How To Use Lame In A Sentence
By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol.
American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
Assuming that 15 pound breaking strain line is used, an angler using monofilament might have to use a six or eight ounce sinker and use a 20 lb class rod to carry that sinker weight.
The brightly colored outfits may be made of either cotton or such dressy fabrics as velvet, satin, and lamé.
A damning indictment for a Paul Bartel film, Lust in the Dust is found guilty of being bland and lame.
The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war.
At Swim, Two Boys

The blame for this month's wet weather lies with the jet stream winds a few miles high.
Times, Sunday Times
Naa, Mr. Penrose, yo 'preachers talk abaat th' Cross, and it's o 'reet that yo' should; but yo 'cannot blame me for talkin' abaat my flute, con yo ', when it's bin my salvation?
Lancashire Idylls (1898)
We had engaged a very nice mare and stanhope, which we knew we could depend upon, when, the day before the race, the chestnut was declared lame, and not a presentable four-legged animal was to be hired in
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does.
I-claudius Diary Entry
‘If you've no wish to sell the charcoals,’ Rachel began, ‘I don't at all blame you.'
The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.
They therefore blame not the buddy system but political patronage for government inefficiency.
Though stiff-necked and officious, the commanders aren't demonized nor singled out for blame.
One consequence of epidemiological research into the contribution of lifestyle factors to cancer risk has been to blame the individual who develops cancer.
She also blames retention of green belt land for small houses and high prices.
Times, Sunday Times
So who is to blame -- hunters, wildlife managers, hikers, developers?
Pasolini clearly did not intend Salò as a late work, much as Mozart did not design his requiem as adumbrative lament.
The students come to handicuffs over it; they spill the wine, and it turns into flame.
The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
Local residents rushed to rescue dogs from the flames before fire engines arrived.
Times, Sunday Times
Minutes after they escaped, there was a fire flashover and the whole building went up in flames.
The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics.
Into the Den of Spies
To date, American Suzuki has received two reports of flame arrester screens detaching from the mounting ring.
Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
A catapult fired point-blank, and flames broke over the roiled water, but it was pointless.
Describing the species as "cocooned", Ferguson then lamented the present day "look at me" culture.
Sir Alex Ferguson: I'm in no mood for retiring at Manchester United
So return to him, O thou monk, and say that the single combat shall take place to morrow, for this day we have come off our journey and are aweary; but after rest neither reproach nor blame fear ye.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him.
Northern Rock - Pay staff a bonus with public cash.
Tell me, exactly what happens when the first C130 full of blokes cops a Manpad up it's jacksie and crash lands in flames?
Army Rumour Service
Throw the water over the flames.
In terms of its careful emphasis on surprise, artillery concentration, and methodical planning, Amiens pointed the way ahead to Alamein.
The crash has previously been blamed on technical faults and human error.
The Sun
Last week I lamented the lack of tries in our now defence-dominated game, what with the accent on specialist prevention coaching.
But the flames were beginning to burn him and the smoke was filling his head.
You can upgrade your already present cannon or purchase new weapon types including plasma bolts, lasers, flame-throwers and grenades.
The heat touched off the Hi-Thrust which burst in a needle flame from the petcock.
The Stars My Destination
In experiments that test the effect of actin, cells were incubated for 30 min before experiments in medium containing 20 M cytochalasin D to disrupt actin filaments.
Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
When asked who was to blame for all the possessed girls she responded, ‘The devil for aught I know.’
For both conservatives and revisionists, revolutionary violence cannot be blamed on the revolution's opponents.
In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame.
Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit.
Solicitors taking a confrontational approach can often inflame the situation rather than calm it.
Why Am I Afraid to Divorce?
At least when you are home you can sit in your own Cadillacs for hours in the rush traffic and pollute the air as much you like, destroying the ozone layer and blame it on us smokers.
Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
The investigation into the air crash would inevitably apportion blame to certain members of the crew.
It was for them a blameless activity, and involved a charming motif of the new art.
Times, Sunday Times
If you follow my diet, you may not lose weight but, darn it, you can always blame it on someone or something else.
Surely, no flame of piety, idealism, or self-sacrifice could burn in the cold hearts of its citizens.
They are now more likely to call a product obstreperous than blame themselves for their ineptitude.
