How To Use Laird In A Sentence

  • This our last answer we send unto hir with the Lord Ruthven and Laird of Pittarrow; requiring of hir Grace, in plane wordis, to signifie unto us what houpe we myeht have of hir favouris toward the outsetting of religioun. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • ` ` The shirra sent for his clerk, and as the lad is rather light o the tongue, I fand it was for drawing a warrant to apprehend you --- I thought it had been on a fugie warrant for debt; for a 'body kens the laird likes naebody to pit his hand in his pouch --- But now I may haud my tongue, for I see the M ` Intyre lad and Mr. Lesley coming up, and I guess that The Antiquary
  • ` ` Na, Laird, '' Jeanie replied, endeavouring as much as she could to express herself with composure, notwithstanding she still trembled, ` ` I canna gang in --- I have a lang day's darg afore me --- I maun be twenty mile o 'gate the night yet, if feet will carry me.' ' The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • At the church gates is the historical _jougs_, a place of penance for the neck of detected sinners, and the historical _louping-on stane_, from which Dutch-built lairds and farmers climbed into the saddle. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 1 (of 25)
  • With such discourse, and the intervening topics of business, the time passed until dinner, Macwheeble meanwhile promising to devise some mode of introducing Edward at the Duchran, where Rose at present resided, without risk of danger or suspicion; which seemed no very easy task, since the laird was a very zealous friend to government. Waverley
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  • It's sair eneuch, laird, whan we hae to gang at the Lord's call, but whan the messenger comes frae the laich yett (low gate), we maun jist lat gang an 'forget. Warlock o' Glenwarlock
  • The enduring mythology of the Highland Clearances in which reluctant emigrants were thrown aboard cattle boats and sent on horrific transatlantic crossings by evil lairds has been shattered in a new study.
  • “I told the laird this morn that if he truly wished to see ye married, then the less chaperonage ye had, the better.” Much Ado About Marriage
  • Whilst many lairds ' houses have survived, Stevenson House is particularly noteworthy as very few buildings of this type and calibre have survived.
  • Yon's twa weavers and a mason cursing the laird, and the man wi 'the besom is the Master of Crumnathie. The Little Minister
  • The series, so very loosely based on the Eastman and Laird comic book creation, spawned a cornucopia of merchandise, some feature films, and a live action TV show.
  • The former leader of Scotland's lairds is selling about 500 acres of his Brucklay Estate in countryside west of Peterhead, along with 10 tenant houses, farmland, a lake and the ruins of a castle.
  • I'm looking about the country-side and I see but a horde of lameter privatemen and half-pay officers maimed in limb or mind sitting about the dram bottle, hoved up with their vain-glory, blustering and blowing, instead of being honest, eident lairds and farmers. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • To a bleary-eyed child after a night at sea with the Burns Laird line, the noise of the Belfast men at work seemed deafening.
  • Indeed, ye'll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o 'the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird's room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • a cotter is a thief; he that lifts a drove from a Sassenach laird is a gentleman-drover. The Waverley
  • The main spiral staircase turns the ‘wrong ‘way because one of the original lairds, John Graham of Duchray, was left-handed.’
  • I fear me, this man of violence, whom they call the laird, will execute these his threats, which cannot be without both loss and danger to my brother. ' Redgauntlet
  • Imagined revenge for the Clearances and the totem abolition of private lairdship is the prevailing fantasy on The Mound.
  • For her father, however stouthearted and independent in civil and religious principles, was not without that respect for the laird of the land, so deeply imprinted on the Scottish tenantry of the period. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • First, however, the present possessor of this authority was more pleased in talking about prerogative than in exercising it; and excepting that he imprisoned two poachers in the dungeon of the old tower of Tully-Veolan, where they were sorely frightened by ghosts, and almost eaten by rats, and that he set an old woman in the jougs (or Scottish pillory) for saying 'there were mair fules in the laird's ha' house than Davie Waverley
  • This was a mistake, for Lord John would have considered himself quite as free to attempt a flirtation with Drumcarro's daughter in Argyllshire as in London, and with as little intention of any serious result, the daughter of a poor laird however high in descent, being as entirely below the level of the Duke's son as the mantua-maker. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • What most people seem to really want is a kind and benevolent laird with a can-do attitude and deep pockets.
