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How To Use Laic In A Sentence

  • They contain a good deal of material of a rhetorical, formulaic, or supernatural character designed to bolster the Chosen One's claims to prophethood in the face of sceptical or prejudiced critics.
  • ( "Emblematic of this anticlerical mindset was the tendency to" laicize "the names of locations with two words of religious significance, by contracting them into one. Cristero Rebellion: part 1 - toward the abyss
  • I submit, therefore, that a great deal of thought and probably some experimentation are needed to arrive at the correct via media between clericalism and laicism.
  • It was also a noteworthy echo of a speech Sarkozy himself made last December, when he called for a "positive laicity" and suggested that the state could ultimately grant subsidies to religious groups. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • But the narrative remains strange and poetic enough for it never to appear formulaic or didactic.
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  • The plaice were the only ones which had not to be cut open. Chatterbox, 1905.
  • The mochos need to be reminded that laicity as is understood in Mexico does not allow them freedom to enforce what laws they want to make government compliant with Catholic principles. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It may be based on true events but its feel-good intentions often feel formulaic and it sometimes seems to lack the courage of its convictions.
  • Both genres, so formulaic, overdetermined by clichés and stereotypes, are eminently accessible for parody.
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Pretty Woman
  • The Ferry Laws, the legislation of 1886 affecting teachers, the Law of Associations in 1901, and ultimately the Law of 1904, excluding religious from teaching, laicized a pre-existing educational system.
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Everything else in the novel slavishly follows a simple formulaic adventure plot.
  • Ludovico di Varthema — the vir Deo carus, be it remarked, of the learned and laical Julius Caesar Scaliger: Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • You don't want to use the word stale but you look for some kind of spark, Laich said. Capitals shift momentum and score three unanswered goals to defeat Islanders 3-2
  • And then you realise that it's formulaic, predictable - and still almost to the point of perfection.
  • It's sair eneuch, laird, whan we hae to gang at the Lord's call, but whan the messenger comes frae the laich yett (low gate), we maun jist lat gang an 'forget. Warlock o' Glenwarlock
  • I'm talking flat fish, Lemon sole, Dover sole, plaice, dabs, witch, turbot, halibut, brill and skate.
  • The plaice is one of the smaller flatfish found around the British coast.
  • At a fish-and-chip shop called the Balancing Eel, a stone's throw from the quayside, cod, haddock, plaice and sole are the fish of choice with scampi and prawn fritters close behind.
  • For the future of the faith, it is this meeting - not a confrontation but a meeting - between faith and laicity, which has a central point in Spanish culture. Chronicle
  • There wasn't a fish shop for miles, although the local supermarket was full of breaded plaice and battered scampi.
  • What starts out as a formulaic high school love story of opposites attracting abruptly changes into a maudlin tear-jerker.
  • As a youngster he fished off the rocks for the usual species of cod, pollack, coley, wrasse, mackerel and dogfish with the odd plaice or eel.
  • It said lay people were not allowed to read the Gospel or give the sermon - and laicised priests were not to undertake any liturgical ‘office or duty’.
  • The idea of laical public education is reinforced to strengthen The Republic, such as it was done in the first third of the XX century. The French election Post
  • Yellowfin sole, Alaska plaice, and rock sole consume mostly infaunal prey such as polychaetes, clams, and echiuran worms. General description of the Arctic biota
  • Not only will the cuts apply to cod but will apply also to associated species such as whiting, haddock, sole, saithe, monk, plaice, prawns, hake and megrim.
  • You want an urban flat, but don't want a formulaic development with identikit kitchens and bathrooms, boring layouts and drab fittings?
  • And we want to make this worse by further entrenching the formulaic standards of education?
  • As a result, Homer often needs four different formulaic phrases for each hero in order to fill each of the pauses indicated above.
  • Replaice in teh cranium, refix cranium boans an fix wiv dukky taipe. A polar bear mezzed with me once…. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The character traits, situations, and dialogue feel formulaic and worn out from overuse.
  • Carroll, a laicized priest, has done that too often in upscale magazines and newspapers like the New Yorker, the Atlantic Monthly, and the Boston Globe.
  • He offers no formulaic prescription in this book.
  • Instead of being enchanted, we inevitably become disenchanted with programming which only offers a choice between formulaic sitcoms or worthless docusoaps.
