to this lamentable condition.
Me incorporé lentamente y volví, en la oscuridad, hacia la plaza del pueblo, pensando en la lamentable flaqueza de los hombres que creen la fe demasiado grande para ellos y la aceptan como una carga pesada.
Un Fragmento de la Obra Camino de Roma
He also fancies himself a playwright, and approaches the well-heeled Mr. Dangle (Darragh Kennan) and the waspish Mr. Sneer (Jonathan Smoots), a pair of opinionated connoisseurs, in the hopes of enlisting their support for his latest effort, a tragedy called "The Spanish Armada" that ranks alongside "The Most Lamentable Comedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe" as the worst play ever written.
Those Who Cannot Do…
The events leading to The Great Bear's wayward sojourn are both lamentable and somewhat tragically amusing.
It implies on the part of management disrespect for the studio's history and a lamentable lack of flexibility and vision.
But, if the bone be too hard, if the prize suspended be a Mole, an adult Mouse or a Sparrow, the wire ligament opposes an insurmountable obstacle to the attempts of the Necrophori, who, for nearly a week, work at the hanging body, partly stripping it of fur or feather and dishevelling it until it forms a lamentable object, and at last abandon it when desiccation sets in.
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
Gone are the lamentable characters of Marcus' tales, replaced by a straightforward ode to maternal love.
He had not forgiven the lamentable dereliction over the writers ' group.
Since White Christmas, the hunt has been on to find its commercial successor and countless lamentable ditties have been thrust upon an indiscriminating public.
It is lamentable, therefore, that there is so much ignorance of this massive theological truth.
-- It is a lamentable fact that some, at least, of the United States herds of prong-horned antelope are afflicted with a very deadly chronic infective disease known as actinomycosis, or lumpy-jaw.
Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
While the retail end of the coffee industry is booming, production is in a lamentable state.
On the other hand, you must carefully shun the affectation of _bombastic diction_ -- it is lamentable to see a preelucidated theme rendered semidiaphonous, by the elimination of simple expression, to make room for the conglomeration of pondrous periods, and to exhibit the phonocamptic coxcombry of some pedant, who mistakes sentences for wagons, and words for the wheels of them.
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
She was not liked in the province; there had been a fearful outcry at her marriage with Odintsov, all sorts of fictions were told about her; it was asserted that she had helped her father in his cardsharping tricks, and even that she had gone abroad for excellent reasons, that it had been necessary to conceal the lamentable consequences
Chapter XV
It is lamentable that the defendant has to pay such a disastrous price to be an upright person.
The lamentable standard of their equipment is widely publicised.
I even helped to raise his public profile, describing his lamentable bedroom performance and cabbagey smells to my millions of readers in considerable detail.
Archive 2009-08-01
_Dust and ashes, dust and ashes_, echoes from the gray walls, the mouldering thatch of the _souks_, the long lamentable song of the blind beggars sitting in rows under the feet of the camels and asses.
In Morocco
The prisoner was now fastened by ropes to the thwarts of the boat; and when he saw himself irretrievably disparted from his countrymen, set up the most piercing and lamentable cries of distress.
The Settlement at Port Jackson
That apart, this lamentable lack of learning is also what the American schooling system cultivates.
It was a painting, impregnated with ancient mysticism, representing the figure of Jesus with eyes closed, forehead bloody, expression lamentable and dead; the head seemed to be cut off, separated from the body, and placed there on a gray linen cloth.
He did not understand this galoche having been the sign of a hosier, nor the purport of the earthenware cask -- a common cider-keg -- and, to be candid, the St. Peter was lamentable with his drunkard's physiognomy.
Bouvard and Pécuchet A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life
Look at it enough and it's actually quite laughable, rather than lamentable.
According to City & Guilds, a lamentable lack of even basic IT training is one of the main problems.
Last week's Hoon-Hewitt coup has been described as a lamentable failure. - Articles related to Gordon Brown's debt denial 'is worse than Nazi appeasement before WW2'
It's not everyone who has the lamentableness of a Sir John Evans.
The Book of the Damned
Once again, Danae's impregnation by gold is presented as a desirable rather than lamentable event in this comic context.
Aside from their palpable defensive frailties there was a lamentable lack of inspiration in midfield, whilst upfront John Sutton and Lovell mostly toiled in inglorious isolation.
In other words, the process of internationalism has to be protected even at the cost of lamentable practical results.
His remarks are utter balderdash from start to finish and illustrate the truly lamentable decline of science into ideological propaganda.
More recently, and particularly in our own Coinage, Heraldry and Art have declined together, so that feeble designs, but too commonly executed with lamentable consistency, are associated with heraldic inaccuracies which continue uncorrected to this day -- witness the _tressure of
The Handbook to English Heraldry
His speech was a lamentable effort - nothing about it was convincing, from the hammy acting to the misfired soundbites.
British manufacturing activity rose to its highest level in more than two years in December, buoyed by a sharp jump in new orders, a closely watched survey showed Last week's Hoon-Hewitt coup has been described as a lamentable failure. - Business News
Chirac's response to concerns about the safety and environmental implications of the tests, which he described as irrational, demonstrated a "lamentable lack of sensitivity", Beahan said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This is the more lamentable as the title of the book suggests a less blinkered approach.