  • A fortunate few have previously negotiated conversion from lease to proper title with the former laird for just the cost of the legal expenses.
  • “I ken yer upset, dearling, but yer bound to respect the decision of yer laird.” Healing the Highlander
  • This latter personage was first summoned to the apartment of the Laird, where, after some short space, the soul-curer and the body-curer were invited to join him. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • I fancy, that, when he sat at the laird's table, (Sir Walter's,) and called the laird's lady by her baptismal name, and -- not abashed in any presence -- uttered his Gaelic gibes for the wonderment of London guests, -- that he thought far more of himself than the world has ever been inclined to think of him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap, that it was nane o’ the Auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the Laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the Major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the Laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the Laird himsell, if no better. Wandering Willie’s Tale
  • But it is getting ever harder to take his lairdship seriously.
  • The Forestry Commission has given a Highland laird £2m to plant 2.5 million trees and create Scotland's largest native forest.
  • Laird and a member of his staff were outside with a customer's car, when sudden, heavy rain and harsh winds upsweeping dirt caused them to push the car inside the garage.
  • When a laird and his wife swapped their Perthshire castle for a tiny Italian farmhouse they were meant to be downshifting on a dramatic scale.
  • However, it also saw one of the last great racing biplanes take to the pylons - the Laird Super Solution.
  • To-night he would birl the bottle with Templandmuir as usual, till the fuddled laird should think himself a fine big fellow as being the intimate of John Gourlay -- and then, sober as a judge himself, he would drive him home in the small hours. The House with the Green Shutters
  • So that, were I undertaking to discipline such a breechless mob, it were impossible for me to be understood; and if I were understood, judge ye, my lord, what chance I had of being obeyed among a band of half salvages, who are accustomed to pay to their own lairds and chiefs, allenarly, that respect and obedience whilk ought to be paid to commissionate officers. A Legend of Montrose
  • The tight-fisted laird intends to profit from his marriageable son and daughter, but his children have ideas of their own.
  • So prepare for the Laird's party and birthday surprise with the people of the island, and watch as this renowned theatre company work their magic on a well-known story.
  • Do you warrant me free of scaith?" asked the young laird. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Like the rest of the Highlands and Islands, Skye suffered during the mid-19th century from the Clearances, when unscrupulous lairds forced crofters out of their homes and off the land to make way for sheep.
  • But the change was also supposed to benefit the tenant as well, by letting him work to pay his laird rather than fight for him. THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
  • The tears were rinnin 'doon frae her e'e (2x) "Whit news, whit news?" the Laird he cried Jock o' the Side
  • Except in the laird and Fergus and the gamekeeper, he had not, since fleeing from Lucky Croale's houff, seen a trace of unreasonable anger in any one he knew. Sir Gibbie
  • Of course our shipwrecked friend had to retail his story to the woman, and then learned from her that the island was a very large one, with a name unpronounceable by English lips, that it was very thinly inhabited, that it consisted almost entirely of pasture land, and that "the laird" owned a large portion of it, including the little fishing village of The Eagle Cliff
  • C Gerald Laird (left shin contusion) was injured May 4, and he hasn't played since. Detroit Tigers Team Report
  • Aweel, on this fair day, Margaret the maid, the sister of Hugh, had craked and craked to be seeing the beasts and the ferlies, and her mother, the Lady, and her father, the Laird, were sore against it. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • I fancy I had been making queer faces enough, and perhaps talking to myself, When I saw myself used in this manner, I held out my clenched fists straight before me, stooped my head, and, like a ram when be makes his race, darted off right down the street, scattering groups of weatherbeaten lairds and periwigged burgesses, and bearing down all before me. Redgauntlet
  • Indeed, ye'll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o 'the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird's room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • April 6th, 2009 5: 31pm stanley just an afterthought, wouldnt it be fun to put carl in a jar with onion skins until he got a tan and cover the laird in shmaltz so that he could grease up and down the walls of Glasgow university like a lump of lard, but tasting so much better. stanley Jerusalem On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Of course having pots of money is a much easier route to lairdship.