Just as the Olympic flame is about to reach Hong Kong and mainland China, the Guangdong province police have recently uncovered a case in which a cheap-rate factory in Guangdong was filling out orders by overseas Tibet splittist organizations to manufacture the snow-mountain-lion flags of Free Tibet.
The Jawa Report
It's the coalition forces who are to blame for the continuation of the war.
The fire flamed out when the wind blew again.
The chytrid fungus is thought to be to blame.
Times, Sunday Times
To further clarify: I used my flame-thrower to repel representative Jason Chaffetz when I ran into him at the local Orem, UT Rudfuckers.
Stuff We Did This Weekend
The fear rose as the flames were rekindled and leapt higher… and the impulse to fight took over when Mhyra reached for Tovon.
THE next time you suffer toothache or throbbing back pain, blame it on evolution.
The Sun
When she returned she redressed her hair, drawing it back across her ears, put in at a provocative angle a fan-like carved shell comb, and twisted a shawl of flame-colored silk -- it was a manton, she instructed him -- about her shoulders.
Firefighters fought the flames throughout the night despite the strong gusts and torrential rain.
It communicates with the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic and the abducent nerves, and with the ciliary ganglion, and distributes filaments to the wall of the internal carotid artery.
IX. Neurology. 7a. The Cephalic Portion of the Sympathetic System
Labor Party leaders have denounced the talk as an attempt by the right to escape indirect blame for the assassination.
The flames still lifted from the hippies "log fire, but they were asleep in their shanties and lean-to huts.
Miss H. B.'s eight guns would chatter and a Nazi "flamer" would go twisting and tumbling to earth.
The HurricaneStory
This is not to say that any one group of conservatives are strictly to blame.
The flame was glorious - radiant with the colours of antique knighthood and the flashing gallantries of the past; but no substance fed it; flaring wildly, it tossed to and fro in the wind; it was suddenly put out.
Using her pole as a staff, her temporarily lamed left hand useless at her side, she turned, beginning her hunt for the tricky sorceress and a place to camp once more.
On myself, I use small monofilament fishing line and slip a half-hitch up close to the skin.
What is the best way to remove a tick?
Well, she's stuck in this rat trap now, so I can't say I blame her.
He's inflamed her heart, but now he is rolling out of town.
The blame rests with successive weak and myopic Cong govts whose stupid policies destroyed the economy, leaving India pauperized, unable to help anyone as she herself was abegging for aid.
India vs China SnapShot
He called the PM a failed leader and tried to partly blame him for the fiasco over failure to deport foreign prisoners.
The Sun
The government has been widely blamed for the crisis.
Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress--or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict.
However, there was no sign of desperately needed rain and a westerly roared in from Australia's arid outback, fanning flames and scattering red hot embers to start new blazes.
Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas.
Act Three ends powerfully, with the village in flames, good Soviet citizens hanging by their necks, and keening women, including one who is given a ‘mad scene’ of sorts.
It kinks, detaches itself from actin, unkinks, and reattaches, and thereby ratchets along the actin filament in a series of power strokes.
An ineffective flu jab given to millions of elderly people last year has been blamed for a record number of deaths over the winter.
Times, Sunday Times
Looking out the window, I can see an orange flame of whimsical light skimming the horizon, and hues of blue to grey look down benignly from above.
It is not yet clear if the architects or builders are to blame.
The Sun
The moths swarm together for a moment, then disappear like candle flames going out.
A persistent theme among people writing about the social aspects of weblogging is to note (and usually lament) the rise of an A-list, a small set of webloggers who account for a majority of the traffic in the weblog world ...
Boing Boing: February 9, 2003 - February 15, 2003 Archives
To a soundtrack of cooking tips, paedophilia newsflashes and outtakes from the film Brief Encounter, she tries to seduce a stuffed tiger, intercutting her swaying flamenco with mad, petulant little flounces.
Alonzo King Lines Ballet; Retina dance company, Collisions, Juliet Aster
The banner is the Horned Shield on a flame-colored background with buckskin fringe.
No doubt Mr Mutley is well aquatinted with the way dogs mate, having mounted the lady dog the chap dog turns around and then they commence to perform the filthy act facing away from each other, having smelt pedigree chum on a dogs breath I cant say that I blame them.
Double Jeopardy
Having experienced spells of acute water scarcity at periodic intervals, people do lament over the waste of the precious resource in such times.