  • As a youngster he fished off the rocks for the usual species of cod, pollack, coley, wrasse, mackerel and dogfish with the odd plaice or eel.
  • It is a magical place, truly a dream for the roving angler; outsize black bream, sole, conger, plaice, wrasse, undulate rays, tope, pollack and mullet reside within casting distance of the shore.
  • Topical acne treatments given to teenagers are used directly on the skin includes antibiotic lotions and azelaic acid that is described as a benzoyl peroxide alternative. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • From this a new wave of illuminism and laicism is derived, by which only what is experiential and calculable would be rationally valid, while on the level of praxis, individual freedom is held as a fundamental value to which all others must be subject. Auntie joanna writes
  • The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
  • Waal dere was a kinda racist poast an den awl heck broke loose wif alla kindsa nastee politikal-ness flinged awl ober teh plaice. I see what u did - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The island has held the UK record for mullet, plaice and sole and been very close with bream and blonde rays so you can see why we started to visit the place.
  • We have had plaice, pollack, wrasse and garfish from here but bass and rays are also taken.
  • The confinement made him fretful and exacting, and the old Marquise ascribed the change in his behaviour to the deplorable influence of his tutor, a "laic" recommended by one of Raymond's old professors. The Custom of the Country
  • Drop in the plaice fillets and leave for four minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a laicized priest from Fall River, Massachusetts, whose serial predations were on the scale of Geoghan's.
  • Ai just dropt inn butt ! it seamed taht effreebuddy wuz halpin brake hurz plaice inn. Lolcat - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Rising above a formulaic plot device of mentor and novice, both stars give solid and authentic performances. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the improvement of stocks like whiting, haddock and plaice it is essential that discarding be reduced.
  • And I begud to hear a laich lauch far awa ', and it cam' nearer and nearer ilka week, till it was ringin 'i' my verra lug. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • Collection Sauvignon Blanc as an ideal partner for shellfish and delicate fish such as plaice, sole and skate, and also goes well with asparagus and avocado. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • The amount of fish caught per unit of fishing power has declined markedly since 1889: Halibut catch has declined 500 times, haddock has fallen more than 100 times, plaice, wolffish, hake and ling have decline more than 20 times, with cod declining by 87%. TreeHugger
  • A formulaic approach to application of the rule would be mistaken.
  • Fresh catches such as plaice, mackerel, turbot and lobster regularly feature on the menu. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proclaiming he wants to be a screenwriter too, Donald starts to pen the kind of formulaic thriller that runs against the very principles Charlie's work is built on.
  • From this month, the ban will apply to haddock, sole and plaice in some areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most simply regurgitate the same old reductive, formulaic information.
  • No, I think that under these procedures once a priest is suspended, once - of course, once he's laicized, he's on his own, he's no longer a responsibility of the diocese or of the church.
  • Fish is perfect for this treatment, particularly white fish such as haddock or cod, plaice or sole. Times, Sunday Times
  • To laicize, then, is to give this lay character to whatever had not previously had it — or, at least, not entirely. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • But the only surprise here is in the formulaic plotting and the weirdly reactionary politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though this rig is especially good for gurnards, it also proves superbly successful for dabs, plaice, megrim, even small turbot and brill, also haddock, cod and whiting.
  • Since the Ferry Laws laicized only public schools, Catholics responded to new conditions by transferring their efforts to private schools.
  • When a man appears as a Fakir or Darwaysh, he casts off, in process of regeneration, together with other worldly sloughs, his laical name for some brilliant coat of nomenclature rich in religious promise. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Both white fish (such as haddock, plaice, halibut and sole) and oily fish (such as sardines, salmon, trout, pilchards and mackerel) are valuable sources of protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Another feature of the cartoon that has been overtly spoofed over the years is the formulaic unfolding of the plot.
  • The light is dependent upon the confluence of sunrise, wind, cloud and quality of air, and these ingredients do not lend themselves to a formulaic recipe.
  • Use a knife and fork to carefully remove the skin from the plaice. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has nothing to do with laicism or equality between men and women.
  • What would happen if a diocese wanted to laicise a priest but the Vatican said no?