And the prose was lamentable: a sex scene was said to involve "the disposings of accustomed practice, the preparations of purpose and consent, the familiar mute motions of furtherance," "moist manipulative reception" and "the mutual heat of pumped bloods" (an image Macdonald likened to "a Fortune description of an industrial process").
In Praise of Dispraise
a lamentable decision
Now the appeasement game does indeed seem to be working its way towards the inevitable - but still lamentable - conclusion.
This is a remarkable and lamentable failure of modern scholarship, and it exposes some surprising and unacceptable things about modern academic practice.
He had not forgiven the lamentable dereliction over the writers ' group.
The thing I find most noticeable about the tournament is the lamentable absence of anyone sporting the initials GB who might one day be good enough to mix it with the Williams sisters.
He also pointed out the damage always caused by internal friction in the nation's sports administration, describing as lamentable a situation where the ministry and the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) are always at loggerheads in the build-up to major competitions.
Thisday Online
It is lamentable that the officer failed to deal with the situation.
Volunteers of any kind are fast becoming a dying breed and this is a lamentable fact.
Peter Woit mentions a recent colloquium at Fermilab by Howard Georgi, in which Georgi discusses the lamentable under-representation of women in physics.
But that which was more lamentable, and of all sorowes most heavie to be borne, was that many of their children, by these occasions, and y "great licen - tiousnes of youth in y* - countrie, and y° manifold temp - tations of the place, were drawne away by evill examples into extravagante & dangerous courses, getting y" raines off their neks, & departing from their parents.
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
It seems to me to demonstrate only a lamentable lack of any informed thought in a matter which, however unimportant it may have seemed to the Bank, was and is of real importance to Mrs Burgess.
She pointed to what she called lamentable living standards and unbelievable corruption in this country that supplies the U.S. with crude oil.
Bomb Bid Throws Nigeria Into Terrorism Debate
These comments are not to make excuses for the lamentable behaviour of people who are spurred to acts of injudicious behaviour and sometimes gratuitous violence because they have taken too much alcohol.
Soderbergh has Clooney and wife relive many of their most difficult moments, the ups, downs, guilt trips, bad karma and lamentable interludes.
Their material and their execution were equally lamentable.
But that was 1995, a lamentable and hopefully forgettable year for him.
This is not resuscitation, it is a deliverance from adversity, whether it be sickness, or some other lamentable circumstance.
If those National members cannot get their heads around that now, it really shows the lamentable lack of intellect on that side of the Chamber.
There is a lamentable lack of comprehensive and accurate data concerning this process of debt creation.
Nevertheless, while I am on my high horse, I reckon that the abandonment of Standard Grades at their secondary schools is a rather lamentable idea.
Scottish rugby may still be a long way from this lamentable state of affairs but it could be argued that the warning signs are present.
The children were crying with hunger in lamentable fashion.
Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun
The very lamentable fact of the nation's interest in two talentless youngsters strangely makes their political apathy less lamentable.
Such are the written placards wafered up in the gentlemen’s dressing – room, or the green – room (where there is any), at a private theatre; and such are the sums extracted from the shop – till, or overcharged in the office expenditure, by the donkeys who are prevailed upon to pay for permission to exhibit their lamentable ignorance and boobyism on the stage of a private theatre.
Sketches by Boz
This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 1947.
Dr. Wu was a fugitive for many years, yes, after the lamentable scandal to which you refer.
The tale of what Jefferies' solicitor has called his client's "monstering" is a particularly lamentable one, but the full horror failed to come across.
They'd built Charlotte Church up, and felt they could knock her down | Sketch
His loss was all the more lamentable when that second leg ended scoreless and Ireland were left to ponder the harsh fact that a goal from Robbie Keane would have clinched a qualifying spot.
The decision to consign the handling of prison detainees to the private sector is just more substantiation of this lamentable shift.
Viewed as it stood in the reality, as he was and as it was, the enterprise, since it proved so unfortunate, may be called lamentable, but cannot be called unnatural.
Paras. 25-49
Perhaps the most lamentable lack of focus is in how much of a group's output is listed at the end of their entry: this of all things should be reliable if the average reader is going to build any trust in this venture.
Still, with a movie this special, having a good technical presentation provides some forgiving leeway for an otherwise lamentable lack of contextual material.
Sir William Gage, a former appeal court judge and chairman of the inquiry, last month castigated the MoD for "lamentable" delays in disclosing crucial information.
Baha Mousa inquiry: MoD pressed for full evidence on Iraq abuse
This would be a lamentable end for such an illustrious name and would bring no pleasure to anyone in Scotland.
The case of the latter was not without its pathos, from the deep contrition he expressed before his execution; the distressing interest which his mistress is said to have taken in his fate, and the lamentable delusion under which he laboured, which is more particularly unfolded in his confession, in the appendix marked (L.) *
Negro Plot. An Account of the Late Intended Insurrection among a Portion of the Blacks of the City of Charleston, South Carolina
Por otra parte, lamentablemente, a partir de pasado mañana van a empezar a aparecer en el tapete todos los graves problemas que tiene nuestro país, la mayoría de ellos por la imprevisión, por la falta de políticas, y la absoluta inoperancia del matrimonio gobernante.
Global Voices in English » Argentina: Kirchner Handed Defeat in Congressional Elections
I regret that in our own country there has been a lamentable lack of interest in our common European inheritance.