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o’ the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • Once home to the laird's livestock, the vault now houses a laundry room, albeit one with flagstone floors and low stone lintels.
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap, that it was nane o’ the Auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the Laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the Major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the Laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the Laird himsell, if no better. Wandering Willie’s Tale
  • Mr Laird became the go-between in the negotiations that led to Ms deVere's redundancy package.
  • Headlines at the time described a £15. 3m legacy - a lairdly sum, perhaps - but £8. 1m of that was tied up in the castle and surrounding estate, and a further £4. 6m in contents. Undefined
  • But I say that this fellow the laird is a firebrand in the country; that he is stirring up all the honest fellows who should be drinking their brandy quietly, by telling them stories about their ancestors and the Forty-five; and that he is trying to turn all waters into his own mill-dam, and to set his sails to all winds. Redgauntlet
  • The laird is a strange body and has not a very good name in these parts, but my son had had businessdealings with him and invited him to stay a couple of nights to finish discussing the details. My Bones Will Keep
  • The tight-fisted laird intends to profit from his marriageable son and daughter, but his children have ideas of their own.
  • Most large old estates have a surplus of properties - a throwback to the days when the laird would have an army of servants.
  • In 1427, James I of Scotland passed an Act requiring all lairds to seek out and destroy wolves.
  • I can see some northern laird welcoming you in his chambers, but your mother might have found more toilsome labor to meet the cost. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • He marched around the aerodrome brandishing it like a laird striding through the heather. Bomber
  • Dougal was glad to see Steenie, and brought him into the great oak parlour, and there sat the laird his leesome lane, excepting that he had beside him a great, ill-favoured jackanape, that was Redgauntlet
  • Then came a career switch to stand-up comedy, TV acting, movie roles and, finally, the lairdship of Candacraig.
  • The Author has been flattered by the assurance, that this naive mode of recommending arboriculture (which was actually delivered in these very words by a Highland laird, while on his death-bed, to his son) had so much weight with a Scottish earl as to lead to his planting The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • ‘Hout fye — hout fye — all nonsense and pride,’ said the Laird of Summertrees. Redgauntlet
  • – the laird is about the house: and I am feared he will make some stramash when he sees ye. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • I fand it was for drawing a warrant to apprehend you -- I thought it had been on a _fugie_ warrant for debt; for a 'body kens the laird likes naebody to pit his hand in his pouch -- But now I may haud my tongue, for I see the M'Intyre lad and Mr. Lesley coming up, and I guess that The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • Lairds routinely burned down the houses and seized the livestock of tenants who displeased them. THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
  • His big election idea is to persuade Highland lairds owning more than 5000 acres to part with 10 acres of land for housing to benefit surrounding local communities.
  • When the present Laird of Strowan negotiated at a high price the purchase of this piece of land, he received with "the bellman's pendicle" the bell itself as the charter of the feu lands, and as custodier of all rights of the same. Chronicles of Strathearn
  • Hennessy and Scott Laird both broke the line on separate occasions but poor passing and knock-ons meant the moves were not completed.
  • I've kept auld Doom in times o 'rowth and splendour, and noo I'm spared to see't rouped, the laird a dyvour and a nameless wanderer ower the face o' the earth. Doom Castle
  • Pete Astor and Wendy spent an enjoyable day looking over the new laird's estate and spent the night at the pub as honoured guests.
  • As a result the clan stalwart and laird was tried by a jury of Campbells and, not surprisingly, was convicted as an accessory to the murder.
  • So that, were I undertaking to discipline such a breechless mob, it were impossible for me to be understood; and if I were understood, judge ye, my lord, what chance I had of being obeyed among a band of half salvages, who are accustomed to pay to their own lairds and chiefs, allenarly, that respect and obedience whilk ought to be paid to commissionate officers. A Legend of Montrose
  • Lachlan Balmoral is laird of his clan-and leader of his pack. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Anderson's review uncovered the fact that many 99-year ground rent leases granted by the previous laird had not been properly converted to full title when the houses that stood upon the land were sold.
  • The most striking of these is the dominance of the landed orders, the nobility and those representatives of the nobilitas minor who were known as gentry in England and Wales or lairds in Scotland.