  • The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
  • Not only will the cuts apply to cod but will apply also to associated species such as whiting, haddock, sole, saithe, monk, plaice, prawns, hake and megrim.
  • Others again devote themselves to laical pursuits, degenerate into Wakils (lawyers), or seek their fortunes as Katibs — public or private accountants. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Carson's topical jokes showed a barometric sensitivity to shifts in the national mood -- when his monologues made Richard Nixon their butt, that was the ball game -- but equally important was the host's carefully crafted casualness and the show's changelessness: The New York Times's Frank Rich called it "as formulaic and reassuring as Kabuki. JOHNNY CARSON, 1925-2005
  • My ice creams, like the smoked bacon with pain perdu, are formulaically created to get the right levels of solids in them to stop crystallisation.
  • However, they were nothing less, as Master Aedituus told us; assuring us, at the same time, that they were neither secular nor laic; and the truth is, the diversity of their feathers and plumes did not a little puzzle us. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Nevertheless, always willing to reinforce failure with, er … more failure, ICES are now calling for a complete ban on cod exploitation AND – in the height of moronic fatuity – are telling EU member state governments that other species, such as haddock and plaice, will have to be severely curtailed if cod is to be protected. Pity the poor readers
  • From The Atlantic's Fiction Issue: Imbued with the righteous moral fervor of a revolutionary, the negativist -to introduce a new literary type- is more pesuasive than the encomiast, who tends to resort to the bland formulaic language of praise. Take THAT Mr McSweegee
  • The advice given is that there should be zero fishing for cod, whiting, haddock, plaice, sole and prawns in the Irish Sea.
  • Presumably laic it is laic, because like ask for help when anything crops up, the likelihood is.
  • Cross of York usually sells species such as haddock, cod, plaice, lemon sole and monkfish that are caught off the east coast of Britain, as well as more unusual varieties when available.
  • Seldom used in ordinary writing, brace or curly brackets are common in mathematics and other formulaic usage, where they serve to enclose complex sets of symbols.
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Pretty Woman
  • And finally, formulaically, she invokes that neighborly, over-the-fence standard ‘common sense’ to pit us against those wacky liberal intellectuals.
  • It always ends in my having plaice, which is good for the soul! The Altar Steps
  • The title prefixed to the sixth chapter of that same book is this, _Legibus et edictis principum laicorum, et ecclesiastica et ecclesiasticos gubernari_. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Smart, dark paranormal romance would be such a treat compared to the typical formulaic Harlequin tripe in a monster costume. "As if I had a choice...oh well."
  • These include perch; bream; the john-dory; carp; barbel; salmon; pike; trout; sturgeon; the shark; thornback; lamprey; turbot; plaice; sole; flounder; cod; haddock; &c. INSECTS AND SHELLS. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • We have had plaice, pollack, wrasse and garfish from here but bass and rays are also taken.
  • These are always the prime spots for bass, dabs and plaice.
  • The volume is a thorough but ultimately formulaic treatment of a subject handled in several previous books.
  • Grass meadows are widespread at higher elevations of the Turkestan, Zaravshan, and Gissar ranges; fescue (Festuca alaica) is a dominant bunchgrass species here. Gissaro-Alai open woodlands
  • The story, that of a widower and a widow connecting with the help of their handyman, is pretty formulaic, and the characters are extremely two-dimensional, but I really liked the descriptions of the houses and the main character’s yacht. Miracle
  • Mr Nekkaz created a million-euro fund called the "Fund for the defence of laicity and liberty" from which he says he will pay all fines imposed on women for wearing the niqab in public. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • His pictorial language is formulaic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Such a user might find it efficient to be able to refer to formulaic phrases by code or abbreviation without even viewing the display.
  • Thornback and blond rays are most often seen, with brill, plaice, sole, flounder and even turbot on occasion.
  • The casual, almost formulaic, reference to the fact that this was Galba's second consulship certainly prompts a reader to wonder about his first.
  • Her philosophy was purely laical; thought was unrestrained by any sacred tradition; it even pretended to pass judgment upon these traditions and condemned or approved of them. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • Azelaic acid may be particularly effective in the treatment of acne with postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Pulls out cressent rench – wich she awlwaiz haz wif hur frum old theatre habits ov needing to adjust teh liting – an poundsz at teh plaice where hur hand iz stuck! Halloween Pose - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Under his softly spoken guidance we have learnt to tell our bream from our snapper, our sole from our plaice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fish is apparently a plaice or at least a flatfish of some sort, but, to be perfectly honest, it looks more like a dolphin.