Perhaps because most of the cast is made up of relative no-names, we shouldn't expect the caliber of their talent to be very high, but more of the blame for the poor performances can be laid at the director's feet.
These intermediate filaments run in parallel along the axon and occupy a large fraction of the axoplasmic volume.
Don't think you can blame them for seizing contol except I do not think you can blame them for being tired of being used by the remainder of the Republican Party in the North and West for 40 years.
Vitter defends Southern influence in GOP, slams Voinovich
Seriously though, Rufus knew that the problems commonly blamed on rye occur when the grain is moldy and has ergot, so he was careful never to buy moldy rye.
Optus blamed "lower usage and rates for international inpayment traffic.
ITnews Australia
One time, not too long ago, I saw a line of lame dancers unable to participate in class, sitting on the sidelines, questioning when they would return to dance.
The obvious thing to do would be to find a scapegoat, so they blame it on the bugs.
Within seconds, the classroom was ablaze and flames began licking towards the roof and windows.
The firewood, soaked in oil, blazed up immediately, and his boat became a beacon of flame, drifting downstream towards Lake Tallian.
Woodrow and Aiden Tyler Dawson are childhood friends whose aimlessness in day-to-day life is matched only by their passion for building flame-spewing machinery to "prepare for the apocalypse.
Farihah Zaman: SXSW 2011 Dispatch Two: Coming of Age to a Theater Near You
The boy entering the room about that time lifted such a protest that a "Vergil" and a "Cicero" were recovered from the flames, but the other books, including some good original manuscript, went up in smoke.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 13 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers
Thylakoids of grana stacks are mostly abundant in PSII complexes, while PSI complexes are predominant in stroma lamellae.
And Obama was taken back when there was an outcry over his lamebrain ideal and he criticized the vets for not being patriotic. 2012 can't come soon enough!
Obama shifts focus to Iraq, Afghanistan wars
Although it is established that TMR-actin alone is polymerization incompetent, the impact of its copolymerization with unlabeled actin on filament structure and dynamics has not been tested yet.
She will blame the couple's very different social backgrounds for the differences that eventually led to the collapse of their marriage.
Some are herbivores, grazing on the filamentous algae covering coral reefs, and a few eat seagrasses and algae on reef flats.
He blames the impression held by many that they can negotiate better prices at the large new dealerships in Murfreesboro.
They were an orange flame colour with an outer ring that glowed.
The Sun
This was partly because of mismanagement, but limp demand was also to blame.
Times, Sunday Times
Heaping blame on each other between the police and the Lusaka City Council over the issue of the Lusaka street vendors is uncalled for and totally unnecessary.
Foul drinking water was blamed for the epidemic.
If an accident happens as a consequence, they will know who to blame.
Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks.
The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome.
But the most haunting of all the melodies is the warbling laughter of the Tulameen; its delicate note is far more powerful, more far-reaching than the throaty thunders of Niagara.
Legends of Vancouver
With a ‘whoosh’, the dried wood and grasses caught fire, and the flames licked around the pyre.
Mugabe has blamed his country's woes on former coloniser Britain and other Western nations.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The enemy rained down explosives and incendiary bombs and then dumped barrels of oil onto the flames.
However, the tubes may contain multiple virions, or capsids, like peas in a pod, or the linear arrangement of spores in neurospora filaments.
Suddenly there was a big wave of flame coming across the garden towards me, a massive fireball.
Times, Sunday Times
Treatment may vary from rest and splints for acutely inflamed joints, to medications that can reduce inflammation.
He did not like the question but you cannot blame fans for getting carried away bearing in mind the way they are playing.
The Sun
Steve Sailer has been way ahead of you in heaping blame on Bush.
Matthew Yglesias » On So-Called “Irresponsible” Borrowers
In the early development of flamenco, the rhythm work was done in bare feet, so for me, the footwork is somewhat comparable to American Indian dance.
The cast does its adequate best - you can't blame the players for occasionally fumbling such leaden material.
With a foul bottom we're only making 5 knots and I can't turn quickly enough, so we do a flying gybe, break a spreader on the main, almost throw the guests overboard, lose some cushions, douse sails, and tuck into Lameshur Bay, St. John.
Hey, d' you hear about the fire-eater who couldn't go anywhere without meeting an old flame?