  • The vaults of the old Laird’s cellar had not, even in his own day, been replenished with more excellent wines; the only difficulty was to prevail on Meg to look for the precise liquor you chose; — to which it may be added, that she often became restiff when she thought a company had had “as much as did them good,” and refused to furnish any more supplies. Saint Ronan's Well
  • 'O troth, Laird,' continued Meg, during this by-talk, 'it's but to the like o' you ane can open their heart; ye see, they say Dunbog is nae mair a gentleman than the blunker that's biggit the bonnie house down in the howm. Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Complete
  • When told by his factor some years ago that sex and dancing reels might go hand in glove, an elderly Highland laird was much moved by the nobility of the concept for he was a devotee of both activities.
  • Whenever the local lairds tried to graze their beasts on the Selkirk commons hundreds of folk would turn out to drive them off.
  • And so, with the assistance of Jenny, ten pails of milk from the dairy shed, three chickens caught from the coop, and four dozen large leeks from the kailyard, I presided over the preparation of cock-a-leekie soup and roasted potatoes for the laird and tenants of Lallybroch. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Being told to provide supper for the laird of Bucklaw, he pretended that there were fat capon and good store in plenty, but all he could produce was "the hinder end of a mutton ham that had been three times on the table already, and the heel of a ewe-milk kebbuck [_cheese_]" (ch. vii.). Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • The study - the first of its kind for 25 years, found that two thirds of lairds were absentee landowners.
  • You usually don't have the freedom to do with the property as you want, but we have a laird who has let us get on with it.
  • Settlers under these lords, who were known as patroons -- a term synonymous with the Scottish "laird" and the Swedish "patroon" -- were to be exempt for ten years from the payment of taxes and tribute for the support of the colonial government, and for the same period every man, woman and child was bound not to leave the service of the patroon without his written consent. The Land We Live In The Story of Our Country
  • Aye, but the laird is the laird," said a more cautious one. A Place Called Freedom
  • By the later 1930s, she and Tony were growing apart: he had become the heir to a Scottish lairdship, on the death of his uncle, and wanted more of the country life of big houses, entertaining, and shooting.
  • The vaults of the old Laird's cellar had not, even in his own day, been replenished with more excellent wines; the only difficulty was to prevail on Meg to look for the precise liquor you chose; -- to which it may be added, that she often became restiff when she thought a company had had "as much as did them good," and refused to furnish any more supplies. St. Ronan's Well
  • Where the worthy Lord Hume fought on foot with his pike in his hand very manfully, assisted by the Laird of Cessford, his brother-inlaw, who helped him up again when he was strucken to the ground by many strokes upon his face, through the throwing pistols at him after they had been discharged. The Abbot
  • For dessert, cranachan (made from porridge oats, double cream, whisky and honey) or Typsy Laird (sherry trifle) are customary.
  • Even the minister was chosen by the congregation's consistory of elected elders, instead of by some powerful aristocrat or laird. THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
  • Then along came the man she thought she would be spending the rest of her life with, dashing Scottish laird Archie Stirling.
  • Your laird should be the only man to touch your hair. Ransom
  • Mohamed Al-Fayed, owner of Harrods, is the laird of Balnagown Estate in Ross-shire, while actress Penelope Keith has a home in the Black Isle.
  • The cook always felt that the butler might be on better terms with the laird and his wife than she was -- and vice versa. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • The eviction of a Rousay man in the 1880s by the former laird of the Trumland Estate, General Burroughs, has been commemorated by a stone plaque at the entrance to his family's croft.
  • Every year the men used to ride out along the boundaries of the land owned by the towns just to make sure that they were intact; that none of it had been settled on by squatters or enclosed by the local lairds.
  • Jamie Holmes and Stewart Jones ensured that Cammell Laird Reserves stayed well in the title frame as they romped to a 5-0 triumph over Blacon YC. IcLiverpool
  • Like James the First, however, the present possessor of this authority was more pleased in talking about prerogative than in exercising it; and excepting that he imprisoned two poachers in the dungeon of the old tower of Tully-Veolan, where they were sorely frightened by ghosts, and almost eaten by rats, and that he set an old woman in the jougs (or Scottish pillory) for saying 'there were mair fules in the laird's ha' house than Davie Waverley — Volume 1
  • The power and performance level that Laird has brought into the sport of surfing is unparalleled.