  • From 1850 until the national legislation proposed by Jules Ferry in 1880 forbade tuition in all public primary schools, a substantially higher percentage of students in Catholic schools paid no tuition compared to those in laic schools.
  • 'plaice' and extra 'place,' at which he laughed heartily, Mark considered the most tactful way of leading up to a discussion of the position of the Anglican Church in regard to Roman claims. The Altar Steps
  • Second, the use of this phenomenon in a formulaic manner by artists to separate forms.
  • Set in the inner city of 1960's Cleveland, the script follows a formulaic plot.
  • The Cowries also run a fish filleting factory, and family contacts in Scrabster mean they sell a large range of fresh, unsmoked fish - from haddock and halibut to monkfish, mackerel and plaice.
  • It begins with one of your formulaic openings as an empathetic reporter gazes into the harrowed souls of old Diggers revisiting the Kokoda trail.
  • Such favourites as herring, plaice, cod, Dover sole, haddock, monkfish, snapper, mackerel, sardines, scallops and tuna are all as wild as cheetahs and antelopes.
  • A ban will apply to haddock, sole and plaice from January. Times, Sunday Times
  • After Laich redirected Shaone Morrisonn's shot at 12: 46, Ovechkin scored from the top of the right circle at 13: 30. - Hockey - Washington vs. Tampa Bay
  • The laicization and secularizing of death stemming from the Scientific Revolution led to sublimation of the belief in a divine afterlife into the prospect of a sublunary life extension.
  • Ask any laicized priest, any man who left for the simple reason that he wanted to legitimize a heterosexual relationship in the sacrament of marriage.
  • Already shell-shocked at their team's loss, they were vulnerable and "spooked" at the side of the road when Caps centre (and scorer of their only goal in that final game) Brooks Laich pulled up and proceeded to change the tyre. Authorities' anti-hooligan move causes a stir in France
  • Indeed, this formulaic, strategic intermingling of text and image accentuates the use of the seated dynasts as so many redeployed archaic motifs.
  • Children love jokes and riddles that are heavily formulaic.
  • Bardic verse was part of an oral tradition defined by strict metrical patterns, combining original narrative with stock formulaic phrases, elaborate similes and extended digressions.
  • And a substantial number of allegations were made when virtually no action could be taken because the offending priest was already dead, resigned, retired, or laicized.
  • There's also something formulaic about the way in which each character's problems represent a different political issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use a knife and fork to carefully remove the skin from the plaice. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2004, the number of accused priests laicized by the Vatican grew, while the number of adults and children trained to detect and report sexual abuse increased.
  • Given the theme of Yotsuba, “Enjoy Everything”, I think it being a little formulaic is be expected. *Yotsuba&! Book 8 — Recommended » Manga Worth Reading
  • Trapbois will none of them, whether clerical or laic. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Here, as everywhere it is very favourable to congregational schools but generally it does not make open war on laic institutions.
  • Probably all this angst about formula and being formulaic is merely shorthand for what J.T. said above. Formula for Disaster
  • For the future of the faith, it is this meeting - not a confrontation but a meeting - between faith and laicity that has a central point in Spanish culture. Chronicle
  • Almost all of these films have the same formulaic plot. Christianity Today
  • Due to historical ties and geographic propinquity, until the middle of the 14th century, Galician and Portuguese were in fact the same language, known as ‘Galaico Portugues’.
  • Let American Studies go on road shows to institutions of higher learning both laic and religious.
  • Formulaic expressions account for the stylization of legal language, and thus constitute an obstacle to students who major in Legal English or Business English.
  • Sole is the most popular, followed by turbot and plaice. Cheap Eats Guide to Europe 1994
  • Similarly, the later ones become more elaborate in style, while the early poems were written in a simple, formulaic style of great dramatic force.
  • A host of players - Mike Knuble, Brooks Laich, Matt Hendricks, Eric Fehr and Jason Chimera - have auditioned for the role of prime disturber in front of the crease. Capitals still searching for answers on the power play
  • Nearby is the 350m Auchenlaich cairn - the longest megalithic burial cairn in Britain.