A fire boat took ten minutes to douse the flames.
The Sun
Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.
Besides, the aragonitic shell is made up of two oriented layers: an irregular spherulitic prismatic layer and a fine complex crossed lamellar layer.
Other government plans to make all nurses take out indemnity insurance could worsen the blame culture, NT says.
Times, Sunday Times
The second year went up in the flames of a deeply flawed health-care reform.
Educators blame the lack of interest or knowledge of civics on several things, including grade inflation, overemphasis of test scores, and failure to teach the relevance of the Constitution.
The cheque took 11 days to arrive and the letter blamed human error for the delay in sending a replacement.
Times, Sunday Times
Usually they are painless and only cause lameness under certain conditions, as when they begin to develop themselves under the stimulus of inflammatory action, or when large enough to interfere with the functions of the tendons, or again when they have undergone certain pathological changes, such as calcification, which is among their tendencies.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Thai press reports say government investigators have reached an initial finding that pilot error was to blame.
Times, Sunday Times
I cannot accept that he is to blame.
When oxygen is supplied to a flame it burns faster; the same thing happens to our body when we walk aerobically.
When the iris of the eye becomes infected and inflamed, a painful condition called iritis can develop.
EHow - Health How To's
It blames increased use of pesticides and fertilisers, habitat destruction, loss of mixed farms and changes to sowing patterns.
Times, Sunday Times
I began to panic, terrified that the car would burst into flames and I wouldn't be able to escape.
He got to wear his lovely yellow silk gown—the one he wore as Juliet he fretted over the tear in the sleeve and blames Becka, naturally.
Exit the Actress
He pictured it as a liquid fiery ball, constantly dripping flames into no particular direction due to lack of gravity.
The less attention received by U.S. officials and policy, the less blame Chávez can off-load on Washington, and the less he can claim that America poses a threat.
Doug Bandow: Defusing Venezuela's Nuclear Threat?
After two spectacular flameouts in two decades, it looked as if the company's antidiabetes program was finished.
It would be absurd to blame Aristotle for his conceptual poverty: poverty is a lack, not a failing.
Add the cognac and flame it, then add the wine and the sofrito.
Times, Sunday Times
Lamentations" (2007) is estimated at £6,000-£8,000.
An Emerging Art Market: Turkish Contemporary
interred in an unlamented grave
Soka loma lameh, on the floor, limbs twisted, moda kadem simoda hada, eyes rolled back, soka loma kameh hada, mouth open wide.
Dredge beef in flour and brown in batches in oil over high heat in a flameproof casserole.
A couple more flicks of the switch adjust the flame height and heat output.
Upon this occasion I particularly lamented that he had not that warmth of friendship for his brilliant pupil, which we may suppose would have had a benignant effect on both.
Kleiber even goes so far as to move the last act's entr'acte right into the middle of the choruses which open that act, providing the flamenco dancers with another opportunity to strut their stuff.
Anders believes those psychic perks were partly to blame for the occasional criticism he received from other defense executives.
Fires lighted at intervals formed a girdle of flame round the base of the mountain, so that when darkness fell, Maunganamu appeared to rise out of a great brasier, and to hide its head in the thick darkness.
In Search of the Castaways
Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.
So brace yourselves for more lame jokes, folks.
Times, Sunday Times
Without the protection of the eyelid, the inside of the eyelid and the surface of your eye may become dry, irritated and inflamed.
‘The principal and his henchmen blamed us for fermenting trouble and putting dangerous ideas in the heads of young people,’ he says.
I am inclined to agree with Sanders that the Federal Reserve showed poor leadership as the economic mess we're in unfolded, But I think Greenspan is much more to blame for the whole mess than Bernanke.
Early fireworks in Bernanke confirmation drama
Nay, do not blame him; he cannot help _not_ loving me, no more than I can help _loving_ him.
Nature and Art
Elsewhere the drinkers sat in darkness, an umbrous gloom through which the orange flame of an occasional candle started.
We do need to finally lay the dead to rest, to accept that mistakes were made that cannot be unmade, and to accept that the ‘blame game’ at this point in our history would be a futile exercise.
Airs of bygone times accompany farandoles around the flames over which the boldest leap with a single bound.