  • Every year the men used to ride out along the boundaries of the land owned by the towns just to make sure that they were intact; that none of it had been settled on by squatters or enclosed by the local lairds.
  • His portrait is one of a series of some 30 portraits of members of Clan Grant commissioned from Richard Waitt by the lairds of Grant between 1713 and 1726.
  • And noo I am thinking ye'll een let the puir mon in the dock just gae free; and pit my laird, his greece, the nubble duk ', intil the prisoner's place. The Lost Lady of Lone
  • The laird was a woman, Lady Hallim, a widow with a daughter. A Place Called Freedom
  • Unlike some Scottish lairds, he is not rich. Times, Sunday Times
  • ` ` And I'll be his second, 'said Simon of Hackburn, ` ` and take up ony twa o ye, gentle or semple, laird or loon; it's a' ane to Simon. '' The Black Dwarf
  • ‘It can write and spell baith in right hands,’ answered the provost, as the laird retired and shut the door behind him. Redgauntlet
  • When the door suddenly opened, the Laird MacCallum looked awfully angry as he stalked quickly out down the hall.
  • The Scots word ‘laird’ is a shortened form of ‘laverd’, an older Scots word deriving from an Anglo-Saxon term meaning lord.
  • 'For the young laird -- a feckless, ugsome, sickly wean he was, puir laddie -- a knight cam by, an' behoved to take him to the King. The Caged Lion
  • “Oh, weel eneugh, weel eneugh — sometimes he will fling in a lang word or a bit of learning that our farmers and bannet lairds canna sae weel follow — But what of that, as I am aye telling them? — them that pay stipend get aye the mair for their siller.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • Like James the first, however, the present possessor of this authority was more pleased in talking about prerogative than in exercising it; and, excepting that he imprisoned two poachers in the dungeon of the old tower of Tully-Veolan, where they were sorely frightened by ghosts, and almost eaten by rats, and that he set an old woman in the jougs (or Scottish pillory) for saying ` ` there were mair fules in the laird's ha 'house than Davie Gellatley,' ' The Waverley
  • What is the attitude of many private colleges toward merit aid, according to David Laird?
  • I’ll watch for a while, and see that naebody meddles wi’ the grave — it’s only saying the laird’s forbade it — then get my bit supper frae Ringan the poinder up by, and leave to sleep in his barn; and I’ll slip out at night, and neer be mist.” The Antiquary
  • He uttered one commonplace concerning his father's death, and never alluded to it again; behaved in a dignified, recognizant manner to the laird, as to an inferior to whom he was under more obligation than he saw how to wipe out; and, after the snub with which he met the boy's friendly approach, took no farther notice of Cosmo. Warlock o' Glenwarlock
  • Old ladies of family over their hyson, and grey-haired lairds over their punch, I had often heard utter a little harmless treason; while the former remembered having led down a dance with the Chevalier, and the latter recounted the feats they had performed at Preston, Clifton, and Falkirk. Redgauntlet
  • He was now an author of world renown, a baronet, the friend of kings and princes and since 1821, Laird of Abbotsford, his new country seat in the Borders.
  • Mr. Laird further states that if any person has "importuned" the American Navy Department in behalf of his firm, he has done so without any authority. In the Course of a Debate in the House of Commons
  • Shortly before Yaspard and Signy left Collaster on that unfortunate expedition, the young Laird of Lunda was called from the Ha 'to interview some shipwrecked men who had been found by a haaf-boat on one of the sound skerries. Viking Boys
  • When the reception was over, old Hector took charge of the homely games and athletic contests, and the day's delights culminated in a log-burling contest in the Skookum, in which the young laird participated. Kindred of the Dust
  • I'll watch for a while, and see that naebody meddles wi 'the grave -- it's only saying the laird's forbade it -- then get my bit supper frae Ringan the poinder up by, and leave to sleep in his barn; and I'll slip out at night, and neer be mist. The Antiquary — Complete
  • A fortunate few have previously negotiated conversion from lease to proper title with the former laird for just the cost of the legal expenses.