  • That sense of betrayal begins when skepticism gives way to certainty, when possibilities congeal into formulaic ideology. Robert Teitelman: Michael Hirsh's "Capital Offense"
  • A formulaic approach would, though, mean fewer cases in court. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather has been good and the vessels have had catches of whiting haddock, monkfish, and plaice.
  • We have had plaice from here but there are also large eels and loads of wrasse if you fish close to the rocks.
  • In his encyclical letter Quas primas, the Pope showed how laicism or secularism, organizing society without any reference to God, leads to the apostasy of the masses and the ruin of society, because it is a complete denial of Christ's Kingship. The Reign of Christ the King
  • The stanza is written like the formulaic examples of wit and allusion in old-fashioned riddle books.
  • You know, in today's business, everything is so cookie cutter and so formulaic, for a rube like Billy to hit like he has is a great thing.
  • The grammar of the Tamil film song is almost formulaically strict.
  • Language on such ceremonial occasions is supposed to be formulaic.
  • French laws have been fiercely laic for the longest time now. Think Progress » VIDEO: Zahn Interviews McGovern, Defends Rumsfeld
  • Only the other day the local authorities were instigated, I know not by whom -- perhaps by the friends of M. Ferry at St. - Dié, which is not very far off -- to "laicize" instruction in Domrémy. France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • In meeting with Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday, Sarkozy said: "I am calling for a positive laicism, that is to say, a secularism that watches over freedom of thought, of belief and unbelief, does not consider religion as a danger, but as an asset. Archive 2007-12-01
  • They are the last remnants of a once-proud fishing industry, middle-water North Sea boats that fish for cod, plaice, haddock and lemon sole in an area that stretches down from Norway to the Thames.
  • One involved a Wisconsin priest, never laicized, accused of molesting as many as 200 deaf boys. Abusive priests: To defrock or not? U.S. Catholics debate
  • One important component of successful language learning is the mastery of idiomatic forms of expression, including idioms, collocations, and sentence frames (collectively referred to here as formulaic sequences).
  • These were probably formulaic, and he was able to tinker with his regular format to suit.
  • Up until now, I've never been that impressed with her- a bit formulaic, a bit also-ran - but with her latest single, she has served up a stormer.
  • Mebbe he uzez the litter box, my sun hadz a bunneh wen he wuz little dat shaird the kittehs boks and hardleh nebber did pees and poops any odder plaice. Video: Energizer Bunneh! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • laicize the parochial schools
  • I socht heich an 'laich for't, but na, na; it wasna to be gotten. My Man Sandy
  • Sandbanks act as nursery grounds for many commercial fish species such as plaice and sole whilst also supporting sand eel communities that are a food source for seabirds and mammals such as seals, it said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • If only the script was less formulaic... but then that's the nature of the beast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anglo Saxon poetry is formulaic.
  • I knew it was different to the usual formulaic melodic guitars they adopted (with great success I might add) for their first three albums, but wow!
  • Test cricket brings drama in a less formulaic way. Times, Sunday Times
  • She grew up to sit on teh herf…harf…bricky fing in front of fyerplaice an stare at hoomins…You has a thumbs. Uncomfortable kitteh is.. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • There being "other excesses" for which, it appears, there is no statute remedy, the magistrates commit a piece of pious injustice, and lump sundry laical sins into the one crime against the Church. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 9, 1841
  • The stern and formulaic rules of American news reporting make scepticism difficult to express.
  • A solid premise and strong performances from the eye-catching cast are spoilt by a formulaic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the later scenes, it grows more formulaic, galloping towards a happy ending with unseemly haste, burdening the actors with unconvincing old age make-up and testing the audience with corny platitudes.
  • An A-list cast do their best with B-movie dialogue and a formulaic plot. The Sun
  • After resuming our laical toilette, and dressing gaily for the great festival, we mounted our asses about the cool of the afternoon, and, returning to Muna, we found the tent full of visitors. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Inspectors-General, and, in short, 'laicized' public education in France effectually as a machine to be controlled by the Imperial Government. France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • The subject too tends to be rendered in a formulaic way with the figure positioned centrally or slightly to one side within a rocky hollow or outcrop.