Instead, all the clifty defiles of the ranges were filled with the roar of flames and the crackling of burning timbers as town after town was given to the firebrand, and the homeless, helpless Cherokees frantically fleeing to the densest coverts of the wilderness, -- that powerful truculent tribe!
The Frontiersmen
Every department blames the other and no one accepts responsibility.
Tech companies blame the sharp downturn in their industry for the big write-offs.
An olive grove is alight, fire spreading in the dry heat, and the hillside is consumed by flames.
Times, Sunday Times
It turns out he had inflamed joints in his lower back.
Flames, smoke and flare of laser sightings distorts the VT from the cams.
NaNoWriMo Post 1: Talos’ Story « The Graveyard
The tale of the Fisher King involves a king who is lame in one leg (a euphemism for impotency) which in turn causes the land to become barren (infertile).
The attitude of the local council is lamentable in not grasping this opportunity with both hands.
He put his gittern into the stand by touch and knelt to blow the fire to flame.
Surely the blame rests squarely with Sir Ralph?
The flames were already licking through the panels with a fierce urgency that was terrifying to see.
The three visiting prime ministers also met with their Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who blamed Ukraine for failure to honor a multilateral agreement to resume shipment of gas to Europe.
He laments the passing of the tradition of European genre filmmaking.
Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
Even the enthusiastic and gleeful performances can't compensate for the utter lameness of it all.
The accident made him lame in the left leg.
US Airways blamed a record number of employee sick-outs for the problem.
The pain shot through like a red flame of fire.
The Sun
Animals civilise a building, and it is a pity that Mrs Blair, no cat-lover, was blamed for the dismissal of Humphrey, a dignified and sagacious mouser.
The air split, smoke and flame grew, the bullet slammed into the crater wall and sprayed Callaghan with mud.
Witnesses spoke of a great ball of flame.
A flaring sunset touches the trees with colours of flame and molten copper; reddens even the bullrushes and the ropes of ivy which drift, among their own reflections, in the river.
We shouldn't blame, laugh at and envy anyone. We should be colorful in the sunshine, run in the winds and rains, dream your own dreams and go your own way.
The microstructure of these long filaments of papillary horn is very similar in its dermal-epidermal interdigitation to that of baleen in whales.
Stuffed into the neck of the bottle was a flame engulfed rag, blazing brightly.
For example, microcrystalline pyrite is ubiquitous on the inner surface of cell walls, within lignified cell walls and in the middle lamella.
Most of the city was aflame, and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs.
Her face flamed with excitement.
The ancients told those stories around the camp fires and those stories grew by the flame enkindled in the hearer's hearts; transforming them into story tellers too.
Happy Valentines Day, -XOX, The New Body of Christ:
That she blames Bliss is clear from her calling her older daughter a "worthless miscreation".
This smoke or flame, perhaps, would be the better word for it was so bright that the deep blue sky overhead and the hazy stretches of brown common towards Chertsey, set with black pine trees, seemed to darken abruptly as these puffs arose, and to remain the darker after their dispersal.
The War of The Worlds
Don't blame me - it's not my fault.
To blame their youth, however, is to question the gimmick: two dewy adolescent Russians adding a lesbian jolt to teen pop's fading schoolgirl fantasies.
He was afire with every kind of sorrow, lamentation and despair.
For loudly booing when the blameless singers and the faultless musicians were doing their best?
Times, Sunday Times
Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress--or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict.
There was lamentation throughout the land at news of the defeat.
Thackeray said the BJP had touched the pinnacle of success under Vajpayee's leadership and lamented that some ambitious leaders in the party were eyeing his place.
The kiln is stoked initially with wood until the brick kiln is trembling from the heat and the flames.
Times, Sunday Times
The astrocytes will stain with glial fibrillary acid protein, the oligodendroglia - like cells with S100 but not with glial fibrillary acid protein, and the neurons with synaptophysin and/or neurofilament.
I saw a picture not long since, in Edinburgh, copied from an engraving in Boydell's Shakspeare; subject, -- "Lear (and suite) in the storm," but coloured according to the imagination and taste of the artist; its name ought assuredly to have been _Redcap and the blue-devils_, for the venerable and lamented monarch had fine streaming locks of the real _carrot hue_, whilst his very hideous companions showed _blue_ faces, and blue armour; and with their strangely contorted bodies seemed meet representatives of some of the infernal court.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 341, November 15, 1828