  • Unusual winged creatures flit around the icy bogland, albino animals hide themselves in the snow-glazed woods – and Ida Maclaird is slowly turning into glass. WEEKLY BOOK RELEASES FOR JANUARY 3RD | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o’ the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • Beyond that, there were 10,000 further titles of nobility (chiefs, chieftains, feudal barons and lairds), so that one Scot in 45 belonged to a noble house.
  • But land agents say they are also attracted by what is seen as the traditional lifestyle of the Scottish laird, and now want to add sporting estates to their property portfolios.
  • Dougal was glad to see Steenie, and brought him into the great oak parlour, and there sat the laird his leesome lane, excepting that he had beside him a great, ill-favoured jackanape, that was Redgauntlet
  • Lairds may come and lairds may go, but the long-running BBC series Monarch of the Glen has retained its setting at the heart of Badenoch.
  • I can see some northern laird welcoming you in his chambers, but your mother might have found more toilsome labor to meet the cost. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Dumfries hills, wi 'scarce eneuch to eat, wi' this man 'my Laird' an 'yon man' yir Grace 'an' oor ain bairns little mair nor slaves. St. Cuthbert's
  • It is significant that, while the portraits of the Laird's children were of a modest scale, costing only a guinea each, those of Big Alastair and the piper came in at a thumping five pounds.
  • But when you further bear in mind that she had been bred in the ease and delicate refinements of a lairdly circle at home, you can at once conceive the hardships to be encountered vastly augmented, and the moral heroism necessary for such an undertaking to be almost incredible, finding its parallel only in the life of her famous countrywoman, the immortal 'Flora.' An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America
  • I'll watch for a while, and see that naebody meddles wi 'the grave --- it's only saying the laird's forbade it --- then get my bit supper frae Ringan the poinder up by, and leave to sleep in his barn; and I'll slip out at night, and neer be mist.' ' The Antiquary
  • The astonished lord justiciary asked the foreman, how it was possible to find the prisoner not guilty, with such overwhelming evidence, and was answered: "Becaase, my laird, she is purty. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 17, March, 1859
  • But was I the only one to be amused by the new laird's reasoning behind his decision to buy the Braemar barony and the Lordship of Kildrummy?
  • Laird was thus able to demonstrate that the support systems around the radioactive core could cope with the most difficult of accident conditions - loss of coolant.
  • Eastman and Laird also infused influences from Frank Miller's Ronin and drew from the popular title Cerberus as well. Revenge Of The 80's presents Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • I think you should know me, Sir?" continued he, looking displeasedly at the laird, with his face half turned round. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  • And the lairds are as bad as the loons; for if they dinna bid them gae reive and harry, the deil a bit they forbid them; and they shelter them, or let them shelter themselves, in their woods and mountains, and strongholds, whenever the thing's dune. Rob Roy
  • He was a laird's son. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'll be hamesick ere a twelvemonth, laird," said the dominie; and the laird answered fretfully, "A twelvemonth is a big slice o 'life to fling awa in far countries. Scottish sketches
  • As baronies survived after 1747, it is still possible to buy laird status with an estate which is a barony.
  • Down the stairs he ran (for the parlour was nae place for him after such a word) and he heard the laird swearing blood and wounds behind him, as fast; as ever did Sir Robert, and roaring for the bailie and the baron-officer. Redgauntlet
  • I fear me, this man of violence, whom they call the laird, will execute these his threats, which cannot be without both loss and danger to my brother.’ Redgauntlet
  • They capture Jack and take him to their clan laird, Carson Beal who forces his prisoner to handfast with his troublemaking niece, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Drummond Beal in order to avoid her possible marriage with Gavin Gordon. Highland Scandal-Julia London « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • R. Laird Harris thus argues not only for the full canonicity of the book of Daniel but also its inclusion among the prophetic books in the most ancient Hebrew collections.
  • Beyond that, there were 10,000 further titles of nobility (chiefs, chieftains, feudal barons and lairds), so that one Scot in 45 belonged to a noble house.
  • Here's a yule fit for a laird. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the weeks and months following Laird's arrival, Padnos watched as Laird developed a kind of sangfroid in his new role as a criminal. The Apocalypse of Adolescence

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