  • The movie is occasionally trite, often formulaic, and frequently familiar.
  • A formulaic plot, predictable storyline, and a slow beginning hurt what in some places is a nice suspense thriller.
  • Nevertheless, always willing to reinforce failure with, er … more failure, ICES are now calling for a complete ban on cod exploitation AND – in the height of moronic fatuity – are telling EU member state governments that other species, such as haddock and plaice, will have to be severely curtailed if cod is to be protected. Pity the poor readers
  • The classic BBC heroine, all eyeliner, open-mothed screams and twisted ankles, was becoming formulaic. Quote o’ the day: life lessons from The Avengers « raincoaster
  • And, in fact, that is what happened to professor Collins who because of his profession of faith had to suffer the arrows of many supporters of laicism. Zenit: Father Cantalamessa's 2nd Advent Sermon
  • Her journey to an implausibly remote and impenetrable part of Wales, presided over by a strange and dangerous cult, is pacey and exhilarating enough, if a tad formulaic. Crime roundup – reviews
  • Oar dem kyute lill grey bebeh kittehs datz were teh ree plaice mints wunce. prysma-kitteh says: Holy Water in the water bowl… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The plot is ridiculous, but hilarious and the movie is put together formulaically. Movie Reviews: Summer Splash | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • And, a priest who has been dismissed from the clerical state, or "laicized", can still hear a valid confession in time of desperate need.) National Catholic Reporter
  • Landings from the Icelandic area were no longer almost exclusively cod, but species such as haddock, halibut, plaice ( '' Pleuronectes platessa ''), and redfish ( '' Sebastes marinus '') also became common items of the catch. Fisheries and aquaculture in the Central North Atlantic (Iceland and Greenland)
  • It is worthwhile pausing momentarily to consider these linguistic ready-mades, these formulaic sentiments.
  • Therefore, secularism demands positive obligations, while laicism is limited by negative obligations.
  • So if we do not do something to extend retirement age, if we do not do something formulaically in terms of the top end or the top tier of income earners, you're not going to have this program. The Party of Yes and No
  • The story could easily have run adrift in formulaic silliness. Mistaken identity turns this 'Date Night' into madcap romp
  • As the vast majority of his work was formulaic, this method saved a great deal of donkey work, while at the same time, it served as theory exercises for his pupils.
  • Then again it was the age of the horribly trite, formulaic action movie, so it was largely a sign of the times.
  • You know what the categories are - ultramontane, gallican, liberal, integriste, laicite, anticlerical, etc. - they were virtually invented here, and they never change.
  • However, it's impossible to get a full picture because the Vatican does not release data on the number of priests laicized for child sexual abuse. Abusive priests: To defrock or not? U.S. Catholics debate
  • April 3, 2008 at 2:45 pm nawt a gud ting… called dr. tiny cat and seh said do NOT pull. taik teh cotton ball, cut it in 4ths. one of teh 4th gets all mushed up wit petrololem jelly and push down teh troat. next poop, der cums teh string, rubbr band or teh shoelaic No rush, just FYI… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It was an impressive spectacle, if rather formulaic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll ha'e to gang far down the laich (low) ro'd afore that be poassible. The Marquis of Lossie
  • The gameplay can be a little formulaic and predictable at times, but it's still brilliant fun and completely addictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ann Kirk of the National Federation of Fish Fryers said: ‘Some fryers are moving over to other species - such as haddock, whiting, hake or plaice.’
  • The Northwest Atlantic's other groundfish include haddock, halibut, pollock, flounder and plaice.
  • Divexerunt clerici cum laicis, metu stelerunt omnium capilli, et psalmorum concentus defecit. Poems, 1799
  • To build quickly or formulaically generally entails the debasement of materials, with a resulting sensory impoverishment.
  • Once through a gate I took to the open hill and the steep, rough climb up over heather and bracken covered moraines towards the end of the Braigh Blaich ridge that runs down from the head of the corrie.
  • This would not imply that all of the many thousands of formulaic expressions would be expressly taught.
  • We ate prawn cocktails and plaice and chips and cheesecake and drank champagne and watched the hare coursers do their business.
  • Such a formulaic approach to stock picking has a distinctly patchy record. Times, Sunday Times

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